Migration Release Notes

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Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc.

MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems,


Release Notes

Revision A.9
The information herein
is the property of Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Incorporated
and is disclosed in confidence on the understanding that its use
will be limited to purposes authorized in writing
by Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Incorporated.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc.

1180 Church Road
Lansdale, PA 19446

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Revision History
Rev Date Description
A.1 23-Mar-99 Release 1.2.1 Initial Release
A.2 30-July-99 Release 1.3 – added MAX 1000 Import
A.3 05-Oct-99 Release – added MAX 1000 ExCEL Import & User’s
A.4 14-Oct-99 Release 1.4 – Updated Excel for the integrated Modular and
Monolithic tools.
A.5 10-Dec-99 Release 1.4.3 – Miscellaneous notes added
A.6 26-Jan-00 Release 1.5 – Notes added
A.7 01-Mar-00 Release 1.6 – Miscellaneous notes added
A.8 06-Nov-00 Release 1.7 – Change in Library Import
A.9 29-May-01 Release 1.8 - branding

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Table of Contents
1. OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................5
1.1 MIGRATION DEFINED........................................................................................................................5
1.2 THE MIGRATION PROCESS................................................................................................................5
1.3 MIGRATION ON-LINE.........................................................................................................................6
2. MIGRATION DATABASE IMPORT..................................................................................................8
2.1 IMPORTING 585/582 RECIPES............................................................................................................8
2.2 MAXTOOLS AND RECIPE IMPORT....................................................................................................9
2.3 IMPORT DIALOG FOR DATABASE RECIPE........................................................................................10
2.4 IMPORT DIALOG FOR A TREND RECIPE...........................................................................................18
2.5 DIALOG FOR IMPORT ALL LIBRARIES FROM OP STATION:.............................................................19
2.6 IMPORT GENERATED FILES.............................................................................................................20
2.7 58X RECIPE IMPORT NOTES............................................................................................................21
3. CUSTOM SYSTEM DISPLAYS FOR MIGRATION......................................................................22
3.1 CREATING A SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY..........................................................................................22
3.2 CREATING A STATION STATUS DISPLAY.........................................................................................22
3.2.1 Placing the DPU Groups in the Display................................................................................22
3.2.2 Configuring the Groups..........................................................................................................23
3.3 CREATING OTHER TYPES OF SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAYS.................................................................24
4. DISPLAY ADDITIONS FOR MIGRATION....................................................................................25
4.1 DPU CONFIGURATION DISPLAY FOR DPU 3, 4, AND 4A...............................................................25
4.2 CONTROL SYSTEM DISPLAY FOR CONTROLLER FILES....................................................................25
5. INSERTING THE HOST/COMPUTER BUTTON..........................................................................27

6. MAX 1000 CONFIGURATION BUILDER (EWS) IMPORT.........................................................28

6.1 SPECIAL CONCERNS........................................................................................................................28
6.2 GETTING STARTED..........................................................................................................................29
6.3 HARDWARE IMPORT........................................................................................................................31
6.4 POINT IMPORT.................................................................................................................................33
6.4.1 Ladder Import:.......................................................................................................................34
6.5 TREND IMPORT................................................................................................................................35
6.6 EXCEL IMPORT...............................................................................................................................36
7. MAXDNA MODULAR EXCEL CAPABILITIES:..........................................................................38
7.1 MODULE MAINTENANCE: ADD/ MODIFY/DELETE MODULE SOURCE FILES...................................38
7.1.1 Modular Excel Maintenance:.................................................................................................39
7.1.2 Monolithic ExCEL Maintenance:...........................................................................................40
7.2 SETTING EXCEL COMPILE OPTIONS:.............................................................................................41
7.3 EXECUTING THE EXCEL COMPILER:..............................................................................................42
7.4 CREATE/MODIFY/DELETE INSTANCES OF MODULES......................................................................42
7.5 THE DPU DETAIL DISPLAY:...........................................................................................................43
7.6 INSTALL OF THE EXCEL OBJECT:...................................................................................................43
7.7 COMPARING EXCEL OBJECT FILES: EXCELOBJECTCOMPARE.EXE.................................................46
7.8 MAXSTATION FILE STRUCTURES RELATED TO EXCEL...............................................................46
7.9 MODULAR EXCEL IMPORT NOTES.................................................................................................47
8. MAXDNA LADDER CAPABILITIES:.............................................................................................48
8.1 MAXSTATION (ENGINEER)............................................................................................................48
8.1.1 maxTOOLS.............................................................................................................................48

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

8.1.2 maxVUE Editor:.....................................................................................................................52

8.2 MAXSTATION (ENGINEER OR OPERATOR)....................................................................................53
8.3 LADDER LOGIC EDITOR (PLC.EXE):...............................................................................................53
8.4 LADDER LOGIC NOTE: PREFIX CHARACTER(S)..............................................................................55
APPLICATIONS PROCESSOR (AP) TO A MAXSTATION:...............................................................56

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

1. Overview

1.1 Migration Defined

Migration is the ability to replace the Human-Machine Interface hardware in a MAX 1 or MAX 1000
system with maxDNA HMI, while preserving all of the control and I/O hardware contained within that
system. Migration uses the system’s existing configuration as the starting point of the migration process, in
order to preserve the configuration work that had already been done. Existing graphics will need to be
reconstructed in the new HMI environment, in order to take advantage of the new tools and techniques
which were not available in the older HMI. As new features are added to the maxDNA HMI, those features
will automatically become available to Migration users.

1.2 The Migration Process

The Migration Process is as follows:

1. Plan for the addition of the new HMI by studying the existing system and configuration(s).

The purpose of this step is to plan for the addition based on several factors. These include:

The DPU Bus Module supports up to two highways, so if a system presently has more than two
highways, then the system must be divided into subsystems, each of which has 1 or 2 highways.

A complete list of the serial digital I/O terminal boards used by controllers, and the 564 I/O modules
used by 552 controllers and DPUs, must be drawn up.

All of the control devices’ software should be upgraded to the latest release, which will not only ensure
Y2K compatibility for the DPU, but will also ensure that all of the features necessary for proper system
functionality will be operational.

The number of maxSTATIONs needed. Not only are there operating stations to consider, but also
stations primarily used by engineers, plus any stations that are to be dedicated to certain tasks (while
any maxSTATION, with the proper software ‘dongle’, is capable of performing any role, there may be
station loading or access reasons for assigning dedicated stations).

2. Prepare the older configuration(s) for conversion.

In order for the conversion to go smoothly, some checkout of the existing configurations may be in
order. Examples:

Are the configurations up to date? It may be that the most current on-line edits have not been
incorporated into the configurations.

Are the backup points in Controller Files correct? The only allowed combinations of backup points
which maxTOOLS will permit are either a) point name is transparent, primary has valid algorithm,
secondary has Backup algorithm in same time slot; or b) there is a different point name and a different
algorithm in the same time slot in each (primary and backup) controller; or c) it’s the last time slot in
the controller, and that means that both primary and secondary will have the Backup algorithm. The
other possible combinations will be rejected.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Are the configurations complete? That is, are all of the point data available for all of the control points
available? Are the trend configurations complete?

3. Install at least one DPU Bus Module for every two highways in the system.

In order to perform the import of MAX 1 recipes, a DBM must be connected via the highway to the
582 or 585 containing the recipes. To perform the import of MAX 1000 configurations, either floppy
disk or Ethernet (using ftp) can be used to transfer the files to the maxSTATION .

4. Install at least one maxSTATION with the engineering software enabled.

The import is done from maxTOOLS by accessing the 582 or 585 through the DBM across the
highway, or by transferring the files from the AP/AC Configuration Builder from the AP/AC to the

5. Import the configuration(s) into the maxSTATION.

The import process begins and ends in maxTOOLS. First, new subsystems are defined; then, the
hardware (including DBMs, older HMI, controllers, and DPUs) is defined in the subsystems. Next,
the hardware (either serial digital I/O or 564 I/O) attached to the controllers and DPUs is defined.
Then the import process can commence. The section titled “Migration Database Import for MAX 1”,
below, provides more information about the import process and also describes the specific steps to be
taken for MAX 1; the section titled “MAX 1000 Configuration Builder (EWS) Import” describes the
specific steps to be taken for MAX 1000.

6. Install the subsystems(s) to the DPU Bus Module(s) and to the controllers and DPUs.

From maxTOOLS, provide the DBMs with point and trend databases. Install to them, and then install
to the controllers and DPUs.

