MODULORKA - Quickstart V220922

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The Quickstart is a quick and simplified version of the rules.
The Core Rules explain things in more detail, and are the 4/ Resolve Damage and Effects: On a successful aim test,
source of truth in the case of any conflict apply any effects from abilities, weapons and gear. Take the
Moving: A Model can take a Movement action to move up to 6”. attacking weapons power score. If the target has armor,
subtract the armor score from this value - though the result of
Models may move and turn in any direction regardless of the
direction they face. Models can pass through friendly Models, this cannot go lower than 0.
but cannot pass through enemy Models unless they are
Pick a Battlefield card, which will set the size of the game and stunned. Subtract this value from the target Model’s HP. Mark the
the layout of the terrain. Follow the instructions on the Model’s current HP with counter tokens. If the final value is 0 or
Battlefield card to pick Mission, Battlefield Condition and Event Any terrain less than 1” in height difference from a Model’s less, the Model has the ‘Downed’ state applied.
Cards. current position is treated as level ground and normal

movement rules apply.
The Battlefield card will also set a point budget for each
player, which they should use to build a Wargang and equip it Climbing: Terrain with a height difference from the Model of
with Wargear. more than 1” requires a climbing action to ascend or descend. 1/ Range Test: A Model may attempt to Clobba any Model
This consumes one action and covers the entire distance within range and line of sight.
Place terrain and Mission Items, then players Roll-off to see necessary to place the Model on a stable surface. After the
who takes the Initiative. The player with the Initiative places Model has completed its climb it may move an additional 3”. 2/ Clobba Test: The attacking player rolls a D6 to determine if
the terrain, and the next player chooses deployment zones. the attack hits. Subtract the target’s Clobba score from the
Next, place any Mission Items and Battlefield Conditions Leaping Down: A Model with the ‘On Foot’ keyword can leap attacker’s Clobba score and add this to the D6 score alongside
according to the instructions on the cards. off a surface less than 5” high or less without needing a climb any other modifiers. If the result is 3 or more, the attack
action, as part of a normal movement action. The vertical succeeds - however a roll of 6 will always count as a success
Finally, the players place their Models in their deployment distance covered is free - though this must be a completely and a roll of will 1 always count as a fail,
zones, taking turns to deploy one Model at a time, starting with vertical move with no lateral diagonal movement.
the player who holds the Initiative. If the attack is successful you move to the next step to resolve
Pushing: If a Model is pushed, draw an imaginary line between damage and effects, else the attack fails, the action is
the source of the push and the Model being pushed. Continue concluded.
PLAYIN’ DA GAME this line behind the Model being pushed, and move that Model
in that direction according to the distance specified. Defender Defender Defender Defender Defender Defender
Clobba 1 Clobba 2 Clobba 3 Clobba 4 Clobba 5 Clobba 6
Modulorka is played in Rounds, where players take alternate
Turns to Activate single Models and take up to two Actions, Falling: If a Model falls or is knocked off an elevated position Attacker
3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6 6
Clobba 1
until all Models on the table have been activated and the more than 5” high, it loses two HP (ignoring armor) and is
Round concludes. The Game ends when a set number of stunned. If a Model is pushed into terrain or into another Clobba 2 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 6
Rounds are completed. Model, then it is stunned. If a Model is pushed into the edge of
the Battleground then it is stunned and loses 2 HP. Clobba 3 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6
The winner is the player with the most victory points. Victory Attacker
2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+
Clobba 4
Points are earned by completing Missions.
SHOOTIN’ Attacker
Clobba 5 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+
The player holding the Initiative takes the first turn and Attacker
1/ Range Test: A Model may attempt to shoot any Model Clobba 6 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+
activates a Model. Players then take turns in alternation. Once
both players have activated every model, the round is within range and line of sight.
complete, Initiative moves to the next player and they take the 3/ Resolve Damage and Effects: On a successful Clobba test,
first turn to activate a Model. 2/ Check Cover: Check if the target Model is hidden by terrain apply any effects from abilities, weapons and gear. Check the
or other Model’s from the Shootin’ Model’s perspective. If attacking weapons power score. If the target has armor,
they're partly hidden, and more than half of the Model is subtract the armor score from this value. Subtract the total
ACTIONS hidden, then subtract 2 from the aim test. If they’re partly
hidden, and less than half of the Model is hidden, then subtract
from the target Model’s HP. Mark the Model’s current HP with
counter tokens. If the final value is 0 or less, the Model has the
1 from the aim test. ‘Downed’ state applied.
Each Model gets two actions per turn:

