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Jomari Paulo Escarilla BSA501

Case 1
Accounts Payable, Beg 900,000
add: Total Purchase 3,200,000
less: Accounts Payable, End -1,250,000
Payments - Cash Basis 2,850,000
The Total purchase on Cash basis on
December 31, 2020

Case 2
Income for the Current year - Accrual basis 600,000
Unearned rental Income, ending 75,000
Accrued Income, beg. 30,000
Total 705,000
Less: Unearned rental income, beg. -50,000
Accrued Income, ending -40,000
Income Receive on Cash Basis 615,000

The total income receive on Cash basis

should report by Patrick Company in 2020

Case 3
Total Expense - Accrual Basis 375,000
Prepaid Royalties, ending 50,000
Royalties Payable, beg. 75,000
Total: 500,000
Less: Prepaid Royalties, beg. -60,000
Royalties Payable, ending -90,000
Total Expense - Cash Basis 350,000
Royalties Expense on Cash Basis 350,000

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