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PRACTICE TEST - 25032022

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the
following question
Câu 1: A. separate B. intention C. applicant D. quality
Câu 2: A. allow B. college C. beauty D. culture

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)

CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following
Câu 3: She seemed willing to accept my explanation.
A. surprised B. eager C. doubtful D. reluctant
Câu 4: There is a need for greater diversity and choice in education.
A. identity B. variety C. equality D. ability
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that
best completes each of the following exchanges.
Câu 5: John is talking to Peter about the household chores in his family.
- John: "How often does your father do the washing up?"
- Peter: “ ___________ .”
A. Not so often B. By hand
C. Not too expensive D. About 4 kilometers
Câu 6: Alice and Mary have just finished watching a movie.
- Alice: “Endgame is such a wonderful movie.”
- Mary: “_________”. It has many beautiful scenes and two main actors are really
involved in their roles.”
A. I didn't say anything B. I couldn't agree more
C. I'm a huge fan of Marvel D. I don't like your saying

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
We first learn about loving and caring relationships from our families. Family is
defined as a domestic group of people with some degree of kinship - whether
through blood, marriage, or adoption. Ideally, each child is nurtured, respected, and
grows up to care for others and develop strong and healthy relationships . This does
not mean that it is always easy to make and keep friends, it just means that we share
the goal of having strong relationships.
"Family" includes your siblings and parents, as well as relatives who you may
not interact with every day, such as your cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and
stepparents. These are probably the people you are closest to and with whom you
spend the most time. Having healthy relationships with your family members is both
important and difficult.
Families in the 21st century come in all shapes and sizes: traditional, single
parent, blended (more than one family together in the same house), and gay and
lesbian parents - just to name a few. No matter the "type" of family you have, there
are going to be highs and lows - good times and bad. Many times, however, families
become blocked in their relationships by hurt, anger, mistrust, and confusion. These
are natural and normal, and few families do not have at least a few experiences with
them. The worst time for most families is during a divorce. By making a few simple
changes in the way we look at the world and deal with other people, it is possible to
create happier, more stable relationships. Families need to be units of mutual caring
and support; they can be sources of lifelong strength for all individuals.
Câu 7: What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The importance of sharing housework.
B. The healthy relationships among family members
C. The importance of having children.
D. The roles of family members.
Thông tin: We first learn about loving and caring relationships from our
families...Ideally, each child is nurtured, respected, and grows up to care for others
and develop strong and healthy relationships. This does not mean that it is always
easy to make and keep friends; it just means that we share the goal of having strong

Tạm dịch: Chúng ta đầu tiên học được từ gia đình của mình về tình yêu và sự quan
tâm... Một cách lí tưởng, mỗi đứa trẻ được nuôi dưỡng, được tôn trọng và lớn lên để
quan tâm đến người khác và phát triển những mối quan hệ bền chặt và lành mạnh.
Điều này không có nghĩa rằng luôn dễ dàng để làm quen và duy trì được những
người bạn; nó chỉ có nghĩa là chúng ta có chung mục đích là có những mối quan hệ
bền vững.
Câu 8: The word "kinship" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. connection B. cooperation C. comparison D. combination
Câu 9: According to the passage, each child is ideally nurtured, respected, and
grows up
A. to keep a track of the people around them
B. to keep in touch with the people around them
C. to be familiar with the people around them
D. to care about the people around them
Câu 10: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT an example of a
family relationship?
A. God-mother and god-son relationship B. Nanny and baby relationship
C. Step-father and daughter relationship D. Wife and husband relationship
Câu 11: The word “These” in paragraph 3 refers to
A. relationships B. feelings C. shapes and sizes D. families

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined

part that needs correction in each of the following question.
Câu 12: Last Saturday, hundreds of Hanoians queue up to be among the first
passengers of Vietnam's first metro route.
A. first B. among C. hundreds D. queue
Câu 13: Kiwi birds mainly eat insects, worms, and snails and search for food by
probing the ground with its long bills
A. mainly B. search C. probing D. its
Câu 14: He claimed that he could provide numerate other examples of her
A. incompetence B. other C. numerate D. claimed
Numerate: able to add, multiply, etc.:
Our graduates are literate and numerate and have very good IT skills.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D or your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that
best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Câu 15: He isn't qualified. He is not given important tasks.
A. If he were qualified, he would never be given important tasks.
B. As long as he is qualified, he will be given important tasks.
C. If only he were qualified and wouldn't be given important tasks.
D. He wishes he were qualified and were given important tasks.

