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Applied Ocean Research17 (1995) 265-215

Copyright 0 1996 ElsevierScienceLimited
Printedin Great Britain.All rightsreserved
PII: SOl41-1187(96)00002-8 0141-1187/95/$09,50

State-space modelling of a vertical cylinder in

z. Yu
Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China

J. Falnes
Department of Physics, Norwegian Institute of Technology, University of Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway

(Received 4 January 1995; revised version received and accepted 4 December 1995)

The (first-order) wave forces on structures interacting with ocean waves may be
represented by complex transfer functions in the frequency domain or by
convolution integrals in the time domain. The integration kernels are causal for
radiation forces, but not necessarily so for excitation (scattering) forces. As a
convenient approximation, these integrals may be replaced by a finite-order system
of differential equations with constant coefficients. This method is applied to a
heaving cylinder with a vertical axis, and good approximations are obtained when
the order of the differential equation system is three for the radiation force and five
for the excitation force. The corresponding state-space model for the heave motion
response due to the incident wave elevation has an order of 10, but it is
demonstrated that it is possible to reduce the order to five without increasing the
inaccuracy in the heave motion too much. Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.

Keywords: wave forces, simulation, impulse response approximation.

1 INTRODUCTION of causal systems). To frequency-dependent coefficients

(or ‘transfer functions’) in the frequency domain, there
One subject of ocean engineering is the study of the correspond convolution operators (or ‘impulse response
interaction between ocean waves and oscillating sys- functions’) in the time domain. Note that a transition
tems, such as ships, ocean platforms and wave-energy from the time domain to the frequency domain is
converters. Traditionally, the corresponding analysis is usually applied only to those linear systems which are
carried out in the ‘frequency domain’, which corre- time-invariant.
sponds to waves and oscillations being ‘monochromatic’ In many cases of practical interest, the interaction
or ‘harmonic’. This means that physical quantities vary problem may, however, be more or less nonlinear, such
sinusoidally with time with a given angular frequency w. as when the waves are large or extreme. Even with small
For linear problems, where the superposition principle is or moderate waves, there may be significant non-
applicable, this frequency-domain approach is more linearities associated with a wave power converter, for
general than it appears, since a real sea-wave state may instance due to its power take-off device. The super-
be considered as a superposition of many monochro- position principle is not applicable for nonlinear
matic waves having different frequencies and different situations. Hence, a correct analysis of the nonlinear
directions of propagation. parts of the problem has to- be considered in the time
An alternative method, the so-called time-domain domain rather than in the frequency domain. Examples
approach for the study of hydrodynamic interactions, of such an analysis are simulation studies of moored
was considered by Cummins’ and Wehausen.273 The ships4 and of tension-leg platforms.5 Another example,
connection between the time-domain and frequency- related to the research on wave-energy converters, is
domain approaches is provided by means of the Fourier the study of optimum control of an oscillating body,6
transform (or Laplace transform for the particular case and later similar time-domain analyses were carried out

