A Syllabus Didactics of Grammar

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Professor: Erika P.

Didactics of Grammar I Period, 2023


Didactics of Grammar- Tentative Syllabus

 Code: LIN - 4100
 Requirement: LIN – 3108 TESOL Theory and Methods
 Credits: 3 Theory 2 Practice 1 Independent work
 Class hour: Monday – Friday 05:00 – 06:00 P.M.
 Room: II-107
 Facilitator: Erika P. Bulnes García
 Email: erikabulnes@gmail.com Whatsapp: 3240-9046
 Facilitator´s Office Hours Day and Time (By Appointment Only)


This course provides the student with the theoretical foundation, as well as a reflective practice of
teaching grammar in ESL (English as a Second Language) or EFL (English as a Foreign Language)
environments. This course also provides a space for discussion on the role of grammar in the field of
foreign language teaching currently, being this such a controversial topic and still, a very debatable due to
the strong impact of the communicative approach. Students will apply techniques and resources to teach
grammar at different educational levels and document the process to know its effectiveness. They will
also do bibliographical research to deepen the study and analysis of topics related to the teaching of

III. Previous knowledge:

It is required that students have knowledge about basic concepts of education, Advanced grammar
knowledge; analysis of generative-transformational grammar; educational theories, methods and
approaches applied to language teaching; competences in academic writing; critical analysis.

IV. Learning outcomes

1. Clearly and originally organizes and describes the main concepts about the role of grammar in lan -
guage learning.
2. Interprets clearly the different approaches in the teaching of grammar.
3. Establishes the interaction between the concept of accuracy and fluency and integrates them into
his systemic vision of teaching.
4. Adopt new approaches in relation to the role of grammar in the teaching of writing.
5. Design classes taking the didactic criteria and principles discussed in class into account.
6. Efficiently execute class plans through micro-teachings.
7. Reflect on their performance in the classroom and assess the importance of learning and continu -
ous improvement.
8. Presents a bibliographic research essay with all its requirements
V. General Competences:
1. Ability of analysis and synthesis.
2. Ability to know and master English as a Foreign language.
3. Be able to work in team.
4. Ability to promote in students the development of autonomous, critical and creative learning
throughout their lives.
5. Ability to live in peace, promoting respect for diversity, multiculturalism and human rights.
6. Ability to demonstrate ethical attitude.
7. Ability to manage and operationalize teaching-learning strategies according to different contexts
and levels.

Año 2022: Año de la reforma curricular y la innovación educativa

Professor: Erika P. Bulnes
Didactics of Grammar I Period, 2023

V.a. Specific Competences:

1. Ability to demonstrate communicative competence through situations of academic, social and /
or cultural interest using strategic, discursive, sociolinguistic and grammatical elements.
2. Ability to know the linguistic aspects of English, recognize the changing nature of the language
and satisfy the concerns given in this process through their own learning.

V.b. Sub Competences:

1. Form a systemic vision on the role of grammar in relation to the historical evolution of the most
outstanding methods and approaches in language teaching.
2. Understand and analyze the different approaches in the teaching of grammar.
3. Differentiate the basic concepts of accuracy and fluency and understand the importance of both
in the process of acquiring a second language.
4. Apply grammar teaching knowledge in the teaching-learning processes of writing in an effective
and efficient way.
5. Apply a variety of teaching techniques and didactic resources in the teaching of grammar at differ-
ent levels or educational contexts.
6. Use audio-visual means in the expository presentations to be developed in the class in an appro-
priate and pertinent way.
7. Write research essays at a high level of complexity in a subject of great interest in the scientific
field related to the teaching of grammar.
8. Perform reflective educational practices that facilitate knowledge of their teaching styles and pro-
mote learning and continuous improvement.

VI. Teaching and methodology:

This class will be developed through an active-participative teaching methodology, eclectic orientation,
where the focus of tasks, project method, collaborative learning, method of problem solving, direct teach-
ing, micro-teaching, etc. will predominate. Each of the methods and approaches emphasizes learning by
doing and the use of critical thinking skills. Methodological strategies will be applied such as the following:
Demonstration classes, development of tasks and class projects, bibliographic research works, class dis-
cussions, educational practices, among others.

