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Journal of Air Transport Management 102 (2022) 102222

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Impact of High-speed rail on air travel demand between Dallas and Houston
applying Monte Carlo simulation
Seock-Jin Hong a, *, Hossein Najmi b
Department of Logistics, & Operations Management, G. Brint Ryan College of Business, University of North Texas, 1155 Union Circle #311396, Denton, TX, 76203-
5017, USA
Dept. of Information Systems and Operations Management, College of Business, University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK, 73034, USA


Keywords: High-speed rails (HSR) are common in Europe and Asia, but the U.S. still does not have an operational HSR
High-speed rail network. Subsequently, literature on HSR in the U.S. socio-spatial context is very limited. To address this gap in
Discrete choice analysis the literature, we focus on the Dallas-Houston HSR project, planned to provide service in 2026, to investigate the
Stated preference
critical attributes travelers consider when choosing between air and HSR. This study also explores the potential
Random utility theory
Monte Carlo simulation
impacts HSR would have on airlines sharing this route. To examine these attributes and the potential effects of
Southwest airlines this HSR, we performed a stated preference survey, discrete choice analysis, and applied Monte Carlo simulation.
United States Our results show that service frequency is an essential factor for travelers choosing a mode of transportation
Texas between Dallas and Houston. A potential competition and cooperation opportunity exist between airlines and
HSR on this corridor.

1. Introduction including Texas. Such a lack of understanding is critical considering that

Dallas is home to one of the first low-cost carriers (LCC), Southwest
High-speed rails (HSR) have received increasing global recognition Airlines (SWA), who connects point-to-point networks instead of using a
in recent years in Europe and Asia. High-speed intercity movement has hub-and-spoke network (Doomernik, 2016).
been dramatically enhanced by reducing travel time and improving The current study addresses this problem by empirically investi­
onboard convenience (Chen and Haynes, 2017). However, HSR devel­ gating the attributes that would influence travelers’ choice of transport
opment is not very advanced in the United States; a completed HSR mode from Dallas to Houston. It aims to measure the impact of HSR on
network still does not exist in this country, although California and airlines by considering the degree of interchangeability between the two
Texas are working on developing HSR networks. An HSR project that transport modes. Specifically, we ask what attributes (e.g., traveling
connects Dallas and Houston (240 mi) is the focus of this research. This time, frequency, price) would influence travelers’ choice between HSR
line is expected to offer service between these two cities in less than 90 or air. Further questions investigated include: How would demographic
min and at speeds up to 200 mph, with one stop in the Brazos Valley. characteristics influence the travelers’ choice? What are other factors
Texas Central, an investor-owned company behind the Texas HSR, has that would play a role in the travelers’ choice? How would the intro­
planned to start HSR operation by 2026. duction of HSR influence the aviation market on this route? To answer
Substantial HSR-related research is largely based on European and these questions, we carried out a stated preference (SP) survey and used
Asian contexts; research in the United States context is rare. The extant a discrete choice model to investigate the choice travelers would make
literature indicates that route-specific characteristics considerably in­ between air and HSR, as well as the potential effects of HSR entry on
fluence findings (Doomernik, 2016; Givoni and Dobruszkes, 2013). airlines.
Given this, and the spatial development of rural and urban economic Our results show that frequency is the major attribute that influences
activities and infrastructure are different in the United States compared travelers’ choices. Moreover, we found that males and older people have
to Asia and Europe, we can observe a lack of understanding of how a higher tendency to choose HSR. The survey including variables such as
travelers choose between HSR and airlines in the United States, safety, comfort, on-time arrival and departure, parking, security control,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S.-J. Hong), (H. Najmi).
Received 9 November 2021; Received in revised form 10 March 2022; Accepted 21 April 2022
Available online 28 April 2022
0969-6997/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.-J. Hong and H. Najmi Journal of Air Transport Management 102 (2022) 102222

