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BUS B200F (2022 Autumn) Integrated Business Foundation


Your Full Name :

Student Number :
Tutorial Group :
Assignment Number : Assignment 3

1. Evaluate objectively the contribution of your team members excluding yourself.
2. You should make this evaluation by yourself, NOT jointly with your team members. Your
evaluation will be kept strictly confidential.
3. Please assign scores (from 1 to 5) for each team member according to their contribution to
this assignment. If you think his/her contribution to this assignment is great, the maximum
score you can give him/her is ‘5’. On the contrary, if you think his/her contribution to this
assignment is unsatisfactory, the minimum score you can give him/her is ‘1’.

Team member’s Information Contribution made to the assignment

None Limited Average Much Great

Name (In Full) Student ID
1 2 3 4 5
E.g. CHAN Siu Ming 12348765 5





Other comments about the contribution of your team members: _________________________


Please submit the completed form via OLE – Assignment Submission  Peer Evaluation 3 –
Assignment 3.

Thank you.

BUS B200F (2022 Autumn) Peer Evaluation Form

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