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GRUFF, CYNICAL second-in-command
Glaring at everything in the OPERATIONS DECK
BRIDGE saved your life; you'll never forget it
CHIEF is reliable and honest


When you've used two of your Solutions, you discover something strange: a short while before the cyborgs
attacked, Chief sent out a data file on the wireless system. You must now ask this question, word for word:
"Chief, what was in that data file?"

These are immediate threats. Other players have to solve these! Cross these off as they're resolved:

> The proton coil is offline. Can't get in there with those hostiles in the engine room.

> The forward section of the port hangar has sustained heavy damage. We can't take another hit.

1. Use these to solve other players' Emergencies. Be creative!
2. When another player has an Emergency, pick a Solution and describe how you'll use it.
3. After a minute, tell the player if the Solution worked or not. Be very clear about success or failure.
4. Either way, cross it off the list.

> We should run a damage-control drone out to one of the autocannons. Work it remotely. (success)

> Boost the signal to the ionic scanner, overload it. Make it explode. Turn it into a bomb, basically. (failure)

> Load the forward battery with exploding shells. Don't need auto-targeting at that range. (failure)

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