2 Sent Solution Tutorial 2

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Tutorial -2: Surface tension and capillarity,

EM2102 Fluid Mechanics -1
Prob. 1 A 0.6-mm-diameter glass tube is inserted into
water at 20°C in a cup. Determine the capillary rise of
water in the tube (Fig. 1).(Note: In atmospheric air, the contact angle
of water and most other organic liquids with glass is nearly zero,   0°)

Prob. 1 (Fig. 1)

Given: Diameter of the glass tube, D = 0.6 mm

Temperature of water, T = 20°C
The surface tension of water at 20°C, s = 0.073 N/m
(Table 3).
Density of liquid water,  = 1000 kg/m
The contact angle of water with glass,   0°
(Generally contact angle of water 0)

Required: Capillary rise of water, h = ?


Fig. Forces acting on the system (>0)

1 There are no impurities in the water and no contamination on the surfaces of the glass
2 The experiment is conducted in atmospheric air
Table 3 Surface tension of some common fluids in air
at 1 atm and 20 C

Solution: Diameter of the glass tube, D = 0.6 mm


Therefore, radius
0.6mm 2.54 cm 1m
R=   = 0.3 10−3 m
2 1 in 100 cm
Weight of water column acting vertically downward,
W = m g = ( V) × g = ( g) × V
Or, W = ( g) × ( R h)
Vertical component of surface tension force acting
upward Fsy = (2 R) s sin (90o - )
Or, Fsy = (2 R ) s cos

Summation of vertical forces acting on the system,

 Fy = 0

Therefore, we can write, P + Fy – W – P = 0

Or, W = Fsy Or, ( g) × ( R h) = (2 R) s cos

Or, h=
( 2 R ) cos 
2 s cos 
(  g )  ( R )
 gR
2 s cos 
We know specific weight, γ =  g Or, h =

2  0.073    cos00
Or, h=  m s
 N   0.3 
( 9.811000 )  3    m
 m   1000 

N N
2  0.073   1 0.146   1
Or, h=  m
=  m
 N   N 
2.943  3  m  2.943  2 m
m   m m 

Or, h = 0.04961 N  m  = 0.04961 m  100 cm = 4.961 cm


m N  1m

So, the capillary rise, h = 4.961 cm Ans

(It is noticeable rise of water column)

Prob. 2 A 0.03-in-diameter glass tube is inserted into

kerosene at 68°F (Fig. 2 above). The contact angle of
kerosene with a glass surface is 26°. Determine the
capillary rise of kerosene in the tube.

Prob. 2 (fig. 2)

Given: Diameter of the glass tube, D = 0.03 in

Temperature of kerosene, T = 680F= 20°C
The surface tension of kerosene at 20°C, s = 0.028
(N/m) (Table 3).

Density of kerosene at 20°C,  = 823 kg/m
Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 (m/s2)
The contact angle of water with glass,  = 26°

Required: Capillary rise of kerosene, h = ?

1 There are no impurities in the kerosene and no contamination on the surfaces of the
glass tube.
2 The experiment is conducted in atmospheric air

Forces acting on the system

Solution: Diameter of the glass tube, D = 0.03 inch

0.03in 2.54 cm 1m
So, radius, R=   = 3.8110−4 m
2 1 in 100 cm

Table 3 Surface tension of some common fluids in air

at 1 atm and 20 C


Weight of kerosene column acting vertically

W = m g = ( V) × g = ( g) × V
Or, W = ( g) × ( R h)
Vertical component of surface tension force acting
Fsy = (2 R) s sin (90 - ) Or, Fsy = (2 R ) s cos
Summation of vertical forces acting on the system,
 Fsy = 0

Therefore, we can write, P + Fsy – W – P = 0


Or, W = Fsy
Or, ( g) × ( R h) = (2 R) s cos

Or, h=
( 2 R ) cos 
2 s cos 
(  g )  ( R ) 2
 gR
2 s cos 
We know specific weight, γ =  g Or, h=
2  0.028    cos 260
Or, h=  m s
 kg  m
823  3   9.81 2   ( 3.81 10−4 ) m
m  s 

2 × 0.028 × 0.89879  N m3 s 2 
Or, h= -4 
 × 2
823 × 9.81 × 3.81×10  m kg m 

  kg.m  
 2 
0.050332 N 1 s  s  2 
Or, h=   ×  
3.05419  1 kg 1 1N 
 

 1 s 2  kg.m  
Or, h = 0.01648  ×   2   = 0.01648 m
 kg 1  s  
 N m2  100 cm 1 in
Or, h = 0.04961   = 0.01648 m  
m N  1m 2.54 cm

Or, h = 0.64881 in  0.65 inch Ans


So, the capillary rise of kerosene, h = 0.65 inch (It is

noticeable rise of kerosene column)

Prob. 3 A 1.9-mm-diameter tube is inserted into an

unknown liquid whose density is 960 kg/m3, and it is
observed that the liquid rises 5 mm in the tube, making
a contact angle of 15°. Determine the surface tension
of the liquid.