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266 Z. Yu, J. Falnes

for an oscillating water column7 and also for a system resulting excitation force on a ship or another ocean
with an oscillating water column in an oscillating structure18 (see, for instance, figure 2 of 01teda18).
structure (see, for instance, 01teda18). In these theore- Another case is related to the optimum control of
tical studies, the hydrodynamic interaction is repre- oscillation for maximum converted wave energy. l9
sented by convolution integrals. Thus, the total dynamic In this paper, Section 2 deals with mathematical
system, including wave and oscillation, is described in methods to analyze linear systems with a single input
the form of an integro-differential equation. and a single output, and non-causal systems are
A convenient method in time-domain analysis is the considered in particular. The subject of Section 3 is
‘state-space’ method, which is very much in use in the analysis of the response of a heaving body
control engineering. Schmiechen’ and, independently, interacting with waves, and in particular the approx-
Booth” proposed the use of this method in hydro- imate representation of an impulse response function by
dynamics. Further, Jefferys” applied the method in the means of a state-space model of finite order. Sub-
analysis of wave-energy converters. These researchers sequently, as an example, a heaving vertical cylinder is
showed that the convolution-integral model of the studied numerically, and state-space models are
hydrodynamic interaction might be represented constructed, in Sections 4, 5 and 6, for the impulse
approximately by some small number of first-order response functions for the radiation force; the excitation
linear constant-coefficient differential equations, which force; and the heave motion, due to the heave velocity,
replace the convolution integral in the time domain. the incident wave elevation and the incident wave
Such a replacement has also been proposed, indepen- elevation, respectively.
dently, by Yu.12,13 Jefferys pointed out the problem of
deriving the coefficients of the differential equations
explicitly from a given impulse response for the 2 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND STATE-SPACE
hydrodynamic interaction. He applied identification MODELLING
techniques’ ’ to derive a state-space model for the
radiation interaction associated with Salter’s ‘duck’ by We consider a linear system which is time-invariant and
using time-domain input and output signals measured time-continuous and which has a single input and a
experimentally. In Jefferys’ later research,‘4,15 he also single output. Let u(t) and y(t) denote the input signal
used the Bode plot technique in the frequency domain to and the output signal (or response), respectively. They
find an approximation for the coefficients of the are related as follows:
differential equations, and applied numerical optimiza- 00
tion to a modelling example to improve the accuracy of Y(f) = h( t - T)U(T) dT (1)
the coefficients. The Bode plot method required, 5-ix
however, some manual work to find good initial guesses. where h(t) is the ‘impulse response function’, for which
Jefferys stated14 ‘there is no obvious method’ to the Fourier transform H(iw) is termed the ‘frequency
compute the coefficients of the differential equations response function’. The Fourier transforms U(iw) and
intended to replace the convolution integral, and that a Y(iw) of the input and output signals, respectively, are
possible computation directly in the time domain would related by
give better accuracy. A method which fulfils these needs
is applied here. Y(iw) = H(iw) U(iw) (2)
One possible method of this kind is to find the according to the convolution theorem.
coefficients of the differential equations (and thus arrive If the system is causal, this is, if h(t) = 0 for t < 0, then
at a state-space description without a convolution the upper integration limit 00 in the convolution
integral) by approximating the impulse response func- integral [eqn (1)] may be replaced by t. If we assume,
tion by a combination of trigonometric and exponential moreover, that the input signal is a ‘causal function’,
functions in the time domain.13 Although this method is that is, u(t) =0 for t < 0, we may replace the lower
convenient for numerical computation, it requires some integration limit -oc by 0. In such a case we may use
manual preparation to achieve a good combination of the Laplace transform rather than the Fourier trans-
trigonometric and exponential functions. form. Then we have
Another method which requires less manual prepara-
Y(s) = H(s)U(s) (3)
tion, which is also more general, and which has been
used in some previous examples,12716,17is also applied in where H(s), U(s) and Y(s) are the Laplace transforms of
this paper. It uses a matrix exponential function to h(t), u(t) and y(t), respectively. The function H(s) is
approximate the impulse response function. called the ‘transfer function’, which with s= iw is the
Although the radiation interaction is causal, there are frequency response function. Note that eqn (3) is also
cases where non-causal impulse response functions are applicable if the input signal is not a ‘causal function’,
of practical interest in ocean engineering. One such case provided the effect of the input signal prior to t =O is
is the relationship between the incident wave and the reflected in the initial conditions for u(t) and its
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State-space modelling 261

derivatives at t = 0 when deriving the Laplace transform, distributed dynamic system, which is typical in hydro-
U(s), of the input. The system must, however, still be dynamics.
causal (i.e. h(t) = 0 for t < 0) for the (one-sided) Laplace The three above-mentioned models (or descriptions)
transform to be applicable. However, as explained may be transformed from one to another according to
below, it may sometimes be possible that a system different purposes. A transfer-function model is usually
which is non-causal can be transformed by means of a used for analyzing a linear system in the frequency
time shift to a system which is causal or approximately domain, and an impulse response function model is
causal. widely used in the field of ocean engineering for
Let us consider a non-causal system for which it is simulating and analyzing a system in the time domain.
possible to find a positive constant t, such that h(t) is It is rather straightforward to transform both ways
zero or negligible for t< -t,. Then we define between these two models. The third model, the state-
space description, which is widely used in control
h,(t) = h(t - tJ (4)
engineering, may be a more convenient model for
as the ‘causalized impulse response function’ corre- investigating ,a dynamic system in ocean engineering.
sponding to h(t). The relationship between v(t) and This model is useful, in particular, for system simula-
tion, digital control and system optimization.
Y,(l) = JJ. h,(t - r)~(r) dr The transformation from a state-space model to the
(5) corresponding transfer-function model is carried out in

