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What are some causes of drug addiction?

One of the typical causes of drug addiction is the inability to cope with crisis. Loss, disappointment, feelings of rejection, loneliness, and failure frequently lead to physical and emotional symptoms. As symptoms of headaches, tension, sleeplessness, and depression increase, medications become a solution. Some will get prescriptions from a physician or try to medicate themselves. In Zachs case, drugs were readily available. The divorce was hard on my mom, and she needed her pills to help her handle the kids and her two jobs. Sometimes we had to get Mom her medicine to help her feel better. As a child, Zach became codependent, habitually covering up for his addicted mother. As a parent, Zach justified using drugs in order to be a good dad who wouldnt beat the kids. Like Zach, most people deal with crisis according to their background. Unique features and patterns direct individuals down a deceptive path of addiction. When Alyce was a child, her mother left the family. Her fathers alcoholism contributed to a dysfunctional environment. By the time I entered high school, I was moved around to five foster homes. Sometimes, I was taken to Sunday school where I heard how God helped other people with problems. Alyces life as a wife and mother began well. But, as the years passed, Alyce started drifting away from her faith. Something was missing in my life, and I only wanted to deaden the pain. When her habitual drinking failed to numb the hurts, she tried cocaine. The crack addiction stole her reputation, self-respect, and even her children. In seeking to escape her problems, Alyce was lured into deeper destruction. They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves to sin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you (2 Peter 2:19

Does the Bible address the causes of drug addiction?

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We are Gods exquisite creation, fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14a, NIV). Drug addiction depreciates and destroys life. Satan uses deception (2 Corinthians 4:4) and doubt (Revelation 12:9-10) to degrade man who was created in Gods image (Genesis 1:27). Jesus, God the Son, is well-acquainted with temptation (Luke 4:1-13). While satan tempts, he cannot compel us to disobey God or habitually sin (1 John 3:8-9). God never tempts us (James 1:13-15), and He will provide an escape from every addiction (1 Corinthians 10:13). Only God can meet our every need (Psalm 23).

What are underlying causes of drug addiction? When we take drugs, either for medical purposes or recreation, there is a benefit or reward that we are trying to achieve. For example pain medication is intended to bring relief to an injured or stressed area of our body. The beginning stages of drug addiction causes us to crave more and to use more. The unintended consequences of that is our need to take more and more of the drug to get the same result. Drug addiction causes the pathways inside the brain to be altered. Physical changes in the nerve cells are brought on by the drug. These cells (neurons) communicate with each other releasing neurotransmitters into the gaps or synapses between the nerve cells. This makes some drugs more addictive than others. There are several other factors that contribute to drug addiction. Well go into greater detail on another page, but for now the major factors are ones genetic makeup, personality and peer pressure. Again well explain these as we go along. For information on treatment and recovery please visit drug rehab. To understand what causes drug addiction we need to first look at the effect of the drug on the individual. Of course, there are many variables to consider, but we will start by looking at what happens when a person takes drugs. We take drugs, either for medical purposes or recreation and there is a benefit or reward that we are trying to achieve. For example pain medication is intended to bring relief to an injured or stressed area of our body. The beginning stages of drug addiction causes us to crave more and to use more. The unintended consequences of that is our need to take more and more of the drug to get the same result. Think of drug addiction as a progression. A person uses drugs and at some point the pathways inside the brain are altered. Physical changes in the nerve cells are brought on by the drug. These cells (neurons) communicate with each other releasing neurotransmitters into the gaps or synapses between the nerve cells. This makes some drugs are more addictive than others. Causes of Drug Addiction are many including: - Crime - Unhappiness - Divorce - Major sickness/illness

- Death of a loved one

Causes Of Drug Addiction

Why do some people choose to use drugs when they?re so bad for you? The causes of drug addiction are as varied as the amount of drugs that are available for use ? both legally and illegally. There is no one cause for drug addiction just like there is no consistent profile of a drug user. People who have a history of drug use or abuse in their families are at risk for drug addiction problems. It has been proven that children of alcoholics will exhibit addictive tendencies. Children of alcoholics or drug users generally have low self-esteem and see their parents escaping from problems using drugs. When they see this, their minds say that this is the way to act and they themselves become users. There is also a biological basis for causing drug addiction. Drugs alter the brain?s chemicals and the way the brain functions. Drug addiction creates dependence in the brain by changing the brain?s reward functions ? the part that reinforces certain behaviors. Prescription drug addiction is caused by the person?s inability to function without the drug in their system. People become addicted to prescription drugs because they usually are taking them to overcome some type of pain. They begin to feel that if they are not taking their pills, the pain will return. Some people are more prone to addiction than others. People who have low self-esteem, are often depressed, and who feel they have no control over their lives will often turn to drugs as a way to cope. They often feel they can?t please the people around them so they have to change themselves in order to fit in. The change is made easier by using drugs because the drugs transform them into someone and something that they are not. Stress is often attributed as a cause of drug addiction. Life can be very stressful no matter who you are. Some of us are better able to cope with stress than others. Others still just look for an easy way to forget their stress ? and that easy way is through drugs. Once the drug use starts, it?s often difficult to get away from it because the stresses will still be there once the high is gone, so the user feels he or she needs more drugs to cope. That type of cycle leads to addiction. Finally, drugs are easily accessible. They are available in many places if you just ask around for them. Because of that easy access, it?s more likely that a person will begin using eventually becoming addicted. The causes of drug addiction are wide and varied. The key to stopping drug addiction is to get rid of those causes before they become a problem.