and connection, and this allowed us to observe that safety and on-time Table 1
service influence the choice of transportation mode on this route. Literature review on attributes that influences determining in traveler’s choice
This study offers three main contributions to existing literature. First, of transportation.
to the best of our knowledge, this study is among the first to provide an Variables Authors Target
understanding of the important attributes (i.e., traveling time, price, market
frequency) travelers consider when choosing between HSR or air in the Travel Behrens and Pels (2012), Dobruszkes (2011), Europe
United States. Second, we develop an understanding of how de­ time Dobruszkes et al. (2017), Valeri (2013)
mographic factors and the importance of safety and on-time service Román et al. (2007) a Europe
Yang et al. (2018) China
influence travelers’ choice of HSR or air between Houston and Dallas.
Jung & Yoo (2014), Kim et al. (2002) Korea
Third, our findings provide an insight into the dynamics (i.e., competi­ Frequency Behrens and Pels (2012), Dobruszkes et al. (2017), Europe
tion and possible cooperation) between HSR and an LCC (Southwest Pagliara et al. (2012), Valeri (2013)
Airlines) in the U.S. context. Pan and Truong (2020) China
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we Ticket Pagliara et al. (2012), Valeri (2013) Europe
price Pan and Truong (2020), Yang et al. (2018), Zhang et al. China
review the relevant literature. Next, we present the methodology and (2017)
data analysis in Section 3. Section 4 presents the results and imple­ Jung & Yoo (2014) Korea
mentation. Finally, we review the limitations of current research, sug­ a
Focus more on delay time.
gest potential directions for future studies, and provide concluding
remarks in Section 5.
Madrid-Barcelona corridor (625 km, or 389 mi) and showed that busi­
2. Literature review ness travelers prefer HSR because they value shorter and less frequent
delay time. Still, even in the worst scenario for the airline, they esti­
We first review the literature streams related to the impact of HSR mated that the HSR market share would not exceed 35%. Jimenez and
introduction on air travel. We then focus on the literature related to HSR Betancor (2012) used econometric models and multiple route-level data
in the United States. We review this literature for four reasons: (a) to to similarly analyze the mode substitution between HSR and air trans­
describe the main attributes studied to analyze choice between HSR and port in Spain. These scholars found that HSR has decreased airline op­
air transport; (b) to demonstrate the mode substitution effects between erations by 17% while total travel demand has increased.
HSR and air transport on the aviation market in Europe and Asia; (c) to A small number of studies examined the passenger choice between
establish that the findings of empirical literature heavily depend on LCCs and HSR (Pan and Truong, 2020). Valeri (2013) found total travel
routes’ social-spatial characteristics and that the current literature fo­ time, cost, and service elements influenced the passenger preference in
cuses on Asia and Europe, markets that have very different socio-spatial the Rome-Milan corridor. In contrast, a similar study in Korea found
characteristics from the U.S, which therefore limits our understanding of passengers were affected by fare, access time, and journey time (Jung &
the impact of HSR in the U.S.; and (d) to demonstrate our contribution to Yoo, 2014). In China, the frequency and ticket price of air travel were
the extant literature. critical (Pan and Truong, 2020). In Taiwan, the frequency and reliable
departure of HSR were advantages over air travel (Jeng and Su, 2013).
2.1. The impact on air travel of introducing HSR LCC service can also be more cost-efficient and operationally flexible
(Hong and Domergue, 2018) than HSR on routes with minimal travel
The current literature shows that route-specific characteristics in­ demand because HSR construction cost is high (Wang et al., 2017). In
fluence how travelers choose their mode of transportation, specifically short, research findings on the impact of HSR on LCCs point to different
location of stations within a city, the availability of affordable land, conclusions in each region depending on the level of development of
population density, existence of major attractors such as large scale each transport mode, the geographical size of destinations, and the
leisure facilities and universities, city size, regional-city economy and regulation of countries (Jiang and Li, 2016; Shao et al., 2018).
role in the global economy, good rail and road accessibility, (Beckerich In China, airline industry deregulation has created flexible airfares
et al., 2019; Bellet et al., 2012; Hall, 2013; Kim et al., 2018; Mohino and more air carrier licenses for private companies, including LCCs
et al., 2014 & 2018; Yin et al., 2015). For each route and region, a (Wang et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2017). Hence, the Chinese airline in­
particular attribute (e.g., travel time, ticket price, or frequency) or a dustry has recently experienced a high growth period (Yang et al.,
mixture of attributes are influential, or determining factors, in travelers’ 2018). However, the negative impact on air traffic in China began to
choice of transportation. For example, variations in travel time (i.e., increase three years after HSR service began (Yang et al., 2018). The
in-vehicle time and access time) (Dobruszkes et al., 2017; Yang et al., substitution effect of HSR has been shown to reduce air travel demand
2018) matter more to travelers in China, whereas in Europe, travel time (Wang et al., 2018) by around 27% (Yang et al., 2018) to 28.2% (Chen,
(Dobruszkes et al., 2017), frequency (Dobruszkes, 2011), or both 2017). Unlike Europe, Japan, and, Korea, the inception of HSR in China
(Behrens and Pels, 2012) matter. Ticket prices (Yang et al., 2018; Zhang had a minor impact on air passenger numbers (Albalate et al., 2015)
et al., 2017) also influence travelers’ choices in different regions because the Chinese airline industry experienced a high growth period
(Table 1). In other words, a traveler in China is likely to choose a mode (Yang et al., 2018).
of transportation based on which mode will take the shortest time, Other studies have highlighted the role of alternative variables in
whereas in Europe a traveler may choose a travel mode based on not determining traveler choice—such as the size of the HSR network, HSR
only shortest travel time but also how frequently the transport is station location, network connectivity, smooth connection with other
available. Thus, the extent to which HSR can compete with air travel public transportation, connection to a populated area, the spatial
depends on different determining factors in different markets. The arrangement of cities, city and airport characteristics, total travel time,
relevant attributes will typically include travel time as well as price and and cost savings (Behrens and Pels, 2012; Castillo-Manzano et al., 2015;
frequency. However, the influence of HSR travel time on air services Fu et al., 2012; Martín et al., 2014; Repolho et al., 2016). Dobruszkes
shrinks quickly for journeys between 120 and 150 min (Dobruszkes (2011) focused on the supply of air transport services after the intro­
et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2002). Pagliara et al. (2012) found that price and duction of HSR in five city pairs in Europe. This research showed that,
service frequency are the key factors in HSR and airline competition; while travel time is a dominant factor, frequencies, fares, airline hubs,
however, if the market in the corridor is not large enough to support and geographical structures of urban regions all influence the compe­
certain service frequencies, HSR is unlikely to dominate. tition; and, in each city pair, a different outcome emerges. For example,
Román et al. (2007) studied airlines and HSR competition along the the introduction of HSR resulted in the discontinuation of the air service