cc a straightforward manner by taking the Laplace trans-
= h(t - t, - +(T) dr = JJ(~- I,)
-cc forms of eqns (7) and (8) and then eliminating X(s). The
resulting transfer function is
as obtained from eqns (1) and (4) is
H(s) = C(sI - A)-‘B (9)
where I is the identity matrix. Since the matrices A, B
Note that we may replace the upper integration limit 00 and C are constant, it is easy to determine the state
in the integral [eqn (5)] by t. For the linear system vector X(t) by integrating the system of differential
represented by the causalized impulse response function equations [eqn (7)]. The result is

h,(t) we may apply the usual Laplace transform analysis.
In many cases of practical interest, it is possible to X(t) = eA(‘-‘o)X(to) + e*(‘-‘)Bu(T) dr (10)
describe the linear system in the time domain by means to
of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. and then the following output function is obtained from
Then it is convenient to use a state-space description eqn (8)

= t
which is represented by the state equation and the
output equation CeA(‘-‘o)X(tO) + Ce*(‘-‘)Bu(T) dr (11)
X(r) = AX(t) + Bu(t) (7) In the following, we shall, for convenience, take to = 0 as
and the initial time for the solution of the state equation.
The effects of the input signal u(t) prior to t=O are
y(t) = CX(t) (8) contained in the first term of the right-hand side of eqn
respectively. Here X(t) is an n-dimensional column (11). If the input signal has been applied for all previous
vector, where n is the order of the system of differential time, eqn (10) suggests that we might use
equations. Also, n is the number of states (or the number

of dimensions of the state-space). The dot denotes X(0) = e-*‘Bu(T) dr (12)
differentiation with respect to time. The constant -02
matrices A, B and C are the n x n state matrix, the as the initial state vector. However, when we consider in
n x 1 input (or ‘control’) matrix and the 1 x n output what follows the impulse response function of a linear
matrix, respectively. system, we shall assume that the input function u(t) is a
From the theory of Laplace and Fourier transforms, ‘causal function’ [i.e. u(t) = 0 for t < 01. Moreover, we
it is evident that the models of the impulse response shall consider this input to be the only cause of the
function and the transfer function are equally good output. Thus, when modelling the impulse response
descriptions of a linear system. An exact description is function, we may assume that the initial state vector
also possible with a state-space model of finite order, vanishes, that is X(0) = 0. Comparison of eqn (11) with
provided that the system genuinely possesses a finite eqn (1) then shows that the state-space model corre-
(possible large) number of states. However, approxima- sponds to a causal impulse response function, which, for
tions are possible in order to reduce the number of states t > 0, is given by
from a large finite value, or from an infinite number of
states, which are required to describe a spatially h(t) = Ce*‘B (13)
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268 2. Yu, J. Falnes