Given: Diameter of the glass tube, D = 1.9 mm

Density of liquid,  = 960 kg/m

Capillary rise of liquid, h = 5 mm

Acceleration due to gravity, g =9.81 (m/s2)
The contact angle of liquid with glass,  = 15°

Forces acting on the system


Required: The surface tension of liquid, s = ?

1 There are no impurities in the liquid and no contamination on the surfaces of the glass
tube. 2 The experiment is conducted in atmospheric air
Table 3 Surface tension of some common fluids in air
at 1 atm and 20 C

Solution: Diameter of the glass tube, D = 0.19 mm

Or, R = 1.9mm  1 cm  1 m = 9.50 10−4 m

2 10 mm 100 cm

Weight of liquid column acting vertically downward,

W = m g = ( V) × g = ( g) × V
Or, W = ( g) × ( R h)
Vertical component of surface tension force,
Fsy = (2 R) s sin (90 - ) Or, Fsy = (2 R ) s cos

Summation of vertical forces acting on the system,

 Fy = 0

Therefore, we can write, P + Fsy – W – P = 0

Or, Fsy = W Or, (2 R) s cos = ( g) × ( R h)

( ) ( h )  gR h
 g   R 2

Or, s = =
( 2 R ) cos 2cos

 kg  m
960  3   9.81 2   9.50  10−4 m  5  10−3 m
Or, s =  m   s 
2  cos15o

Or,  s = 960  9.81 9.50  10 −4

 5  10 −3
 kg m 3
 1N
 × 2 
2  0.96593  m s  1  kg.m 

 2 
 s 
0.04473  kg  1N  s 2   N
Or,  s =  2    Or,  s = 0.02316  
1.93186  s  1  kg.m  m

So, surface tension, s = 0.02316 (N/m) Ans


Prob. 4 Nutrients dissolved in water are carried to

upper parts of plants by tiny tubes partly because of the
capillary effect (Fig. 3). Determine how high the water
solution will rise in a tree in a 0.005-mm-diameter tube
as a result of the capillary effect. Treat the solution as
water at 20°C with a contact angle of 15°.

. Prob. 4 (Fig.3)
Given: Diameter of the glass tube, D = 0.005 mm

Temperature of water, T = 20°C

The surface tension of water at 20°C, s = 0.073 N/m
(Table 3).
Specific gravity of liquid water,
γ = g = 9.81 (kN/m ) = (9.81×1000) N/m

The contact angle of water with glass,  =15°

Required: Capillary rise of water in the trees, h = ?


Fig. Forces acting on the tiny tube system


Table 3 Surface tension of some common fluids in air at 1 atm and 20 C

Solution: Diameter of the glass tube, D = 0.005 m


0.005mm 1 cm 1m
So, radius, R=   = 2.50 10−6 m
2 10 mm 100 cm

Weight of water column acting vertically downward,

W = m g = ( V) × g = ( g) × V
Or, W = ( g) × ( R h)
Vertical component of surface tension force,
Fsy = (2 R) s sin (90 -) Or, Fsy = (2 R ) s cos
Summation of vertical forces acting on the system,
 Fy = 0

Therefore, we can write, P + Fsy – W – P = 0

Or, W = Fsy Or, ( g) × ( R h) = (2 R) s cos

Or, h=
( 2 R ) cos 
2 s cos 
(  g )  ( R )
 gR
2 s cos 
We know specific weight, γ =  g Or, h=
2  0.073    cos150
Or, h=  m s
 N
( 9.811000 )  3   ( 2.50 10 −6 ) m
m 

2  0.073 0.96593  N m 2 
Or, h=  × 
2.45 10 −2
 m N 

Or, h = 0.14103− 2  N × m 

2.45 10  m N  = 5.7503 m

So, the capillary rise to the trees, h = 5.7503 m Ans

(It is noticeable rise of water column)

Prob. 5 A 0.9-in-diameter glass tube is inserted into

mercury, which makes a contact angle of 140o with
glass. Determine the capillary drop of mercury in the
tube at 68°F.