S.-J. Hong and H. Najmi Journal of Air Transport Management 102 (2022) 102222

supply in Paris-Metz, whereas in Paris-Marseilles a significant reduction government’s attempt (initializing a 90-million-dollar budget) to
occurred in the number of seats rather than the number of flights. In the develop advanced HSR technologies in the Northeast Corridor between
Cologne-Munich route, by contrast, HSR has not prevented an increase Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York, and Boston (Federal Railway
in air services. Administration [FRA], 2020). The FRA designated 11 HSR corridors
Some scholars include other modes of transport in their study. For from 1992 to 1999. In 2000, the Department of Transportation approved
the Madrid-Barcelona corridor, HSR and air transport users value saving the extension of four corridors, including the South-Central corridor
travel time more than bus travelers do; moreover, saving waiting time is linking Dallas/Fort Worth with (a) San Antonio, (b) Tulsa, and (c) Little
regarded as more valuable than saving access time (Román et al., 2010). Rock. Before 2009, HSR-related federal policy focused on HSR regionals
In a similar study, Román et al. (2014) extended the modes of transport that connect major and moderate population centers 100 to 500 miles
to include private vehicles in two corridors. In the Madrid-Barcelona apart, and on trains traveling at a speed of 110–150 mph. In 2009 the
corridor, the value for reductions in delay time is high. In the policy expanded to include HSR Express, which connects major popu­
short-distance Madrid-Zaragoza corridor, the demand is more sensitive lation centers 200 to 600 miles apart and includes trains with a top speed
to travel time than to price or access/egress time. Regarding of at least 150 mph (FRA, 2009).
cross-elasticities of HSR demand to changing cost and travel time of Historically, rail passengers have represented less than 3% of total
using private vehicles, travel cost is more critical than time wasted due travel passengers in the U.S. (FRA, 2009). Further, the country does not
to highway congestion. yet have a completed HSR network. Instead, federal intercity trans­
Research shows that 90% of passenger forecasts for railroad projects portation investments have focused on highway and airline networks
are overestimated by an average of 106% (Flyvbjerg et al., 2005). because of the greater distance between many U.S. cities (Environ­
Because of this, ex-ante research might not be a reliable predictor of mental and Energy Study Institute [EESI], 2018; FRA, 2009). Addi­
actual travel volume. Thus, it is imperative to review ex-post research to tionally, the country’s car culture makes it challenging to shift to public
study the actual effect of intermodal competition. Dobruszkes (2011) transit. This is because in most areas, the city/county infrastructure has
and Fu et al. (2012) used aggregated data in Europe and China to study already been built for automobile accessibility rather than train stations
this effect. Both studies found that the decline in the number of flights (EESI, 2018). Furthermore, the low population density of U.S. cities
depends on the length of the HSR journey as well as the strategies compared to those in Europe and Asia makes it challenging to provide an
adopted by airlines. In a review of ex-post evidence, Givoni and HSR network that serves large enough numbers of travelers to make it
Dobruszkes (2013) determined that the demand for HSR is about economically feasible (Allum et al., 2021; EESI, 2018). However, HSR in
10–20% new demand, with the rest attributed to mode substitution. the U.S. has substantial potential to face climate change by providing
Substitution from aircraft, car, and coach travel is generally modest. advantages in travel comfort, predictability (Allum et al., 2021), and
Scholars have recently applied econometric methods to data from reliable departure (Jeng and Su, 2013), along with the increasing
Europe and China and found that, overall, HSR competes moderately importance of being online during the journey (Allum et al., 2021).
with airlines (Albalate et al., 2015; Chen, 2017; Fu et al., 2015). According to Allum, Basu, Robertson & Jamal (2012), if HSR connects
Cooperation possibilities between HSR and air travel is an emerging US cities such as Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Phoenix,
stream of research. Jiang and Zhang (2014) analyzed the effects of Miami, Orlando, Chicago, and Columbus, approximately 400 million
cooperation between a hub-and-spoke airline and HSR. Their research travelers per year could use HSR, and 10%–30% among them would
showed that such cooperation improves welfare as long as the modal have previously traveled by air, which would eliminate 500–1500 do­
substitutability in the overlapping markets is low. Examples include mestic flights per day.
Thalys (a French-Belgian train operator) trains that complement the Air The first U.S. HSR development commenced in California in 2008
France network for the flight between Brussels and Paris, and some of and allowed for travel from Los Angeles to San Francisco in less than 3 h
Germany’s ICE (Intercity Express) trains that carry a fixed number of (California High-Speed Rail Authority [CHSRA], 2008). The project,
seats reserved for Lufthansa passengers (Román and Martín, 2014). which was estimated in 2008 to cost a total of $45 billion, started with
Scholars have shown that air-HSR integration and schedule coor­ $11.5 billion in 2009 (CHSRA, 2020). As of 2020, 350 miles of electri­
dination—to reduce connecting time through possible cluster areas—is fied HSR are under construction. The share of HSR from interregional
key to promoting intermodality (Brida et al., 2017; Dobruszkes, 2001; trips in 2030, a year after the expected completion year, is predicted to
Marie-Henneberg and Alvarez-Palau, 2017; Román and Martín, 2014). be 7% (CHSRA, 2008). This estimated share will consist of new and
For instance, studying access and egress times to HSR and air terminals induced demand from car and air travel (Table 2).
in the Madrid-Barcelona corridor shows that access by private car favors The second large-scale HSR project currently underway in the U.S. is
air transport whereas access by public transport decreases the compet­ in Texas’s major metropolitan areas of Dallas-Fort Worth (population:
itive advantage of air transport (Martín et al., 2014). 7.6 million), Greater Houston (population: 7.1 million), Greater San
Upon reviewing the extant literature, one can see diverging conclu­ Antonio (population: 2.6 million), and Austin (population: 1 million).
sions and a strong influence of the route’s social-spatial characteristics These cities are situated on a triangle with 250-mile-long legs and had a
on attributes based on which travelers choose HSR or air. While studies combined population of 18 million in 2019. In 1989, the Texas High-
covering Europe and Asia have revealed some determining attributes in Speed Rail Authority (THSRC) was established to grant exclusive
those markets, we lack such an understanding of the U.S. In addition, the
literature review points to wildly divergent evidence on how the pres­
Table 2
ence of LCCs, among other variables, influences the impact that intro­
Transport mode share in California for interregional trips.
ducing HSR has on airlines. To the best of our knowledge, very few
studies have analyzed HSR and air competition or cooperation in the Year Air Conventional HSR Car Total
unique context of U.S. cities’ social-spatial patterns. We fill this gap by
exploring the important attributes travelers consider when choosing air 2000 Passenger 20 4 million - 550 574
or HSR and by finding the cooperation possibilities between HSR and million million million
Share 4% 1% - 96% 100%
airlines in this market. 2030 Passenger 21 16 million 67 808 912
million million million million
2.2. HSR in the United States Share 2% 2% 7% 89% 100%
CAGR 0.16% 4.73% - 1.29% 1.56%

HSR history in the U.S. begins with the High-Speed Ground Trans­ Note: CAGR [Compound Annual Growth Rate] (Author’s elaborate).
portation (HSGT) Act of 1965. This act marks the start of the federal Source: CHSRA, 2008.