In contrast to the above direct results given by eqns (9) In linear theory, the excitation force F&J) is
and (13), it is less straightforward to obtain state-space proportional to the incident wave elevation
models corresponding to a given transfer function or a 77(x,iw) = A(w)edifi, where A(w) is the real and positive
given impulse response function. Whether these func- amplitude of the incident wave elevation, K is the
tions have been obtained theoretically or experimen- angular wave number (or ‘angular repetency’), and x is
tally, it may be of great interest, as argued previously, to the horizontal coordinate in the direction of wave
construct state-space models which represent these propagation. We assume that the origin is at the vertical
system functions, at least approximately. The transfor- axis through the centre of the body. Introducing the
mation from a transfer-function model to a state-space complex coefficient of proportionality Hr (iw) (‘the heave
model is called ‘realization’ of the system (see, for excitation force coefficient’), the excitation force is
instance, Friedland*‘). For a given transfer function, expressed as
there may be many different realizations of the same
F,(iw) = Ht(iw)n(O, iw) = H&),4(w) = Hr(w)eief(“)A(w)
order (number of states) or of different orders. Usually,
the realization of the lowest order (‘the minimum (18)
realization’) is applied. Methods are available for where Hf (u) and 19,(w)are the amplitude and phase of
constructing state-space models from input-output the excitation force coefficient, respectively. (We use the
information in the frequency domain as well as in the notation Hf (w) E IHr(iw) 1. The phase e,(w) is relative to
time domain.21-24 Examples of system realization are the phase of the undisturbed incident wave elevation at
presented below (in Sections 4, 5 and 6). These are based x = 0. Because the excitation force is independent of the
on known impulse response functions. In two cases, we motion of the body, instead of the incident wave, the
shall consider a non-causal impulse response function. excitation force may, for convenience, be considered as
If a state-space model corresponding to the causalized the input to the body.
impulse response function h,(t), defined by eqn (4) has The reaction force from wave radiation is due to the
system matrices A, B and C, the state-space model oscillating velocity of the body and may be expressed as
corresponding to the non-causal impulse response
F&w) = -[N(w) + iwm(w)]i(iw) = -Z,(iw)i(iw)
function h(t) can be expressed by the equations
X,(t) = AX,(t) + Bu(t) with X,(O) = 0 (14)
where N(w) is the ‘radiation resistance’ (or wave
damping coefficient) and m(w) is the added mass of the
y(t) = CX,(t + &) (15) body. The complex coefficient Z&J) may be termed the
Notice here the time shift tc as compared with eqn (8). ‘radiation impedance’,25,26 and its imaginary part wnz(w)
This means that the output y(t) at time t is influenced by may be called ‘radiation reactance’ (a term which need
the input at a future time tt At, where AZ < tc. See also not be confusing even in cases where the ‘added mass’ is
eqns (5) and (11). negative27). Note that Z(iw) =iwZ(iw) is the velocity
frequency response function of the body.
The restoring force is proportional to the displace-
3 THE APPROXIMATION OF A CONVOLUTION ment of the body, and is given by
I;,@) = -pgSZ(iw) (20)
Considering the heaving motion of a floating body, we where p is the density of water, g is the gravitational
shall assume small amplitude and neglect friction. Hence acceleration, and S is the water plane area of the floating
linear theory may be adopted. Newton’s law gives the body.
following equation of motion for the heaving body. Using eqns (18)-(20) in eqn (17), the frequency
domain equation of the heaving body becomes
Mi’(t) =fe(f) +fr(t) +f,(t) (16)
{ -w2[M + m(w)] + iwN(w) + pgS}Z(iw) = F&w)
where M and ,?(t) are the mass and heave acceleration of
the body, respectively. Further,f,(t),f,(t) andfs(t) are the (21)
excitation force due to the incident wave, the reaction and the frequency response function Z(iw) of the
force due to wave radiation and the restoring force heaving displacement can be expressed as
acting on the body, respectively.
Z(iw) = Z(w)eiez(W)
= W.4
Taking the Fourier transform of eqn (16), the
-w2[M + m(w)]+ iwN(w) + pgS
equation of motion can, in the frequency domain, be
written as (22)
where Z(w) and e,(w) are the amplitude and phase of the
-w*llrlZ(iw) = F,(iw) + F,(iw) + F,(iw) (17) heave displacement, respectively.
where Z(iw) is the frequency response function of the Taking the inverse Fourier transform of eqn (21) the
heave displacement of the body. equation of motion in the time domain may be
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State-space modelling 269

