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New Statistical Methods for Precipitation Bias Correction Applied to

WRF Model Simulations in the Antisana Region, Ecuador


University Grenoble Alpes, Irstea, ETNA, Grenoble, France

University Grenoble Alpes, IRD, CNRS, Grenoble-INP, Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement
(UMR 5001), Grenoble, France

University Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Inria, Grenoble INP, LJK, Grenoble, France

University Grenoble Alpes, IRD, CNRS, Grenoble-INP, Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement
(UMR 5001), Grenoble, France

(Manuscript received 17 February 2018, in final form 18 October 2018)


The Ecuadorian Andes are characterized by a complex spatiotemporal variability of precipitation. Global
circulation models do not have sufficient horizontal resolution to realistically simulate the complex Andean
climate and in situ meteorological data are sparse; thus, a high-resolution gridded precipitation product is
needed for hydrological purposes. The region of interest is situated in the center of Ecuador and covers three
climatic influences: the Amazon basin, the Andes, and the Pacific coast. Therefore, regional climate models
are essential tools to simulate the local climate with high spatiotemporal resolution; this study is based on
simulations from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. The WRF Model is able to
reproduce a realistic precipitation variability in terms of the diurnal cycle and seasonal cycle compared to
observations and satellite products; however, it generated some nonnegligible bias in the region of interest.
We propose two new methods for precipitation bias correction of the WRF precipitation simulations based on
in situ observations. One method consists of modeling the precipitation bias with a Gaussian process meta-
model. The other method is a spatial adaptation of the cumulative distribution function transform approach,
called CDF-t, based on Voronoï diagrams. The methods are compared in terms of precipitation occurrence
and intensity criteria using a cross-validation leave-one-out framework. In terms of both criteria, the Gaussian
process metamodel approach yields better results. However, in the upper parts of the Andes (.2000 m), the
spatial CDF-t method seems to better preserve the spatial WRF physical patterns.

1. Introduction eastern and western sides of the Andes exhibiting higher

precipitation values than the high-elevation mountain
The Andes Cordillera forms a natural orographic
peaks where the climate is relatively dry (see Fig. 1;
barrier along the western coast of the South American
e.g., Bendix and Lauer 1992). We distinguish three dif-
continent, causing a complex spatiotemporal distribu-
ferent climate regions in Ecuador: the Pacific coast, the
tion of precipitation (e.g., Garreaud 1999; Espinoza
Andes, and the Amazon. Each side of the Andes is
et al. 2009). The spatial precipitation distribution is
influenced by different atmospheric processes. The
characterized by strong elevational gradients, with the
western plains of Ecuador are strongly influenced by the
sea surface temperature variability of the Pacific Ocean.
Corresponding author: María Belén Heredia, maria-belen.heredia@ For instance, the occurrence of El Niño–Southern Os- cillation (ENSO) events on an interanual time scale

DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-18-0032.1
Ó 2018 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright
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FIG. 1. Map of the region under study and INAMHI stations. The stations of each region
(Pacific coast, Andes, and Amazon) are marked with three geometric figures: rectangles for
the Pacific coast, circles for the Andes, and triangles for the Amazon. The colors indicate the
mean daily precipitation (mm day21) during the 2014–15 period. The contour interval is
1000 m. Note that for station 12 and 18, we indicate the associated gridpoint model used for
the bias correction computations.

produces strong temperature and precipitation anoma- associated with the complex orography of the Andes.
lies and significant socioeconomic issues (e.g., Rossel The slope of the eastern part of the Andes is also char-
et al. 1999; Vuille et al. 2000; Rabatel et al. 2013; Vicente- acterized by the presence of local maximum precipita-
Serrano et al. 2017). In the eastern part of the Andes, the tion values called ‘‘hotspots’’ (Espinoza et al. 2015), and
moisture mainly comes from the Atlantic Ocean and in these regions the elevational gradients are nonlinear,
water recycling through evapotranspiration over the with the maximum values situated between 500 and
humid Amazonian rain forest plains. In the Andes the 2000 m. Thus, the spatiotemporal variability of precipi-
interannual precipitation variability is influenced by tation is quite complex in this area, making it challeng-
both tropical Pacific and Atlantic sea surface tempera- ing to characterize with statistical models.
ture anomalies (e.g., Vuille et al. 2000; Espinoza et al. The Antisana glacier culminates at approximately
2011). On the seasonal time scale, the precipitation 5760 m and is located close to the Amazon slope on the
variability is very complex and can be characterized by eastern side of the Ecuadorian Andes. Quito, the capital
one or two rainfall seasons. On the Pacific coast, one of Ecuador, is situated approximately 50 km farther west
rainfall season is generally described (e.g., Bendix and closest to the Pacific side of the Andes. The Antisana
Lauer 1992; Vicente-Serrano et al. 2017) whereas two region is an important water reserve for the population
rainfall seasons are observed in most parts of the Andes (Chevallier et al. 2011; Hall et al. 2012; Basantes-
(e.g., Bendix and Lauer 1992; Vicente-Serrano et al. Serrano 2015; Buytaert et al. 2017; Pouget et al. 2017).
2017) and in the Amazon plains of Ecuador (e.g., The water resources in this region depend in part on
Laraque et al. 2007; Espinoza et al. 2009), and these the Antisana glacier, whose mass balance is influenced
rainfall seasons occur from March to May and from by several factors, including precipitation variability,
October to December. At the regional scale, these two (e.g., Favier et al. 2004; Sicart et al. 2011). Recently, a
periods correspond to the two annual transition phases dry trend has been identified in the western Amazon
of the American monsoon cycle, between the mature during the last decades, including in the Ecuadorian
phases of the North American monsoon system (June– Amazon, and is particularly strong during austral winter
August) and the South American monsoon system (Espinoza et al. 2009). However, the station density in
(December–February; e.g., Vera et al. 2006). However, the Andes is low relative to the complexity of the to-
there are large disparities at the local scale (e.g., pography, so the spatial distribution of precipitation is
Laraque et al. 2007), due to local atmospheric processes poorly understood (Buytaert et al. 2006; Rollenbeck and

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TABLE 1. Description of meteorological in situ stations. Total precipitation during the 2014–15 period at each meteorological station
and total precipitation (mm) simulated by WRF at 1-km resolution. Note that for stations 12 and 18, we indicate the associated gridpoint
model used for the bias correction computations.

