AYM Constitution 2022draft

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Whereas it is our desire to coordinate our efforts in God’s service and promote unity of purpose.

Whereas we, the young people of the youth service in their societies and clubs namely
Adventurers, Pathfinders, Master Guides, Public Campus, Ambassadors and Young Adults in East
Zimbabwe Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church wish to work together in the
development of a strong youth ministry that includes spiritual, mental, and physical
development of each individual, Christian social interaction, and an active witnessing program
that supports the general soul-winning plans of the church;

And imploring the guidance and support of the Almighty God, hereby make this
Constitution and commit ourselves to it as the fundamental law of our Department.

This Constitution shall be cited as the Constitution of the Seventh Day East Zimbabwe
Conference Adventist Youth Ministries.


There is hereby established a Department, to be known as the Seventh Day East Zimbabwe
Conference Adventist Youth Ministries Department which shall be a body corporate capable of
suing and being sued in its corporate name and, subject to this Act, of performing all acts that
bodies corporate may by law perform.


(a) Coordination
To facilitate the work of the Youth Director by helping coordinate the work within the East
Zimbabwe Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist church’s territory.

(b) Sharing
To allow its member churches to share in the cumulative experience of its leaders and thus
advance in greater strides.

(c)Leadership Development
To provide opportunity for expanded leadership development beyond the local church, district
and federation level.

(d) Fellowship
To allow young people to fellowship with youth from other Churches, Districts & Federations
as well as Conferences.

To assist in the development and implementation of relevant Conference programs for each
age group from Adventurers to Young Adults.


4.1 The conference shall be constituted of federations determined by the Conference

Director in consideration of geographical and demographic factors.

4.2 Each region shall be made up of federations, districts and individual clubs falling in its
province as determined in article 3.1 above.

4.3 The Conference Director or his/her assignee shall preside over any elective processes
for the respective committees of these Federations.

4.4 Each regional committee prescribed in 4.1 above shall be constituted of The President,
Federation Presidents, Secretary and his/her associates, Treasurer, and his/her
associates, SYL Coordinator, Masterguide Coordinator, AAC, Possibility Ministries
Coordinator, Communications Director, Parliamentarian and Vice Presidents for Young
Adults, Silver club, Ambassadors, Pathfinders, Adventurers, PCMs.

4.5 At the beginning of each year, a notice shall be given of an Annual General Meeting
(AGM) constituted by incumbent office bearers in the Youth Ministries Department
within the Region. The notice shall state the business of the AGM which shall include
but not limited to the elective process of office bearers.

4.6 At the AGM the standard elective procedures in the church manual in terms of
Chapter 9: Elections, shall apply in the election process and all elected members shall
solely become Ex-Officio members in their respective constituencies, i.e. Federation,
District and Local Churches.


5.1 All departments will report to the Overall president who reports to the East Zimbabwe
conference Youth Director and His Associates.


6.1 Adventurer Committee

• Adventurer Vice President (Chair).
• Recording Secretary.
• Master Guide Coordinator.
• Youth Director. (Ex-Officio)
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• Adventurer Federation Presidents
• Volunteer Members (invited)

6.2 Pathfinder Committee

• Pathfinder Vice President (Chair).
• Recording Secretary.
• Master Guide Coordinator.
• Youth Director. (Ex-Officio)
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• Pathfinder Federation Presidents
• Volunteer Members (invited)

6.3 Ambassadors Committee

• Ambassador Vice President (Chair).
• Recording Secretary.
• SYL Coordinator
• Youth Director. (Ex-Officio)
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• Ambassador Federation Presidents
• Volunteer Members (invited)

6.4 Young Adults Committee

• Young Adults Vice President (Chair)
• Recording Secretary.
• SYL Coordinator
• Youth Director. (Ex-Officio)
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• YA Federation Presidents
• Volunteer Members (invited)

6.5 Silver’s Committee

• Silvers Vice President (Chair)
• Recording Secretary.
• SYL Coordinator
• Youth Director. (Ex-Officio)
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• Silver Federation Presidents
• Volunteer Members (invited)

6.6 PCM Committee

• PCM Coordinator (Chair)
• Recording Secretary.
• SYL Coordinator
• Youth Director. (Ex-Officio)
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• ACF Presidents
• Campus Chaplains
• Affiliate Church Pastors
• ACF Student Advisory Member (ZEUC)