expressed as response function model of the heave motion and is

widely used to simulate the motion of the body in the
(A4 + m, )Lf(t) + -L
2T ?j W(w) + iwIm(w) - moo II time domain (see, for instance Wehausen3 and Green-
J cc how and Nichols31). In order to represent a convolution
integral [as in eqn (28)] approximately by means of a
x i(iw)e”’ dw + pgSz( t)
finite-order differential equation system we propose the
following method, which we consider to be better than
= (A4 + m=)j(t) + /ym hR(t - T)~(T) dr + pgSz(t) the methods considered by Jefferys.“*14 To model the
heave motion of the body in a state-space description,
=_fzt) (23) let us approximate the integral term in eqn (28) by a
linear sub-system as follows. The output y,,(t) of the sub-
where hR(t) is the inverse Fourier transform of the system is an approximation to the integral term, and the
reduced radiation impedance HR(iw) = N(w) + input z+,(t) of the sub-system is the heave velocity, i(t).
iw[m(w)-m,], and it is the impulse response function Thus, we set
of the radiation. Usually, at infinite frequency (w + co),
the radiation resistance N(w) tends to zero, whereas the X,(t) = ApXp(t) + B,u,(t) with X,(O) = 0 (29)
added mass m(w) tends to a finite constant m, which we and
shall call the ‘frequency-independent added mass’. In
order to avoid the divergence of the first integral term in hR(t - T)i(T)dr
Yp(t)= q&(t) = (30)
eqn (23), we have taken a term moo i’(t) outside the --oo
integral. Sometimes numerical methods produce inaccu- where X,(t) = [xl(t), x2(t), . . ., x,(t)lT is the state vector of
rate results for the radiation impedance at high the sub-system.
frequencies, and correspondingly inaccuracies in the Among the many possible realizations of the state-
early part of the impulse response function may result. space model, we shall use he so-called companion-form
Improved results are obtained for this, and also for m,, realization, where the matrices A,, B, and C, are of the
if specially adapted high-frequency analyses2g-30 are form
used in addition to the usual methods which work
satisfactorily at lower frequencies. 0 0 0 ... 0 -al
It can be shown that the real and imaginary parts of 1 0 0 ... 0 -a2
the radiation impedance are even and odd functions of
w, respectively, i.e. both N(w) and m(w) are even. Using 0 I 0 ... 0 -a3
the properties of Fourier transformation, this follows A, = .. .. .. .. .* (31)
. .
from the fact that hR(t) is a real function. Thus hR(t) may . . . . . .
be expressed as 0 0 0 ... 0 -a,_l
hR(t) = he(t) + ho(t) (24) 0 0 ... 1 -a,
B,= [b, b2 b3 ... b,_l b,JT (32)
h,(t) = ; ,r N(w) cos(wt) dw (25)
J and
and C,=[O 0 0 ... 0 l] (33)
h,(t) = -;Jo” w[m(w) - m,]sin(wt) dw (26) Thus we have to choose an integer n and then determine
2n unknown parameters such that the approximation in
are even and odd functions of t, respectively. eqn (30) is acceptable. The chosen form of the matrix C,
As the radiation reaction force is caused by the means that x,,(t) =y(t).24732
heaving velocity of the body, the corresponding impulse For the state-space model, the impulse response
response function is causal,’ that is hR(t) vanishes for function as given by eqn (13) is to approximate the
t < 0, whereas actual impulse response function hR(t). Thus we
hR(t) = %,(t) = 2&(t) (27) determine the 2n unknown parameters by minimizing
for t>O. the following target function
Also, considering the causality of hR(t), eqn (23)
becomes Q= 2 G(tk)[hR(tk) - CpeApt~Bp]* (34)
(M + m,).i(t) + hR(t - 7)2(T) dr + /@Z(t) =fe(t) where G(tk) is a weight function to be chosen, and AR(&)
J -co is the value of the impulse response function at the
(28) chosen instants tk (k= 1, 2, 3, . . ., m). Thus, at least m
This integro-differential equation* is termed the impulse discrete values of hR(t) are assumed to be known either
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270 Z. Yu, J. Falnes

from theory or from experiment. The approximation is Hrl-W.3 e, Grad)

1 s
expected to improve if the order n of the linear sub- L"."""""""""""~
system is increased. A reasonably good approximation 1

is, however, often obtained even if n is a rather small

integer. Remember that hi, in the integral in eqn (28), 0.5
is known with limited accuracy in many cases.
Using eqns (29) and (30) in eqn (28), the state-space 0
0.4 -
model of the heaving of the body can be written as
X(t) = AX(t) + Bur(t) (35)
and -1

y(t) = z(t) = CX(t) (36) 0 cwgp

where the system state vector X(t), the input function Fig. 1. Non-dimensional amplitude, Hf(w)/
Wo,and phase 0, of
z+(t) and the system matrices A, B and C are the heave excitation force coefficient of the body as functions
of the non-dimensional wave frequency t~(R/g)“~. Here,
X(t) = [X&y z(t) i(t) IT W, = pgS = pgnR2.

... frequency-independent added mass are c/R = 1.80, h/

= [x1(4 X2(4 &t(t) &+1(f) &+2(t) IT
R = 8.57 and m,/M= 0.345, respectively.
(37) For the radiation problem, a linear sub-system of
order two to four is usually good enough to approx-
imate the integral term of eqn (28). In this example, a
0 sub-system of order three is tested. The approximation
matrices of the sub-system obtained by minimizing eqn
A, i (34) are
A= 0 (39) 1
0 0 -17.9
A, = 1 1 0 -17.7 1
0 ... 0 0
lo 1 -4.411
1 C,la
B, = [36.5 394 75.1 IT (43)
B=[O ... 0 -l/a]= (40)
C=[O ... 0 1 O] C,=[O 0 l] (44)
respectively, where a = -(M+ m,) and b = pgS. The In the numerical determination of these matrices, a
initial condition is X(0) = [X,(O)= z(0) i(O) constant weight function G(t,) = 1 has been chosen, and
51 discrete values of h(tk) [tk= (k- l)At, (k= 1, 2, . . .,
51) At = 0.1 s] have been used. Figure 3 also shows the
4 STATE-SPACE MODELLING OF THE impulse response function corresponding to the state-
RADLATION FORCE space model of the sub-system of order three. It can be
found from Fig. 3 that the impulse response function
As an example, let us consider the heaving motion of a
floating cylinder-shaped body with its vertical axis
coinciding with the origin (x=0). Let the radius and

