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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University of 08 Mai 1945 -Guelma- Semester: 03

Faculty of letters and languages Academic year: 2020/2021
Department of letters and English language Course: Grammar
Level: 2nd year

Groups: 4,5,8,9


1. Types of sentences
1.1.Simple sentence
1.2.Compound sentence
1.3.Complex sentence
1.4.Compound complex sentence.
2. Transformation of sentences
2.1.Conversion of simple sentences to compound sentences
2.2.Conversion of compound sentences to simple sentences
2.3.Conversion of simple sentences to complex sentences
2.4.Conversion of complex sentences to simple sentences.
3. Types of phrases
3.1.The participial phrase
3.2.The gerund phrase
3.3.The prepositional phrase
3.4.The infinitive phrase
3.5.The appositive phrase

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