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Chapter 5 YOGA

Meaning And Importance of Yoga

• The term Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj', meaning 'union' or 'to join'. It is the union
of Atma (soul) and Paramatma (super controller).

• Yoga brings physical harmony and mental balance.

• It is the combination of physical asanas, meditation, and breathing techniques to

strengthen the muscles and relieve stress.

• The main purpose of Yoga is to provide a sound body and a sound mind. The aim of Yoga is
'self-identification' and 'self-perfection' which comes through 'self-purification and self-

Importance of yoga

Organs get strengthened

It prevents premature aging

It helps to maintain good posture

• Yoga Improves brain function

• It lowers stress levels

• Yoga increases flexibility

• Yoga lowers blood pressure

• Gives relief from stress and anxiety

• It can give relieves chronic back pain

• It lowers blood sugar level

• • It improves the sense of balance

• • It makes the bones stronger

• Helps to maintain a healthy weight

• Lowers risk of many diseases’

• Physical Purity: In means cleanliness of the internal body and in yoga, we are able to purify
our internal organs with different yogic / shuddhi kriyas.
• Postural Deformities: Good Posture is imp for leading a good physical appearance and it
can be maintained by yoga. If we do Yoga daily, we can prevent our body from various
postural Deformities.

• Prevention from Diseases: Through due regularity of yoga we can prevent various di,sease
fighting Resistance.

• Enhancing Flexibility: If we do yoga a sans daily so we can enhance our flexibility which is
very imp for leading a healthy life. It prevents us from injuries and sports and body
movement become quick.

• Mental Relaxation: Yoga is helpful for reducing mental stress everybody waits to be free
from anger, anxiety, and emotional disturbances which is possible through the regular
practice of yoga.

• Reduce Obesity: Through yogic exercises, we can reduce obesity and make our body fit.

• Willpower & Confidence: Through meditation, the mind can be trained to concentrate in

one direction. All the distractions are eliminated and persons get mental power.

• In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the eightfold path is called ashtanga, which literally means
"eight limbs (ashta = eight, anga = limb). These eight steps are a guideline on how to live a
good life.

• The focus is on moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline. These are designed to
improve health and benefit in spiritual areas of our lives.

The first four stages of Patanjali's ashtanga Yoga concentrate on refining our personalities,
gaining mastery over the body and developing an energetic awareness of ourselves, to
prepare for the second half of this process which deals with the senses, the mind and
attaining a higher state of consciousness

Yama (abstinence)

• There are many moral guidelines for good behavior in society, which must be followed by
everyone. These elements are the basic principles for the benefit of society.

• These principles are:

• Ahimsa (Non-Harming)

• • Satya (Truthfulness)

• Asteya (Non-Stealing)

• Brahmacharya (Moderating the Senses)

Aparigraha (Non-Possessiveness

• Niyam (observances)

• Niyam is personal observances or self-purification by discipline. It makes the individual

• • Saucha (Cleanliness)

• • Santosh (Contentment)

• Tapa (Austerity)

• Swadhyaya (Study of good literature) • Ishwar Paridhana (Surrender to God)

• Pranayama (breathing control)

• Pranayama is a systematic and rhythmic control of breathing, performed to improve the

internal functioning of the whole body.

• Pranayam is based upon Purak (Inhale) Rechak (Exhale) and Kumbhak (holding breath)

• Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses)

• Pratyahara is conscious withdrawal of energy from the senses. It is performed to improve

intellectual capability. It develops inner mental strength by controlling sense organs

• Dharana (concentration)

• Dharana is fixing the attention on a single object for a long time to improve concentration.
This mental fixation should be uninterrupted and without any kind of mental activity.

• Dhayana (meditation)

• Dhayana is the process of controlling the mind through meditation. It develops a high level
of concentration.

• Samadhi (absorption)

• Samadhi is the state of super-consciousness where dhayana reaches its final stage. It is
also the state union with God, merging consciousness and salvation


To sit in a comfortable position for a longer period is called Asanas. In Asanas the body is
kept in a differenpositionson so that our organs work more efficiently and actively. Asanas
divided into there parts

Classification Of Asanas

• Dhyanatmak Asana (Medidative Asana)

• Padmasana
• Vishram Atmak

• Relaxative Asana

• Sarvardhanatmark

• Cultural
Corrective asana
Mayur asana

• Mundukasana

• Sheerashasana

• It is a process of complete consistency of mind According to Patanjali. “Concentration of
mind on an impulse without any diversion” Concentration on a particular thing for a long
time like when an individual attains such concentration on whatever he thinks or imagines
he start seeing that clearly with our internal eyes.

• Benefits:

• It gives peace of mind and heart

• It increases the power of concentration

• It enhancing self Knowledge

• It increases the mental power which controls the power of distracting our mind.

Yogic kriyas
• The kriyas are techniques used for caring for and purifying the body are mind internally.
The techniques are six actions which are also kraon as shatkarmas. Through the practice of
six actions and exercises, we can purify our internal organs.
• The six actions are:

• Neti – Nasal cleansing

• Dharti – Stomach cleansing

• Vasti – intestine cleansing

• Nauli – Abdominal Massage

• Trataka – Blinkless Gazing

• Kpalbhati – Purification of frontal lob and lungs.

Yoga nidra
Yoga Nidra is a state of conscious deep sleep and it is also Ruoron a yogic sleep. In which, we
concious take our attention to different parts of body and relax there. It help consolidate this
energy and relax the entire system. It is very Important after doing various yoga posture

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