7. Create system displays.

As shipped, maxDNA maxSTATIONs contain only samples of system displays; thus, custom System
Status, Station Status, and DPU Bus Map displays are created for each of the DPU Buses used by each
of the DPU Bus Modules. The section titled “Creating Custom System Displays for Migration”,
below, describes the steps to be taken.

8. Create custom graphic displays.

The final step is to create custom graphic displays. As shipped, the maxDNA software contains Point
Data and Point Detail popups for every type of Control Block (“time slot” algorithm), Data Block
(“data point”), Analog Input Buffer (“analog input”), and Digital Input or Output Buffer (“Digital
Terminal Board”). The Point Data objects can be used to create displays with a series of faceplates,
similar to the MAX 1 “group display”, but, using the maxVUE tools, custom displays are created that
convey much more information to the operator.

1.3 Migration on-line

In general, a Migration system has the look and feel of a standard maxDNA system containing DPU4Bs,
with the following exceptions:

In the system displays hierarchy, the objects for DPUs other than the DPU4B, and the controller files, look
different and provide different information. See the section, “Display Additions for Migration Phase 1”,
below, for the details.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

In a standard maxDNA system, there wasn’t a need to be able to view Interaction Pages; in a Migration
system, Interaction Page support is required.

For the most part, the Point Data objects for controller files have the same look and feel as those of DPUs.
The Point Detail objects, on the other hand, will often look different because the controller Blocks often
had different or fewer configuration parameters than those of the DPU.

In a Migration system, the DBMs maintain timesync the way that RTPs do in a MAX 1000 Release “E”
system: that is, the DBM with the lowest absolute node number will become the time master, and will send
out an hourly timesync broadcast on its attached DPU Buses at the top of each hour. If a MAX 1000
system is present in the Migration system, then the MAX 1000 Application Processor will become the time
master of all of the DBMs as well as the RTPs.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

2. Migration Database Import

The maxSTATION has the capability to import database, trend configurations, and ExCEL Source and
Libraries from legacy systems (MAX 1, MAX 1000). The maxSTATION along with a DBM then has
access to real time data, alarms, events and trend data for all points from the legacy system. These points
can be shown on maxSTATION displays, added to reports, printed and trended.

2.1 Importing 585/582 Recipes

The primary purpose of this document is to lead the user through the process of importing a MAX 1 recipe
into a maxTOOLS configuration. This process requires several reasonably simple steps and some setup
work before the import is performed.

This document does not cover the installation and setup of the maxSTATION and DBM. It is assumed that
the maxSTATION and DBM are operational and properly connected to the MAX 1 data highways. It is
also assumed that the user has some familiarity with the maxSTATION and maxTOOLS.

Recipe import requires one maxSTATION and one DBM. The diagram below shows a typical connection.
The DBM is connected to one or two of the data highways of the MAX 1 system. Note that a DBM
supports 2 highways. If the Op Station uses highways 3 and 4, an additional DBM must added and
connected to highways 3 and 4. This DBM will use highways 3 and 4 as highways 1 and 2.




582 or 585 Op Station
Hwy 1 Hwy 2

Hwy 1 Hwy 2 Hwy 3 Hwy 4

Data Highways

To Controllers and/or DPUs

The recipe is imported into maxTOOLS from the Op Station through the DBM. The maxTOOLS
configuration with the imported data is then installed to the DBM. After the installation is complete, the
DBM can acquire real time data from the stations on the data highway. Data acquired by the DBM can be
viewed on maxSTATION displays.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

2.2 maxTOOLS and Recipe Import

The maxTOOLS program is used to import a recipe. This section covers the configuration that is required
before the recipe is imported. The next section covers the import dialog that is run after the configuration
is set up.

The maxSTATION should be logged on as Engineer or any other account of equal privilege. maxTOOLS
is not available at the Operator’s level.

Start maxTOOLS and open a new configuration. maxTOOLS can be started from a desktop shortcut or
from the Start menu. Typically a recipe would be imported into a new configuration although this is not
required. It is required that the user has knowledge of the content of the recipe to be imported. The
importation of a 58x recipe into maxTOOLS requires that stations and hardware be created in a
maxTOOLS configuration before the recipe import step is performed.

Create the subsystem for this configuration. There should be one subsystem/configuration per DBM or pair
of DBMs. The subsystem feature of maxTOOLS contains the Name Prefix item. It may be necessary to
define a Name Prefix for the configuration. The following example shows where the name prefix would be

Example: Station 32 exists on highway 1 and is imported into configuration A. A different Station 32
exists on highway 1 in another recipe in another Op Station and is imported (through another DBM)
into configuration B. It is possible that unnamed points will be assigned the same point name since
name assignments for unnamed points are generated from highway and station number. Having a
different name prefix for each configuration would insure the uniqueness of the point names at the
maxSTATION. A system that uses 1 or 2 data highways and a single Op Station would probably not
need a name prefix.

Next, create the DBM that is connected to the 58x data highway. The DBM should be given the same
name that was assigned to the DBM when it was initialized.

Create the DPUs and controllers that are used in the recipe to be imported. Assign each station to the same
address (32 to 63) assigned in the recipe. Assign each station to the appropriate bus (data highway 1 or 2)
of the connecting DBM.

The Model 564 I/O hardware for each DPU, and the 564 I/O hardware and/or serial digital I/O for each
controller should be defined. The datapoint and slot data read from the 58x recipe contain a highway
number, station number and I/O assignment number. maxTOOLS will match this information with the
station and hardware assignments in the configuration and assign the appropriate I/O signal name.

It is not necessary to configure buffer, slot and datapoint data. Records for these items will be created
automatically during the recipe import. Point names that are assigned in the recipe will be used in the
maxTOOLS configuration. Note that the import process can change the name of a point if the name
contains non-alphanumeric characters.

Valid buffers, slots and DATA points that do not have names will be assigned names during the import.
Point names are assigned as follows:

Analog Buffers: AIBhss_nn where

h = highway number (1 or 2)
ss = station address (32 to 63)
nn = buffer number (01 to 60)

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Digital Buffers: DBhss_nnbb where

h = highway number (1 or 2)
ss = station address (32 to 63)
nn = buffer number (01 to 32)
bb = bit number (01 to 16)

Slots: SLThss_ttcc where

h = highway number (1 or 2)
ss = station address (32 to 63)
tt = slot number (01 to 32)
cc = channel number (01 to 08)

DATApoints: DPThss_nnn where

h = highway number (1 or 2)
ss = station address (32 to 63)
nnn = datapoint number (001 to 248)

The configuration currently loaded in maxTOOLS will be updated with imported data. It is possible to
import more than one recipe into a configuration. However, the user must be careful that highway and
station addresses of each recipe do not conflict.

After the hardware is defined in the maxTOOLS configuration, the recipe import step can be run.

2.3 Import Dialog for Database Recipe

The following information is required to the run the recipe import.

1. The name of the database recipe.

2. The disk drive number on the Op Station where the recipe resides.
3. The station address of the Op Station.
4. The highway number of the DBM that is connected to the Op Station.

This information is requested during the import dialog. For best results, determine ahead of time the name
and location (drive number) of the desired recipe.

With the desired configuration loaded into maxTOOLS, click the File Menu and select “Import 58x
Database/Trend” from the menu list. This will start the Database/Trend Import Wizard dialog and bring up
the form shown below. The import dialog divides the import process into 2 main steps. The first step
extracts recipe data from the 58x station and saves the data to a disk file. At the end of this step, a log file
and the data file can be viewed or edited. The second step imports the data file into the maxTOOLS
configuration. At the end of the second step, a log file shows points and attributes of points that could not
be imported (if any).

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

This is the first form to appear when importing a recipe. It is also shown after completing the import

Select the Start Import Setup button to start the dialog that begins the recipe extraction from the Op
Station. Other buttons on this form:

Help – Displays a page of information that duplicates information contained in this document. It also
contains the software version number.
Return to Maxtools – This buttons exits the import dialog and returns to maxTOOLS.
EWS Import – This button provides another way of performing the second step of the import process.
If recipe extraction has already been performed and an import data file resides on disk, this button
allows the user to select that file and import it into the current maxTOOLS configuration. Note
that a button to perform this step also exists later in the import dialog.

The Start Import Setup button brings up the following form.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

This form allows the user to select a database recipe, trend recipe or ExCEL Libraries for import. For the
Import Database, the user can select the Point Database, ExCEL source or both. This is available primarily
for customers who may have done a Phase I Import of the Point Database and now wish to import only the
ExCEL. Import of ExCEL became available in Migration Phase II.

Only one recipe can be imported at a time. However, multiple database and trend recipes can be imported
into the same maxTOOLS configuration. Simply repeat the import dialog for the other recipes. This can
be done without returning to maxTOOLS.

