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Bálint Molnár

angol szaknyelv

Homework 2: 10 Oct.

Title: Nuclear bombs in Hungary? That is not a joke!


1. Warhead: the explosive head of a missile, torpedo, or a similar weapon
e.g. The warheads were applicable on rockets and warplanes, and a Soviet general and
engineer regularly modified their code.

2. Hermetically: in a way that is protected or insulated from outside infuences

e.g. Furthermore, the Soviet military base storing the weapons was hermetically
closed, so the soldiers shot everybody trying to get inside.


1. What do you think, are there any nuclear weapons being stored in Hungary right now?
2. How could the Soviets establish 4 stations without the Hungarians giving permission?
3. Have you heard stories about these bombs?


In this article I’ve learnt that some nuclear weapons were actually stored in Hungary for some
time. During the Cold War, the Red Army has kept nuclear warheads here to be able to attack
in case a new world war broke out. The Hungarian leadership gave the green light for the
Soviets to place nuclear weapons in Hungary in 1961. It was built in the forests of Bakony.
Even though the venue was Hungary, Hungarian soldiers were not allowed to enter the
facility. It has been estimated that 100 warheads (being applicable for rockets and warplanes)
were held in Hungary at that time. But Hungarian authorities could enter only after 1990, the
change of the regime, since the files were highly classified. The Soviets have placed bombs to
4 more settlements without Kádár’s permission. The military base storing the weapons was
strictly protected therefore the soldiers shot everybody trying to get inside. Some might
wonder if there are weapons being stored currently by Nato in Hungary.

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