DP Planning Sheet

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Meeting Details
Location Date Client
Attendees Name Company Designation

Nominated Vessel and Task Information

Vessel DP Class Master
Location Task type Date
Actual task
Resources - Personnel
Resources – Equipment/Facilities

Location information available Yes/No Comment

Charts Navigational
Charts Survey
Charts Electronic for navscreen
Tidal data
Weather forecast/typical for period
Local environment considerations
Working location
In field movements (rigs/vessels,etc)
Additional hazards
Communication/reporting details
Specific permits to work/checklists
Fixed PRS
Additional PRS items to be available
PRS Blind sectors
Field restrictions (eg,seabed

Vessel Information
Compliance with Class
Generators/thrusters available
Nav package available
Nav equipment available
DP system operational
PRS available
Manning requirements
Shallow water considerations
Escape route considerations
Operational features/restrictions
Checklist requirements

Final Approach Plan

Yes/No Comment
Working Heading
Work position
Equipment reqd. (crane, winches, etc.)
Facilities reqd. (Dive, Rov, etc.)
Communications set up
Permits in place - Installation
Vessel permit types reqd.
Planning meeting
Systems/equipment operational
Class set up as reqd.
Vessel checklist types reqd.
Entry procedure in place
PRSs operational/ available
Approach planned
Escape planned
Contingencies in place

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