The Cancel button exits the import dialog and returns the user to maxTOOLS. This button is on many of
the import dialog forms. Select the Next button to bring up the next form in the import dialog (DBM
selection). The Back button returns the user to the main form. The Back and Next buttons are present on
many of the import forms and can be used to review entered data.

The next import dialog form is shown below.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

This form is used to select the DBM that the maxSTATION will use to import the recipe. The DBM
should be physically connected to one or more of the Op Station’s data highways. Recipe import messages
from the maxSTATION are routed through this DBM to the Op Station to acquire recipe data.

Enter the name of the appropriate DBM. A DBM is named when the DBM software is loaded. The DBM
name is shown at the DBM on the Cntrl/E screen. This name should be used in the DBM definition in the
maxTOOLS configuration that receives the imported data. If a redundant pair of DBMs is connected to the
data highways, either DBM can be used to perform the import.

If an invalid DBM name is entered or the DBM name is valid but the DBM is not present, the import will
fail. A message on the screen will indicate that the subscription has failed.

After entering a DBM name, click Next to bring up the form shown below.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Enter the Station Address of the 58x Op Station that contains the recipe to be imported. Station Addresses
are shown on the Data Highway Status display of the Op Station. Enter the data highway number that
connects the DBM to the Op Station. This will be 1 or 2 since the DBM supports 2 data highways and the
highway used is from the DBM’s perspective. These values are added to data highway messages that are
sent through the DBM to the station defined here.

Click the Next button to bring up the form shown below.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Enter the name of the recipe to be imported. The text entered is not case sensitive.

Enter the Op Station disk number where the recipe resides. Disk numbers typically range from 3 to 9. The
Disk Number can also be set to “S” if the recipe resides on the scratch disk. If an invalid recipe name or
disk number is entered, the import will fail and a line will be added to the log file indicating that the ATT
file of the recipe could not be read.

If the Op Station is in Configure mode and any recipe is open on the disk specified here, the import will
fail. A message will be added to the log file indicating that the disk could not be locked. Recipe import
will work if a recipe is open on a different disk. However, it is advisable to put the Op Station in Operating
mode before performing a recipe import.

The Start Import button is enabled if this is a trend import. The Next button is disabled if this is a trend

Click the Next button to bring up the form shown below.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

This form allows highway assignments in a recipe to be modified for DBM compatibility. If a recipe only
uses data highways 1 and/or 2, no changes are needed on this form. If a recipe uses data highways 3 or 4,
the data must be converted to highways 1 and 2 for the DBM. Set the “From” values to 3 and 4 and the
“To” values to 1 and 2. Even though the DBM is physically connected to highways 3 and 4, it uses these
highways as 1 and 2.

A recipe that uses all 4 data highways should be imported into 2 separate maxTOOLS configurations. Each
configuration will have a different DBM. The DBM for one configuration would be connected to data
highways 1 and 2. The DBM for the other configuration would be connected to data highways 3 and 4.
The 4 highway recipe would be imported twice. The first import would be for the configuration for
highways 1 and 2. The second import would be for the configuration for highways 3 and 4 (converted to 1
and 2). The subsystem feature should be used in each configuration and a unique subsystem prefix should
be assigned to prevent duplicate point names in the system.

Only data from highways specified in the “From” fields is imported. For a single highway recipe, the
“From” and “To” fields for the second highway can be set to zero (although this is not necessary).

Click the Start Import button to start the recipe extraction process. It may take 10 seconds to several
minutes to extract a recipe from the 58x station. The duration of the extraction depends on the size of the
recipe. While the recipe is being read, the extraction progress is shown on the screen. When the extraction
is complete, the following form is displayed.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

When this form is displayed, the recipe import process is half complete. The recipe has been read from the
Op Station and saved in file in the \Temp folder. To read the recipe file into the maxTOOLS configuration,
select the Import EWS File button.

The View Log File button allows the user to view a log of the recipe extraction. The log is displayed in
Notepad and lists the points read from the recipe and shows slots and datapoints that could not be imported.
The main reason that a slot or datapoint is not imported is that an algorithm code is not assigned. If such a
point is important to the recipe, the point should be correctly configured at the Op Station and re-imported.
Otherwise it can be ignored. A named point without an algorithm code will not be imported into the
maxTOOLS configuration. The log file also shows any point names that have been renamed. maxTOOLS
does not support point names with spaces and special characters imbedded. Any non-alphanumeric except
for the underscore and dash is considered a special character. Special characters in a point name will be
replaced with an underscore before being imported into the maxTOOLS configuration.

A log file will list all of the data read from a recipe. A 4 highway recipe will have log data for all four
highways. However, only the selected two highways will be added to the Import file.

The View Import File button allows the user to view and edit the data that was extracted from the recipe.
The data in this file will be read into the maxTOOLS configuration when the Import EWS File button is

The Return to Import button returns the user to the main import form.

The Return to Maxtools button exits the import process and returns the user to maxTOOLS.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Pressing the Import EWS File button causes the import file to read into the current maxTOOLS
configuration. A progress bar is displayed and the number of records added to the configuration is shown.
After the file is read into maxTOOLS, the following form is shown.

This form shows the number of points read into the maxTOOLS configuration and the number of warnings
and errors that occurred. Select a Detail button to view either the points imported or the warning/error log
in Notepad.

Select the Close button to return to the main import form. From the main input form, another recipe could
be imported or the user can exit to maxTOOLS by selecting the Return to Maxtools button. Once back in
maxTOOLS, all of the imported data can be viewed with standard maxTOOLS displays.

2.4 Import Dialog for a Trend Recipe

Importing a trend recipe is very similar to importing a database recipe. It is a two step process that first
extracts trend recipe data from the Op Station and then imports that data into the current maxTOOLS
configuration. The series of forms displayed to setup the extraction are identical to the database import
except that the highway conversion form is not necessary.

After extracting the trend information, the extraction complete form is displayed. At this time, the Import
EWS File button can be selected to import the trend data into the maxTOOLS configuration. A log file can
be viewed at the end of the extraction process and at the end of the import into maxTOOLS. Log files are
saved in the C:\Temp folder. After importing the trend data into the maxTOOLS configuration, click the
“X” button in the upper right hand corner of the maxTOOLS History Configuration Import form to return
to the main import form.

Trend sampling rates in the Op Station are different from the rates provided in maxTOOLS and the DBM.
Trend import will automatically re-assign the trend rates as follows.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Op Station Sample Rate DBM Sample Rate

1 second 1 second
6 seconds 5 seconds
24 seconds 30 seconds
2 minutes 30 seconds
6 minutes 30 seconds
24 minutes 30 seconds

2.5 Dialog for Import All Libraries From Op Station:

The first three dialog screens that are displayed during the Library Import are the same ones shown for the
Import Database. The user must provide the DBM name, Op Station highway and Station Address and
Highway mapping information. Following these screens the process is initiated when the “Start Import”
button is left-clicked. The following dialog screen appears. At this time the disks on the Op Station are
being searched for library files.

The next screen shows the disks that may contain library files. Click the checkbox next to one or more
disks which contain library files to be imported.

Upon pressing the “Start Import” button, the libraries will be copied to a temporary folder in the
maxSTATION. The Progress display will again appear. After the copy completes, the commit screen
appears. To permanently save the libraries, press the “Import Library Files” button. This will copy the files

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

from the permanent folder to c:\Custom\Database\<databasename>\Lib. The Log File will show the
library files that were copied from each of the selected disks.

2.6 Import Generated Files

Analog buffers 61 and 62 are saved at locations 31 and 32 in maxTOOLS. maxTOOLS will translate
buffers 31 and 32 back to 61 and 62 during the DBM install process.

The DBM supports up to 10000 points. Recipes imported into one configuration/subsystem should not
exceed this number.

The double quote character is not allowed in the long description of a point. This character will be replaced
with an underscore during the recipe extraction process.

No datapoint data are imported for the backup station if the backup algorithm in the primary defines shared
datapoint data.

The 58x recipe extraction step and the EWS import file step each create text files that remain on disk after
the import is completed. These files all reside in the C:\Temp folder.

