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Conditional Clauses

Tip 0 –adev gen valabil if + pres simple……../ pres simple. If you mix blue and red,/ you get purple.

Tip 1 -1. Act. Viitoare if+ pres simple……../ future simple : If I find your key, /I will give it to you.(
daca iti voi gasi cheia, ti-o voi da.)
2. imperativ if + pres simple……../ imperative : If you see Joe ,/ tell him to call me. (
daca il vezi/il vei vedea pe J, spune-i sa ma sune. )
Tip 2 - situatie imaginara/dorita – in prezent sau viitor (+adv pt viitor) if + past simple/cont……./
present conditional: would + inf scurt. : If I had money,/ I would buy an ice cream.= Daca as avea
bani, as cumpara o inghetata. (tomorrow- future situation)

Tip 3 - situatie imaginara/regretul – pt o actiune/situatie trecuta : if+ past perfect simple/continuous

…./past conditional: would+ perfect infinitive ( have+past participle) :
If I had had money,/ I would have bought an ice cream.
Auxiliar pt formarea lui past perfect
Past participle al vb have ( have –had- had)
Daca as fi avut bani, as fi cumparat o inghetata.

Observatie: in conditionalele de tip 2 si 3 auxiliarul WOULD poate fi inlocuit cu un verb MODAL:

If I had money,/ I (would) could buy an ice cream.= …./as putea cumpara ……. …
If I had had money,/ I (would) could/might have bought an ice cream.= …./as fi putut cumpara
Observatie: if vs. when

 Folosim if pt a arata ca ceva s-ar putea intampla: if I see her at school, I’ll give her the book. (=I
might see her at school)- s-ar putea sa o intalnesc…. ( Daca …… scoala, ii voi da…)
 Folosim when pt a arata ca ceva se va intampla sigur : When I see her at school, I’ll give her the
book. ( Când......, ii voi da...)
(I will definitely see her at school)- cu siguranta, o voi intalni …

In tipul 1 de conditionala avem :
Unless (= if not) + verb la afirmativ: Unless you are 18, you can’t see the film.=daca nu ai 18 ani,
nu poti vedea filmul.

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