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Plants and animals live in specific climates to survive and meet their needs, such as foods
they eat, water and shelter. Slight changes in climate may cause them to adapt, but they can
still thrive. Climate change, though, has caused significant changes to plant and animal
environments. These changes can affect the ecosystem as a whole, as researchers and
scientists have already witnessed.

How does climate change affect plants and animals anyways? Already, some plant and
animal populations have drastically decreased due to climate change. Other effects may be
less significant at the moment but could lead to endangerment or extinction.
Below are some of the impacts that rising temperatures, changed precipitation patterns and
sea-level fluctuations have made on plant and animal species.

Climate Change Explained

Climate is not weather, but it is the usual weather conditions one can expect at a particular
time during the year. Weather is supposed to change every day, but the climate is supposed to
stay consistent throughout the seasons, and it varies between locations.

Years of research and documentation of climate patterns in an area show what a region can
expect weather-wise. However, the climate is changing, meaning temperatures are not
typical, weather patterns change, and water levels may rise or fall.

Earth’s climate is continually changing, but the rate at which it has experienced change lately
has been faster than before. The earth is no doubt getting warmer. Over the past century, the
planet has warmed by about 1 degree Fahrenheit. That’s a slight change, but it has had
tremendous effects on humans, plants and animals.

Many factors have contributed to climate change, such as increased use of fossil fuels,
agriculture, volcanic eruptions and others. Because of human activity and natural causes,
plants and animals have deteriorated. Here are some ways climate change has affected plants
and animals throughout the globe.

It Destroys Habitats
One of the most significant impacts of climate change on plants and animals is that it destroys
habitats. As the earth’s temperature continues to rise, animals and plants that live and grow in
colder climates are struggling to survive and might not find a suitable habitat.

Additionally, heavier rainy seasons, extended droughts or unpredictable snowfall in regions

that aren’t used to that precipitation may cause animal and plant habitat destruction. Plants
may freeze or shrivel up, and animals may have difficulty staying warm or finding enough
food or water.

It Causes Migration
Migration is a direct result of habitat destruction due to climate change. For example, many
of the Arctic icebergs and snowier regions are melting because of the rising temperatures.
Additionally, sea levels are rising in this region as well. This has caused polar bears to seek
cooler climates and higher altitudes.

For other species in warmer climates, they may experience periods of drought. They have to
move elsewhere to find significant water and fresh plants to eat. Every plant and animal
species plays a role in the ecosystem, so when climate change causes them to move, the entire
ecosystem suffers.

It Depletes the Soil

Plants require nutrient-rich soil to grow and survive. Climate change, partially caused by
emissions, depletes soil sources. It reduces the soil’s integrity, which means the plant roots
can’t hold, causing plants to die.

Plus, droughts may occur, which leads to erosion, wiping away plants as well. Any time the
soil cannot rebuild itself, eventually, regions could become like deserts, called desertification,
which will cause animals to migrate to find more secure sources of food and water.

It Changes Life Cycle Patterns

So how does climate change affect plants and animals? Climate change can drastically alter
plant and animal life cycles. Because of climate change, the seasons are shifting. Spring or
summer seems to be beginning one to two days earlier. The plants start blooming sooner than
usual, and they’re lasting farther into the fall.

Also, animals that hibernate are getting out of their hibernation earlier. Birds are flying
further north as temperatures change. Fish are starting to migrate earlier to spawn. All of
these climate change outcomes can make survival more difficult, especially for young plants
and animals as they try to navigate the climate.

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