Quiz Prelim Calingasan

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461 William Shaw St. Gracepark, Caloocan City


AERO – 3A Mr. Mark Lino Decena


1. Of all human bonds, the maternal bond or the mother-infant relationship is one
of the strongest. How did your bond with your mother mold your personality?
Defend your answer.

My mother provided me with the best love and care she could. She
showed me what unconditional love is. I was thus able to show love and care to
other people. Since I have known it my entire life, I want others to also know
the warm, embracing love that calms the scared, lonely places inside our hearts.
She always offers advice, but never to the point where I feel like she is in full
control. I gained life experience and gradually developed my independence as
a result. I share everything with her, including the most absurd events that
happen to me both inside and outside of our home. And she never criticized me
whenever I shared my problems with her. That brought us closer together, and
whenever we talk, it helps me deal with the difficulties of life. She also discusses
past events that served as a lesson for her and that I can use to better my present
and future situations. That explains why some of our daily sharing of life
updates results in lectures. I don't always like it, but I eventually see how helpful
it is to me. I am inspired by her being hardworking, independent, and unselfish.
She made me self-sufficient but approachable. I was awed by how strong she is
as a woman. She showed me how great she is at balancing work, family, life,
and everything in between. Although I could see it in her eyes, she never
expressed that she sometimes felt hopeless. She knows that she is our family's
pillar of strength and does not want to see her vulnerable at times, even though
I could see it in her eyes. And that made her my role model. Last but not least,
one of the most significant ties we share is our strong faith in God. My mother's
teachings, by the grace of God, have had a significant influence on the majority
of the values and beliefs I hold today. My mother was undoubtedly great at
nurturing her child's sensibilities to their full potential, and I am living proof of

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. 461 William Shaw St. Gracepark, Caloocan City

2. Do you believe that like mothers, fathers play a critical role in shaping the lives
of their children? How does your father influence your life? Explain your answer

Yes, I believe that fathers play a critical role in shaping the lives of their
children, just like mothers. Based on my personal life, my father had a great
influence on my chosen career path and some of my perspective in life.
Throughout my life, I considered my father as one of my most influential
person. I was inspired on how he handled ups and downs, and how he
appreciates these struggles for it would be hard to find the joy of
accomplishment without it. I truly admire his various practical experiences as
these were his foundation that shaped his whole life. He became the most
skillful, talented, quick-witted, bubbly, and kind-hearted person I’ve ever met.
Basically, I admire him in all aspect in life. He continuously and naturally
encourages me to be a better person each day. He showed me different
perspectives in life in order to understand the complexity of living in the real
world. In the present time, as a teenager and becoming a young adult, I already
built my character alongside with my views and principles in life. Also I already
had some reflections about the what I really want to become which are mostly
influenced by my father. Since I was a kid, I want to be an engineer. It was all
because I perceive my father as an engineer with an extensive expertise and
experience in his field. I was motivated to be like him. Like how skilled he was
on devising various ways and means to get a desired outcome in every problem
or situation he might get into. Yes, I am astonished on his knowledge but his
wisdom truly impresses me. He also noted that I should not settle on being
knowledgeable, aim for wisdom. That is why he always wants us to be engaged
in practical experiences in order to gain this practical ability that we can use and
apply in having good decisions in life. Despite of his distinguishable and
prominent attributes, he still stays humble. Whenever he was being praised by
someone, he always tells that it was not because of him, instead it was all
because of God’s grace. Everything he was and he has, he always owes it all to
the Lord. He wanted me to grow in the wisdom and favor of God which I was
very thankful. I was grateful because he taught me to have faith in God in an
early age and guided me to continue to grow spiritually.

3. The brotherhood shown by Paciano and Rizal was one of a kind. Do you think
this could equate to the brotherhood that is being offered by

I believe that the fraternal and sororitical brotherhoods are not

comparable to the one shared by Paciano and Rizal. His life was greatly
influenced by Paciano. And everyone is aware that blood is thicker than water.
The strength and value of a blood relationship are always found to be greater
than those of a simple friendship developed through acquaintance. Friends may
be sincere and willing to help, but family ties are more solid and have a stronger
emotional connection. They stand by their sides, risking even their necks, just
like Paciano and Rizal did. Along the way, Rizal made friends who supported
him, but some of them turned on him. His brother was the only one to stick by

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461 William Shaw St. Gracepark, Caloocan City

him all the way to the end. He was even detained and subjected to torture
because he wouldn't sign the documents that might implicate his brother and tie
him to the revolution. He additionally acted as Rizal's guardian, gave him
ongoing financial support, and even kept him informed via letters while he was
abroad in Spain about his family and the abuses committed by the friars in the
Philippines. Blood-related brotherhoods will always be stronger than others
because they have a propensity to stick together even under adverse
circumstances. It accurately and profoundly reflected the bond between Paciano
and Rizal.

4. Write the typical attributes of a Filipino family that were evident in the Rizal
The Rizal family exemplifies one of the characteristics of a Filipino
family, which is having a strong religious faith and belief. We are aware of how
deeply ingrained the Christian religion is in our culture. Families in the
Philippines frequently get together during Christian holidays and attend church
each Sunday. Don Francisco and Dona Teodora instilled in their children the
importance of loving God, just like the Rizal family did. Every day the entire
family attended mass in the local church, especially on Sundays and major
holidays. As a family, they also pray together. Being respectful of senior citizens
is another quality. Giving respect to elders is a distinctive tradition in every
Filipino family. This is reflected in the "Pagmamano" gesture used in the
Philippines. The Rizal kids were also taught to obey and show respect to others,
especially the elderly. Even after praying at night, they practiced kissing their
parents' hands. To show his respect for his sisters, Rizal refers to them as doa or
seniorita. Last but not least, Filipinos are renowned for having close and strong
family ties because they value family. When Rizal was a young boy, he had a
close relationship with his mother and he also had a close relationship with his
siblings. Through his life, Rizal demonstrated how he and his family supported
him through his highs and lows. He was alone while studying abroad, but the
letters he received kept him informed of what was happening with his family.

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