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[Título del documento] [Fecha]

Craftworld Ivress

Origins: Craftworld built over five million years BCE

What was the Craftworld before the fall of the Eldar Empire?

Traders. These Craftworlds were used as large trading vessels, much like Rogue Traders in the
modern Imperium.

What happened to the Craftworld during the Fall?

Escaped. This Craftworld was far away from the core of the Eldar Empire and managed to survive

Demeanor: Isolationist.

What is the Craftworld’s ultimate goal?

Just survive! This Craftworld is simply focusing on ensuring the survival of itself and the Eldar race
for as long as possible.

Favored Path

Unique Path (path of the Dragon Knight)

Favored Military Force

Aspect Warriors


Traditional Eldar pantheon


Hero 1

Who was he? Seer

Personality: Violent

What is the hero famed for? Saved the Craftworld from an invading army.

What enemy did he fight? Martyr Killed in battle against Chaos space marines, serves as a

Hero 2



Won a void battle to protect an allied world

Battled against a minor xenos race (Hrud)

[Título del documento] [Fecha]

Hero 3

Aspect Warrior (shining spear)


Carried out a precision strike on a dangerous foe at the request of the Craftworld’s seers

Battled against Necrons

Hero 4



Saved the Craftworld from an invading army

Battled against Tyranids

How strong is the Craftworld, currently and size?

Prosperous Minor Craftworld

Strongest allies: Exodites

Worst enemies: Chaos Space Marines

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