S.-J. Hong and H. Najmi Journal of Air Transport Management 102 (2022) 102222

franchises for particular routes, and they prohibited state subsidies for included information about travel time—including access time—(t1),
either construction or operation of a privately-owned system (Luehrman service frequency per day (f1), and air ticket fares (p1). For the air ticket
and Regan, 2003). In 1991, the Authority’s franchise was awarded to prices, we used " (retrieved fare data on January 22,
Texas Central, a consortium composed of a former lieutenant governor 2019, (Faredetective, 2019))" for the same timeframe of data collection
and private investors such as French HSR operator TGV (Train à Grande and used the 25%–75% range of prices (the middle two quartiles) for
Vitesse) (Luehrman and Regan, 2003). However, the project did not minimum and maximum price range. To determine the frequency of
progress until the mid-2010s. In 2015, after determining the environ­ flights between Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston, we searched the air­
mental impact, the FRA proposed a single preferred alternative corridor lines’ homepages and official airline guides from March 11 to 17 2019.,
(FRA, 2015), like those in Italy and the U.S. Northeast corridor, to serve Related to time, we measured the access time from the central counties
the triangle containing Texas’s major metropolitan areas (Dobruszkes of the two cities to the airports in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
et al., 2017). HSR-related variables, the t2, f2, and p2, were set hypothetically based on
Texas Central has purchased roughly one-third of the land parcels it the information obtained from Texas Central (Table 3). This is because
needs for the line; the Consortium can also claim the right of eminent the HSR is not yet providing service.
domain as it seeks to buy the remaining lots (High-Speed Rail Alliance, This research assesses how respondents’ choices vary in different
2020-b). A train with Japanese technology and a maximum speed of 205 hypothetical situations. Respondents were presented with choices be­
mph is expected to run 18 times per day (every half-hour during peak tween hypothetical but realistic alternatives; with each alternative, re­
periods) between Dallas and Houston in 2026 and to attract about six spondents were given three attributes and their characteristics to choose
million riders annually by 2029 (High-Speed Rail Alliance, 2020-a). The appropriate transport modes (Table 4). We determined the importance
90-min ride passes through one station at Brazos Valley and would be 2 of each attribute for travelers based on the choices they made.
h faster than driving and about 1 h faster than flying (including airport
terminal time). The Dallas station would be located downtown near 3.1. Data collection
Dallas Convention Center, next to a Dallas Area Rapid Train (DART)
station. Passengers can get to the station by taking DART or driving Our sample consisted of 359 responses from two groups in the Dallas
through I35E and I30 highways. The Houston station would be only and Houston metropolitan areas. Each respondent answered five sce­
eight miles away from George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) narios; so, we received data on 1795 scenarios in total. 44% of re­
(Texas Central, 2021). spondents were female, with the remaining 56% identifying as male;
73.8% were 25 or younger, 25.1% were 26–59 (inclusive), and only
3. Methodology 1.1% were 60 or above. Around 83.8% reported earning less than
$49,999 annually, 10% reported earning $50,000 to $99,999, 4.2%
To determine the choice behaviors of travelers deciding between air $100,000 to $149,999, and 2% $150,000 or higher.
and HSR travel, and to investigate the effects of the HSR entry on this The Mann-Whitney U test reveals statistically significant differences
market, we undertook a SP survey. To be eligible for the survey, re­ (p < 0.01) for both gender (Table 5) and age (Table 6). However, the
spondents must have been adult travelers (above 18) who have traveled Kruskal-Wallis H test does not show a statistically significant difference
at least once between Dallas and Houston during the 12 months prior to in choice based on income level (Table 7). Our survey shows that male
the survey date. The survey was initially planned to include interviews and older-aged respondents are more likely to choose HSR, whereas
conducted at Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW), Dallas Love Field (DAL), Hous­ female and younger respondents choose air travel more frequently. Lu
ton George Bush Intercontinental (IAH), and Houston Hobby (HOU) and Shon (2012) found that a travelers’ age is an essential factor in
airports. Regrettably, acquiring authorization to survey at the airports determining willingness to pay for air travel.
proved very difficult, and none of the airports accepted surveys. Hence, Among 359 respondents, 92.8% (333) traveled fewer than six times
the survey was conducted from March to August 2019 through Qual­ per year between the two cities; 5% (18) traveled seven to 12 times per
trics, an internet survey tool. year, and only slightly more than 2% traveled over 13 times. As for
The questionnaire’s first section incorporated questions regarding flying experience during last 12 months, 97.5% had flown one to three
the frequency of travel, flying frequency between the two cities, travel times, and 2.5% had flown four or more times. The respondents’ re­
purpose, and the most used airline. Demographic data regarding the ported travel purposes were business (12.3%), leisure/vacation
participants’ gender, age, and income were also collected. Each (42.9%), and visiting friends or relatives (44.8%). Of the air carrier
respondent answered the first section questions based on their latest companies, participants used SWA the most (47.6%), followed by AAL
travel between Dallas and Houston. The second section asked about the (30.9%), UAL (4.7%) and others (16%) (Table 8).
importance of different factors when deciding between HSR and air. It We used a five-point Likert scale (ranging from 1, “not important,” to
included six variables: safety, travel comfort, on-time arrival/departure, 5, “very important”) to measure the importance of the factors influ­
ease of parking at HSR station or airport, security, and easy connection encing respondents’ choice of transport mode. Respondents considered
to travel to other destinations. the six variables as important in choosing travel modes in the following
The third section of the questionnaire was the SP survey. In this order: safety was ranked as the most important (4.43), followed by on-
section, each respondent reviewed five scenarios and reported the time arrival/departure (4.23), comfort (3.97), security (3.81), easy
importance of different attributes when choosing between HSR and air connection (3.81), and finally easy parking at an HSR station or airport
as each scenario’s preferred mode of transport. The five scenarios were (3.40) (Table 9).
designed based on the actual flight information for three air carriers
providing service between Dallas and Houston: American Airlines Table 3
(AAL), Southwest Airlines (SWA), and United Airlines (UAL). When Design of survey scenario.
constructing SP questions with the previously set variables and levels,
Transport mode choice (Cn) Attributes Utility
22 × 3 = 12 scenarios are generated using a full factorial design (FFD).
The FFD was judged to be the number of scenarios that did not interfere Time Frequency Ticket price