3/ Aim Test: To see if the attack hits, roll a D6, Take the result, 4/ Pin & Parry: If the target Model has already been activated
Movement Actions, whereby that Model moves over the
add the attacking Model’s aim score, and apply any modifiers this round, apply the Pin effect to the target Model - but if the
from gear or cover. target Model has not been activated, the opposing player can
attempt to Parry - at the cost of immediately activating the
Shootin’, whereby that Model engages in a ranged attack with target Model and ending it’s turn for that round after the Parry.
an enemy Model. If the total is a 6 or greater, the shot hits. If not the attack
misses and the attack action ends successfully. A roll of 6 will
always count as a success and a roll of will 1 always count as a If they choose to Parry, the defending Model then performs a
Clobberin’, whereby that Model engages in a melee attack Clobba attack on the attacking model - if not, or if the Model is
with an enemy Model. unable to, then apply the pin state to the defending Model.
Not in Partial Full
Ability Actions, whereby a Model uses one of the abilities Cover Cover Cover
If a Parry attack is successful, the Model defending the Parry
granted by its datacard, its weapons, or its keywords. Aim 1 5+ 6 6 attack has the Pinned effect applied and its turn is immediately
concluded, and the Model which successfully parried may
State Actions, whereby a Model uses an action to modify a Aim 2 4+ 5+ 6 dodge. If the Parry fails, the Model which attempted the Parry
state (e.g. to de-stun or unpin themselves). Aim 3 3+ 4+ 5+ has the Pinned effect applied, then move to the next step.

Mission Actions, whereby the Model interacts with the Aim 4 2+ 3+ 4+ 5/ Dodge: After Parries have been resolved, the successful
environment or objectives (e.g. picks up an objective). Model may perform a 2” move.
Aim 5 2+ 2+ 3+
Aim 6 2+ 2+ 2+

BESTIAL: The bestial state is identical to the Furious state,
except the state cannot be removed for the duration of the
game. Models in the bestial state get +1 towards their Clobba
DOWNED : When a Model reaches zero HP it is automatically skill, up to a maximum of 6
Downed. Downed Models are still in play, but are disabled.
Place a Model on its side to indicate it is downed. Downed PET: ‘Pet’ Models cannot interact with or be counted in
Models can take only a single action, and that action can only objectives and missions
be a movement action of up to 3”.
This Model cannot be deployed independently - another
Enemy Models can attack any downed Model with Clobba Model, which must have the ‘Hero’ or ‘Leader’ keyword, must
attacks, Shootin’ attacks, or Abilities provided they are in range be designated as this Model’s master. Each Model may only be
and line of sight. These attacks auto-succeed, after which the the Master of a single Pet.
downed Model is then ‘Out’ and removed from play.
This Model automatically moves with the Master Model for no
Downed Models can be revived by Models with the ‘Leader’ action cost, maintaining its relative position. Though this Model
keyword. A Leader can take a Rally action, which will clear the can be activated and take actions independently, if it moves
Downed state from all friendly Downed Models in a 3” radius. more than 1” away from it’s Master this Model immediately
Downed Models return to play with 2 HP. Models can be enters a permanent ‘Bestial’ state and the ‘Pet’ state is
repeatedly Downed and Rallied without limit. permanently removed

