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Version 16.0 - July 2020


Discipline means orderly behavior. It means voluntary and willing compliance of rules &
regulations, instructions at work and also development of right habits of conduct and
exhibiting the same at work place.

The purpose of the disciplinary policy is to set and maintain standards of conduct. By
doing so, we ensure that all employees are treated fairly and consistently. It helps and
encourages employees to achieve and maintain satisfactory standards of conduct.

Any deviation to the desired behavior is considered as offense. Below listed are
offenses / unacceptable behavior in purview of organization’s standard code of conduct.

Group 1 Offense:

• Habitual Late Coming / Late coming to Work

• Habitual Absenteeism / Absence to work for more than 2 consecutive days
• Absent to work without permission or without valid reason
• Violation of Dress code Policy – wearing inappropriate clothes or
revealing clothes with unethical or abusive words imprinted.
• Insubordination at work
• Brawl with others or team members
• Failure to report to work without giving notice, at least 30 minutes prior
to scheduled shift timing.
• Inattentiveness to work, including but not limited to, failure to start work
at the designated time, quitting work before end of shift or designated
• Leaving assigned work area, building or project during work hours
without authorization from appropriate supervisor during work hours.
• Loitering or malingering within or adjacent to Company premises or
assigned work area.
• Willful slowing down in performance of work or instigation of others or peers.
• Distribution of sales brochures, literature, leaflets or posting leaflets
within the Company premises without permission from the
Group 2 Offense:

• Immoral or indecent conduct at work or extended work places.

• Intentional falsification of personal records or Proxy attendance
• Abusive, threatening or coercive treatment of another employee
• Harassment, Bullying, Fighting or display of intimidating behavior at work
premises as well at extended work places.
• Chewing tobacco or Consuming alcoholic beverages while on duty or in
the possession or consumption of illegal drugs or Smoking in
prohibited areas.
• Any unprofessional conduct or behavior or discussions at work that
could disrupt one’s reputation or productivity (including self or others).
• Lending or borrowing money from co-workers.
• Misleading clients or customers with incorrect / false information that
impacts business or resulting into potential business loss.
• Self or Influencing /provoking others to commit violent acts at work or
being rebel in nature.
• Willful insubordination or disobedience whether alone or in combination
with others to any lawful or reasonable order of a superior.
• Habitual absence without applying leave or absence without applying
leave for more than five consecutive days.
• Leaving workplace repeatedly during working hours without prior permission from
the immediate supervisor or overstaying sanctioned leave without sufficient
grounds or proper or satisfactory explanation or without informing or attempting
to inform his employer of the excuse for such absence.

Group 3 Offense:

• Fudging or Manipulation or Falsification or Fabrication of performance or data /

documents that could influence unlawful results for either personal benefit or
company’s benefit either monetary or in any form;
• Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with the employer’s business or property
or the theft of property of another workman within the premises of the
• Dual employment / BGV failure
• Taking or giving bribes or any illegal gratification
• Willful damage to company’s property or willful loss of company’s property
• Gambling or betting in any form whether involving money or not.
• Unauthorized possession of any lethal weapon in the establishment.
• Indulging in Sexual Harassment acts of either peers or colleagues or any
employee within the premises of the establishment as well the extended work
• Watching pornography or materials of any nature or display of actions related to
pornography using mobile phones or of any form.
• Conduct within the Company which is likely to endanger the life or safety of any
person, including self or attempt to suicide or threatening.
• Engaging in private work or trade within the Company or outside the Company
which is directly or indirectly in conflict to the interests of the Company or
engaged in own business or trade during work hours.
• Refusal to accept any communication served either in accordance with the code
of conduct or in the interest of discipline.

The list of offenses categorized above is not exhaustive but illustrative only.

Employees who found guilty under any of the above mentioned acts would call for
disciplinary actions as listed below along with guidelines. Any disciplinary actions would
depend on the nature, severity, frequency of violation of ethics, discipline and code of
conduct as determined by the company time to time.

1. Verbal Warning
2. Written Warning 1
3. Written Warning 2
4. Penalty or fine.
5. Suspension with or without pay
6. Loss / Reduction of Bonus
7. With holding increments
8. Demotion to lower grade
9. Dismissal / Discharge / Termination


Below listed guidelines directs the organization on execution of disciplinary

action under different scenarios, as well educates the employees to adhere
individual’s best code of conducts to refrain facing any disciplinary actions
from the company.

• Level 1 offense:

o In case of onetime event, will call for verbal warning.

o In case of repetitive event, will call for written warning.
o In case of deliberate, repetitive or series of multiple instances reported,
will be issued with show-cause notice and take written explanation /
confession of individual’s conduct. HR to decide on action, either to
issue warning letter 2 or termination of services.
o In case of continuous behavior violation after issuance of warning letter without
any improvement in behavior, will call for termination of services and not eligible
for Re-hire.

• Level 2 offense:

o HR will issue show cause notice sensitizing the situation and to take written
explanation / confession of individual.
o HR to investigate facts about the incident to determine rightful action.
o Offenses that are proven guilty under Group 2 will call for disciplinary actions on
individual or group with either of the below or combined in nature.
▪ Warning Letter
▪ Penalty or Fine
▪ Suspension / Termination {Basis severity}

• Level 3 offense:

o HR will issue show cause notice sensitizing the situation and to take written
explanation / confession of individual.
o On availability of strong facts and artifacts against the accused, HR will take
relevant actions as in the disciplinary policy.
o Offenses that are proven guilty will call for disciplinary actions on individual or
group with either of the below or combined as it deems fit and rightful for the
▪ Suspension
▪ With holding increments
▪ Demotion
▪ Termination / Dismissal from Services.

The actions that are listed above are illustrative and the company reserves right to take
/ modify any actions as it deems fit time to time. Also, company reserves right to take
necessary actions not limited to termination, can also proceed with legal proceedings as
it deems fit. Final decision on any matters related to disciplinary policy will be under the
discretion of CPO & CFO of the company.

Employees who are either terminated or separated under disciplinary grounds

shall adhere to Exit policy guidelines in order to have clean exit from the

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