6.7 Master Guide Sub-Committee

• Master Guide Coordinator (Chair)
• Masterguide Internal
• Masterguide External
• Recording Secretary
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• Youth Director (Ex Officio)
• Adventurer Vice President
• Pathfinder Vice President
• Master Guide Federation Coordinators

6.8 Senior Youth Leader Sub-Committee

• SYL Coordinator (Chair)
• Recording Secretary
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• Youth Director (Ex Officio)
• Ambassador Vice President
• Young Adults Vice President
• SYL Federation Coordinators

6.9 Constitution and By Laws Committee

• Parliamentarian (Chair)
• Recording Secretary
• Youth Director (Ex Officio)
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• One Federation President
• Two Qualified Master Guides

6.10 AAC Committee

• AAC Coordinator (Chair)
• Recording Secretary
• Youth Director (Ex Officio)
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• Federation AAC Coordinators
• Volunteer Members (invited)
6.11 Communications Committee
• Communications Director (Chair)
• Recording Secretary
• Youth Director (Ex Officio)
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• Secretary
• Federation Communication Directors
• Volunteer Members invited

6.12 Possibility Ministries Committee

• Possibility Ministries Coordinator (Chair)
• Recording Secretary
• Youth Director (Ex Officio)
• Youth Committee President (Ex Official)
• Federation Possibility Ministries Coordinators



The responsibilities and duties of the YC President are
as follows:
a. To preside at all Committee meetings.
b. To coordinate the various activities of the Conference.
c. To appoint, with the approval of the Committee, such committees as he or she shall
judge necessary and expedient for the proper functioning of all Conference activities.
d. To supervise and manage the Conference activities according to the provisions of the
constitution and bylaws.
e. To render a quarterly report of the activities of the Conference to the Conference
Youth Director.


The responsibilities and duties of the secretary are as
a. To keep all records of items of business.
b. To keep a current database of all structures and their contacts
c. To be responsible for all correspondence of the Conference.
d. To send a copy of the minutes of all meetings to the Committee members and to the
conference youth director.
e. To attend all Committee meetings and other meetings.


The responsibilities and duties of the treasurer are as
a. To receive and receipt all Conference funds.
b. To disburse funds upon the authorization of the Committee.
c. To keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures.
d. To bring a financial report to all meetings.
e. To have all books and accounts audited by the conference auditor at the end of the
calendar year.


The responsibilities and duties of the federation presidents are as follows:
a. Represent the Federation in the Conference Committee.
b. Render monthly Federation reports to the Conference.
c. Relay information and news between conference and federation.
d. Attend all Committee meetings.


The responsibilities and duties of the vice president are as
a. Be a member of the Conference Youth Committee.
b. Maintain liaison with the Federation Departmental leaders and clubs and invite them
to participate in programs and events of the Conference.
c. Render reports quarterly to the Conference Committee.
d. Be President of the Departmental Advisory Committee.
e. Attend all Committee meetings
f. Lead out in planning the total program for the year and in producing a departmental
calendar of events.


The responsibilities and duties of Associate Secretary are as follows:
a. Be available to give assistance to the Adventist Youth Committee Secretary.

b. Be the designate secretary of a designated Advisory Committee of the conference i.e.,
Senior and Junior Youth Ministries of the conference.


The responsibilities and duties of Associate Treasurer are as follows:
a. Be available to give assistance to the Adventist Youth Committee Treasurer.
b. Be the designate FO of a designated Advisory Committee of the conference i.e., Senior
and Junior Youth Ministries of the conference.


8.1 Senior Youth Leader Coordinator

The responsibilities and duties of the SYL coordinator are as follows:
a. Serve at the will of the Youth Ministries Conference Director and
Conference coordinator to supervise the qualification of Senior Youth
Leader in training candidates.
b. Supervise placement and monitoring of SYL in training’s assessments
and appraisals (exams, projects, and assessments).
c. Coordinate and facilitate SYL curriculum and assessment development, review,
monitoring and modification for the designated content area.
d. Collaborate with federation committees and clubs in the development,
implementation, evaluation of the SYL curriculum and other duties.
e. Investigate, research, and acquire appropriate and varied resources for implementation
of MG.
f. Ensure curriculum compliance with all the students/members and that no section/
group of people is left behind or out.
g. To coordinate with the Master Guide Coordinator on Conference activities that involve
Junior Youth and Senior Youth in programming and resource provision.