Database Extraction files:

Log file name: RecipeName_58xHS_12.log
Where: H = Op Station highway number
S = Op Station station number
1 = First highway number imported
2 = Second highway number imported

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

EWS data file name: RecipeName_HS_12.dat

Where: H = Op Station highway number
S = Op Station station number
1 = First highway number imported
2 = Second highway number imported

Database EWS Import files:

Log file name: RecipeName_HS_12.log
Where: H,S,1,2 same as above
Error file name: RecipeName_HS_12.err
Where: H,S,1,2 same as above

Trend Extraction files:

Log file name: RecipeName_HS_tr.log
Where: H = Op Station highway number
S = Op Station station number
Trend data file name: RecipeName_HS_tr.dat
Where: H = Op Station highway number
S = Op Station station number

Trend Import File:

Error file name: Error.log

Some floating point values that are imported into a maxTOOLS configuration show a slightly different
value than was visible at the Op Station. For example: .75 was configured for a K constant in the Op
Station. This value will be displayed as .750031 on a maxTOOLS display after it is imported. The value
should not be changed in themaxSTATION. In the future when installation of controllers is supported,
the .750031 value is required to correctly translate the value back to .75 for the controller.

2.7 58x Recipe Import Notes

The import program assumes that, for backup pairs of control devices, the DPU Bus address of the primary
device will always be even (example: 1.32), while the address of the secondary device will always be odd
(example: 1.33). Import will not be performed correctly if this rule is not adhered to. Use the ‘renumber’
command in the Op Station’s Configuring Mode prior to recipe import to change the addresses, if

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

3. Custom System Displays for Migration

3.1 Creating a System Status Display

Whether the system is a Migration system, the System Status display, containing the DBMs, will look
exactly the same as it always has. Only DBMs, with their network cable status, their DPU Bus cable status,
etc., will be shown on this display. As with non-Migration systems, each DBM, with its one or two DPU
Bus connections, will be shown on this display.

3.2 Creating a Station Status Display

In this display, in a non-Migration system, there were only two fundamental types of groups to configure:
HMI groups, for the DBMs; and DPU groups, for the DPU4Bs.

In a Migration system, the HMI group can be used not only for DBMs, but also RTPs, 58x Op Stations, etc.
When a group is added for one of these devices, then the group will show that the device is present on the
DPU Bus, and the current system alarm (if any) being reported by that device.

In a non-Migration system, there were only two types of groups for control devices to configure. They
were the DPU stand-alone and the DPU pair. Migration extends this set by creating DPU4B stand-alone,
DPU4B pair, DPU 3, 4, 4A stand-alone, DPU 3, 4, 4A pair, Controller file stand-alone, and Controller file
pair. Therefore, it’s a requirement of creating these displays that the user know the following for every
DPU and Controller file that they wish to appear in their station status displays:
Name – User defined
Bus – 1 or 2
Type– DPU4B, DPU of either 3, 4, 4A, or Controller File.

Note: This information is listed in maxTOOLS, under the DPU/Controller File section.

Open “DB1StationStatus.mn” if you’re configuring data bus 1 or open “DB2StationStatus.mn” if you’re

configuring data bus 2.

3.2.1 Placing the DPU Groups in the Display

The first step is to locate which type of group needs to be used for the type of DPU or Controller file being
configured. There are several ways to tell the difference between the groups on the Station Status screen.
The most obvious one is to locate the name printed on the front of the group.

A DPU 4B group looks like this:

A DPU 3, 4, or 4A group looks like this:

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

A Controller File group looks like this:

When you left click on a group, if two groups that are side by side become selected, you’ve selected a pair.
If only one group becomes selected when you left click on a group, you’ve selected a stand-alone group.

Once you’ve selected the appropriate group for the DPU or Controller file that you want to create, you need
to make a copy. In order to do this; select it by left clicking on the group. Once it’s selected, hit ctrl-c for
copy and then ctrl-v for paste. The newly created group will be on top of the group you just copied, so left
click on it and drag it to where it should be placed on the station status display. (Note: If you’re using the
templates in the “StationStatusGroups.mn” display, you can copy a group, open up your target display and
paste it there)

3.2.2 Configuring the Groups

After each DPU or Controller has a corresponding group, select each group, one at a time, and set their
group parameters to the corresponding stations. To do this, left click on the group to select it. Then, right
click on the selected group. Select “Groups” and “Edit Group Parameters” as shown before.

For stand-alone DPUs or Controllers, enter the tagname of the DPU or Controller in Param1 under the
parameter assignment column with a leading period. Place the same tagname in Param2, but without the
leading period. Do not change Param3. After making the changes, click on “OK” and you’re finished.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

For DPU or Controller Pairs, enter the tagname of the Primary DPU or Controller in Param1 in the
parameter assignment column with a leading period. Enter the tagname of the Secondary DPU or
Controller in Param2, also with a leading period. Place the same tagname as Param1 in Param3, but without
the leading period. Enter the same tagname as Param2 in Param4, also excluding the leading period. After
making the changes, click on “OK” and you’re finished.

Once you’ve done this for every group that you wish to configure on the screen, you may remove any text
that doesn’t belong and any left over groups. For each of the groups you wish to delete, select them with a
left-click and then use ctrl-x.

When you’re finished, make sure to save the file in the Custom directory and not in the MCS directory.
The path and name should be:

3.3 Creating other types of system status displays

With the exception of the Station Status Display, the process for creating other custom system status
displays (such as the DPU Bus Map displays) will remain the same as in a non-Migration system. Several
updates have been made to these displays for Migration, but the procedure remains the same for creating
their custom displays, making the migration transparent to the user. For documentation on creating all
other custom displays for a Migration system, refer to the “MAX 1000+Plus” Documentation.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

4. Display Additions for Migration

4.1 DPU Configuration Display for DPU 3, 4, and 4A

There are two DPU Configuration Screens. There is one for the DPU4B and one for the DPU 3, 4, and 4A.
The appropriate screen will be called up if you have properly configured your system status display (see
Documentation: Creating Custom system Displays for Migration).

maxVUE offers a greater range of control over the DPU4B, than it does the DPU 3, 4, and 4A. Therefore,
the configuration screen for a DPU 3, 4, and 4A has fewer control and display options than the DPU4B.
All options shown on a DPU 3, 4, and 4A Configuration screen will behave exactly like the corresponding
sections on a DPU4B Configuration screen. There is one addition to the DPU 3, 4, and 4A Configuration
Screen that isn’t located on the DPU4B Configuration Screen. That addition is the “Int. Page” button
located in the DPU box of the screen. The button operates like the “Int. Page” button on the toolbar, except
that it calls up the interaction page for the DPU currently being displayed in the DPU Configuration Screen.

For additional information about the Configuration screen, see documentation on the “MAX 1000+Plus”
DPU Configuration Screen. For additional information about Interaction Pages, see the Interaction Pages
Documentation located in the Migration Documentation.

4.2 Control System Display for Controller Files

On the Station Status Display, clicking on the “Ctrl System” button will call up the Control System Pop-up
for the specific Controller File. This Pop-up displays the software revisions . The card identifiers are
indicated by:
DAQD -Data Acquisition Digital Card

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

ALG -Algorithm Card

DHW -Data Highway Processor Card
COMM -Communications Card or Mini-Station Port (MOP) Card.
PFI -Programmed Functions Card
In the event that the card isn’t present in the specified controller file, the pop-up will display “N/A” for

The “Int. Page” button, located directly under the controller name on the pop-up, will call up the Interaction
Page Display for the controller file currently being displayed on the Control System Pop-up. Only the
Extended Controllers have Interaction pages. Attempting to display an interaction page for a 16-Slot or a
32-Slot Controller will load the Interaction Page Screen, but display a “COMM ERROR” message in the
banner, since no pages exist for these controllers. The Extended Controller only has eight pages, so an
attempt to display a page that doesn’t exist in the controller file (pages 9 through 13) will also result in a
“COMM ERROR” message on the Interaction Page Screen banner.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

5. Inserting the HOST/COMPUTER Button

Although the HOST/COMPUTER button isn’t located on any control displays, the maxDNA system still
supports it if you need it. In the C:\MCS\Displays\MN\ComputerButton folder, there are some samples of
Point Data and Point Detail popups with the computer button on them. If you wish the computer button to
be placed on one of these displays so that the operator can access them in maxVUE RunTime, you should
first create a folder for each display that you wish to use in the C:\Custom path, not the C:\MCS path (the
reason is that if you perform amaxSTATION software update, you would lose the changes that you made,
because the software installation will not modify the C:\Custom path, but will wipe out anything in the C:\
MCS path), and then copy the display to that new folder.