When a Model is Downed or Rallied, its activation status does OVERWATCH: A Model in the ‘Overwatch’ state automatically
not change. Downed Models cannot count for objective makes a Shootin attack on an enemy Model at any time in the
holding purposes and will drop any Mission items they have game if an enemy Model moves within its line of sight.
picked up. Any state effects such as ‘Pinned’ or ‘Burning’ are
paused whilst the Model is downed, but are restored if the The enemy Model must be both within weapon range, out of
downed state is removed. cover and in the Overwatch Model’s line of sight at any point
when it moves. The Shootin attack is rolled immediately after
STUNNED: A Stunned Model cannot take any actions, save for the enemy Model has concluded the movement action in
a De-Stun action. A Stunned Model may take a De-Stun action question and before any other actions it takes. When this
to remove the Stunned state, which ends that Model’s turn. attack is concluded, the Overwatch state is removed.

Stunned Models cannot count for objective holding purposes If a Model in the Overwatch state is successfully attacked or
and will drop any Mission items they have picked up. hit with an enemy ability, the Overwatch state is removed

PINNED: A Pinned Model cannot take any movement actions If multiple Models in Overwatch see an enemy Model move, all
but are still affected by involuntary moves like Pushes. A must take a Shootin action on that Model. If the enemy is Out
Pinned Model may take an Un-Pin action to remove the Pinned before all Models can take a Shootin action, they are still
state, which does not end that Model’s turn. considered to have shot, and their Overwatch state is removed.
When this Model is next activated, the Overwatch state is
Pinned Models cannot count for objective holding purposes removed
and will drop any Mission items they have picked up.
CONCEALED: Models in the ‘Concealed’ state cannot be
BURNING: At the beginning of that Model’s activation, reduce targeted by abilities or Clobberin’ or Shootin’ attacks when in
it’s HP by one (ignoring armor). partial or full cover.

A Model which is Burning may take an Extinguish action to put If a Model in the ‘Concealed’ state is attacked, makes an
the fire out, which removes the Burning state and ends that offensive action such as Clobberin’ or Shootin’ attack, or uses
Model’s turn. an Ability, the concealed state is immediately removed.

If a Model is Burning and successfully hits another Model with EMBARKED: Models with the ‘On Foot’ keyword may embark
a Clobba attack, the hit Model also receives the Burning state. inside Models with the ‘Transport’ keyword with an Embark
action. Units must be in contact in order to take an Emark
action, and the Embark action ends the Embarking Model’s
FLEEING: A Fleeing Model, on activation, will use all remaining
turn. The Transport Model must have available capacity to
actions to directly move to the closest friendly deployment
Embark new Models.
zone. If the deployment zone borders the edge of the
battlefield, the Model will attempt to reach the closest edge.
On reaching that edge, they are Out and removed from play. If Embarked Models move with the Transport Model and by
there is no edge, the Model will shield itself behind cover, then default may not use ranged attacks and abilities whilst
remain stationary and ends future turns taking no action embarked. By default Embarked Models cannot be individually
targeted by attacks or abilities .Models which are embarked
may not interact with Mission Items.
If the Fleeing Model approaches is within 2” of a friendly Model
with the Leader keyword at any point it immediately stops, the
Fleeing state is removed, and its turn is concluded. Embarked Models can disembark with a free Action which
does not end the Model’s turn. Place Disembarking models
outside but in contact with the Transport Model.If a Transport
Fleeing Models cannot count for objective holding purposes
is destroyed with Models Embarked, each Embarked Model
and will drop any Mission items they have picked up.
must immediately Disembark.

FURIOUS: When activated, a Furious Model must:

By default, a Model cannot start the game with Models
1. Perform a melee attack on the closest enemy Model
in range
2. If no enemy Models are in range of a melee attack,
the Model must move towards the closest enemy
Model using the most direct path possible
3. If the Model cannot move because of state effects, it
will clear those state effects

This cycle repeats until the Model is out of actions. If the

Model downs an enemy Model with a Clobba attack the
Furious state is removed.

Models in the furious state get +1 towards their Clobba skill, up

to a maximum of 6.


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