8.2 Master Guide Coordinator

The responsibilities and duties of the MG coordinator are as follows:
a. Serve at the will of the Youth Ministries Conference Director and Conference
coordinator to supervise the qualification of Master Guides in training candidates.
b. Supervise placement and monitoring of MITs assessments and appraisals (exams and
c. Coordinate and facilitate MG curriculum and assessment development, review,
monitoring and modification for the designated content area.
d. Collaborate and assist federation committees and clubs in the development,
implementation, evaluation of the MG curriculum and other duties.
e. Investigate, research, and acquire appropriate and varied resources for
implementation of MG.
f. Ensure curriculum compliance with all the students/members and that no
section/group of people is left behind or out.
g. To coordinate with the SYL Coordinator on Conference activities that involve Junior
Youth and Senior Youth in programming and resource provision.
h. Supervision of qualified Masterguides and facilitating their continuous learning.
i. Responsible for verifying the activity of Masterguides within the territory.

8.3 Departmental Federation President

a. Represent the specific Federation department in the Advisory Committee.
b. Render monthly Federation reports to the Advisory Committee.
c. Relay information and news between conference and federation.
d. Attend all meetings.

8.4 Adventist Athletic Club Representative
a. Supervise and certify the qualification of MITs & SYLITs in the Fitness Lifestyle
Development section of the Master Guide Curriculum.
b. Work in close corporation with Federation leaders to ensure that candidates adhere to
the Health and Fitness section of the Pathfinder and Adventurer curricular
c. Ensure that properly certified personnel are engaged to supervise and/or certify
specialized sporting disciplines such as swimming, long distance running/hiking and
other disciplines that require specialized knowledge to minimize injuries or loss of life.
d. Attend all meetings

8.5 Possibility Ministries Coordinator

a. Shall focus on the following: the deaf, the blind, the physically
immobile, those who have mental health issues, orphans/vulnerable
b. Coordinates training on Special Needs to Fed Coordinators
c. Gives guidance on programming to foster inclusivity.
d. Helps to make adaptive teaching modes and materials for young
people with Special Needs.
e. Must have an appreciation of different special Needs conditions.
f. Links young people to centres and skilled personnel about special
needs to help initiate community outreach programs.
g. Helps you to have infrastructure at club level or events to be accessible
to young people with Special Needs.
h. To attend all meetings

8.6 Communications Director

a. Advertising and publicizing regional activities
b. Creating and maintaining an archive of yearly activities
c. Public Relations
d. Coordinate with MG and SYL coordinators for systems development, databases, and
automation of processes to improve reporting and training.
e. Manage social media platforms
f. Exploiting and utilizing information systems and technology to advance regional
activities and objectives
g. Attend all executive meetings

8.7 Parliamentarian
a. To serve as President of constitutional committee
b. To present report on constitutional committee to executive committee
c. To interpret the constitution and advising constitutional issues and procedure
d. To attend all executive meetings


9.1 The Youth Executive Committee shall meet no less than 4 times a year. Every notice
calling a meeting shall specify the time, place, and day. A general meeting shall be
called by at least seven (7) days’ notice but may be called by shorter notice whenever
the Executive sees it fit.
9.2 The President of the Executive Committee or, in his/her, absence, an Advisory
President shall preside at every general meeting. If at any meeting they are not

present or are unwilling to act, the Executive Committee members present shall elect
one of their members to preside.
9.3 A resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands. A
declaration by the President at the meeting that a resolution has a show of hands been
carried or not carried, and an entry to that effect in the minutes been made, shall be
conclusive evidence of the fact.
9.4 In the case of an equality of votes, the President of the meeting shall be entitled to a
second, or casting vote.
9.5 Every member shall have one vote.
9.6 No business shall be transacted at the Executive Committee other than that specified
in the agenda, except at the President's discretion and with the approval of most of
the Executive Committee members present.
9.7 No business from Club Advisory committees shall be transacted at the Executive
Committee other than that recommended to the Executive Committee by the
Advisory. The Executive Committee should only approve and/or disapprove
recommendations from Advisory Committees.
9.8 All Meetings shall be held at a Conference Event at a Venue agreed upon by the
Executive Committee and the event shall last for no less than two days.