Precipitation Precipitation
Number Elev (m) Lon (8) Lat (8) obs (mm) WRF (mm)
Pacific coast
2 1985 278.78 20.21 8656 1568
22 1110 278.90 20.21 8954 6892
23 2028 278.82 20.25 6132 2140
1 2843 278.53 20.39 2447 1475
3 3447 278.54 20.20 2510 2478
4 2530 278.30 20.10 769 659
5 3317 278.17 20.06 835 972
6 2625 278.42 20.10 831 932
7 2576 278.32 20.16 1221 562
8 3021 278.42 20.43 2403 1992
9 3276 278.63 20.28 2886 1082
10 3498 278.52 20.16 2602 2368
11 2880 278.51 0.00 995 623
12 2949 278.14 0.00 1763 1835
13 2930 278.89 20.70 1694 2105
14 3705 278.43 20.56 2695 753
15 3157 278.63 20.72 1506 757
16 3035 278.66 20.83 962 839
17 4009 278.70 20.68 1203 1229
18 2828 278.23 0.00 1080 1327
20 2487 278.43 20.18 1699 948
21 3218 278.54 20.09 1824 695
24 3528 278.66 20.62 1989 690
26 4812 278.15 20.47 2255 2062
19 2390 277.93 20.67 8276 2297
25 1700 277.82 20.39 6261 1186

Bendix 2011; Manz et al. 2017). Precipitation in the respectively. Whereas the WRF Model is able to
highest elevation zones is particularly uncertain, as there reproduce a realistic precipitation variability in terms of
are few stations located above 3500 m (see Fig. 1, the diurnal cycle and seasonal cycle compared to ob-
Table 1). Thus, to understand how the water resources servations and satellite products, these studies have also
of this region might change in the future, an essential identified quantitative precipitation biases in the Andes,
first step is to establish a spatially complete picture of in terms of intensity (precipitation amounts) and occur-
current-day precipitation. rence (rainy/nonrainy days). Thus, before using WRF
In the Andes, global circulation models (GCMs) do outputs in climate impact studies, the application of
not have sufficient horizontal resolution to realistically bias correction methods of the simulated precipitation
simulate the complex Andean climate (IPCC 2013). For is crucial (Vrac and Friederichs 2015).
this reason, regional climate models (RCMs) are essential In the Andes the orographic gradients play an important
for simulating the local climate with high spatiotempo- role on the atmospheric processes. The WRF Model is able
ral resolution. In this study the Weather Research to reproduce two different spatial-scale mechanisms asso-
and Forecasting (WRF) Model is used. Several previ- ciated with the precipitation distribution (e.g., Ochoa et al.
ous studies have used the WRF Model in the Andes, 2014; Mourre et al. 2016; Junquas et al. 2018): local-scale
including the works developed by Ochoa et al. (2014), (e.g., valley and mountain winds) and synoptic-scale (e.g.,
Ochoa et al. (2016), Mourre et al. (2016), and Junquas low-level jet east of the Andes) circulation. The three
et al. (2018). Mourre et al. (2016) and Ochoa et al. (2016) previously defined climate regions in Ecuador (Pacific
compared WRF simulations to rainfall products de- coast, Andes, and Amazon) are differently affected by
rived from satellite products and in situ stations in these processes. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that
the Peruvian Andes and in the Ecuadorian Andes, the precipitation biases simulated by the WRF Model

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could also be affected differently by these different at- The motivation for developing an approach specialized for
mospheric processes in each climate region. Thus, it is precipitation is because of its particular property in terms
crucial to develop different statistical methods taking into of a large number of zeros (nonprecipitation events) in a
account this particular climate distribution, by focusing on daily time step. The principal advantage of this approach is
the spatial precipitation bias distribution. that it allows us to correct biases while avoiding separating
Our main objective in this study is to statistically the correction in terms of occurrence (number of rainy
correct the WRF outputs of precipitation at the daily days) and intensity of precipitation (quantity of pre-
time scale, during the 2-yr period in the Antisana region cipitation). Previously, the SSR approach has been used to
(2014–15). Considering the unique climate characteris- correct heat waves over France, as implemented by
tics of the region and the few observations, we decided Ouzeau et al. (2016), and in a multivariate quantile map-
to develop new methods by adapting statistical tools ping bias correction context to correct surface meteoro-
from the literature. The first method consists of model- logical variables from regional climate model outputs
ing the precipitation bias with a Gaussian process. This across a North American domain (Cannon 2018).
approach is also known as kriging in geostatistics and The CDF-t is a variant of the quantile-mapping tech-
takes into account the spatial statistical structure of a nique, which consists of mapping a model output x with
variable of interest. Several studies have been devel- CDF FX, to its corresponding observation y with CDF FY,
oped to correct the precipitation bias based on Gaussian through a function T (Piani et al. 2010; Vrac et al. 2016).
process models. For example, Hanchoowong et al. More precisely, considering T 5 FY 21 +FX , where FY21 is
(2012) developed a bias correction of radar rainfall the generalized inverse of FY , we thus obtain y 5 T(x) in
based on the kriging approach in Thailand; Müller and the sense that FY 5 FT (X ) [y is distributed as T(x)].
Thompson (2013) performed a bias adjustment of sat- Then, T can be modeled either parametrically or
ellite rainfall in Nepal, using kriging to interpolate pre- nonparametrically, and estimated from the data. If the
cipitation from in situ measures; and Mourre et al. data are stationary and consist of n independent re-
(2016) performed a precipitation interpolation based on alizations of x (resp. y), then T can be estimated by
kriging using as external drift the WRF simulation in FY21,n +FX ,n with FX ,n (FY ,n ) representing the empirical
the Cordillera Blanca (Peru). In Ecuador, the kriging CDF of x (resp. y). In that case, the procedure is known
method was already tested as a spatial interpolation as the empirical mapping procedure.
method on the Pacific coast (Ochoa et al. 2014) and in Usually, the CDF-t approach is used to correct model
the highlands (Buytaert et al. 2006) with in situ stations. predictions for future periods. We propose in this
They showed that using kriging interpolation with ele- paper a spatial adaptation of the CDF-t approach from a
vation as the external drift significantly improved the point-scale correction to a correction on any grid point,
performance of the method in these regions. In our partitioning the region of interest using a Voronoï dia-
study, the novelty of our approach is to apply kriging to gram of the stations (see section 3 for more details).
the daily precipitation bias instead of the precipitation Voronoï diagrams, also known as Thiessen polygons,
amount, as is classically done. We will show that this have been widely used in meteorological applications.
adaptation is particularly useful in regions where dif- As, for example, in Buytaert et al. (2006), spatial in-
ferent precipitation regimes coexist, as is the case in our terpolation of precipitation with Thiessen polygons in
region with the Amazon and Andean climates. the south Ecuadorian Andes is performed. In Ly et al.
The second approach generalizes the quantile– (2011), spatial interpolation is performed in the Ourthe
quantile method (e.g., Déqué 2007) and is based on the and Ambleve catchments in Belgium.
cumulative distribution function transform (hereafter This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we present
CDF-t) with the Singularity Stochastic Removal (SSR) the data used in the study and the WRF simulation char-
approach developed by Vrac et al. (2016). The proba- acteristics. In section 3 we describe the new methods of
bilistic approach CDF-t has been used in many appli- precipitation bias corrections. We analyze the results and
cations, including correction of the punctual daily wind the intercomparison between them in section 4. Finally, we
speed and regional downscaling (e.g., Michelangeli summarize the main results and conclude in section 5.
et al. 2009; Vrac and Vaittinada 2017). This approach
has also been applied to correct the biases of differ-
ent atmospheric variables, such as temperature, pre- 2. Data
cipitation, and relative humidity (e.g., Colette et al.
a. In situ data
2012; Vrac et al. 2012). Vrac et al. (2016) proposed
SSR, which is a modification of the CDF-t method We use daily data from 26 in situ meteorological sta-
for bias correction specifically designed for precipitation. tions with elevations that range from 1110 to 4812 m,