draught of the cylinder be R =0.35 m and c = 0.63 m,
respectively, which means that the body displaces a
water volume of V=O.242 m3. The water depth is
h = 3 m. The coefficients of added mass, wave radiation
damping and wave excitation force, as obtained by
numerical solution of the hydrodynamic boundary
value problem, are given in Figs 1 and 2.33,34 The
0.1 -.I
corresponding impulse response function for radiation, ol
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
as calculated using eqns (25) and (27) is shown in Fig. 3 0 m&P
(solid line). With p = 1000 kg/m3, the mass of the body is
Fig. 2. Non-dimensional coefficients of the real part (the
M = 242 kg and the frequency-independent added mass radiation resistance), 27rTV/(wM),and the imaginary part (the
of the body is moo = 83.5 kg. Non-dimensionalized added mass), m/M, of the wave radiation force.
values of the body’s draught, the water depth and the M= pcS = ,mR2c is the mass of the floating body.
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State-space modelling 271

h,/OwR’) excitation force is independent of the motion of the

L"""""""""""""'1 body, and can be considered, instead of the incident

wave, as the input to the linear system of the heaving
body. Considering the motion of the body as the output,
this will be the same whether we use the excitation force
or the incident wave as the input. However, for practical
systems in ocean engineering, it is more general if the
incident waves, rather than the excitation forces, are
measured and considered as inputs to the system. To
-0.02 model a dynamic ocean system using the state-space
0 s 10 15 20
description with the incident wave as the input, an
t :;/R,O.J additional linear sub-system, which has the input
Fig. 3. Non-dimensional impulse response function of the wave u(t) =r](O, t) =a(t), and an output yf(t)=fe(t), must be
radiation force, hz(r)/(pgR*), computed by hydrodynamic built in the form of a state-space description, and the
analysis (solid line) and by an approximating state-space total system in the form of a state-space description can
model of order three (0).
be obtained by combining the sub-system for the
corresponding to the approximate linear sub-system is in excitation force with our previous system using the
very good agreement with the impulse response function excitation force as the input [see eqns (35) (36) and
of the radiation force. This means that the state-space wH4w.
model agrees very well with the impulse response Taking the inverse Fourier transform of eqn (18) the
function model. wave excitation force in the time domain can be
Using eqns (42)-(44) in eqn (39) and considering that expressed as
the order of the sub-system is three, the system state
vector X(t), the input variable q(t) and the system L(f) = Ju hf(t - T)~(O, T) dr = co hf(t - T)a(T) dr
-cc s -m
matrices A, B and C of the state-space model of the
heaving body are (50)
where n(x, t) is the incident wave elevation in the time
X(t) = [Xl(f) x2(t) x3(t) x4(t) x5(t)IT domain, and a(T) =q(O, t) is the wave elevation at the
. I

= [x1(t) x2(t) x3(t) 44 i(t) IT origin. (Note that the incident wave is the undisturbed
sea wave, as it would be if the body were absent.)
Uf(4 =.fdf) (46) Further, the impulse response function hf (t) is the
inverse Fourier transform of the excitation force
-0 0 -17.9 0 36.5- coefficient H&w) for heave [see eqn (IS)]. Applying
1 0 -17.7 0 394 the inverse Fourier transform to the function H&w)
shown in Fig. 1, an impulse response function Al(t) as
A = 0 1 -4.41 0 75.1 (47) shown in Fig. 4 is obtained.
0 0 0 0 1 From this, it will appear that h,(t) is not causal. This
can be understood from the fact that the chosen input
0 0 -0.00307 -11.6 0 (the incident wave elevation at the origin, x= 0) is not

B= [0 0 0 0 0.00307] (48)
C=[O 0 0 1 OIT (49)
respectively. [SI units are implied with the numbers in
eqns (47) and (48).] 0.2 :
Substituting eqns (45)-(48) into eqn (35), and eqns
0.1 r
(45) and (49) into eqn (36), the heaving motion of the
body can be simulated in the time domain by a state-
space model of order five when the excitation force for -0.1 ,,.m,.,,a
-20 -10 -f.. 0 10 20
heave is used as the input. f <g/&2.’