with the respondent’s ability to respond rationally and prudently. 1 Air (C1) t1 f1 p1 U1
However, the methods are not significant because of the effect of fatigue 2 HST (C2) t2 f2 p2 U2
on the respondent when responding to many scenarios (Bradley and Note: t1 = {160, 190}, t2 = {140, 160, 170, 190}; f1 = {6, 21, 38}, f2 = {38, 57}
Daly, 1994). So, the questionnaire was prepared with a fractional [6 (every 3 h), 21 (every 50 min), 35 (every 30 min), 38 (every 30 min)], and 57
factorial design that covered 76.4% of possible scenarios. The scenarios (every 20 min}; and p1 = {80, 160}, p2 = {50, 80, 175}.

S.-J. Hong and H. Najmi Journal of Air Transport Management 102 (2022) 102222

Table 4 3.2. Normality and non-response bias tests

The five scenarios.
Scenarios Attributes Airline (C1) HST (C2) The Shapiro-Wilk test shows normality (p < 0.05). We divided the
respondents into two groups. In the first wave, 175 responses were
Scenario 1 Ticket Price (p) $160 $175
Travel time including access time (t) 190 min 170 min collected from March to June 2019; in the second wave, 184 responses
Service frequency per day (f) Every 3 h Every 30 min were received from July to August 2019. The t-test bootstrap (Armstrong
Choice and Overton, 1977) results showed that a significant non-response bias
Scenario 2 Ticket Price (p) $80 $50 does not exist in our data (p < 0.05).
Travel time including access time (t) 160 min 140 min
Service frequency per day (f) Every 50 min Every 20 min
Choice 3.3. Monte Carlo simulation
Scenario 3 Ticket Price (p) $160 $50
Travel time including access time (t) 190 min 140 min
Service frequency per day (f) Every 3 h Every 20 min We applied a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation to reduce possible bias
Scenario 4 Ticket Price (p) $80 $175 Table 8
Travel time including access time (t) 160 min 190 min
Survey respondents’ travel behavior between Dallas and Houston.
Service frequency per day (f) Every 50 min Every 30 min
Choice Questions Responses Number %
Scenario 5 Ticket Price (p) $80 $80
How often do you travel between the two 1-6 times per year 333 92.8
Travel time including access time (t) 160 min 160 min
cities, Houston and Dallas? 7-12 times per 18 5.0
Service frequency per day (f) Every 30 min Every 30 min
More than 13 8 2.2
times per year
Total 359 100
How often do you fly between the two 1 to 3 times per 350 97.4
Table 5
cities, Houston and Dallas? year
Gender difference in choosing a transport mode.
4 to 6 times per 5 1.4
Transport Mode Choice Female Male Total year
7 to 9 times per 2 0.6
Air 267 282 549
33.8% 28.1% 30.6%
9 to 12 times per 1 0.3
High Speed Rail (HSR) 523 723 1246
66.2% 71.9% 69.4%
More than 13 1 0.3
Total ( ): Female and male ratio for two 790 1005 1795
times per year
alternatives 100% 100% 100%
Total 359 100
(44.1%) (55.9%)
What is the most likely reason that you do Business 44 12.3
Nonparametric Test Mean rank 926.83 875.34 -
(or would) travel between the two Leisure/Vacation 154 42.9
results Sum of rank 732,197.5 879,712.5
cities? Visiting friends/ 161 44.8
Mann-Whitney − 2.618 (0.009**)
U test
Total 359 100
** Significant at α = 0.01. If/when you fly between the two cities, American Airlines 111 30.9
which airline do you most often use? Southwest 171 47.6
United Airlines 16 4.7
Table 6 Other 61 16.0
Age difference in choosing a transport mode. Total 359 100
Transport Mode Choice Under 25 26–59 60 or Total

Air 433 112 4 549 Table 9

32.7% 24.9% 20.0% 30.6% Decision factor to choose a transport mode.
High Speed Rail (HSR) 892 338 16 1246
67.3% 75.1% 80.0% 69.4% Factors Avg. St. CV Priority
Total ( ): ratio of age category for 1325 450 20 1795 Dev.
two alternatives 100% 100% 100% 100% Safety 4.43 0.97 0.22 1
(73.8%) (25.1%) (1.1%) Comfort 3.97 0.97 0.25 3
Nonparametric Mean rank 916.80 846.88 803.00 - On-time arrival/departure 4.23 0.92 0.22 2
Test results Kruskal- 10.664 (0.005**) Ease of parking at HSR station and airport 3.40 1.22 0.36 6
Wallis H Security controls to get boarded 3.81 1.07 0.28 4
test Easier connections to travel to other 3.81 1.22 0.29 5
** Significant at α = 0.01.

