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In the past, castles

were large strong
buildings which
protect the people
inside from attack.
Our houses aresmall
improvisations of
those huge fortresses
where every time
we come back and
feel good.First of all,
castle means a huge
building, with thick
and high walls
where you are in
security. This refers
toour house, too. My
house is that place
where I feel
comfortable and it
does not matter it is
a big one or
small,rich one or
may be modest. The
most important is
actually that it is my
property and always
I have where tocome
my house is my
world. There are
things that I like and
love. When I enter
the house and I
closethe door, in
fact, this door and
walls separate me
from all the people,
problems and stress.
Being at home I sitin
my favorite
armchair and I can
thing, reflect on my
actions, ideas and so
on. There is nobody
who can bother me
and I can relax and
feel good.I

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