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Action Verbs

Action verbs are also called dynamic verbs and they describe actions. Action verbs
can be used in the simple or continuous forms. Here are a few examples of action

- I run every morning.

- Why are you running? We have plenty of time.

- I read every night before bed.

- I‘ve been reading this book for over two weeks. It is very boring.

- Suzie drinks milk every morning before school.

- My father is drinking a bottle of coke now. He must be very thirsty.

State Verbs
State verbs are also called stative verbs and they describe a status or quality of
something. State verbs don't describe an action and express states or conditions
which are relatively static. They include verbs of perception, cognition, the senses,
emotion and state of being. The are not normally used in continuous form.

► State verbs of opinion/perception

know, believe, understand, recognize, prefer, agree/disagree,

approve/disapprove, suppose, suspect

- I’ve known John since I was a kid. (Not "I‘ve been knowing...")

- Do you understand what I say? (Not "Are you understanding...")

- I prefer tea for breakfast. (Not "I am preferring...")

► State verbs of possession

have, belong, own, possess, include, owe

- I have a sister. (Not "I am having a sister")

- This book includes 9 chapters. (Not "This book is including...)

- Our house belongs to my grandfather. (Not "Our house is belonging...)

► State verbs of the senses

hear, smell, see, appear, feel, seem

- I hear some people having a party. (Not "I am hearing...")

- You smell like a flower. (Not "You are smelling...")

- Your mum seems very happy. What happened? (Not "Your mum is seeming...")

► State verbs of emotion

love, hate, like, need, want, wish

- I love you more than anything. (Not "I am loving...")

- Do you really hate football? (Not "Are you really hating...")

- We need more money for summer vocation. (Not "We are needing...")

► State verbs of qualities/states

weigh, consist, measure, cost, exist, depend, deserve, involve

- How muh do you weigh? (Not "are you weighing...")

- The project consists of three phases. (Not "The project is consisting of...")

- It depends on the situation. (Not "It is depending on...")


► Be

STATE VERB - He is selfish. (He is always selfish)

ACTION VERB - He is being selfish. (He is temporarily acting selfish)

► Have

STATE VERB - I have three cars. (I owe three cars)

ACTION VERB - I am having breakfast at the moment (I am eating breakfast)

► See

STATE VERB - I see some kids on the beach playing volleyball. (perception with eyes)
- Do you see what I mean? (Do you understand what I mean)

ACTION VERB - I will see a doctor tomorrow. (I will meet a doctor)

► Look

STATE VERB - Your suit looks marvellous. (Appearance)

ACTION VERB - Why are you looking at me? (Directing your eyes to me)

► Smell / Taste

STATE VERB - The house smells of fruit. (The quality of smell or taste)

ACTION VERB - My mum is smelling the roses in the garden. (Using her nose to feel
the scent)

► Think

STATE VERB - I think we should visit her in the hospital. (In my opinion)

ACTION VERB - We are thinking of buying a new car after semester. (Using my mind)

► Feel

STATE VERB - I feel we are not going see eachother again.

ACTION VERB - I have been feeling very lonely recently.

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