Using Windows NT Explorer, under the path C:\Custom\Displays\Operating, create two folders. The first
is PointData; the second is PointDetail. For each Point Data display that you want to use with a
Host/Computer button, copy that display’s folder from C:\MCS\Displays\MN\PointData over to C:\
Custom\Displays\Operating\PointData; for each Point Detail display that you want to use with a
Host/Computer button, copy that display’s folder from C:\MCS\Displays\MN\PointDetail over to C:\

Now that you have created the folders in the C:\Custom path, simply copy each file from the
“ComputerButton” folder to the C:\Custom\Displays\Operating\PointData path or the C:\Custom\Displays\
Operating\PointDetail path, and place it in the same folder whose name is that of the file. Save over the
copy of the file located in that directory, since the only difference will be the addition of this computer
button. Once this is completed, every time the point type is referenced in maxVUE RunTime, it will have
the HOST/COMPUTER button located on it.

If you wish for a display not listed in the C:\MCS\Displays\MN\ComputerButton folder to have the
computer button, the host/computer button can be added to any PointData or PointDetail display. In the
maxVUE Editor, open up C:\MCS\Displays\MN\ComputerButton\AMBiasPtData.mn if you’re adding the
button to a point data display and AMBiasPtDetail.mn if you’re editing a point detail display; these two
displays contain the host/computer button to be used in a Point Data or Point Detail display, respectively.
Next, open up the destination display from the C:\Custom\Displays\Operating path. In the destination
display, open the “layers” control by selecting the colored file folder button on the toolbar. In order to open
the correct layer, click the “+” sign next to the AMBiasPtData Layer. Next, right-click on the group called
“Mode”. In the menu, go to “Group” and then select “Select Target Group.” Close the layer window. The
display should have gone red, with the exception of the mode layer. Now save your newly-modified
display back into the proper C:\Custom\Displays\Operating path folder for RunTime to use it.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

6. MAX 1000 Configuration Builder (EWS) Import

This software supports importation of MAX 1000 Configuration Builder subsystems, from both Release
“D” and Release “E” systems. While maxTOOLS had some previous ability to perform the import, this
release includes two important features. The first is highway reassignment, to permit a configuration that
consisted of more than 2 highways to be re-mapped into multiple maxDNA subsystems with one or two
DPU Buses in each subsystem. The second is direct import of Trend Set information, so that the points to
be included in history do not have to be entered into maxTOOLS’ history assignments.

6.1 Special Concerns

“Op Station” Points and MAX 1000 Controller Maintenance – Import from MAX 1000 Controller
Maintenance is not supported, yet. Since an “Op Station” points’ type cannot be determined without the
corresponding information from Controller Maintenance, Op Station points are not imported in this release.
An import process using the image files located in Controller Maintenance is being worked on. It will be
included in a future release of Migration.

Trend Attribute Capacity – The EWS Import Utility imports trending information and inserts it into the
maxTOOLS database. The utility does not expand the “Attribute Capacity”. maxTOOLS will allow an
import of more points than allotted in the “Attribute Capacity”, but after an import, you must configure this
capacity. The EWS Import Utility does not configure anything located on the “History Storage Screen”
shown below:

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

6.2 Getting Started

The Configuration Builder in a MAX 1000 system provides an export procedure located in the
Configuration Builder. Following this procedure (described in Document 277473) will generate a group of
export files with the “DAT” extension. The EWS Import will only accept files with a “DAT” extension.
After the DAT files have been generated at the Applications Processor, they should be located in the
directory “/usr/ews/excel” on the MAX 1000 Applications Processor, unless otherwise specified by you.
Locate the necessary DAT files and copy them either to a floppy disk or over the network to the target
maxSTATION. Remember the directory where the files have been placed on the target.

With the desired configuration subsystem loaded into maxTOOLS, click the File Menu and select “Import
MAX 1000 EWS Database” from the menu list. This will start the EWS Import Wizard dialog and bring
up the form shown below.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Click on the “Start Import Wizard” button to begin the import procedure. A dialog will appear, asking for
information before it can continue. The following dialog will ask for two specific pieces of information. It
will ask for a file name and a type of import. The box labeled “…” is for the pathname and file selection

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Sections 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 detail each type of import, but a complete import must be done in a certain

maxTOOLS links its data with its dependencies. Therefore, before a point can be imported, the DPU or
Controller File in which the point exists must first be imported or entered manually into maxTOOLS.
Before a trend set can be imported, the point must first exist or be entered manually into maxTOOLS.
Simply put, before a point can be placed into maxTOOLS, its DPU must first exist. In order for a Trend to
be set, the point must exist first. It is not necessary to have the DBMs configured to import the hardware
DAT file. DBMs are not imported, because a DBM would not have been defined in a MAX 1000

The ExCEL Import adds all the Module Definitions to the database. This step must occur after the
Hardware Import and before the Point Data Import.

6.3 Hardware Import

EWS Import Files for a Hardware Import:

 (Required) The Hardware Import DAT File is designated by the file name [Configuration

Required Knowledge for a Hardware Import:

 During the Import Process, you will be prompted for the Highway Conversion. Systems with three or
four MAX Data Highways will need to convert their system to two DPU Buses. Therefore, you should
understand where and when additional highways are going to be imported.

 You MUST know the model of each DPU and Controller File in the system. Before the import process
starts, you will be prompted for a model. DPUs can be converted from one model type to another
(unless the model was a DPU4B), but once you choose a model for a Controller File, it cannot be

Note: In maxTOOLS, if you delete a DPU or Controller File, all I/O modules in that DPU or Controller File
will also be deleted and all points located in that DPU or Controller File will lose their point resource. If
you create a new DPU, of any type, with the same name it WILL NOT recreate the I/O modules and it
WILL NOT recreate the point resources. Every I/O module will need to be recreated and each point will
need to be reconfigured to reassign it to a DPU.

Select the textbox box labeled “Import File Name”. Enter the name of the first hardware file to be
imported by either typing or clicking on the button next to the text box. If the browse button is selected,
pick the file by double clicking on it. Select the “Hardware Data Import” radio button by clicking on it.
Click on “Import” to start the Hardware Import.

The following dialog will ask for information having to do with the highways.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

If a highway does not exist in the DAT File, it will be grayed out in this dialog. Select a destination for two
highways. The Import process will only allow you to import two highways at one time. If all four
highways are left at the default of “Do Not Convert [this highway] at this time”, no hardware will be
imported. Once the highways are configured, each DPU and Controller File must be designated. A dialog
will display the DPU’s name and a selection must be made. If the check-box at the bottom of the display is
checked, all the rest of the DPUs in the system will be given the model currently selected.

DPU Models:

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

The Controller File dialog behaves the same as the DPU Models Dialog.

Controller File Models:

Once the import process has finished, a display screen will show the results of the import. Click on
“Detail…” button below “Inserted / Updated” boxes to see a list of the imported hardware elements. Click
on the “Detail…” button below “Warnings” and “Errors” boxes to see a list of hardware that was not
correctly imported and to look for possible error messages. Clicking on the “Close” button will return to
the EWS Import Main Screen for another import. It is recommend that all hardware files be imported first
before any points are imported.

6.4 Point Import

EWS Import Files for a Point Import:

 (Required) The Point Import DAT File is designated by the file name [Configuration Name]pt.dat.

 (Optional) The Units of Measure and Message DAT File is designated by the name [Configuration

Required Knowledge for a Point Import:

 Op Station Points are not currently imported.

 Points with extended message states can import their message states, but the UOM DAT file is needed.
Extended message states exist in Binary Control Algorithm, Positioner, Ramp Generator, Reversing
Motor, Sequencer, and Valve/Breaker Control Blocks.

Enter the Point Import File in the Text Box. Select the “Point Data Import” radio button. Click on

If there are no extended message state points in the DAT file and there are no Op Station points in the data
file, the import will continue and finish on the results; otherwise, the following dialog will appear.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

If the “Op Station Points” box is not grayed out, there are Op Station Points in this DAT file. This is just a
warning. If the “Message Field” box is not grayed out, there are points in the DAT file that require the
UOM DAT File. If “Import the UOM Information” is selected, when “Next” is clicked, a dialog will
appear for entering the location of the UOM DAT File. If “Ignore the UOM Information” is selected,
clicking on “Next” will start the full import.

When you are finished, the results screen for import will be displayed. Clicking on one of the two
“Detail…” buttons will display information about imported files or warnings and errors. Click on “Close”
to finish the import process. If the import process was unable to import all of the points contained in the
same DPU, it may be possible that there is a configuration problem with the DPU. Check for it in
maxTOOLS. It is recommended that all points be imported before importing the trend information.