Câu 16: He started working in the World Bank. That was right after he had graduated
from university.
A. No sooner had he graduated from university than he started working in the World
B. Before he graduated from university, he had started working in the World Bank.
C. Only when he started working in the World Bank did he graduate from university.
D. Hardly had he started working in the World Bank when he graduated from

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
following questions.
Câu 17: A. parks B. tank C. bad D. ant
Câu 18: A. preserved B. imprisoned C. surrounded D. borrowed

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct

answer to each of the following questions.
Câu 19: The sword was made of a __________ material.
A. metallic strange purple B. purple metallic strange
C. purple strange metallic D. strange purple metallic
Câu 20: All the preparations for the party will have been made ___________
A. as soon as the guests had come B. before the guests will come
C. once the guests came D. by the time the guests come
Câu 21: _____________ a lot of lessons, I needed to study hard to keep up with the
rest of the class.
A. Being missed B. Missed C. Having missed D. To miss
Câu 22: The basic design of the car is very similar _________ that of earlier models.
A. with B. from C. on D. to
Câu 23: The forecast has revealed that the world's reserves of fossil fuel will have
________ by 2050.
A. caught up B. used off C. run out D. taken over
Câu 24: When I came into the office, my boss _______ for me.
A. waited B. waits C. was waiting D. is waiting
Câu 25: _________ Blackpink's members were very different, they did seem to get
on well when they met.
A. Because B. In spite of C. Because of D. Although
Câu 26: If she doesn't start training, she won't stand a ________ of winning the race.
A. chance B. choice C. moment D. height
stand a chance: to have a chance of success:
He doesn’t stand much of a chance in the election.
Câu 27: The more you practise speaking in your class, __________ you are at public
A. better B. the better C. best D. the best
Câu 28: When she left college, she got a(n) ___________ as an editor in a
publishing company
A. employment B. occupation C. job D. work
Câu 29: Little Johnnie's parents were worried that he was very big, but the doctor
told thin bolo it was only _________ fat.
A. piglet B. kitten C. puppy D. chicken
Puppy fat: fat on the body of a baby or child which disappears around adolescence.
– chubby
Câu 30: We haven't breached the final __________ on the funding for scientific
research yet.
A. decisive B. decision C. decide D. decisively
Câu 31: The children were very tiresome, ___________ ?
A. weren't they B. don't they C. didn't they D. aren't they
Câu 32: The group's legal advisers said they were ___________ the initiative to
tackle online privacy issues.
A. making make B. taking C. leading D. doing
take the initiative: to be the first one to do something, esp. to solve a problem:
Don't be afraid to take the initiative and say what you think.
Câu 33: The National Curriculum _____________ by the government and must be
followed in all state schools.
A. sets B. is setting C. is set D. set
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following
Câu 34: BTS joined forces with UNICEF four years ago with the collective goal of
helping end violence abuse and bullying in young children.
A. separate B. corporate C. joint D. shared
Câu 35: Don't take it as read that you'll be promoted in your job, other colleagues
stand a good chance 100.
A. feel uncertain B. completely accept C. make sure D. feel good
take sth as read: to accept that something is true without making sure that it is:
I just took it as read that anyone who applied for the course would have the
necessary qualifications.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks.
Body language is a vital form of communication. In fact, it is believed that the
various forms of body language contribute about 70 percent to our comprehension. It
is important to note. (36) _________ , that body language varies in different cultures.
Take for example, eye movement. In the USA a child is expected to look directly at a
parent or teacher who is scolding him or her. In (37) _______ cultures the opposite is
true. Looking directly at a teacher or parent in such a situation is considered a (38)
_________ of disrespect. Another form of body language that is used differently,
depending on the culture, is distance. In North America people don't generally stand
as close to each other as in South America. Two North Americans (39) __________
don't know each other well will keep a (40) _______of four feet between them,
whereas South Americans in the same situation will stand two to three feet apart.
North Americans will stand closer than two feet apart only if they are having a
confidential conversation or if there is intimacy between them.
Câu 36: A. however B. otherwise C. furthermore D. moreover
Câu 37: A. every B. each C. another D. other
Câu 38: A. site B. sight C. side D. sign
Câu 36: A. who B. why C. which D. where
Câu 40: A. place B. distance C. gap D. length

