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Similarities Between Athens and Sparta

 Athens and Sparta are two prominent Greek city-states in classical antiquity.
 Both states used many slaves. In fact, it is said that each state had about a
hundred thousand salves.
 These two states had powerful military forces.
 Both states had their own government system that had ensured the welfare of
their citizens.
 Athens and Sparta possessed stable economies when compared to other
Difference Between Athens and Sparta

Athens is the Greek city-state that is considered to be the cradle of civilization and
the home to democracy.  Sparta, on the other hand, was a prominent city-state in
Greece that rose to become the dominant military land-power in the region.

Type of Society
Athens was a centre of arts, learning and philosophy, whereas Sparta was a warrior

Athens had a form of democracy where every free Athenian male over 18 years old
was considered citizens while Sparta had an oligarchic government.

While Athens’ economy was mainly based on trade, Sparta’s economy was based
on agriculture and conquering.

Military Prowess
Moreover, Athens had a powerful navy, whereas Sparta had a powerful land-army.

Spartan women had more status and freedom than Athenian women. Spartan
women were educated and could own and manage property, unlike Athenian

Education and Training

In Athens, boys received a well-rounded education, but girls were only taught
household chores. In Sparta, both boys and girls received physical training to stay
fit. Spartan boys received a military education and training for many years.

Athens and Sparta are two prominent Greek rival city-states. Though these are not
very far away from each other, there are many differences between these two
states. The main difference between Athens and Sparta is their government,
economy, and society. Athenian society, which was based on trade, valued art and
culture and was ruled under a form of democracy. Spartan society, on the other
hand, was a militant society whose economy was based on farming and

Cause of these differences

First, these differences can be traced back to their genes since both come from
different lineages. The Athenians came from the Ions while the Spartans descended
from the Dorian scholarly peasants from the north. This would eventually led
Sparta to attack and conquer Athens.
Second, they had distinct point of views and beliefs. For example, One way that
Athens and Sparta really differed was in their idea of getting along with the rest of
the Greeks. Sparta seemed content to keep to itself and provide army and
assistance when necessary. Athens, on the other hand, wanted to control more and
more of the land around them.

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