6.4.1 Ladder Import:

On the Max1000 Applications Processor (AP) EWS Database there is no specific procedure for
exporting Ladders. Since the Ladder program for a DPU was configured as a Point the EWS Point
Export procedure will generate a point record for each defined Ladder. The record will be contained in
the standard point export file (<config name>pt.dat). This record contains the name of the Ladder’s
Parent DPU, Definition file name and Name file name. The Export procedure copies the two files to
the same directory on the AP where the <config-name>pt.dat is created. All of the Ladder Definition
and Name files must be copied from the AP to the same directory on the maxSTATION where the
<config name>pt.dat is copied. The format of the file names on the AP is as follows:
Definition File: < Parent DPU name >.D02
Name File: < Parent DPU name >.N02

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

In maxDNA Ladders are not configured as points. However when the EWS Point Import is performed
it will process the Ladder Point records by copying the Ladder’s Name and Definition file, as named in
the record, to the following path:
C:\Custom\Database\< Database name >\< parent DPU name >\Ladder\

The summary display that appears after the completion of Point Import contains a line item labeled
“Ladders” showing the same information a for other point categories. The Detail logs also contain a
line for each Ladder record processed.

6.5 Trend Import

EWS Import Files for a Trend Import:

 (Required) The Trend Sets DAT File is designated by the file name [Configuration Name]tr.dat.

 (Required) The Point Import DAT File is designated by the file name [Configuration Name]pt.dat.

Required Knowledge for a Trend Import:

 Sampling Rates will be converted as shown below.

 You MUST configure trend usage memory in maxTOOLS after import.
 A point must exist before its trend information can be added to maxTOOLS.

Enter the Trend Sets Import File in the Text Box. Select the “Trend Data Import” radio button. Click on

A dialog will display the conversion rates and inform you that the Point DAT file is required.

Upon clicking “Next,” a dialog will take the Point DAT File. Once the Point DAT File is entered and
“OK” is clicked, the “History Import” dialog will appear.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

When the import is complete, it will say so on the bottom of the screen. Click on “Detail …” to view the
points in which there was a problem. When the import is complete, click on the “X” button in the upper
right hand corner of the dialog. This will return you to the Main EWS dialog.

You must make sure to configure the memory in maxTOOLS as stated earlier in this document.

6.6 ExCEL Import

This procedure will import the Module Definitions into the database and copy the source files to a sub-
folder of the database. This step must be performed after the Hardware Import and before the Point Data

EWS Import Files for ExCEL Import:

The files required for ExCEL Import are created on the MAX 1000 Applications Processor via the
Configuration Builder. From the EWS, after opening the desired configuration and segment select the
following menu items:

The screen will show the default directory where the files will be placed: /usr/ews/excel. The following
files will be placed there:
<segment Name>xl.dat : Contains the name and path for each ExCEL module
<module Name>.exc : The source file for a module. The module name is the same as that of
the MOD_NAME parameter in the file

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

These files are to be copied to the same maxSTATION directory where the other Import files are copied.
Copy these files using any available means such as the AP’s dossette utility to copy them to a DOS
formatted floppy or File Transfer Protocol (FTP). See Appendix A for sample methods.

To perform the Import click on the ExCEL Import radio button then click on “Import”. A progress bar will
appear during the process.

Upon completion the ExCEL Modules row on the Import Results Window will indicate the status of the
Import. The counts shown are the number of modules imported.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

7. maxDNA Modular ExCEL Capabilities:

This section describes the capabilities within maxTOOLS to perform the following tasks related to Modular

 Add/ Modify/Delete source files for Monolithic (MAX1) or Modular (MAX1000) ExCEL
 Create/modify/delete instances of Modules
 Compiling the Excel for a DPU
 Downloading the ExCEL Object to the target DPU
 Utility for comparing two ExCEL object (.dat) files
 maxSTATION File structures related to ExCEL.

7.1 Module Maintenance: Add/ Modify/Delete Module source files

This facility is accessed from the icon as shown on the maxTOOLS toolbar shown here with its ToolTip:
Note: positioning the mouse on an icon will cause a ToolTip to appear that identifies the icon.

Clicking on this icon will bring up the following display from which the user will select MAX 1000

Left-clicking on a button will launch the associated source edit utility.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

For Monolithic ExCEL there can only be one source file per DPU. Left-clicking the Monolithic button will
open the source edit utility with no DPU selected. To open the utility with a selected DPU, left-click on the
DPU from the tree view prior to left-clicking the Monolithic button. This only works if the DPU has
Monolithic ExCEL; otherwise, left-clicking on a DPU in the tree view has no effect on launching a source
maintenance utility.

7.1.1 Modular Excel Maintenance:

As shown above, the left pane will list all the modules defined in the currently opened database. Clicking
on a module will open that source file in the right pane. All the standard editing features are available from
the Edit menu. New files can be created from a blank template or by selecting a file via the Browser

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

A compile can be initiated from the File menu or the icon on the toolbar. A compile will always generate
the entire object for a given DPU; there is no means to compile only a single module. The object for a DPU
usually consists of many modules. Prior to compilation a merge utility collects all ExCEL type points for a
DPU into one source module. The points are retrieved in alphabetical order of Point Name. The parameters
for each point are retrieved from the database and stored in the collective source file. The merge process is
identical to the one in the MAX 1000 Configuration Builder.

When a compile is selected, a separate compilation will occur for each DPU containing an instance of the
currently opened module (i.e. there is a point in the DPU with a type that is the name of the currently
opened source module). The DPU Status display will show the status of the compilation:

The listing and error files can be opened from the DPU Status display or by clicking on the Open
Error/Listing file icon on the toolbar. A full listing consisting of side-by-side source and object is generated
for each DPU.

Note: Care must be taken when revising modules. If a parameter is added or changed and there are points
of this type, the user will have to edit those points via the maxTOOLS Unique Point View in order to set
the value of the parameter. Renaming or deleting variables may lock the user out or lose the configuration
of existing instances.

Caution: After a module has been added to the maxTOOLS database, the module must be edited ONLY
by the ModuleMaintain utility. ModuleMaintain insures that the parameter definitions in a module’s source
are consistent with the parameter tables in the database.

7.1.2 Monolithic ExCEL Maintenance:

A sample Monolithic source maintenance utility screen is shown below. The left pane contains two lists.
The top list, labeled “DPU MAX1 ExCEL Files”, shows all the DPUs that contain Monolithic ExCEL. The
bottom list, labeled “Library Files”, shows all the library files in the currently opened database. Clicking
on a module will open that source file in the right pane. All the standard editing features are available from
the Edit menu. New files can be created from a blank template or by selecting a file via the Browser
Button. The menu options and tool bar options are the same as on the Modular Maintenance Utility.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

7.2 Setting ExCEL Compile Options:

Prior to executing the ExCEL Compiler, the user can set options that will effect the compiler’s output. The
option settings are on a station (DPU or Extended Controller File) basis. They are stored in the database
for persistence: once set they remain until they are changed and will be used each time that station’s
ExCEL is compiled.

When a station is added to a database, a default set of options is stored depending on the station type. All
compiles will generate an object file, listing file and error file. The Compile Options screen is shown
below. For a DPU the “Controller File” Options will be disabled (grayed out). For a Controller File the
“ExCEL Variables” will be disabled.

This screen is accessed from the following locations:

 From the Monolithic (MAX 1) Maintenance utility, File/Compile Options... menu item
 From the maxTOOLS “Distributed Processing Unit Detail” screen, left-click the ExCEL Compile
button, then left-click the “Options…” button.
 From the maxTOOLS “Subsystem Install” screen, when the “ExCEL Compile” checkbox is checked.
This will first display the “ExCEL Compile” screen that contains the “Options…” button.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

7.3 Executing the ExCEL Compiler:

The ExCEL Compiler can be launched from the following locations within maxTOOLS:
 Both of the ExCEL source maintenance utilities contain a “Compile” item on the File Menu, as a well
as an icon on the toolbar. In the case of the Modular ExCEL a preprocessor (ExcelMerge) is called
prior to the actual compile to collect the all the ExCEL points for that DPU. See section 7.1.1,
Modular ExCEL Maintenance, for details.

 From the maxTOOLS “Distributed Processing Unit Detail” screen, left-click the “ExCEL Compile”
button. This will compile the Excel for the station.

 From the maxTOOLS “Modular ExCEL Detail” screen , left-click the “ExCEL Compile” button. This
will compile the ExCEL for the station in which the point is assigned.

 From the maxTOOLS “Subsystem Install” screen, check the “ExCEL Compile” checkbox. This will
launch the ExCEL Compiler for each station to be installed. All the compiles will occur prior to the
beginning of the Install process. If any compile errors occur, the Install process will not occur.