Table 7
Income difference in choosing a transport mode.
Transport Mode Choice Less than $49,999 $50,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $149,999 More than $150,000 Total

Air 478 46 18 7 549

31.8% 25.6% 24.0% 20.0% 30.6%
High Speed Rail (HSR) 1027 134 57 28 1246
68.2% 74.4% 76.0% 80.0% 69.4%
Total ( ): ration of income category for two alternatives 1505 180 75 35 1795
100% (83.8%) 100% (10.0%) 100% (4.2%) 100% (2.0%) 100%
Nonparametric Test results Mean rank 908.55 852.86 838.90 803.00 -
Kruskal-Wallis H test 6.500 (0.090)

** Significant at α = 0.01.

S.-J. Hong and H. Najmi Journal of Air Transport Management 102 (2022) 102222

with the sample method only including online data collection, age Dallas. One might point out that because most of our sample is below age
focusing more on younger travelers under age 25, and the low number of 25, our result reflects their lower value of time and higher price sensi­
samples (see Tables 6 and 7). The simulation estimates respondents’ tivity. While we acknowledge the potential impact, it should be noted
choices between HSR and air (θ) with an estimator (̂ θ) computed from that the median age of Dallas and Houston residents is 33.3 and 33.7,
observed data. respectively. Also, 74,000 university students live in Dallas, and
214,000 university students reside in Houston (DataUSA, 2020a,b). The
θ = random number x (Max − Min) + Min, station in Brazos Valley is to serve Texas A&M University students. This
with Max is the maximum value of each variable,
shows that a big target group for this HSR project—college and uni­
and Min is the minimum value.
versity students—is among our sample; thus, their considerations are
The estimators must meet important and intuitive criteria, unbi­ likely to be shared by future travelers. Moss and Qing (2012) identified
asedness, efficiency, and consistency (Mooney, 1997). MC simulations Texas-Houston as the top growing emerging super-commuting corridors
are applied by researchers to ascertain the robustness of statistical es­ among six nationwide. They report that the majority of super commuters
timators (Chin et al., 2003; Hong et al., 2022) because of randomness (i.e., a person who works in the central county of a given metropolitan
and no noise of the data generating process (Simar and Wilson, 2007). area, but lives beyond the boundaries of that metropolitan area,
The MC simulation is very similar to resampling. It refers to resampling commuting long distances by air, rail, car, bus, or a combination of
methods (Carsey, 2011) that generate a large number of simulated modes) have two key features: they tend to be under 29, and they are
samples drawn from an existing sample data. more likely to be middle class than the average worker. The majority of
Our observed data included biased data to describe and make in­ our respondents (73.8%) are under 25, and 83.8% have an income of less
ferences from due to limitations that restricted our ability to reach the than $49,999, which matches what Moss and Qing (2012) showed. For
respondents at airports. The hundreds of thousands of simulated data example, super commuters in Houston and Dallas are 7.5% and 11% less
based on observed data could solve the problem of biased sampling likely to earn more than $40,000/year. They are also 17% (in Houston)
(Gustavson et al., 2019). Based on the MC procedure (Mooney, 1997; and 15% (in Dallas) more likely to be 29 years or younger. Additionally,
Jeges, 2013, 2021), we sampled t times from the pseud-population (̂ θ) to we applied an MC simulation with an estimation error (0.9%) to mini­
better estimate using the statistical estimates derived from the real data mize possible common method bias with a sample collection method
and demographic bias for age and income level. The discrete choice
θ and store it in a vector ̂
̂ θ. The MC method provides an estimate of the
model with MC simulated data is shown in Table 10.
expected value of a random variable and also predicts the estimation
As the literature reviewed in Section 2 established, three attributes
error with ε = √3σ̅̅N̅, where σ is the standard deviation of the random and
(travel time, ticket price, and frequency) or a mixture of attributes are
N is the number of iterations. The sample size t includes 22,000 sets of predominant for travelers’ choice of transportation (Behrens and Pels,
data retrieved with estimation an error (≈0.9%), kurtosis varies from 2012; Dobruszkes et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2018). Our analysis shows
− 1.192 to − 1.207 (z values), and skewness varies from − 0.017 to 0.009 that frequency is the key attribute (p < 0.05) on this Texas route. The
(z values), which are acceptable within ±1.97. The normal distribution result shows that coefficients of travel time and ticket price are very
has a kurtosis of 0 and a skewness of 0. The estimation error, the level of small and not statistically significant. This means that these two vari­
skewness, and kurtosis are acceptable that the distribution is somewhat ables are less likely to influence travel between Dallas and Houston,
flatter than a normal distribution. indicating that travelers are less probable to choose a transportation
mode if the frequency decreases. That is to say, a traveler in Texas is
3.4. Probabilistic choice model more likely to choose a mode of transportation based on immediacy
because of their car-oriented culture and the low population density of
We applied the probabilistic choice model (McFadden, 1981) based U.S. cities compared to those in Europe and Asia. The result is different
on the random utility theory. The utility concept is a measure of one’s than China where travel time (Dobruszkes et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2018)
relative satisfaction or pleasure resulting from a particular action or ticket prices matter more (Yang et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2017),
(Ben-Akiva et al., 2018), such as choosing a transport mode. The random whereas in Europe, travel time (Dobruszkes et al., 2017), frequency
utility model is Uin = Vin + εin (1), where n individuals choose the (Dobruszkes, 2011), or both (Behrens and Pels, 2012) matter.
transport mode i with unobserved attributes (ε). Based on formula (1), In addition to the ticket price, other variables also play a role in the
we take three attributes: Vin = βi1 timei1 + βi2 freqi2 + βi3 pricei3 (2). The potential impact of HSR on airlines’ market share on this route if we
decision rule is to maximize the utility, which means n individuals select divide the travelers by their purpose of travel, such as business, leisure,
the alternative i with the highest utility Uin among those in the choice Cn. visit friend, and relatives. SWA offers inexpensive flights from DAL to
V HOU airports, which are located near the downtown areas in Dallas and
The choice probability is Pn (Cn ) = Prob(Uin ≥ Ujn , ∀j ∈ Cn ) = ∑eJ in Vjn (3),
e Houston (respectively). If HSR matches the fare, travel time, and fre­
where Pn (Cn ) is a probability to choose alternative i among j alternatives quency strategies of SWA there could be a dramatic reduction in air
with n individuals. The choice set of this research is binary Cn = {1, 2}, traffic, similar to the effect HSR has had in Europe (Doomernik, 2016;
∀n. We explore these types of decision-making behaviors based on Dobruszkes et al., 2017). SWA’s reaction to the resulting low demand
formulae (1) and (2). The log-likelihood test for model validity is done could be to reduce the frequency of flights, as European and Asian air­
{ lines have done (Lee and Chang, 2006), or to decrease the plane size.
using ρ2 = 1 − L(0)} }, where L(a) is the last log-likelihood, and L(0) is
These measures may be necessary to implement even if HSR operators
the first log-likelihood of the conditional logit choice model. The
acceptable threshold value of ρ2 is between 0.2 and 0.4, and the model
validity increases as ρ2 increases toward 1. The log-likelihood test (ρ2) of Table 10
the model is between 0.2 and 0.4. Results of conditional logit choice model with Monte Cargo simulated data.
Variables Coeff. p-value
4. Results and implications Attributes Travel time a − 0.0007 0.466
Ticket price 0.0002 0.678
We used the discrete choice model to find attributes (e.g., traveling Frequency − 0.0021 0.030*
Log likelihood test (ρ2 ) 0.2121
time including in-vehicle and access time, frequency, and price) that
influence travelers’ choice of transport mode (HSR or air) and the * Significant at α = 0.05.
impact of introducing HSR on the aviation market between Houston and a
In-Vehicle and access time.