Drug addiction treatment and recovery step 1: Decide to make a change

For many people struggling with addiction, the biggest and toughest step toward recovery is the very first one: deciding to make a change. Its normal to feel conflicted about giving up your drug of choice, even when you realize its causing problems in your life. Change is never easy and committing to sobriety involves changing many things, including:
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the way you deal with stress who you allow in your life what you do in your free time how you think about yourself

You may wonder if youre really ready for all that change or if you have what it takes to quit. Its okay if youre torn. Recovering from addiction is a long process, one that requires time, commitment, motivation, and support. As you contemplate your situation, the following tips can help you make the decision.

Drug addiction treatment and recovery step 2: Explore your treatment options
Once youve made the decision to challenge your drug addiction, its time to explore your treatment choices. As you consider the options, keep the following in mind:

There s no magic bullet or single treatment that works for everyone. When considering a program, remember that everyone s needs are different. Drug addiction treatment should be customized to your unique problems and situation. It s important that you find a program that feels right. Treatment should address more than just your drug abuse. Addiction affects your whole life, including relationships, career, health, and psychological well-being. Treatment success depends on developing a new way of living and addressing the reasons why you turned to drugs in the first place. It may have been because of an inability to manage stress, in which case you ll need to find healthy ways to handle stressful situations. Commitment and follow-through are key. Drug addiction treatment is not a quick and easy process. In general, the longer and more intense the drug use, the longer and more intense the treatment you ll need. But regardless of the treatment program s length in weeks or months, long-term follow-up care is crucial to recovery. There are many places to turn for help. Not everybody requires medically supervised detox or an extended stint in rehab. The level of care you need depends on your age, drug use history, and other medical or psychiatric conditions. In addition to doctors and psychologists, many clergy members, social workers, and counselors offer addiction treatment services.

Drug addiction treatment and recovery step 3: Reach out for support
Dont try to go it alone. Whatever treatment approach you choose, having a solid support system is essential. The more positive influences you have in your life, the better your chances for recovery. Recovering from drug addiction isnt easy, but with people you can turn to for encouragement, guidance, and a listening ear, its a little less tough.

Lean on close friends and family Having the support of friends and family members is an invaluable asset in recovery. If you re reluctant to turn to your loved ones because you ve let them down before, consider going to couples counseling or family therapy. Build a sober social network If your previous social life revolved around drugs, you may need to make some new connections. It s important to have sober friends who will support your recovery. Try taking a class, joining a church or a civic group, volunteering, or attending events in your community. Consider moving in to a sober living home Sober living homes provide a safe, supportive place to live while you re recovering from drug addiction. They are a good option if you don t have a stable home or a drug-free living environment to go to. Make meetings a priority Join a recovery support group and attend meetings regularly. Spending time with people who understand exactly what you re going through can be very healing. You can also benefit from the shared experiences of the group members and learn what others have done to stay sober.

Drug addiction treatment and recovery step 4: Learn healthy ways to cope with stress
Even once youve recovered from drug addiction, youll still have to face the problems that led to your drug problems in the first place. Did you start using drugs to numb painful emotions, calm yourself down after an argument, unwind after a bad day, or forget about your problems? After you become sober, the negative feelings that you used to dampen with drugs will resurface. For treatment to be successful, and to remain sober in the long term, youll need to resolve these underlying issues as well. Conditions such as stress, loneliness, frustration, anger, shame, anxiety, and hopelessness will remain in your life even when youre no longer using drugs to cover them up. But you will be in a healthier position to finally address them and seek the help you need.

Drug addiction treatment and recovery step 5: Keep triggers and cravings in check
While getting sober from drugs is an important first step, its only the beginning of the recovery process. Once sober, the brain needs time to recover and rebuild connections that have changed while addicted. During this time, drug cravings can be intense. You can support your continued sobriety by making a conscious effort to avoid people, places, and situations that trigger the urge to use:

Make a break from old drug buddies. Don t make the mistake of hanging out with old friends who are still doing drugs. Surround yourself with people who support your sobriety, not those who tempt you to slip back into old, destructive habits. Avoid bars and clubs, even if you don t have a problem with alcohol. Drinking lowers inhibitions and impairs judgment, which can easily lead to relapse. Drugs are often readily available and the temptation to use can be overpowering. Also avoid any other environments and situations that you associate with drug use. Be up front about your history of drug use when seeking medical treatment. If you need a medical or dental procedure done, be up front about your history and find a provider who will work with you in either prescribing alternatives or the absolute minimum medication necessary. You should never feel ashamed or humiliated about previous drug use or be denied medication for pain; if that happens, find another provider. Use caution with prescription drugs. Stay away from prescription drugs with the potential for abuse or use only when necessary and with extreme caution. Drugs with a high abuse potential include painkillers, sleeping pills, and anti-anxiety medication.