7.4 Create/Modify/Delete Instances of Modules

In the MAX 1000 Configuration Builder, ExCEL points were maintained like any other point type. This
has been carried over to maxDNA. By clicking on the Unique Point View icon on the maxTOOLS toolbar
all defined points are listed in tabular form. This display by default lists all points in alphabetical order;
however, by using the filtering and tree view capabilities of maxTOOLS , you can view only ExCEL points.
For instance, clicking on a DPU in the Tree view will filter the Unique Point View display to show all
points for that DPU. Clicking on the “Modular ExCEL” folder of a DPU will filter the Unique Point View
display to show all ExCEL points for a DPU. Right clicking any entry in the Function column of the
Unique Point View display provides filtering to a particular ExCEL module.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

To add an ExCEL point, follow the same procedure as for any other point. When selecting the Function
Type for the point, the list box will now include all the ExCEL Modules defined in the database. By
selecting an ExCEL Module as a Function Type, an instance of that module will be created. That instance
will be included in the collective source for the DPU assigned to that point the next time the DPU is
compiled. Remember that the name assigned to the point (not the ExCEL module) will determine its
position (alphabetically) in the object, relative to the other ExCEL points for that DPU.

Once an ExCEL point has been created, parameter values can be assigned in the same manner as attributes
are assigned to standard point types. Double clicking on the button in the left-most column of the Unique
Point Tabular display will show the parameters required for the ExCEL Module from which the point was
instanced. The display that appears shows the parameters grouped by Inputs, Outputs and Misc. This is
how they are grouped in the source module. It is not required for a module to have parameters in each
group. If none exist for a group then that group will not be shown. You cannot change what parameters
exist in this instance of an ExCEL module. You can only assign/change values to the currently defined
parameter. To change what parameters are defined for a module requires editing that module in the
Module Maintenance utility. The following display is an example of an ExCEL point’s display

Clicking on the edit box of a parameter displays, on the status bar at the bottom, the description field from
the source module. This may be blank if no description if one was entered.

From this display, clicking on the Compile icon will launch the merge/compile process as described in the
section on Modular Maintenance. Only the DPU containing this point will be compiled. A DPU Status
display similar to the one in Modular Maintenance will show the results of the compilation.

Clicking on the DPU Install button will launch the DPUInstall utility to install the ExCEL object to the
target DPU and optionally load the entire database into the associated DBM. Installation is explained
further in the section titled Install of the ExCEL Object.

7.5 The DPU Detail Display:

This display has been changed to contain a button labeled “ExCEL”. Clicking on it will launch the
merge/compile process as described in the section on Modular Maintenance.

7.6 Install of the ExCEL Object:

Note: This can only be accomplished if the maxSTATION, DBM and DPU are active and online.

To install the ExCEL object to a DPU first click the Install View icon on the maxTOOLS toolbar. The
Subsystem Install screen will appear.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

The ExCEL object for a DPU will be installed if the ExCEL box on the Points display is checked as shown.

If the DPU has ExCEL points configured the Include Excel Compile checkbox will be enabled. If the user
has checked this checkbox prior to clicking the Install Selections button the ExCEL merge/compiler utility
will be called for each DPU checked for install. The merge/compile utility is described in the section titled
Module Maintenance. All the compiles will be done before any stations are installed. A result screen will
show which DPUs were compiled and the status of the compile. If any compile fails, the install sequence is

Once the Install Selection button has been clicked and after the ExCEL compiles, if any, the actual Install
process begins. The maxTOOLS DBM/DPU Install display appears, initially blank. If the Station, Points
and Attributes and Show Error Detail Logging Options are selected, the status of the ExCEL download
will be as shown. A Stop-ExCEL command is first issued to the DPU for Partition 1, the ExCEL partition.
Then ExCEL records are downloaded to the same partition. A status line is listed for each record showing
the partition number and offset of the first byte in the record. A yellow “happy face” indicates success, a
green “Mr. Yuk” indicated failure. Following the download, if the status of all records is successful a Start-
ExCEL command is issued to the DPU for Partition 1.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

7.7 Comparing Excel Object files: ExcelObjectCompare.exe

This utility will compare two ExCEL object files. The files must be in binary form. The utilities on the
maxSTATION and MAX 1000 Configuration Builder generate these files with a “.dat” extension. Files
with an “.obj” extension are in ASCII form and will not compare properly. The utility will skip the
date/time stamp at the front of the file.

The utility is c:\mcs\maxtools\ExcelObjectCompare.exe. When executed it will show the

CompareExcelObjects window. Use the browse buttons to locate the files to be compared.

Upon completion, a message box will show the results of the comparison.

7.8 maxSTATION File Structures Related to ExCEL

Caution: Files contained in the Database folder are managed by maxTOOLS and its related utilities.
Adding, modifying or deleting any of these files may corrupt a database. The information provided in this
section is for background only.

A database created on the maxSTATION by maxTOOLS is stored in separate folder who’s path is C:\
Custom\Database\<databaseName>. The following shows the sub-folders under the database folder
containing ExCEL related files.

Contains all the Module source files that were imported or added via ModuleMaintain.

\<dpuName> Each DPU with ExCEL points will have a sub folder. It’s created the first time
the ExCEL compiler is executed for that DPU.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

This subfolder contains the following files after the ExCEL compiler has been
run for a DPU:
Xl_001.dat : File to be downloaded.
Xl_001.err : ExCEL compiler Errors.
Xl_001.lis : ExCEL compiler full listing (source and object).
Xl_001.obj : ExCEL compiler intermediate object file.
Xl_001.src : ExCEL compiler input. Created by the XLMerge utility
which collects all the ExCEL points for a DPU into a single
file. Points are collected in alphabetical order.

7.9 Modular ExCEL Import Notes

1. The syntax for indicating the negation of a variable referenced by “@tagname.att” must be specified
only one way in Modular ExCEL. The correct syntax is “-@tagname.att”; the incorrect syntax, which will
not be accepted by ExCEL Import, is “@-tagname.att”.

2. An ExCEL label name for a variable should not contain a backslash character ; for instance, the variable
name declaration :\cr.1stm will cause the error message “macro not defined”. If the backslash character is
removed, then there will be no error.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

8. maxDNA Ladder Capabilities:

The following table shows the capabilities related to Ladders within maxDNA and the type of station
(Engineer or Operator) where they may be performed. It also shows the utility that provides access to
the capability. The sections that follow, by Station type, describe how to access and use these

Capability Type Of Station

Offline Add/ Edit Ladder Engineer (maxTOOLS)
Online Add/ Edit Ladder Engineer (maxTOOLS)
Compile Engineer (maxTOOLS)
Install Engineer (maxTOOLS)
Delete Engineer (maxTOOLS)
Online View, including Forcing of state values Engineer or Operator. (maxVUE)

8.1 maxSTATION (Engineer)

8.1.1 maxTOOLS

As the table in 8.0 shows most of the Ladder related functions have to be performed on an Engineer
Station as do all the other database related activities. Ladder activity is related to a DPU that is defined
in a specific maxTOOLS database, typically the same one used when the EWS Import was performed.
Therefore, the first step is to start maxTOOLS and open the database containing the desired DPU. For
security reasons and to provide a communications path to the DPU, it is required that the MCS
Software Backplane is running. The Software Backplane is started when a member of the Engineer
Group logs on to a maxSTATION.

The Offline Edit, Online Edit, Compile and Delete functions are accessed from a single utility whose
icon is on the maxTOOLS Toolbar. The icon appears as a ladder, its tooltip reads “Press to Select
Ladder Maintenance View”.
The following Screen appears:

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Off-line Edit of a Ladder means only the current Ladder’s Definition and Name files will be opened in
the Edit session. The last set of these files that were installed is not effected. In this mode the DPU is
not accessed and no live data is retrieved and displayed. As the screen shows there is no button for
Offline Edit, simply left click the target DPU from the Tree View. DPU’s are shown in the Tree View
under “Bus x” node. A Ladder can only be applied to Primary or Standalone DPUs of Type 3, 4 and
4A. When a DPU is selected the actual Ladder Editor is launched on “Offline” mode. The Ladder
Editor is described later in this section. At the end of the session, if the Ladder has been modified the
user will be asked whether to compile the Ladder. If so the Ladder Editor is launched again but in
“Compile” mode which does not have a visible screen. At the completion the success/failure status is

The Compile button is the primary means to compile ladders. Pressing this button will present the user
with a list of DPU’s in the currently opened database, that have valid Ladders (shown below) A DPU
has a valid Ladder if the path C:\Custom\Database\< Database name >\< DPU name >\Ladder\ exists
and contains the files <dpu name>.D02 and <dpu name>.N02. Click on any set of DPUs shown, then
press the Compile on that display. The Ladder Editor will be called in “Compile” mode repeatedly for
each selected DPU. The screen will be updated to show the progress. If the Cancel button is clicked
before all the DPUs have been compiled the sequence will end after the current DPU compile
completes. Upon completion the user may view the log files for errors.

