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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Editorial Issue 376

Thursday, 11 Rajab 1444

Allah Almighty revealed the characteristics tight-fisted." May their fists be tied and State considers all of the murtadd Arab
of the kaffir Jews in many verses of His they be condemned for what they said. rulers as part of the Jewish invasion of
wise Book, where He described them in And when they said: "Allah is poor; we are Palestine, equates all their interlocutors
minute detail. No doubt, the wisdom rich!"; as regards how they took Allah’s whether Qatari or Emirati, Arab or non-
behind these accurate divine descriptions words out of context and changed His Arab, all of them as loyal to the Jews, and
is to advise and warn; to caution and to words, the Almighty said: "Some Jews take calls to fighting them as per the words of
prepare; to admonish Muslims to distance words out of context". As for their the Almighty: "Whoever takes them as
themselves from the path of the Jews; to suppression of the truth, the Almighty guardian will be counted as one of them".
warn against befriending them or said: "People of the Book! Why do you them when He said: "O believers! Take For instance, the murtadd government of
following their ways; to counsel against mix the truth with falsehood and hide the neither Jews nor Christians as guardians— Chad was recently attacked by nationalists,
their deception, and to inevitably: get truth knowingly?"; about their treachery, they are guardians of each other. Whoever with words, when it announced
ready to fight and battle them. their breach of covenants, and their killing does so will be counted as one of them". strengthening its ties with the Jews. In the
of the prophets, the Almighty said: "(They meantime, the Islamic State was the only
Unfortunately, most people have neglected were condemned) for breaking their And after all these clarifying statements, one fighting Chad and its allies in West
the Qur’anic descriptions of the Jews and covenant, rejecting Allah’s signs, killing does anyone have any argument left to Africa before and after that.
what was meant by them. Instead they the prophets unjustly"; on the topic of to claim that the war with the Jews is not
have focused on the historical narration of their tremendous animosity toward the religious? Sooner or later, when war is not Accordingly, we repeat the call and remind
events, thus deviating from the original believers, the Almighty said: "You will based on religion, it turns to conciliations the youth of Palestine to place their war
basis for the battle, judging the war with surely find the most bitter towards the and agreements. We have seen this on with the Jews in this blessed Qur’anic
the Jews as a nationalistic battle caused by believers to be the Jews and mushrikin"; in many fronts where the wars were even context, to make it a religious war and
“an assault on lands and property.” In fact, addressing their condemnation and their harsher than what we see in Palestine. All detach it from the jahili national flags that
they have been warning of the danger of hardened hearts He said: "But for breaking enmities end with the elimination of the contradict the Qur’an and Sunnah. We
being drawn into a religious war with the their covenant We condemned them and cause except enmity in religion! It is reiterate and stress the benefits of targeting
Jews as if such a war would be a crime! hardened their hearts"; in describing their known in the beliefs of Ahlus-Sunnah wal- Jewish temples and synagogues with
cowardice when confronted, the Almighty Jama'ah that the bonds of faith are the bloody attacks that will be more effective
Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah touched said: "But if they meet you in battle, they strongest. Loyalty belongs to the believers and destructive against the Jews. This will
upon this in his talk about the history of will flee and they will have no helpers"; as and hostility to the kuffar. This is the emphasize that the battle is in the context
the Jews, when he said: "This extrapolation for their dealing in interest and their religion of Ibrahim - peace be upon him– of the Qur’an, not a Parliament. We advise
and tracing shows that Allah will only thievery of people’s wealth, the Almighty and which Allah then imposed on our them to equip themselves, first with Iman,
grant victory and to those who follow the said: "Taking interest despite its Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬when He said: and then with explosive belts, as both have
Prophet, and that He, Glory be to Him, prohibition, and consuming people’s "Then We revealed to you (O Prophet, long been absent from that scene, even
wants His word, His victory, and the wealth unjustly"; of their constant pursuit saying): 'Follow the faith of Ibrahim, the though their specter appeared in the
victory of His followers to be elevated over of corruption and fitna, He said, glory be upright'". According to Allah’s description Jerusalem bombings, the mention of
those who oppose Him". This indicates to Him: "Whenever they kindle the fire of of the faith of Ibrahim: "You already have which was suppressed in the jahili media
that what the Qur’an told us about the war, Allah puts it out. And they strive to an excellent example in Ibrahim and those when the identity of the perpetrator was
history of the Jews was for the purpose of spread corruption in the land"; about their with him, when they said to their people, revealed. Nevertheless, its menace was not
deliberation - an admonition - and was acceptance of evil, He said: "they did not 'We totally dissociate ourselves from you lost on the minds of the young Jews who
not only a historical narration that has forbid one another from doing evil. Evil and (shun) whatever (idols) you worship fear its repetition.
preoccupied people with the history of the indeed was what they did!"; as for their besides Allah. We reject you. The enmity
end of the Jews, while distracting them love for life, whatever it is, the Almighty and hatred that has arisen between us and We also urge Muslims everywhere to fight
from reaching the correct path toward that said: "You will surely find them clinging to you will last until you believe in Allah the Jews and target them inside Jewish
end. life"; on the subject of their arrogance and alone'", This is the basis of the battle; this neighborhoods and synagogues scattered
egoism, He said: "The Jews and Christians is where it started and there is where it in Europe and other countries. Kill the
Now, let us review the attributes of the each claim that none will enter Paradise shall end. Jews by every means and oppress them. Be
kaffir Jews as they were revealed in the except those of their own faith"; in the beginning of the war that burns the
Holy Qur’an. Concerning the disbelief of warning about their envy and rancor What Palestine is witnessing now, and kaffir Jews while the tawaghit of the entire
the Jews and their worship of other than toward Muslims, Allah said: "Many what it saw in the past, is an apparent world gather to stop it, and Allah willing,
Him the Almighty said: "Have you (O among the People of the Book wish they indication of the Jews' corruption in the they will not succeed and even if they were
Prophet) not seen those who were given a could turn you (believers) back to disbelief land and their hostility towards the able to, another will be at its heels.
portion of the Scriptures yet believe in because of their envy". In fact, Allah, the Muslims. In this hostility the Jews have
idols and false gods". Then, regarding how Most High, linked the Jews with those received support from their allies among
they dared to overreach against Allah: who swore allegiance to them, made allies the murtadd Arab rulers whom the Islamic
{(Some among) the Jews said, "Allah is of them, and considered them as one of State has declared takfir upon. The Islamic

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