10.1 Each Advisory Committee mandated by the committee shall be responsible to report
to the youth Committee quarterly and/or after a program or event has been
conducted at either regional or conference level.
10.2 All reports submitted from the federation and activities done by the sub-committee
should be forwarded to the youth Committee secretary quarterly.
10.3 The Financial Officer shall present and preserve a quarterly financial report at a youth
Committee meeting, annual general meeting and/ or any other meeting called for by
the EZC Committee.
10.4 Reports submitted for purposes of conducting an AGM shall be submitted at least
seven (7) days before such AGM is held to allow all Members time to go through the


11.1 The following are mandated to be signatories for any disbursement of funds
from the treasurer
a. Youth Committee President
b. Financial Officer
c. Secretary

11.2 The Financial Officer shall always maintain proper books of accounting.

11.3 All expenditure shall be supported by a voucher specifying purpose of

disbursement and signed by person receiving funds and the treasurer.

11.4 The conference may finance its activities by means of:

a. Registration fees for activities as may be set from time to time
b. Advance payments at any agreed event
c. 50% of Offerings at any agreed Sabbath Program
d. Called up contributions
e. Donations and subsidies
f. Any other means consistent with church policy


12.1 Half of the Committee plus one person shall constitute a quorum of the committee.
12.2 In the absence of a quorum, actions taken by the committee or at general meetings
shall be ratified at the next meeting.
12.3 The meetings of this Youth Committee shall be governed by parliamentary law as set
forth in Robert’s Rule of Order and the General Conference rules of Order.


Resignations of officers shall be presented in writing to the Committee. Upon the acceptance
of the resignation, the committee shall appoint a successor, subject to the approval of the
general body.


14.1 Any member, department or part thereof may in writing and through the Secretary,
recommend an amendment to the constitution
14.2 The Secretary shall file and date all such recommendations timeously and avail
them to the parliamentarian
14.3 The secretary shall subsequently return copies of all such recommendations to the
originating members, department or part thereof before the 1st reading of the
amendment is done to the Conference Youth Committee.
14.4 All motions to amend moved by the parliamentarian shall be referred to the
Conference Youth Committee for review and deliberations at the 2nd reading
before a vote is taken
14.5 All recommendations approved by the Committee must be voted for and passed at
the AGM by a vote of ¾ of attending members. The conference will ratify the
passed amendments.
14.6 Subcommittees can draft and propose operational policies, these proposals shall be
tabled to the EZC Youth Ministries Committee and if approved they must be voted
for and passed at an AGM by a vote of ¾ attending members.


14.1 Subcommittees can draft and propose operational policies, these proposals shall be
tabled to the EZC Youth Ministries Committee and if approved they must be voted
for and passed at an AGM by a vote of ¾ attending members.
14.2 All policies and bylaws shall be consistent with the terms of this constitution


16.1 The AY Advisory Committee is the APPOINTED body of the East Zimbabwe
Conference Youth Ministries Department that consults, develops findings and
conclusions and recommendations that are presented to the Youth Committee for
consideration and decision making.

16.2 The members of this committee shall be the Youth Director and/or his Associate(s),
Youth Department Secretary, Youth Committee President, Secretary Federation
Youth Pastors, Special Needs and a Federation President. In addition, the Youth
Advisory Committee may choose any other persons deemed necessary who will
serve the interests of the youth of the East Zimbabwe Conference.

16.3 The Youth Ministry Director or the Associate Youth Director shall serve as President
of the Youth Advisory Committee.
16.4 The Youth Advisory Committee shall meet at least once per quarter, prior to a Youth
Committee Meeting.
16.5 The Youth Advisory Committee may occasionally accept observers to the Youth
Advisory Committee, only if the Youth Director or the Associate Youth Director is
given prior notice and such permission is granted.


17.1 All elections shall be conducted in accordance with the Church Manual.
17.2 The Nominating Committee shall not be dissolved after elections but shall remain
standing until the names recommended by the Nominating Committee are ratified
at the AGM.
17.3 The Nominating Committee shall only constitute of individuals who know the
capabilities of eligible church members.
17.4 The Nominating Committee shall have at least one representative from each


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