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during the 2014–15 period. All of the stations with the 4 km in latitude) and at the same elevation. Because the
exception of station 26 were installed and are managed main idea of this study is to test bias correction meth-
by the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology odologies, we decided to include these two stations for
of Ecuador (INAMHI). The stations from the INAMHI these tests by assigning their corresponding model grid
are of a tipping-bucket type, and the highest is station latitudes as 0.018 to avoid the boundary zone of the
17 at 4009 m. The INAMHI data quality is routinely model (see section 2c). Originally, station number 12
controlled, using the standard procedures in use by was situated at the latitude 0.058 and station number 18
meteorological services worldwide. Based on in situ was situated at the latitude 0.038, corresponding to 4 km
observations, Francou et al. (2004) determined the and 2 km from the model limit, respectively. We per-
snowfall/rainfall limit at 4900 m close to the snout of the formed a statistical analysis (not shown) that confirmed
Ecuadorian glaciers. This elevation corresponds to a that these precipitation time series of the WRF 1-km
temperature threshold equal to 0.58. All the stations grid points are significantly correlated to the corre-
from the INAMHI network are situated below 4009 m, sponding in situ stations time series in terms of occur-
so we do not observe snowfall at the INAMHI stations rence and intensity, even considering some kilometer
(see Table 1). Station number 26, belonging to the lags, highlighting that precipitation variability is homo-
National Observation Service (SNO) GLACIOCLIM geneous in this small region.
(a project studying the relationship between glaciers and
b. CHIRPS satellite product
climate), is situated at 4812 m. Snowfall is frequent at
this altitude, and some care must be taken to reduce the Satellite-based rainfall estimates such as the Climate
uncertainty of the measurement. First, the gauge should Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Station Data
be adapted to measure any type of hydrometeor (solid (CHIRPS; Climate Hazards Group 1981; Funk et al.
or liquid). Second, the problem of undercatch, princi- 2015) provide an opportunity for a wide range of hy-
pally caused by wind, must be addressed. In the present drological applications, from water resource modeling
study, we used data issued from a Geonor gauge; this to monitoring of extreme events, such as droughts and
type the gauge is a weighting device specifically designed floods. CHIRPS is a continental rain dataset that com-
to measure all the hydrometeor types and is suitable for bines satellite and rain gauges data with a spatial reso-
both solid and liquid precipitation. To reduce the lution of 0.058 3 0.058. CHIRPS uses the global cold
problem of undercatch principally caused by wind ef- cloud duration (CCD) as a thermal infrared method to
fects, we use the correction proposed by Forland et al. estimate the global precipitation. Then, the product
(1996), depending on the air temperature and wind ve- TRMM-3B42 V7 is used to calibrate the precipitation
locity. The detailed procedure for the data treatment is estimated by the global CCD. Finally, gauge stations
provided in Wagnon et al. (2009). At the regional scale are used to calibrate the estimations of precipitation
for the whole Andean zone defined in the study, the (Paccini et al. 2018). Recent studies note that, at daily
snowfalls are not very important if one considers the time steps or for arid environments, important biases
surface of the ground located higher than 4900 m (less exist in these rainfall estimations (Herold et al. 2017;
than 1% of the total area). Paredes-Trejo et al. 2017). Furthermore, Bai et al.
Figure 1 shows a map with the locations of the sta- (2018) used the CHIRPS product in mountainous
tions. The study area is divided into three regions cor- regions in China and concluded that the ability of
responding to three regions of Ecuador (see section 1): CHIRPS to detect snowfall was limited. More generally,
the region located on the Pacific coast side (hereafter this product has known biases, including underestima-
Pacific coast) formed by stations 2, 22, and 23; the tion of extreme precipitation events (Funk et al. 2015).
Amazon, formed by stations 19 and 25; and the Andes, In our study, the use of the precipitation satellite prod-
formed by the remaining 21 stations. Most stations are uct CHIRPS for the period of 2014–15 allows for a
located in the Andes (81%), with 11% on the Pacific graphical evaluation of the corrected gridded precipi-
coast and 8% in the Amazon. Table 1 presents a de- tation products. Indeed, this product provides good
scription of the location and accumulated precipitation spatial patterns at seasonal or annual scales (Zambrano-
for the period 2014–15 for each meteorological station. Bigiarini et al. 2017). Thus, we use this dataset for a
The meteorological stations located in the Amazon reg- spatially complete qualitative comparison, but only in
istered the highest total precipitation values (with total an approximate sense.
precipitation greater than 6000 mm in the two years).
c. WRF simulation and its biases
Because very few in situ stations were available in this
region, we included two stations (numbers 12 and 18) The WRF Model version 3.7.1 (Skamarock et al. 2008)
situated very close to the limits of the domain (less than is used to simulate high-resolution precipitation for the

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FIG. 2. Mean daily precipitation (mm day21) during the 2014–15 period of the four nested domains of the WRF simulation (a) WRF
27 km, (b) WRF 9 km, (c) WRF 3 km, and (d) WRF 1 km. The exact WRF domain, the WRF domain without the lateral boundary zone
(purple box), and the stations (red dots) are shown in (d). Note that for stations 12 and 18, we indicate the associated gridpoint model used
for the bias correction computations.