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
In my experience, freshmen today are different from those I knew when I
started as a counselor and professor 25 years ago. College has always been
demanding both academically and socially. But students now are less mature and
often not ready for the responsibility of being in college.
It is really too easy to point the finger at parents who protect their children
from life's obstacle. Parents who handle every difficulty and every other
responsibility for their children writing admission essays to picking college courses,
certainly may contribute to their children's lack of coping strategies. But we can look
even more broadly to the social trends of today.
How many people do you know who are on medication to prevent anxiety or
depression? The number of students who arrive at college already medicated for
unwanted emotions has increased dramatically in the past 10 years. We, as a
society, don't want to “feel” anything unpleasant and we certainly don't want our
children to “suffer”.
The resulting problem is that by not experiencing negative emotions, one
does not learn the necessary skills to tolerate and negotiate adversity. As a
psychologist, I am well aware of the fact that come individuals suffer from depression
and anxiety and can benefit from treatment, but I question the growing number of
medicated adolescents today. Our world is more stressful in general because of the
current economic and political realities, but I don't believe that the college experience
itself is more intense today than that of the past 10 years. What I do think is that
many students are often not prepared to be young adults with all the responsibilities
of life.
What does this mean for college faculty and staff We are required to assist in the
basic parenting of these students - the student who complains that the professor
didn't remind her of the due date for an assignment that was clearly listed on the
syllabus and the student who che assignment in spite of careful instructions about
As college professors, we have to explain what it means to be an independent
college student before we can even begin to teach. As parents and teachers we
should expect young people to meet challenges. To encourage them in this
direction. We have to step back and let them fail and pick themselves up and move
forward. This approach needs to begin at an early age 30 actually be a passage to
independent adulthood.
Câu 41: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Students are Different Now.
B. Students Can Benefit from Colleges.
C. Students Experience Anxiety and Depression.
D. Our World is More Stressful.
Câu 42: The word "handle" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. lend a hand to B. gain benefits from C. point at D. deal with
"handle" = deal with: xử lý, đối phó với

Parents, who handle every difficulty and every other responsibility for their children
writing admission essays to picking college courses

Cha mẹ, người xử lý mọi khó khăn và mọi trách nhiệm khác cho con của mình khi
viết bài tiểu luận nhập học để chọn chuyên ngành đại học
Câu 43: According to the writer, students' difficulties to cope with college life are
partly due to
A. the lack of financial support
B. the absence of parents' protection
C. the over-parenting from parents; việc chăm sóc con cái quá kỹ lưỡng
D. the lack of parental support
Thông tin: It is really too easy to point the finger at parents who protect their children
from life’s obstacle.
Câu 44: The word "on medication" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. receiving medical treatment B. doing medical research
C. suffering anxiety D. studying medicine at college
"on medication": việc điều trị, dùng thuốc
Câu 45: The word "them" in the last paragraph refers to
A. teachers B. colleges C. young children D. parents
Câu 46: Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. The college experience itself is more intense today than that of the past 10 years.
B. Our society certainly doesn't want our children to experience unpleasant things.
C. College faculty and staff are required to help in the parenting of problematic
D. Our world is more stressful because of the current economic and political
Câu 47: It can be inferred from the passage that failure in life and less support from
parents will
A. allow students to learn the last lesson in their lives
B. help students to learn to stand on their own feet
C. defeat students from the very beginning
D. discourage students and let them down forever
Thông tin: This approach needs to begin at an early age so that college can actually
be a passage to independent adulthood
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that
is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
Câu 48: "Don't talk to strangers" my mother said to us.
A. My mother advised us to talk to strangers.
B. My mother asked us to talk to strangers.
C. My mother insisted on talking to strangers.
D. My mother warned us against talking to strangers.
Câu 49: It's possible for us to borrow books from the school library.
A. We have to borrow books from the school library.
B. We need to borrow books from the school library.
C. We can borrow books from the school library.
D. We should borrow books from the school library.
Câu 50: The last time she saw the boy was last weekend.
A. The boy has seen her since last weekend.
B. She didn't see the boy last weekend.
C. She hasn't seen the boy since last weekend.
D. She last saw the boy for two weeks.

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