S.-J. Hong and H. Najmi Journal of Air Transport Management 102 (2022) 102222

are not aggressive toward airline companies by applying tactics like point city-pair markets (Kim et al., 2002; Yang et al., 2018). This is
predatory pricing policies. Realizing the economic threat, the new HSR especially the case for routes of 400 km (250 mi) to 750 km (465 mi) in
could pose, SWA filed lawsuits against THSRC in state court, challenging length (Dobruszkes et al., 2017; González-Savignat, 2004; Jeng and Su,
the franchise award (Luehrman and Regan, 2003). 2013; Lee and Chang, 2006). In line with the literature (Allum et al.,
While this research suggests that the introduction of a new HSR 2021; Ivaldi and Vibes, 2005), we estimated that LCC services in Texas
network can negatively affect air carriers’ market share, this effect may would be impacted by HSR more than full-service carriers (e.g., AAL,
be less pronounced than expected. For instance, after the repeal of the UAL). To minimize the negative impact on the airline industry through
Wright amendment in 2014 that enabled SWA to have direct flight to all intermodal cooperation, the location of HSR stations could be critical.
major cities, SWA’s business in DAL increased because SWA was able to The connection to and from a major hub or local airports, especially in
expand their domestic and international routes. Scholars showed that Dallas and Houston and a cooperative arrangement between airlines and
the expansion of LCCs in Europe has led to a remarkable increase in total HSR operators to provide passengers with convenient and economically
air travel demand (Clewlow et al., 2014; Fröidh and Nelldal, 2008). attractive combinations of air-rail or rail-air travel would be essential to
Therefore, HSR’s impact on SWA might be limited. get the relationship substitutes instead of complimentary.
The ability of SWA to alter service and pricing patterns not only at Although this study offers meaningful insight into the competition
the airports it serves but also at airports in surrounding areas (Vowles, between HSR and air carriers on the Dallas-Houston route, some limi­
2001) can provide a base of cooperation with the new HSR. The possi­ tations need to be addressed. The majority of our sample is below 25
bility of a complementary relationship has been acknowledged as viable years old. The younger demographic values time differently compared
options for HSR in Texas; this is because HSR could deliver passengers to to businesspeople and wealthier individuals. Future studies should also
and from the hub airports (DFW and IAH) (Luehrman and Regan, 2003). be extended to include more diverse respondents with different income
This complementary relationship between HSR and air carriers can and age levels.
additionally benefit interconnected traffic that uses full-service carriers Second, private vehicles are the primary mode of transport in Texas.
(like AAL, UAL, and Delta Airlines, among others). The cooperation HSR travelers will be composed of new and induced demand from car
between airlines and HSR, through feeding passengers from HSR spokes travel (more than 85%, CHSRA, 2008) based on California’s estimates.
to hub airports, could minimize the negative impact of HSR on air Naturally, understanding the dynamics of competition between HSR and
transportation (Yang et al., 2018). Therefore, adapting or modifying automobiles enables decision-makers to understand how the HSR im­
their operational strategies can be beneficial for affected airlines and pacts other transport modes. Future research should include private
release the competitive pressure. vehicles, including electric vehicles, among the transport mode choices.
A key factor in shaping such cooperation is the location of the HSR Electric vehicles will possibly change the choice of transport modes
stations and existing alternatives for traveling to neighboring airports because they make up 8% of all automobiles purchased, and this number
from HSR stations. The lack of connectivity between HSR and airports should rise to two-thirds by 2030 and 100% by 2050 (The Economist,
could limit the stations’ intramodality for medium- and long-distance 2021). Third, because HSR construction planning is in its early stages, it
travel (Dobruszkes, 2001; Marie-Henneberg and Alvarez-Palau, 2017). is difficult to measure the catchment area. This is because of the unde­
In Europe, 46% of HSR stations directly connect to the nearest airports termined location of the new HSR station as well as the far-reaching area
via HSR, conventional rail, or other transport modes (Marie-Henneberg of the two major metropolitan regions (Dallas and Houston). Therefore,
and Alvarez-Palau, 2017). The direct connection could attract more our study could not include an accurate door-to-door estimation of
users to either HSR or airlines. This would increase the attractiveness of travel time and did not specifically survey the HSR station locations to
an airport with HSR access when compared to competing airports with investigate how to design a corridor in a “suburban country.” Future
no HSR (Dobruszkes, 2001), and ultimately provide combination ser­ studies can address this limitation. Finally, because HSR in Texas is in its
vices of air-rail or rail-air. This provides an additional influx of pas­ early stages, it will be valuable to do ex-post research to investigate the
sengers with a single HSR plus air product (Pavaux, 1991; Dobruszkes, observed impacts on travel.
2001; Ma et al., 2020). Despite these limitations, this research provides a strong foundation
for beginning to predict the impact the new HSR network will have on
5. Conclusion air carriers along this route. Airlines should consider the interactive
effects of ticket price, frequency, comfort, and HSR station location in
This research is an ex-ante analysis of how HSR would impact air order to form a cooperative, rather than competitive, relationship with
traffic between Dallas and Houston in Texas. We explored three attrib­ the new Texas Central HSR.
utes—namely, frequency, travel time, and ticket price—and found that
frequency would be an essential factor in selecting a transport mode Data availability
between Dallas and Houston when HSR becomes available in 2026.
Interestingly, these findings, which reveal that the determining attribute Data will be made available on request.
in the Dallas-Houston route would be frequency, are different from both
Europe (where the determining attribute is travel time) (Dobruszkes Acknowledgement
et al., 2017; González-Savignat, 2004), and China (where it is frequency)
(Yang et al., 2018). The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and the
Existing literature shows that the entry of new HSR services gener­ editor for their constructive comments and suggestions.
ally leads to a significant reduction in air travel demand in point-to-