period 2014–15 in the studied region. The model is less pronounced (not shown). We decided to employ the
nonhydrostatic and uses a terrain-following vertical co- cumulus parameterization in the four domains because,
ordinate (sigma). The WRF Model is established with in our tests, the convection-permitting experiment (no
four one-way nested domains (27, 9, 3, and 1 km; see cumulus scheme activated at 3 and 1 km) exhibited the
Fig. 2). The outer domain is forced by the NCEP-FNL greatest bias, with a precipitation overestimation of
reanalyses (18 3 18). The simulation outputs of the in- more than 300% in the Andes compared to station data
nermost domain (1 km 3 1 km) are used for this study. (not shown). This result confirms the results of a recent
The in situ data for each station are compared with the paper that did not find precipitation improvements
closest 1-km grid point of the WRF simulation. As using convection permitting in WRF forecasting sim-
mentioned in section 2a, for two stations (numbers 12 ulations in the Peruvian Andes region (Moya-Álvarez
and 18), the closest inner-domain grid point was con- et al. 2018).
sidered to avoid the northern lateral boundary zone of As the surface model, we use the Noah multiphysics
the model (five grid points of specified and relaxation model with a snow option (snf_opt 5 2; Niu et al. 2011;
zone; see Fig. 2d). The four domains are configured with Yang et al. 2011) as previously tested in the Cordillera
30 sigma levels in the atmosphere, and the top model is Blanca in Peru (Mourre et al. 2016). The longwave and
configured at 50 hPa, as it was already used in previous shortwave radiation options are the RRTM (Mlawer
studies in the tropical Andes (Junquas et al. 2018; Moya- et al. 1997) and Dudhia scheme (Dudhia 1989), re-
Álvarez et al. 2018). The output time resolutions are 6, spectively. The surface layer parameterization is MM5
3, 3, and 1 h for the first, second, third, and fourth do- similarity (Paulson 1970). We used the Shuttle Radar
mains, respectively. Topography Mission (SRTM; Farr et al. 2007) digital
Some options for the dynamical and physical param- elevation model instead of the U.S. Geological Survey
eterizations were previously tested to provide better (USGS) data as topographic forcing, as suggested by
precipitation results in the region of interest (not preliminary studies.
shown). The chosen parameterizations are described as We compared the in situ observations and the WRF
follows. We use the Yonsei University scheme (Hong simulations and found that they are biased (see Fig. 3).
et al. 2006) as the planetary boundary layer option, The mean bias per station is 1.89 mm day21 during the
with a wind topographic correction for the complex two years, with a minimum of 0.04 mm day21 (achieved
surface terrain (Jiménez and Dudhia 2012), that has al- at station 17) and a maximum of 9.72 mm day21 (station
ready been used in previous studies using the WRF 2). During 2014, the mean relative bias is an underesti-
Model in the Andes (Mourre et al. 2016; Junquas et al. mation of 20%, its maximum underestimation is 80%
2018). The microphysical parameterization is from Lin (station 2), and the maximum overestimation is regis-
et al. (1983), and the cumulus scheme is from Grell and tered at station 6 (47%). During 2015, the mean relative
Dévényi (2002). Preliminary tests have been performed bias is an underestimation of 42%, with a maximum
with other parameterizations, and this configuration was underestimation of 85% (station 2), and the maximum
chosen because the precipitation bias in the Andes was overestimation is 23%, registered at station 13.

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FIG. 3. WRF precipitation relative biases for (a) 2014 and (b) 2015 (% of relative error). Note that for stations 12
and 18, we indicate the associated gridpoint model used for the bias correction computations.

The biases are more evident in the Amazon, where un- BIAS 5 WRF simulation 2 observation . (1)
derestimations of approximately 8.20 and 6.96 mm day21
are obtained for stations 19 and 25. The biases of the
2014 and 2015 periods are slightly different because Then, at each point where there is no observation, we
during 2014, there is strong overestimation of the d ) and compute the
obtain a prediction of the bias (BIAS
simulated precipitation at some stations of the Andes d ) value as follows:
predicted precipitation (Precip
(stations 3, 6, and 18), in contrast to 2015, when un-
derestimations are obtained for most of the stations d
Precip 5 WRF simulation 2 BIAS
d. (2)
(except for 13 and 17). It is clear from these figures that
the spatial bias variability strongly depends on the pe- We refer to the work of Marrel et al. (2008) for a
riod under consideration. The spatial distribution of the presentation of Gaussian process modeling [also see
bias in 2015 (Fig. 3b) appears more homogeneous than the work of Oakley and O’Hagan (2002)]. Consider
the one in 2014 (Fig. 3a). This contrast is explained by that n observations of a phenomenon are registered
different local influences of atmospheric processes on at n different locations (e.g., the bias precipitation
the interannual variability in the region of the Andes. registered in n stations of the region under study).
The interannual variability is part of the complexity of We consider in the following that each observa-
the spatiotemporal precipitation distribution in the tion y(x) is registered at point x 5 (x1 , x2 ) 2 R2 (the
Ecuadorian Andes. Note that some biases identified in coordinates of x correspond to the longitude and lati-
the WRF simulations could potentially be caused by tude of the station), endowed with the usual Euclidean
errors in the in situ observations. distance. The set of points where the observations
are collected is denoted by xs 5 (x(1) , . . . , x(n) ) with
x(1) , . . . , x(n) 2 R2 (in our study, each x corresponds
3. Bias correction methods to a station). The set of observations of the phenome-
non is denoted by ys 5 (y(1) , . . . , y(n) ) with y(i) 5 y(x(i) ).
Two methods for bias correction are adapted and
The Gaussian process modeling consists of repre-
analyzed in this study. The first one is to model the WRF
senting y(x) as a realization of a random function Y(x)
bias with a Gaussian process model, also known as
such that
kriging, and the second one is a time series preprocess-
ing and spatial adaptation of the CDF-t method. The Y(x) 5 f (x) 1 Z(x) 1 U(x) , (3)
methods are described in sections 3a and 3b, and we
present the criteria used to evaluate the performance of where Z(x) is a centered stationary Gaussian process;
the two approaches that are used (section 3c) in the U(x) represents the noise in the observations and is a
results section (section 4). centered stationary Gaussian process with a diagonal
covariance structure; and f (x) is a deterministic function
a. Gaussian process modeling
that represents the tendency, also known as the external
The first method implemented is to model the WRF drift, in which linear combinations of longitude, latitude,
biases using a Gaussian process model; Fig. 4 presents and elevation are commonly used. More generally, it is
the flowchart of our method. In the following, we define constructed as a finite linear combination of k elemen-
bias as follows: tary functions:

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FIG. 4. Flowchart for the two approaches: (a) spatial CDF-t and (b) GP model.

