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A1: Hello Rosa, good morning. How are you?

A2 Hi Kevin, good morning. Long time no see. How are you? What are you doing?

A1. I felt good, thank you, nice to see you here.

A2. And what are you doing with that book in your hands?

A1. It is a book called Palla huarcuna of Peruvian traditions by Ricardo Palma.

A2, do you like to read a lot?

A1, Yes, since I was a child I like to read a lot.

A2. And what is Kevin about, I see you focused

A1. Yes very entertaining. It is about Tupac Yupanqui and is known as the rich of all virtues.

A2 How good I see, he is brave and gives a lot of prosperity.

A1 Yes, he submitted to a tribe called pachis, his body has been bathed in blood in each battle,
that's why he is the red llautu warrior.

A2 If he is also admired for his great bizarreness

A1 Yes, I see that you also really like Ricardo Palma's stories of Peruvian traditions

A2 Yes, I like it a lot, I love those stories and I enjoy it.

A1 Come, let's read it together

A2 seems good to me

A1 Here in the stories a condor fallen on the highest peak of the Andes, means ruin

A2 Yes, a lot of ruin, ruin in the Manco empire

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