VII. Bibliography
1. Celce-Murcia, M., & Hilles, S. (1988). Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar. New York,
NY: Oxford University Press.
2. Hinkel, E., & Fotos, S. Eds. (2002). New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language
Classrooms. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
3. Richards, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press.
4. Ur, P. (1995). Grammar Practice Activities: A practical guide for teachers. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press.

Additional bibliography
1. Feingenbaum, Irwin (1985) The Grammar Handbook. Oxford University Press, New York. USA.

Additional resources (magazines, videos, movies):

1. Authentic magazines for native speakers. (People, Times, National Geographic, etc)
2. Documentary videos (The Incovenient Truth by Al Gore, etc., videos)
3. Movies of General Interest
4. Authentic materials / realia

Año 2022: Año de la reforma curricular y la innovación educativa

Professor: Erika P. Bulnes
Didactics of Grammar I Period, 2023

Diagnostic 2%
Oral presentation (discussion) 10% Microteaching (planning) 30%
Attendance/Participation (f-t-f/V) 5% Coursera course 10%
Classwork (reflection, Portfolio (Reflection) 8%
oral report, tasks, in-class modelling, Final exam 10%
class observation, quizzes, bibliographic
research) 25%
The grades will be discussed on a conference fashion, which means the Facilitator and the student, sitting
on one-on-one basis to agree on the grade. Students who do not attend this conference will have the
right for any claim after the grade is posted in the webpage registration system.

Academic Honesty
Academy honesty is fundamental to the activities and principles of a university. All members of the
academic community must be confident that each person’s work has been responsibly and honorably
acquired, developed, and presented. Any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is dishonest
whether the effort is successful or not. The academic community regards academic dishonesty and
plagiarism as an extremely serious matter with serious consequences.

Welcoming & Introducing
Application of the diagnostic test
Introduction of the course material
Discussion of the syllabus.
*Syllabus adaptation based on the initial process.
Coursera course
What is grammar?
Why should we teach grammar?
Basic principles for grammar teaching.
Reading. Nunan (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. Grammar: Principles for teaching grammar.
How to teach grammar from rules: Deductive Approach (rule-driven learning).
How to teach grammar through examples: Inductive Approach (rule discovery path).
Teaching grammar through texts: stories, songs, rhymes, poems
How to practice grammar: accuracy, fluency, restructuring
How to deal with grammar errors
How to integrate grammar
How to test grammar
How NOT to teach grammar
Micro teaching
Final test
Grade discussion

Año 2022: Año de la reforma curricular y la innovación educativa

Professor: Erika P. Bulnes
Didactics of Grammar I Period, 2023
This Calendar is flexible and it may change to meet this class´ needs and requirements.
Classroom rules and Guidelines for a Successful Time
* You will be added in a WhatsApp group to receive immediate academic notifications (8am-9pm).
a. Reading, analysis, active participation, and critical thinking are required to succeed in this class.
b. Read and follow instructions previous sending any task very carefully. Reading comprehension in English is
c. Attend classes and be punctual. Avoid absentees: if you have an emergency and fail to class you can bring an
excuse from DISE, however, you will lose class discussion and this may interfere your next class comprehen-
d. If by any reason the class is suspended, the activity for that day will be re-scheduled for the next day. It means
that tasks and activities will be rescheduled, too for the next day. Do NOT assume you don’t have to present
your tasks if class is rescheduled.
e. Study and read materials when requested on time.
f. Be punctual with your assignments, late work will not be checked and if they are, some points will be taken
off, even though you present a DISE excuse.
g. You must read assigned texts before coming to class. If you are not ready for the discussion, you will be asked
to leave the class.
h. Avoid asking for permission to go out during the class. Have your cell phone on vibration; if you need to attend
an urgent call, do it outside the classroom.
i. Be respectful at all time.
j. Be neat and organized. Check grammar and spelling before sending any online task.
k. Have your materials, assignments, and read materials ready for the class.

Thank you in advance for having in mind these guidelines, let’s enjoy and share a nice time learning and growing

Año 2022: Año de la reforma curricular y la innovación educativa

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