k correlation function depends only on the difference

f (x) 5 å bj fj (x) 5 F(x)b , (4) between x and u.
In this study, we used the Matérn covariance functions
where b 5 (b0 , . . . , bk )T is the regression parameter because they are stationary and commonly used in
vector and F(x) 5 [f0 (x), . . . , fk (x)]. The function f (x) spatial statistics studies due to their flexibility (Paciorek
allows the addition of an external drift into the model- and Schervish 2006), and they are defined follows:
ing, and this is advantageous because it allows a non- pffiffiffiffiffi !n pffiffiffiffiffi !
stationary global modeling framework; in other words, 1 2n 2n
K(x, u) 5 jx 2 uj Kn jx 2 uj ,
the variable Y does not need to be stationary but the G(n)2n21 k k
variable Z is assumed to be stationary.
The Gaussian centered process Z(x) has the following (6)
a covariance function:
where Kn is the modified Bessel function of second kind
Cov[Z(x), Z(u)] 5 K(x 2 u) 5 s R(x 2 u) ,
(5) of order n . 0, k is a positive parameter that represents
the characteristic length scale, and G is the Gamma
where x, u 2 R2 (in our application, u also corresponds function (Rasmussen and Williams 2005). The Euclid-
to the longitude and latitude coordinates of a station), s2 ean distance, written as jx 2 uj, is used.
is the variance of Z, and R is its correlation function. The The aim of Gaussian process modeling is to estimate
process Z is stationary because it is considered that its the prediction of Y for a new grid point x*. In our study,

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Gaussian process modeling is applied to estimate the and the Mann–Kendall test (where H0 indicates that
bias at grid points at which there is no station. In our the time series do not have a monotonic trend; Mann
application, the bias is first computed for annual aver- 1945; Kendall 1948). The p value results of the KPSS
ages to assess the accuracy of four models constructed and Mann–Kendall tests are less than 0.1 and 0.05,
by the combination of three commonly used drifts respectively, for all the observed and simulated time
(longitude, latitude, and elevation) and to choose one series, meaning that the time series are nonstationary
of them. Hereafter, they are referred to as the GP due to a unit root (autocorrelation close to 1) and
model with drift longitude, latitude, and elevation dependent. It is thus necessary to perform differenti-
(GP1longitude1latitude1elevation), the GP model ation and subsampling. More precisely, we applied
with drift longitude and latitude (GP1longitude1latitude), the following preprocessing: we calculated DXts 5
the GP model with drift longitude (GP1longitude,) and Xts 2 Xt21
and DYts 5 Yts 2 Yt21s
to stationarize the time
the GP model with drift elevation (GP1elevation). series, and we used subsampling to eliminate the au-
Then, we computed the daily bias using the GP with the tocorrelation. The manner in which we performed
selected drift to obtain a corrected daily precipitation subsampling is the following: as the autocorrelation
product. length was estimated to k 5 2, we skipped one obser-
vation out of two.
b. Spatial adaptation of the CDF-t method
As already mentioned, the main issue of bias correc-
Historically, the CDF-t method has been applied as a tion for precipitation data is the treatment of the rainfall
statistical downscaling method and to correct future occurrences. To solve this issue, Vrac et al. (2016) pro-
time series from GCMs outputs. In our study, the CDF-t posed changing the null precipitation data for a uniform
method aims at relating CDFs of a climate variable distribution. In our case, we corrected the differentiated
(here the precipitation) from WRF simulation outputs time series of precipitation, and thus we adapted the
to the CDF of this variable from the in situ observation. SSR to our framework. More precisely, we performed
However, instead of applying the correction over fu- the following steps on our data:
ture time series, we adapt the method to correct the
Step 1: Determine a threshold u such that
grid points of the domain, even where there is no asso-
ciated observation. We call this approach a spatial ad-
aptation of the CDF-t method. The main idea is to u 5 min inf fjDXts jg, inf fjDYts jg . (7)
t$1,jDXts j 6¼ 0 t$1,jDYts j 6¼ 0
partition the region under study (see Fig. 1) into
‘‘neighboring subregions,’’ in such a manner that every Step 2: Each time DXts 5 0 (DYts 5 0), we simulate a
subregion contains a station. We are going to assume value y from the uniform distribution U[2u, u] and
that the precipitation biases in these subregions behave we replace DXts (DYts ) with the sampled value.
Such a step avoids separating the correction of the
To define the subregions, we divide the region using a
partition based on Voronoï diagrams. This method is occurrences from the one of the intensities (Vrac
a simple way to define subregions, that is, applicable to et al. 2016).
any mountain region with few complete in situ pre- Step 3: Nonparametrically estimate the mapping
cipitation time series, as in our case. In addition, as there FDY s (FDX s ) using, for example, the R package

is no spatial smoothing, it has the advantage of con- developed by Vrac (2015) (see also Michelangeli
serving the spatial coherence of the physical processes et al. 2009). The mapping will be denoted by T^s in
simulated by the WRF Model inside each subregion.
the following.
Another advantage of using Voronoï diagrams is their
simplicity and low computational cost, which allow them In this paper, we do not aim at correcting the
to be used with large volumes of data. bias for future predictions, but we want to correct the bias
At a given station s, let us denote Xts the model sim- at any grid point where no observation is available.
ulation at time t and Yts its corresponding observa- Therefore, we construct a Voronoï diagram based on
tion. The time series under study are nonstationary seeds composed with the stations. For each station
and autocorrelated, hence the standard empirical map- (seed) there is a corresponding region consisting of
ping cannot be used directly (see section 1). Indeed, we all points closer to that seed than to any other. In this
performed the usual statistical hypothesis testing pro- manner, we obtain as many regions as the initial
cedures to detect nonstationarity: the Kwiatkowski– number of stations, let us say S . For s 5 1, . . . , S , we
Phillips–Schmidt–Shin (KPSS) test (where H0 indicates construct following step 3 a mapping T^s from time se-
the time series is stationary; Kwiatkowski et al. 1992), ries Xts and Yts . We then assume that the mapping is

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FIG. 5. Time series treatment for a Pacific coast station (station 22), an Andes station (Antisana station 26), and an Amazon station
(station 25). (a),(e),(i) Original time series (Xt in red and Yt in blue); (b),(f),(j) differentiated observed time series DYt ; (c),(g),(k)
differentiated simulated time series DXt ; and (d),(h),(l) CDFs of observation (Obs.; red), simulation (Simu.; blue), and CDF-t correction
(Corr.; green).