The On-line Maintenance button provides a means to view the real-time state of the last ladder
definition that was installed in the selected DPU. A DPU has a valid installed Ladder if the path C:\
Custom\Database\< Database name >\< DPU name >\Ladder\Installed\ exists and contains the files
<dpu name>.D02, <dpu name>.N02 and <dpu name>.O02. Pressing the button presents the user with
a list of DPU with valid installed ladders. Clicking on a DPU will select it; only one on-line session at
a time is possible. The Ladder Editor is called in “On-line” mode. This causes the editor to periodically
read the values of the logic elements that appear on the display and animate them appropriately. Logic
elements can be “Forced” to desired states. This mode also provides the user with the ability to modify
the Ladder Definition. As this occurs the changes are recompiled and sent to the DPU. Initially only
the last installed Definition and Name files will be opened in the Edit session. At the end of the session
if the user elects to

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

save the edits, then the Definition and Name Files become the current versions which would be seen if
a subsequent Off-line session or Compile were performed. If the user discards the edits, then the
originally installed files are loaded into the DPU and restored in the \Installed folder.

The Delete Button allows the user to delete the entire Ladder folder for a DPU. Once deleted the files
cannot be restored.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

To Install a Ladder use the standard Install utility found on the maxTOOLS Toolbar. If a DPU has a valid
Ladder that has been compiled successfully, then it will be installed in these instances:
 When the entire DPU is selected for install
 When a “Selective Install” is requested and the user has checked the “Ladder” line item on the
Points list
The Install Dialog conatins a check box labeled “Excel/Ladder Compile”. If it is checked, then prior any
install the ExCEL and Ladder compilers will be called for each DPU as required (see the section Install of
the ExCEL Object for more on the ExCEL compile). The Status screen shows results of the compiles.

The Install Log will show the status of the Ladder install. The Log shows “ExCEL.Object” because the
compiled Ladder is actually an ExCEL object file. However it is downloaded to partition 2 where as the
standard ExCEL (modular or Monolithic) is dounloaded to Partition 1. The bracketed numbers in the log
contain a “1” or “2” to distinguish ExCEL from Ladders respectively.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

8.1.2 maxVUE Editor:

The C:\MCS\Displays\MN\Ladder folder contains a sample Ladder display. It is recommended that this
folder be copied to C:\Custom\Operating folder. Then edit the Ladder.mn contained in it using the
maxVUE Editor. The display contains the following elements whose interaction is described below.
 A single instance of the MCSLadderViewControl
 A single instance of the MCSListControl for entering a DPU name.
 A set of six MCSButtons for selecting DPU.
 Uses the standard MCS supplied Horizontal and Vertical toolbars.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

8.2 maxSTATION (Engineer or Operator)

8.3 Ladder Logic Editor (PLC.exe):

This program is used to perform the following functions. They are determined by a mode value passed as a
program argument.
 Offline Edit: via maxTOOLS
 Compile: via maxTOOLS
 Online Edit (View, Force values and Modify): via maxTOOLS
 Online View (the user’s login security determines whether View or View+Force
capability are enabled): via maxVUE.

The following table lists the keyboard functions you need to know to navigate about the ladder logic display
and its menus.

Remember, you may select an element for editing, forcing, etc. by highlighting a rung or rung element using
the left/right arrow keys. A highlighted element is surrounded in a blue background.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

You may scroll the display up and down using the up/down arrows keys, and page-up and page-down keys.
The cursor moves vertically between rungs and horizontally across elements.

Escape or
Space Bar Return to the previous menu; same as Escape Key.

Tab Highlight the next menu item and display its description.

Shift Tab Highlight the previous menu item and display its description.

Enter Execute the currently highlighted menu item.

Page Up Scroll the screen up by one rung.

Page Down Scroll the screen down by one rung.

Home Position to the first rung in the program and refresh the screen.

End Position to the last rung in the program.

Arrow Keys Elements and rungs are selected by moving up, down, right, and left.

Insert Key Toggle between Insert and Overstrike; used with text entry.

F4 Cancel current edit function (e.g., Ignore Point Not Defined message).

F5 Go to a specific rung by number and display it at top of screen.

F6 Toggle forcing (manual) mode of selected element.

F7 Toggle True/False state if in forced (manual) mode.

F8 Invert element or box output.

F9 Invert selected box input.

F10 Display or cancel display of rung comments.

F11 Display either names or descriptions for elements.

F12 Display or cancel display of attributes with names of elements.

Menu items appear in lower case with upper case indicating a letter that may be used as a shortcut to selecting
the item from the keyboard. Alternatively, press the Tab key to navigate through the menu items. The line
below the menu describes what action is performed if the highlighted menu item is selected.

Elements or operators may be selected from a menu or by use of <F> keys.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

The Ladder Logic Main Menu consists of the following:

Main Menu

Configure Add, delete, or modify ladder logic.

Find Find comment, logic, or rung.

Options Select ExCEL options.

Reports Show detail ladder information.

Toggle Summarize function keys.

Exit Terminate edit session and go back to the Ladder Detail Display.

Selecting a menu item presents sub menus that operate in the same manner.

8.4 Ladder Logic Note: Prefix Character(s)

If your maxTOOLS configuration uses prefix character(s) (for example, to denote a Unit number), then you
should be aware of how tagnames are displayed in the Ladder. Tagnames are always shown exactly as they
were entered in maxTOOLS, without the prefix character(s). This is true both offline, when the Ladder is
being built, and online, when the Ladder is being updated with live data.

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Appendix A: Methods for Copying Modular Excel From a MAX 1000

Applications Processor (AP) to a maxSTATION:
These methods assume a basic working knowledge of AP and maxSTATION platforms. Further, it
assumes that the MAX 1000 Configuration Builder Export of the ExCEL has been performed, placing the
files in the selected directory on the AP.

The maxSTATION folder where the files are copied to can be a temporary directory created by the user.
For instance, the user could create a new folder c:\Import using the NT Explorer File\New\Folder menu

I. File Transfer Protocol (FTP):

If the maxSTATION and AP are on the same Ethernet network, and share the same TCP/IP network
number, FTP is the quickest way to do the copy using the following procedure. A valid Username and
Password on the AP is required (usually the User Name is “ews” and the Password is “ews=ews”).

Log on to the maxSTATION

From the Status bar click on Start, Programs, Command Prompt
Change to the directory on the maxSTATION where the files are to be copied:
CD c:\<directory path>
Example: CD c:\Import
Start FTP:
FTP <IP Address of AP>
Enter AP user name:
Enter password
Password required for <user name>:

Go to the directory on the AP where the ExCEL modules are. By default the Export utility places
them in \usr\ews\excel
ftp>cd \usr\ews\excel

Copy the ExCEL files:

ftp>get <segmentname>xl.dat
ftp>mget *.exc


This method will copy the files from the AP to a floppy that will then be copied to the maxSTATION.

Log on to the AP.

Change to the directory where the EWS Export utility placed the files. By default this is usr\ews\excel.

Run the DOSSETTE utility:

Type in the command “dossette”.

Use the “put” command to copy the files:

put <(source file name on AP> <(destination file name on floppy>
Note the destination file names must be in the dos “8.3” format. File name cannot exceed eight

Metso Automation MAX Control Systems, Inc. MAX 1000+Plus Migration Release Notes

Copy the <segmentName>xl.dat file to the floppy.:

put <segment>xl.dat <setmentName>xl.dat

Copy the ExCEL Module source:

DOSSETTE does not provide a wild card character in the put command. Therefore individual put
commands must be entered.
put <moduleName>.exc <moduleName>.exc

This is acceptable if there are only a few files. Otherwise, prior to entering DOSSETTE do the
following at the AP:
Create a file containing a list of the ExCEL source modules. Each line will contain the name of one
exc file:
Dir *.exc >> dirfile.txt

Edit the file, such that each line is a put command for that file.
Add a line at the end containing a “q”.

Enter the DOSSETTE command as follows:

DOSSETTE << dirfile.txt

On the maxSTATION copy the files to the desired directory. In our example this would be c:\Import.

If any of the Module Source file names were shortened because of the 8.3 restriction, rename then to
their original name since it must match the MOD_NAME field in the source file.


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