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A. Complete the next quantifiers by writing if we can use the for (C) Countable nouns, (U) uncountable nouns or
both (C), (U). There is an example at the beginning.

All (C), (U) 100%

Nearly all _____________
Most _____________
Many _____________ Much _____________
A lot of _____________
Some _____________
Not many _____________ Not much _____________
A few _____________ A little _____________
Few _____________ Little _____________
No one _____________ Any _____________ 0%

B. Two friends talk about what they need to make apple pie. Listen to the conversation and complete the two parts
of the listening exercise. Then listen again to check.

Part One

The two ingredients they need to buy are ____________________ and _____________________.
Part Two

Now, complete these sentences as you listen to Mike and Cathy's conversation for a second time. All the words are
quantifiers. Choose the words from the box below:

some - any - few - a little - much - many - a lot

1. We need some apples. Do we have ________________?

2. Yes, we have ________________ of apples.

3. How ________________ do we have to use?

4. Now, is there ________________ flour?

5. How ________________ do we have?

6. We'll have to buy ________________ flour. We don't have ________________.

7. We only need ________________ cinnamon

8. We have ________________ of salt

9. And quite ________________ of sugar

10. We don't have ________________ sugar!

11. Did you buy ________________ butter yesterday at the store?

12. No, I didn't get________________. How ________________ do we need for the recipe?

13. I think we have ________________ butter in the fridge.

14. We don't have ________________ but there's enough.

C. Choose the correct quantifier to complete the next sentences.

1. They have __________________( a lot of/ many) homework in mathematics to do.

2. How (many/much) __________________time do you need to finish the work?
3. There are (many/much) __________________students in the library.
4. Have you visited __________________ (any/ little) foreign countries?
5. Although he's very ill, he doesn’t take __________________ (no one/any) medicine.
6. __________________ (Little/ Few) people know as much about linguistics as John does.
7. They say __________________ (little/ few) knowledge is a dangerous thing.
8. He's having __________________ (a lot of/a few) trouble passing his driving test.
9. I spend (many/ most) of my time reading novels.
10. He knows __________________ (a few/a little) English. He knows enough English to manage.

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