constant on each Voronoï cell. We then proceed with the works of Maussion et al. (2011), Ochoa et al. (2014),
following steps: Mourre et al. (2016), and Vrac et al. (2016).
Step 4: At any grid point, let us consider the closest 1) CRITERIA RELATED TO THE OCCURRENCE
station s. We consider the time series DZt , where Zt
denotes the WRF simulation at time t. If the grid A day is considered as a ‘‘rainy day’’ if its daily pre-
point coincides with station s, then Zt 5 Xts . We cipitation value is greater than 1 mm day21. Note that
apply the following bias correction: other threshold values were tested, but the best agree-
ment between the WRF Model and in situ observations
was obtained with 1 mm day21 (not shown). In the fol-
Vt 5 Zt21 1 T^s (DZt ) . (8)
lowing, several measures that depend on the following
Step 5: The bias corrected data Vt lower than u are set four major parameters are used:
to 0. This step allows us to recover the correct d True positive (TP): Rainy day identified by WRF as a
occurrence of 0 precipitation. rainy day.
As an illustration of the procedure, Fig. 5 shows for d True negative (TN): Nonrainy day identified by WRF
three stations (one for each region) the original time as a nonrainy day.
series (Xt and Yt ), the differentiated ones (DXt and d False positive (FP): Nonrainy day identified by WRF
DYt ), and the CDFs of the observation, simulation, and as a rainy day.
CDF-t correction (more details are presented in d False negative (FN): Rainy day identified by WRF as
section 4b). a nonrainy day.

c. Evaluation criteria to compare the two approaches The false alarm rate (FAR) is defined as the incorrect
number of rainy days simulated divided by the total
To compare the accuracy of the rainfall products number of rainy days simulated:
created by these two methods (Gaussian process mod-
eling and spatial CDF-t approach), we have computed FP
various criteria concerned with occurrences (number FAR 5 . (9)
of rainy/nonrainy days) and intensity of precipitation
(precipitation quantity). These criteria are commonly The probability of detection (POD) is defined
used in the literature; for example, they were used in the as the ratio between the number of rainy days

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simulated correctly and the total number of rainy observed precipitation at the same station i, and x is the
days observed: observed mean. These criteria should be computed
on a set of stations independent from the ones used to
TP learn the statistical model. However, we used all the
POD 5 . (10)
TP 1 FN stations to train the model (Gaussian process or CDF-t);
thus, (13), (14), and (15) will be computed by cross
The probability of false detection (PODF) is the ratio
validation in the following. The leave-one-out cross
between the number of rainy days incorrectly simulated
validation consists of splitting the data into two
to the number of nonrainy days of the observation:
groups: a group composed with all the stations except
one, which is used as learning sample, and another
PODF 5 . (11) group whose sole element is the remaining station, on
which the model is validated. Then, the procedure is
And finally, the Heidke skill score (HSS) is calculated as averaged on all such leave-one-out splits. For example,
for Q2,
S 2 Sref
HSS 5 , (12) n
1 2 Sref å (xk 2 x^2k (k) )
1 2 k51n , (16)
where S 5 (TP 1 TN)/n and Sref 5 [(TP 1 FP)(TP 1 FN)
å (x 2 xk )2
1 (FP 1 TN)(FN 1 TN)]/n2 . It could be interpreted as k51
the ability of the simulation to be better or worse than a 2(k)
random simulation. A perfect product should have a where x^k is the prediction at station number k, when
FAR value of 0, a POD value of 1, a 0 PODF value, and the model is trained by the n 2 1 remaining stations.
an HSS value of 1.
4. Results
The principal results that we obtained are presented in
The following criteria are used to evaluate the accu- this section. Sections 4a and 4b are devoted to the results
racy of the gridded products in terms of intensity: the for the GP modeling and spatial CDF-t. In section 4c we
Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test is a nonparametric test present the intercomparison between both approaches.
to compare two distributions; the maximal difference All the analysis and methods implementation were
between them is calculated. The Spearman correlation performed in R (R Core Team 2015).
coefficient, the root-mean-square error (RMSE), and
the mean bias are computed. It is important for the a. Gaussian process modeling
precipitation to also know the percentage of data that We implemented the GP models using the R pack-
is greater than the 0.95 percentile of the observation and in age gstat developed in Pebesma (2004) and Gräler
the case of a good precipitation product, it should be close et al. (2016). We evaluated the four GP models to
to 5% (hereafter referred to as Q95). Finally, the pre- select an external drift using a cross-validation leave-
dictivity squared correlation coefficient Q2 is computed. It one-out framework. Table 2 presents the cross-
measures the predictive ability of the statistical model: validation results for the four corrected precipitation
gridded products. All of the four proposed GP models
mean bias 5
å (^xi 2 xi ) , (13) exhibit better results than the uncorrected WRF out-
i51 puts in terms of the criteria of section 3c (mean, bias,
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi RMS, and correlation; see Table 2). However, in
1 n general, the GP1longitude1latitude model obtains
RMSE 5 å (^x 2 xi )2 ,
n i51 i
and (14)
the best results in terms of all of the criteria (bias,
RMSE, correlation, and Q2). In terms of predictability
(Q2), the GP1
å (xi 2 x^i )2 longitude1latitude model exhibits the highest values,
Q2 5 1 2 i51
n , (15)
but the GP1elevation model values are not signifi-
å (x 2 xi )2 cantly different. The GP1longitude1latitude1elevation
model yields the lowest predictability values. Thus, this
where x^i is the prediction of the precipitation (using one last model most likely overfits the data, whereas more
of the approaches described before) at station i, xi is the parsimonious models have better predictive ability.

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TABLE 2. Cross-validation leave-one-out results of annual precipitation for the four GP models over the WRF bias proposed with four
different drifts. The criteria are calculated for the 2014 and 2015 periods separately. The bold text indicates the best criteria.

2014 2015
Bias RMSE Correlation Q2 Bias RMSE Correlation Q2
WRF 1.77 2.89 0.59 2.19 3.67 0.65
GP1longitude1latitude1alt. 1.71 2.31 0.71 0.44 1.56 2.14 0.80 0.65
GP1longitude1latitude 1.48 2.14 0.76 0.56 1.31 2.08 0.84 0.71
GP1longitude 1.50 2.14 0.76 0.49 1.32 2.11 0.84 0.64
GP1elevation 1.68 2.30 0.72 0.56 1.72 2.29 0.78 0.70