AppendixRobustness test

As the frequency of HSR increases from one to 60 per day, the percentage of people choosing HSR varies from 65.4% (when HSR frequency is one
time per day) to 74.9% (60 times per day) [see Table A]; 1.6%p vary per 10 frequency change per day. The travel time for HSR increases from 100 to
200 min, and the percentage of people choosing HSR decreases from 81.8% (when HSR travel time is 100 min) to 61.3% (200 min) [see Table B],
which varies from 1.7%p to 2.4%p changes per 10 min. For the ticket price of HSR, the selection rate decreased from 89.9% (when the HSR ticket price
is $50) to 31.4% ($200) [see Table C].

S.-J. Hong and H. Najmi Journal of Air Transport Management 102 (2022) 102222

Appendix. Robustness test

Table A
The robustness test chooses a transport mode when the mode frequency increases from 1 to 60 per day

Alternatives Frequency per day Probability to choose Differences p-Value 95% confidential interval

Low High

HSR 1 65.4% - 0.000** 60.0% 70.9%

10 67.0% +1.6%p 0.000** 63.2% 70.8%
20 68.7% +1.7%p 0.000** 66.2% 71.2%
30 70.3% +1.6%p 0.000** 68.0% 72.6%
40 71.9% +1.6%p 0.000** 68.6% 75.2%
50 73.4% +1.5%p 0.000** 68.7% 78.1%
60 74.9% +1.5%p 0.000** 68.8% 80.9%
Air 1 23.8% - 0.000** 16.9% 30.7%
10 25.0% +1.2%p 0.000** 19.2% 30.9%
20 26.4% +1.4%p 0.000** 21.8% 31.0%
30 27.9% +1.5%p 0.000** 24.5% 31.3%
40 29.4% +1.5%p 0.000** 27.0% 31.7%
50 30.9% +1.5%p 0.000** 28.7% 33.1%
60 32.5% +1.6%p 0.000** 29.2% 35.8%
** Significant at α = 0.01.

Table B
The robustness test chooses a transport mode when the mode travel time increases from 100 to 200 min

Alternatives Travel time Probability to choose Differences p-Value 95% confidential interval

Low High

HSR 100 81.8% - 0.000** 67.1% 96.5%

110 80.1% − 1.7%p 0.000** 67.0% 93.3%
120 78.4% − 1.7%p 0.000** 67.1% 89.7%
130 76.6% − 1.8%p 0.000** 67.4% 85.8%
140 74.7% − 1.9%p 0.000** 67.7% 81.6%
150 72.6% − 2.1%p 0.000** 68.0% 77.2%
160 70.5% − 2.1%p 0.000** 67.9% 73.2%
170 68.4% − 2.1%p 0.000** 65.1% 71.6%
180 66.1% − 2.3%p 0.000** 60.1% 72.1%
190 63.7% − 2.4%p 0.000** 54.3% 73.1%
200 61.3% − 2.4%p 0.000** 48.3% 74.3%
Air 100 46.3% - 0.015* 23.9% 68.7%
110 44.0% − 2.3%p 0.003** 24.9% 63.0%
120 41.6% − 2.4%p 0.000** 25.8% 57.4%
130 39.3% − 2.3%p 0.000** 26.8% 51.9%
140 37.1% − 2.2%p 0.000** 27.6% 46.6%
150 34.9% − 2.2%p 0.000** 28.3% 41.5%
160 32.8% − 2.1%p 0.000** 28.8% 36.8%
170 30.8% − 2.0%p 0.000** 28.5% 33.1%
180 28.8% − 2.0%p 0.000** 25.9% 31.8%
190 26.9% − 1.9%p 0.000** 22.1% 31.7%
200 25.1% − 1.8%p 0.000** 18.3% 31.9%
** Significant at α = 0.01.

Table C
The robustness test chooses a transport mode when the mode ticket price increases from $50 to $200

Alternatives Ticket price Probability to choose Differences p-Value 95% confidential interval

Low High

HSR 50 89.9% - 0.000** 84.8% 95.0%

75 83.6% − 6.3%p 0.000** 78.7% 88.5%
100 75.0% − 8.6%p 0.000** 71.5% 78.6%
125 64.6% − 10.4%p 0.000** 61.4% 67.8%
150 53.2% − 11.4%p 0.000** 47.5% 58.9%
175 41.9% − 11.3%p 0.000** 33.5% 50.3%
200 31.4% − 10.5%p 0.000** 21.0% 41.8%
Air 50 51.8% - 0.000** 46.3% 57.2%
75 42.9% − 8.9%p 0.000** 39.3% 46.5%
100 34.6% − 8.3%p 0.000** 32.2% 37.0%
125 26.6% − 8.0%p 0.000** 24.3% 29.0%
150 19.3% − 7.3%p 0.000** 15.7% 22.8%
175 13.0% − 6.3%p 0.000** 8.5% 17.5%
200 8.2% − 4.8%p 0.000** 3.7% 12.7%
** Significant at α = 0.01.

S.-J. Hong and H. Najmi Journal of Air Transport Management 102 (2022) 102222

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