Fig. 4. Non-dimensional impulse response function of the

excitation force for heave, hm(t,)= hr(t,,)/(p2g3R3)0’5(solid
5 STATE-SPACE MODELLING OF THE WAVE line). The broken line shows hr&&,)=hr,(t,-ten), which is the
non-dimensional ‘causalized’result of hf,,(t,,),and (0) show the
approximation of hr.(t,,) by a state-space sub-system of order
five. Here tn= f(g/R)@s is non-dimensional time and ten=
As pointed out earlier (see Section 3), the wave ?&/R)o.5 is the non-dimensional causalizing time shift.
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272 Z. Yu, J. Falnes

the cause of the output (the heave excitation force). The corresponding to the inverse Fourier transform of the
real cause of the output, as well as the input, may be a frequency response function of the excitation force. This
distant storm (or a wave-maker in the laboratory). The means that a state-space model can also be applied to
generated wave may hit the body and exert a wave force approximate a non-causal linear system.
before any wave has reached the conveniently chosen
reference point x = 0. As hr(t) is non-causal, the linear
sub-system of the excitation force in the form of a state- 6 STATE-SPACE MODELLING OF THE HEAVE-
space description is expressed as [see eqns (14) and (15)] VS-WAVE RESPONSE
Xr(t) = AfXf(t) + B+(t) with Xr(0) = 0 (51) For a given amplitude A(w) of incident wave, a body’s
and heave response is given by eqn (22) together with eqn
(18). The corresponding transfer function Z(iw)/A(w) is
m hf(t - T)~(O, T) dr (52)
Yf(Q = cfxf(t+
4 M shown by the curves in Fig. 5, which have also been
obtained by using the numerical information repre-
where X,(t), u(t) =q(O, t) and rr(t)=fe(t) are the state
sented in Figs 1 and 2. However, a response function as
vector, the input variable and the output variable of the
represented by Fig. 5 could alternatively have been
linear sub-system, respectively. Moreover, t, is the
obtained by experiment.
causalizing time shift of hf(t) [see eqns (4), (6) and
By taking the inverse Fourier transform of the body’s
(15)]. The system matrices Af, Bf and Cr have the same
heave transfer function, the corresponding computed
forms as in eqns (31) (32) and (33), and they can be
impulse response function h,(t) is obtained as shown by
determined by minimizing the following target function
the curve in Fig. 6. It appears that h,(t) is non-causal, as
[see eqn (34)]
was to be expected, because of the non-causality of the
impulse response function hf (t) for the excitation force.
For t < -to where tc= 1.2 s, we should expect h,(t)=O.
The small oscillations seen in the graph in Fig. 6, for
where hr,(t) = hf(t-zJ is the causalized impulse response
t < -tc are due to numerical inaccuracies such as, for
function corresponding to hf (2).
example, truncation at high frequencies. We note that
It can be observed from Fig. 4 (solid line) that hf(t) is
the graph in Fig. 6 shows the typical behaviour of a
negligible for t < - 1.2 s. So, the causalizing time shift t,
transient damped free oscillation, for which the time
is set as tc= 1.2 s, corresponding to a non-dimensiona-
between consecutive maxima is approximately 1.8 s.
lized value t,, = t&/R)‘.’ = 6.35. Figure 4 also shows the
This corresponds to a natural angular frequency
causalized impulse response function hr,(r) of the
~~~3.4 rad/s. This parameter matches the resonance
excitation force (dashed line).
A linear sub-system of order five is tested to
approximate the wave excitation force. The matrices of &[A4 + m(w,,)] = pgS = ,ognR2 (57)
the sub-system obtained by minimizing eqn (53) are (in
where numerical values o.f M, p and R are given in
SI units)
Section 4, and where values for m(w) may be obtained
-0 0 0 0 -409 - from Fig. 2. Note that the condition of eqn (57)
1 0 0 0 -459 corresponds to setting F, = 0 and N= 0 in eqn (21).
The total system model of the heaving body in the
Af = 0 1 0 0 -226 (54)
0 0 1 0 -64.0
0 0 0 1 -9.96

Bf = [ 1549866 -116380 24748 -644 19.3]=

Cr=[O 0 0 0 l] (56)
In the computation for minimizing eqn (53), a constant
weight function G(tk) = 1 was chosen, and 45 discrete
values of hfc(t& [zk= (k-l)At, (k= 1, 2, . . ., 45),
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 -4
0 m/.gP
At = 0.1 s] were used. It can also be seen from Fig. 4
Fig. 5. Non-dimensional amplitude Z/A and phase OL (in
that the causalized impulse response function (0) of the radians) of the heave motion of the body computed by
excitation force corresponding to the state-space model hydrodynamic analysis (lines), and by an approximate fifth-
of order five agrees very well with the result (dashed line) order state-space model (0 and 0).
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State-space modelling 213

model gives results as shown (by the dots) in Figs 5 and