Analyzing the two years separately, it is found that the precipitation in this region (e.g., approximately 3000 mm yr21
predictive ability is better in 2015 for the four models. at station 25). On the Pacific coast, the border of the
However, for some criteria the values are not signifi- polygon associated with station 22 is marked because it
cantly different for each year, such as for RMSE values has recorded higher precipitation values. On the con-
for GP1longitude and for GP1elevation. In addition, trary, the polygon borders around the Andes are not
for the GP1elevation model the mean bias is higher for visible in most of the cases because the biases in the
2015 than for 2014. Longer periods are necessary to Andes were quite homogeneous (see Figs. 3a,b). There-
adequately analyze the choice of the external drift pa- fore, in the Andes, the spatial CDF-t approach yields
rameters on the results, which is beyond of the scope realistic results by conserving the precipitation phys-
of this study considering that we only have available ical gradients simulated by WRF. A homogeneous
data spanning a 2-yr period. Therefore, we chose the station distribution could increase the accuracy of the
GP1longitude1latitude model and used a Matérn co- method by taking into account more physical vari-
variance function to correct the daily precipitation by ables in addition to geometrical properties. Figure 6b
using separate daily variograms described in Gräler shows the mean daily precipitation of the gridded
et al. (2012) because this model yields the best results products WRF, CHIRPS, and CDF-t and their linear
for both years of analysis. Figure 6a shows the mean regression lines. The R2 coefficient of CDF-t (0.89) is
daily precipitation of the gridded products WRF and better than that of WRF (0.38). Figures 7d–f show the
CHIRPS, and the cross-validation results of the GP accumulated precipitation of WRF, the spatial CDF-t
compared to the mean daily precipitation of the station. correction, and the precipitation registered in the obser-
Their respective linear regression lines are drawn. The vation of stations from each of the three regions (Fig. 7d
R2 value of the linear regression of WRF is 0.38, that of shows Pacific coast station 22, Fig. 7e shows Andes station
GP is 0.62, and that of CHIRPS is 0.70, which means that 26, and Fig. 7f shows Amazon station 25). At the
the results of the cross validation of GP are better than Pacific coast station, the WRF simulation and its correc-
WRF. Figures 7a–c show the accumulated precipitation tion are similar; there is a slight increase in the pre-
of WRF, the GP correction in cross validation, and the cipitation in the correction to obtain a value closer to the
precipitation registered at the three stations (Fig. 7a observation (see Fig. 7d). The correction applied to the
shows Pacific coast station 22, Fig. 7b shows Andes Andes station is also slight because the biases registered
station 26, and Fig. 7c shows Amazon station 25). At the at these stations are low (see Fig. 7e). The correction for
Pacific coast and the Andes stations, the corrections the Amazon station is more evident due to the high un-
yield an overestimation of the precipitation (see Figs. 7a,b), derestimation obtained by WRF (see Fig. 7f).
and at the Amazon station, the correction increases the
c. Intercomparison between the two methods
precipitation to correct the underestimation simulated
by WRF (see Fig. 7c). After analyzing separately the implementation of
the spatial CDF-t approach and the GP correction
b. Spatial CDF-t
methods, we now present an intercomparison between
The procedure described in section 3b is applied. these different bias corrections using the cross-
The Voronoï diagram is calculated (Fig. 8f) and validation leave-one-out approach. We use the criteria
maps of mean of daily precipitation are presented in from section 3c to compare the two correction
Figs. 8a–e (the stations, CHIRPS, WRF, GP, and approaches (GP and spatial CDF-t) and WRF. The
CDF-t, respectively). The Voronoï diagram borders GP model used for these results is GP1latitude1
are marked in the Amazon due to the inhomogeneous longitude, as it was shown to outperform the other GP
distribution of the stations and also high underestimated models tested in Table 2.

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FIG. 6. Scatterplots of gridded product mean daily precipitation (CHIRPS and WRF) and (a) GP and (b) CDF-t results using cross
validation vs the stations mean daily precipitation (mm day21).

The criteria related to the occurrence are shown in (WRF has a mean of 0.23, spatial CDF-t has 0.21, and
Fig. 9. The spatial CDF-t method yields results similar to GP has 0.22), and the HSS criterion is more stable for
WRF in terms of the FAR (mean of 0.47 and 0.45, re- GP since its variance is less than those of the other
spectively) and PODF criteria (spatial CDF-t has a products (GP has a standard deviation of 0.09, spatial
mean of 0.21 and WRF 0.23); meanwhile, the GP result CDF-t has 0.12, and WRF has 0.11; see Fig. 9d). The
is worst (mean of 0.53 in FAR and 0.51 in PODF). The POD criterion is highly improved by GP (0.79 versus
HSS results are similar for the three spatial products 0.49 for the spatial CDF-t).

FIG. 7. The accumulated precipitation (mm) of the WRF, GP/CDF-t, and the in situ stations of three regions. GP is evaluated in a cross-
validation leave-one-out framework. (a),(d) Pacific coast (station 22); (b),(e) Andes (station 26); and (c),(f) Amazon (station 25).

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FIG. 8. Mean of daily precipitation maps (mm day21) during 2014–15 and Voronoï diagram. (a) Observations in situ, (b) CHIRPS,
(c) WRF simulation, (d) GP model, (e) spatial CDF-t, and (f) Voronoï diagram. The stations are represented by green circles. Note that
for station 12 and 18, we indicate the associated gridpoint model used for the bias correction computations.

The results related to the precipitation intensity are 0.04 for spatial CDF-t) values are slightly improved
shown in Fig. 10. The KS criterion is improved with the in GP.
spatial CDF-t (a mean of 0.21 versus 0.38 for GP) but The CHIRPS daily mean map is displayed in Fig. 8b.
the results exhibit a high variability (a standard de- Because of well-known quantitative biases in the tropi-
viation of 0.2, and GP has a standard deviation of 0.15). cal Andes (up to 80%; e.g., Espinoza et al. 2015), we use
The RMSE criterion is similar for the two products only these data to visually compare the spatial pre-
(spatial CDF-t has a mean of 7.78, GP has 7.16, and cipitation patterns. When visually comparing both cor-
WRF has 7.78). However, on the contrary, the Spear- rected products, it seems that the GP model (Fig. 8d) is
man correlation (GP has a mean of 0.38 vs 0.24 for more similar to the satellite than the spatial CDF-t
spatial CDF-t) and Q95 (GP has a mean value of 0.05 vs (Fig. 8e) in the Andes, mainly due to the sharp

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FIG. 9. Box plots of criteria related to precipitation occurrence (rainy/nonrainy events) for three gridded
products: WRF, spatial CDF-t, and GP (GP1longitude1latitude), using a cross-validation leave-one-out frame-
work. (a) FAR criterion (ideal value 0), (b) POD criterion (1), (c) PODF criterion (0), and (d) HSS criterion (1).

