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Kicking ass in the HANGAR
X.O. has a problem with your attitude
BRIDGE gets it: you're here to win the war

The truth is, you're a Cyborg. You have been all along. But you can't bring yourself to admit it until the very
end -- when the Bridge asks you for your "Last Words." At that point, tell the truth. You're a Cyborg, but you
resisted your programming and continued to fight for humanity until the bitter end. You're not human, but
you're still a member of this crew.

These are immediate threats. Other players have to solve these! Cross these off as they're resolved:

> We've got violent decompressions all along the starboard side of the hull. It's going to crumple.

> Port thrusters are nonresponsive, and the rudder is locked. We're heading into an uncontrolled spin.

1. Use these to solve other players' Emergencies. Be creative!
2. When another player has an Emergency, pick a Solution and describe how you'll use it.
3. After a minute, tell the player if the Solution worked or not. Be very clear about success or failure.
4. Either way, cross it off the list.

> Set a bunch of our fighters to autopilot, have them fly out there and execute kamikaze maneuvers.

> Spin up the FTL drive, and set us on a path of one hundred meters. We won't actually complete the jump,
but the surge will push us forward, and the FTL envelope will protect us from damage. Theoretically.

> I'll take the fission reactor offline, temporarily -- then reroute power directly to the atomic torpedos in the
missile bay. (success)

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