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Scarlett Schmalbach - 202022150


JBS strategy is focused on feeding the world and people with the best and increasingly
sustainable way, putting the well-being of its employees at the center of operations. It’s a
Brazilian organization that’s the World’s leader in animal protein processing. It operates in
more than 20 countries, with a base of 275 thousand customers in approximately 190
countries. It is center in beef, pork, sheep and poultry, dairy and meat products segments,
offering a wide range of products consisting of a lot of recognized brands in the world.
Their mission is being the best in this industry, delivering the best products and services to
their costumers budling on those trusts with their suppliers and creating value for their
shareholders by offering better future for the workplace. Their values go by having
Determination, Discipline, being sincere with humility and simplicity, all that by believing
in high quality products, achieving through hard work, and doing actions that speak louder
than their knowledge.

With revenues of $350.7 billion, EBITDA of $45.7 billion and net income of $20.5 billion
in 2021, their debt level is the lowest ever. These results demonstrate their operational
excellence and their ability to align short-term profits with growth. In fact, they continue to
invest heavily in organic expansion and acquisitions, supporting new job creation and
growth in the communities in which JBS operates. It’s important to mention, that they have
a wide range of products, including a lot of recognized ones, into those included Piligrims,
Pride, Swift, Bare, Seara, Moy, Park, Primo, Friboi, Dorian and Delicia. By having that, the
strategy on JBS market presence and expansion starts from being the largest multinationals
on variety of protein products affording a greater operational flexibility and lowering risk
by any barrier or health restriction.

JBS's growth has also brought responsibility as a leading global player for the food industry
to help address another Humanity's most urgent challenge: climate emergency. Because
they believe they need to change the way food is produced throughout the value chain. Our
way of life uses more resources than Soil can be regenerated, so their promise as a world
leader is to decarbonize their value chain from end to end when they implement best
practices on the ESG agenda.

The organization new business model is starting to being a pioneer in closing the loop using
industrial waste, driving innovation, improving efficiency and sustainable activates, also
promoting a circular economy. ¿How does that make impact in their value chain? JBS role
is fundamental in that because they transform the raw materials form other operations from
the company to create high added value products, for example, biodiesel, collagen
pharmaceuticals, processed meat casings, products fertilizers, and others… these products
are exported to more than 40 countries. Sustainability is integrated into their strategy as we
already mentioned by establishing a well management structure. In Brazil for example, they
have a corporate sustainable unit, and every company has their sustainable function, a
social and environmental responsible committee is tasked to make recommendations to the
board on strategic global issues.

They like to integrate their business model and strategy by putting ESG strategy, business
strategy and sustainable strategy one above the other. They are doing this by making clear
that their pillars are: Using natural resources responsibly, and minimizing environmental
impacts from their value chain, Protecting, and supporting the development of jbs
employees; Building a positive legacy for society by supporting the social and economic
development of the communities where they operate; and maintaining a robust and
transparent governance.

¿But how do they deliver this commitment? Well, they divided this pillars in three
important ESG aspects, which they are; First place, Environmental by implementing Net
Zero Commitment, Natural Resource Management, Investments in Renewable Energy,
Circular Economy, Biodiversity Projects and Responsible sourcing; Second place,
Governance by having Enforcement, Ethics, Board Independence, Diversity & Inclusion
and Global Policies; Finally on the third place, Social by making Animal Welfare,
Community engagement, Good Deeds Are Good Indeed, Hometown Strong, Better Future,
Germinare School, Supplier engagement, Employee Health and Safety.


- JBS. (2021). Annual Sustainability Report 2021.

- JBS Foods. (s. f.).

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