discontinuities at the polygon borders on the eastern bias correction method. This orographic limit is visually
slope. However, in the Amazon the GP model shows a well represented with the GP method, compared with
zone of maximum precipitation in the southeast of the the satellite. Whereas the spatial CDF-t is visually un-
domain that is not observed in the satellite data. How- realistic on the eastern slope of the Andes due to the
ever, given that, the satellite data are biased and there polygon limits, in the Andes above 2000 m it seems to be
are no data in this part of the region, so this result could able to conserve the spatial patterns of WRF. In addi-
be uncertain. A strong gradient of precipitation is evi- tion, the CDF of the WRF Antisana grid point is very
dent in the eastern slope of the Andes in both the GP similar to the Antisana station CDF (Fig. 5h), and the
model and the satellite data. This gradient depends on relative bias is very weak (Fig. 3). We then expect that,
the elevation and the presence of local atmospheric in this particular region, no large quantitative bias cor-
valley processes (e.g., Egger et al. 2005; Junquas et al. rection should be applied. However, whereas the spatial
2018). Previous studies have found that the WRF Model CDF-t clearly exhibits very little quantitative correction
is able to reproduce some local valley processes in the in this region, the GP model exhibits increased pre-
tropical Andes (e.g., Mourre et al. 2016; Junquas et al. cipitation, generating an overestimation compared to
2018). Therefore, it is important to take into account the observations (see Figs. 7a,b). The spatial CDF-t
that such WRF spatial patterns should be preserved in a method seems then to be adapted to the upper parts of

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FIG. 10. Box plots of criteria related to precipitation intensity for three gridded products: WRF, spatial CDF-t,
and GP (GP1longitude1latitude) using a cross-validation leave-one-out framework. (a) KS, (b) RMSE,
(c) Spearman correlation, and (d) Q95.

the Andes (above about 2000 m), where relatively low modeling the daily WRF biases through Gaussian process
precipitation values dominate compared to the Amazon (GP) models, and the second one was based on a spatial and
precipitation. In contrast, it is not recommended to use time series adaptation of the CDF-t method developed by
the spatial CDF-t in regions where a strong precipitation Michelangeli et al. (2009) and Vrac et al. (2016).
gradient exists. First, four GP models were proposed by using four
combinations of external drifts (generally used in studies
of this type, including latitude, longitude, and elevation
5. Conclusions and future work
variables) to model the annual accumulated bias during
The aim of this study was to correct the WRF simulation the years 2014 and 2015. The accuracy of the GP models
precipitation biases in the studied region. Then, the final was tested in a cross-validation leave-one-out frame-
gridded products of precipitation will be used as external work. Based on four criteria (bias, RMSE, correlation,
forcing data for hydrological and glaciological models to and Q2), the best model was GP with drift longitude and
understand water resources and glacier evolution in the latitude. Thus, we chose this model to correct the daily
Andes. Therefore, two methods of precipitation bias cor- precipitation by using separate daily variograms, as de-
rection were explored and adapted: the first one consisted of scribed in Gräler et al. (2012).

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We employed the SSR method with a time series ad- Voronoï diagram. One alternative to the Voronoï dia-
aptation to obtain the CDF estimations and a spatial gram could be the use of a functional clustering method
adaptation to obtain the correction in the region. The as in Antoniadis et al. (2012), where a curve-based
methods were compared in terms of criteria related to the clustering is used to reduce the data dimension for
occurrence (FAR, POD, PODF, and HSS) and criteria constructing a metamodel for West African monsoon.
related to the intensity (mean bias, Spearman correlation, The functional clustering method has the advantage of
KS, RMSE, Q2, and Q95). Compared with the WRF taking into account time-point correlations of time se-
product, the spatial CDF-t approach did not exhibit sig- ries spatial data (Antoniadis et al. 2012). However,
nificant changes, whereas the GP model correction in- available data with longer time series would be neces-
creased the daily rain number and the total accumulated sary to perform such an analysis in the Antisana region.
mean, improving (or worsening) significantly some in- These techniques could be further improved by defining
tensity (occurrence) statistical scores. In terms of spatial climate subregions with the same climate characteristics.
distribution, when considering the entire WRF domain, Unfortunately, such a subregion classification would
including the three climate regions (Pacific coast, Andes, require a longer time period and a more homogeneous
and Amazon), the GP correction yields a more realistic in situ station distribution than what is available now. The
distribution than the spatial CDF-t, because of the marked spatial CDF-t method could also be tested and improved in
polygon borders induced by this second method. However, other regions of the tropical Andes with a similar spatial
at local scale in the Andes, the spatial CDF-t method climate complexity but with a different temporal variabil-
seems to be more similar to the original WRF patterns. ity, such as regions of the Peruvian or Bolivian Andes
In the Andes, the orography is an important factor that where only one precipitation season occurs during the
influences precipitation. Whereas, the GP model with el- year. Since the CDF-t method was originally developed for
evation drift seems to be a good choice for mountainous correcting future predictions, this method could be
regions, it was not found to be the best GP model con- adapted to correct future simulations.
sidering our statistical scores. This could be because the
majority of our observational data are from the high ele- Acknowledgments. Within the CDP-Trajectories frame-
vations of the Andes, above 2000 m. This result shows that work, this work is supported by the French National
above this limit, the spatial precipitation pattern is more Research Agency in the framework of the ‘‘Investisse-
complex than a simple orographic gradient. Previous ments d’avenir’’ program (ANR-15-IDEX-02). The first
studies working with the WRF Model in tropical Andes author M.B.H. was funded by the IRD program LMI-
regions have demonstrated the importance of both local GREATICE and the OSUG@2020 labex. The simula-
mountain winds and synoptic conditions (e.g., Mourre tions presented in this paper were performed using the
et al. 2016; Junquas et al. 2018). In our study, the spatial Froggy platform of the CIMENT infrastructure (https://
CDF-t appears to be a bias correction method with a, which is supported by the
strong capacity for conserving the original spatial pre- Rh^ one-Alpes region (GRANT CPER07_13 CIRA),
cipitation pattern (only considering the Andes above the OSUG@2020 labex (reference ANR10 LABX56),
2000 m). Therefore, depending on the bias characteristics and the Equip@Meso project (reference ANR-10-
of the WRF simulation, the region of study, and the in- EQPX-29-01) of the programme Investissements
tended application for the final product, one method or the d’Avenir supervised by the Agence Nationale pour la
other should be used for bias correction. If the bias cor- Recherche. The authors thank INAMHI (Ecuador),
rection is to be applied in a large region including various Luis Maisincho, SNO GLACIOCLIM, and Antoine
climate characteristics with strong biases, the GP method Rabatel for the in situ stations data. The authors also
would be recommended. Otherwise, if the region is a re- thank Gérémy Panthou (IGE) and Théo Vischel (IGE)
duced domain with a relative uniform synoptic climate for useful discussions.
characteristics but strong influences of local atmospheric
processes well represented by the model, the spatial CDF-t
method would be preferred. REFERENCES
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