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Debby Rizky

8226110002 | LTBI-A’22
Discourse Analysis

Discourse Text
1. According to Fairclough (1995) 1. According to Fairclough (1992) there are
Discourse refers to any spoken, written three dimensions in critical discourse
or visual language, discourse can be analysis; text, discursive practice, and
used to make a connection between social practice.
language and the wider society. 2. In his book “Discourse and Social
2. The question of discourse is the Change” Fairclough (1992) argued;
question of how text figure (in relation “….If being an instance of social
to other moments) in how people (political, ideological, etc.) practice is
represent the world, including one dimension of a discursive event,
themselves and their productive being a text is other.”
activities. Different discourses are 3. The central concern is to trace
different ways of representing explanatory connections between ways
associated with different positions (normative, innovative, etc.) in which
(Fairclough, 2000) texts are put together and interpreted,
3. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is a how texts are produced, distributed and
rapidly developing area of language consumed in a wider sense, and the
study. It regards discourse as ‘a form as nature of the social practice in terms of
social practice’ and takes consideration its relation to social structures and
of the context of language use to be struggles. One can neither recon; struct
crucial to discourse. (Fairclough & the production process nor account for
Wodak, 1997) the interpretation process purely by
4. Discourse from the point of view of CDA, reference to texts: they are respectively
then, is a form of social action. The traces of and cues to these processes,
principle aim of CDA is to uncover and can be neither produced nor
opaqueness and power relationships. interpreted without members'
CDA is a socially committed scientific resources. (Fairclough, 1992)
paradigm. It attempts to bring about 4. Texts are made up of forms which past
change in communicative and socio- discursive practice, condensed into
political practices (Fairclough & Wodak, conventions, has endowed with
1997) meaning potential. The meaning
potential of a form is generally
heterogeneous, a complex of diverse,
overlapping and sometimes
contradictory meanings, so that texts
are usually highly ambivalent and open
to multiple interpretations. (Fairclough,
5. Text analysis can be organized under
the four main headings: vocabulary,
grammar, cohesion, and text structure.
These can be thought as ascending in
scale of vocabulary deals mainly with
individual words, grammar deals with
words combined into clauses and
sentences, cohesion deals with how
Debby Rizky
8226110002 | LTBI-A’22
Discourse Analysis
clauses and sentences are linked
together and text structure deals with
large scale organizational properties of
text. (Fairclough, 1992)
Review: I can see that Fairclough’s theory Review: Fairclough’s analysis is based on
of discourse considers language to be a three components—description,
type of social practice. This indicates that interpretation and explanation. Linguistic
language is more than simply vocabulary properties of texts are described (text
and grammar. The theory believed that analysis), the relationship between the
language is an important component of productive and interpretative processes of
society lives and is typically performed by discursive practice and the texts is
the majority of society. Meanwhile, interpreted, and the relationship between
discourse as an abstract noun, is not only discursive practice and social practice is
concerned with language in use, but also explained. The theory explore the multi-
the pervasive and often invisible sets of layered analysis incorporates textual,
values, beliefs and ideas in that social processing and social levels of discourse
circumstance. analysis. Second, text is at the core of the
The theory of Fairclough believes that analysis. In addition to that, the theory
language is a form of social practice and defined text, thus, for analyzed for linguistic
states that the term discourse can be used evidence for claims made out of the
to make a connection between language discourse analytical work.
and the wider society. So, based on my understanding from
So, the theory is not only seen discourse as Fairclough’s theory, I found several
the use of language in speech and writing objectives; first, the theory seen text as any
but also as a form of social practice. In this piece of work which in terms of
case, the discourse analysis becomes a tool communicative meaning, is complete in
that is capable of interacting explicitly and itself. It is the observable product of a
implicitly with people's lives so that writer’s or speaker’s discourse. Second,
communication can be built in the midst of text can be in the form of speech, writing,
society and also used as a movement to or mixture of all two forms of
achieve certain goals. In addition to that, communication.
the theory proposed critical discourse
analysis approach also has a purpose of
understanding the discourse as a form of
social practice. In social practice, a person
always has the purpose of writing a
discourse, including the purpose of
exercising power.
Thus, based on my understanding from
Fairclough’s theory, I found several
objectives; first, this theory consider
language in the context of a larger
community. Second, this theory examine
gender, ethnicity, race, and culture, and
consider how these social constructs are
portrayed and formed in language. Third,
this theory assess who the most vulnerable
Debby Rizky
8226110002 | LTBI-A’22
Discourse Analysis
individuals in society are, as well as who
the most powerful are.

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