6. We observe that reasonably good results are obtained
0.3 with this approximate model. It is remarkable that the
0.2 fit in Fig. 6 is also good for the later parts of the impulse
0.1 response function, in spite of the fact that only the early
part (the first 8 s, or 42.3 units of normalized time) was
used for determining the 2n = 10 unknown coefficients
by minimizing the target function Q according to eqn
(53), with subscript f replaced by z. Admittedly, the
-0.3 j computed values of h,(t) show that the approximation is
-0.4 1, , , , , , . , , , , , , , , ,j better in the early part of the diagram shown in Fig. 6
-50 0 50 100 150
t <g&
than in the later part, although the graph’s resolution
does not permit the reader to see this in the diagram.
Fig. 6. Non-dimensional impulse response function h,(t) The previously described tenth-order state-space
(R/g)*” of the heave motion of the body considered as the
model, consisting of two decoupled fifth-order state-
output when the incident wave elevation at x=0 is the input.
The curve is obtained by taking the numerical inverse Fourier space models for the excitation force vs the incident
transform of the transfer function shown by the curve in Fig. 5. wave (Section 5) and the heave motion vs the excitation
The dots show results obtained from an approximate fifth- force (Section 4), has also been investigated, and it gives
order state-space model. a better approximation than our fifth-order state-space
form of a state-space description by using the incident model [eqns (58)-(60)]. Contrary to Fig. 5, the deviation
wave as the system’s input can be obtained by between the dots and curves for w(R/g)“’ < 1 would not
combining eqns (51) (52) and (54)-(56) with eqns have been visible in the diagram if the tenth-order model
(35), (36) and (45)-(49). The total system now has an had been applied instead of the fifth-order model.
order of ten. Note that the sub-system of the excitation However, in most cases, the approximation represented
force has an order of five and it can be solved by the dots in Fig. 5 is acceptable. Thus in such cases,
independently. So, the total system is, in fact, expressed the fifth-order state-space model may be adopted. Note
by two systems of order five, in which, one (the that this model was based on the curve given in Fig. 6
excitation force) can be solved independently, and the without using the state-space models obtained in
other (the heave motion including the effects of Sections 4 and 5.
radiation) can be solved by using the output of the
first system as its input.
A method similar to that of Section 5 may, however, 7 CONCLUSION
be applied to build a state-space model directly from the
impulse response function. In this way, it may well be Various methods to analyze linear systems have been
possible to approximate the heave response by means of reviewed. Particular attention has been paid to systems
a state-space model of order less than ten. Explicitly, we which are not causal. The description of systems in
apply eqns (51)-(53) with the subscript f replaced by terms of transfer functions in the frequency domain and
subscript z. For our computation, we choose a state- impulse response functions in the time domain has been
space order of five, a weighting function G(t&l, and used for quite some time in ocean engineering. A
the 80 discrete values hzf(tk) = hz(tk- tJ, where purpose of this paper has been to promote the
tk=(k-l)At, k=l, 2, 3, . . .. 80; At=O.l s; and application of state-space modelling in hydrodynamics.
tc = 1.2 s. We obtain the following system matrices Such modelling will be convenient for time-domain
simulation and digital control and optimization pro-
0 0 0 0 -192.34 blems in ocean engineering. In many cases, for instance,
1 0 0 0 -178.04 in relation to ship motion or wave energy conversion,
the hydrodynamic interaction is only part of the total
A, = 0 1 0 0 -77.14 (58) system, and a state-space model will be very useful to
0 0 1 0 -27.24 combine the hydrodynamic part with other parts,
possibly non-linear, of the total system.
0 0 0 1 -5.12 While this paper has considered linear systems with a
single input and a single output, it is possible to
B, = [ 194.49 -60.46 9.72 -1.29 -0.0121T generalize to systems with several inputs and outputs.
(59) The method applied in this paper to construct a state-
and space model for a system seems to be more straight-
forward in use than the techniques discussed recently by
C,=[O 0 0 0 l] (60) Jefferys and Goheen.15 This comparison refers to
Application of this approximate fifth-order state-space modelling of the radiation problem.
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274 Z. Yu. J. Falnes

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