Drug Addiction Treatment Methods

Drug addiction is a treatable disorder. Through treatment that is tailored to individual needs, patients can learn to control their condition and live normal, productive lives. Like people with diabetes or heart disease, people in treatment for drug addiction learn behavioral changes and often take medications as part of their treatment regimen. Behavioral therapies can include counseling, psychotherapy, support groups, or family therapy. Treatment medications offer help in suppressing the withdrawal syndrome and drug craving and in blocking the effects of drugs. In addition, studies show that treatment for heroin addiction using methadone at an adequate dosage level combined with behavioral therapy reduces death rates and many health problems associated with heroin abuse. In general, the more treatment given, the better the results. Many patients require other services as well, such as medical and mental health services and HIV prevention services. Patients who stay in treatment longer than 3 months usually have better outcomes than those who stay less time. Patients who go through medically assisted withdrawal to minimize discomfort but do not receive any further treatment, perform about the same in terms of their drug use as those who were never treated. Over the last 25 years, studies have shown that treatment works to reduce drug intake and crimes committed by drug-dependent people. Researchers also have found that drug abusers who have been through treatment are more likely to have jobs.

Treatment via Medication: Current Drugs Available

Methadone is a widely used treatment for heroin addicts. The drug is normally taken orally once a day to prevent cravings and severe withdrawal symptoms. Levo-alpha-acetyl-methadol, LAAM, is similar to methadone in that it blocks the effects of heroin. But it's usually administered orally only three times a week which helps reduce the addict's psychological need to take a drug every day.

The drug naltrexone has also been used in the treatment of heroin addiction but it's not popular among addicts. Although it prevents a user getting a high from heroin, it doesn't stop the craving. It can be taken orally but naltrexone implants have now been developed to allow the drug to slowly be released into the system over a period of time. Users with these implants feel no effect from heroin when they inject. Buprenorphine is a new treatment for heroin and other opiod abuse and research has found it to be more effective than both naltrexone and LAAM in terms of reducing drug cravings. It doesn't produce a hit, dependency or withdrawal symptoms and is only needed every other day. All maintenance therapies prescribed by doctors and rehab clinics are taken orally to prevent the spread of HIV and hepatitis from sharing infected needles. Research is under way in the US and Europe to find the wonder medication to treat cocaine addiction. It's currently the top priority of the USAs National Institute on Drug Abuse ( Some drugs which have been developed for other medical purposes have had limited success with cocaine addiction. Many are still be trialled for treatment. The anti-convulsant drug gabitrol has been effective in helping some users overcome their craving for cocaine as has the antiepileptic drug gamma-vinyl-gaba (GVG). Anti-depressants are sometimes prescribed to help addicts cope with the side effects of withdrawal. The drug disulfiram (brand name Antabuse) is often used to treat alcoholism. It induces nausea, vomiting and other extremely unpleasant side effects in patients who drink even a small amount of alcohol, including alcohol contained in foodstuffs such as vinegar and sauces. Acamprosate is a medication which helps reduce withdrawal symptoms suffered by alcoholics. Naltrexone has also been used in the treatment of alcoholism because, just as with heroin, it can lessen the perceived positive effects of alcohol. For the majority of other addictions to substances such as stimulants, inhalants and steroids, medications are often prescribed - not to treat the addiction itself but more to combat adverse health side effects such as fits and depression. Medication for any form of addiction should go hand in hand with various support therapies. Community back up is vital for addicts especially in the early days after they've been weaned off a drug. Cognitive behavior therapy Cognitive behavior therapy is mostly used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, phobias, and other mental disorders, but it has also been shown to be valuable in treating alcoholism and drug addiction, especially as part of an overall program of recovery.

Cognitive-behavioral coping skills treatment is a short-term, focused therapeutic approach to helping drug-dependent people become abstinent by using the same learning processes the person used to develop alcohol and drug dependence initially.
What Is Cognitive Behavior Therapy? Cognitive behavior therapy is based on the idea that feelings and behaviors are caused by a person's thoughts, not on outside stimuli like people, situations and events. People may not be able to change their circumstances, but they can change how they think about them and therefore change how they feel and behave, according to cognitive-behavior therapists.

In the treatment for alcohol and drug dependence, the goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to teach the person to recognize situations in which they are most likely to drink or use drugs, avoid these circumstances if possible, and cope with other problems and behaviors which may lead to their substance abuse.

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