Given: Diameter of the glass tube, D = 0.9 inch

Temperature of mercury, T = 68oF = 20°C
The surface tension of mercury at 20°C, s = 0.440
N/m (Table 3).

Actual density of mercury at 20°C, from table 2, we have


Temperature Density
(oC) (kg/m3)
0 13595
20 ρ
25 13534

By interpolation (from table above), density at 20 oC, ρ = 13546.2 (kg/m3) . So actual

specific weight,
γ = g = 13546.2 (kg/m3) × 9.81 (m/s2)
= 132888.2 (kg.m/s2 ) ×1/m3 ) = 132888.2 (N/m3 )
Or, γ = 132.89 (kN/m3) this is actual value

But in this calculation, we use specific weight of

mercury at 25oC (From Table 2-for simplicity )
Or, γ = (132.8 ×1000) N/m
γ = g = 132.8 (kN/m3) (From Table)
Or, γ = (132.8 ×1000) N/m

Table 2 Properties of Mercury


Forces acting on the system

The contact angle of mercury with glass,  =140°

Required: Capillary drop of mercury, h = ?


1 There are no impurities in the mercury and no contamination on the surfaces of the
glass tube. 2 The experiment is conducted in atmospheric air

Solution: Diameter of the glass tube, D = 0.9 inch

0.9in 2.54 cm 1m
So radius, R=   = 0.01143 m
2 1 in 100 cm

Weight of mercury column acting vertically downward,

W = m g = ( V) × g = ( g) × V

Table 3 Surface tension of some common fluids in air at 1 atm

and 20 C


Or, W = ( g) × ( R h)
Vertical component of surface tension force,
Fsy = (2 R) s cos (180 - )
Summation of vertical forces acting on the system,
 Fy = 0

Therefore, we can write, P - Fsy – W – P = 0

Or, W = - Fsy
Or, ( g) × ( R h) = - [ (2 R) s cos(180 - )]

( 2 R ) s (
 cos 180 o
− )
Or, h=−
(  g )  ( R )

[ note h = − ( 2 R )  − cos  ( 2 R )  cos 

= as
 >90 o
(  g )  ( R )
(  g )  ( R ) 2

value of cos will be negative, so the final result will be


We know specific weight, γ =  g

2 s cos (180 −  )
2 s cos (180 − 140
o o
Or, h = − =−
 R  R

Or, h = − 2 s cos 40

 R
2  0.440    0.76604
Or, h=−  m s
 N
(132.8 1000 )  3   0.01143 m
m 
0.67412  N m3 1 
Or, h=−  ×   = − 0.000444 m
1517.904  m m N 

100 cm 1 inch
Or, h = − 0.000444 m  
1m 2.54 cm

Or, h=− inch = - 0.01749 inch
Or, h = - 0.01749 inch (Capillary drop) Ans

Negative sign indicates capillary drop instead of rise.

This drop is very small in this case because of the large
diameter of the glass tube

Prob. 6 Derive a relation for the capillary rise of a liquid

between two large parallel plates a distance t apart
inserted into the liquid vertically. Take the contact angle
to be .
A relation is to be derived for the capillary rise of a liquid
between two large parallel plates a distance t apart
inserted into the liquid vertically. The contact angle is
given to be 

1 There are no impurities in the liquid and no contamination on
the surfaces of the glass tube.
2 The experiment is conducted in atmospheric air

The magnitude of the capillary rises between two large

parallel plates can be determined from a force balance
on the rectangular liquid column of height h and the
width b between two plates. The bottom of the liquid
column is at the same level as the free surface of the
liquid in the reservoir, and thus the pressure there must
be atmospheric pressure. This will balance the
atmospheric acting at the top surface of the liquid
column, and thus these two effects will be cancel each

other. A free body diagram of the whole system is

shown in Figure.

Weight of rectangular liquid column acting vertically

W = m g = ( V) × g = ( g) × V
Or, W = ( g) × (A × h)
Or, W = ( g) × [(b × t) × h)]

Fig. Forces acting on the system ( this is not the actual figure-need to change)

Vertical component of surface tension force

Fsy = [(total contact width of water on the two plates)× s ] ×sin (90o - )

Fsy = (2 b) s sin (90o - )

(Note that surface tension will be on the width wise
length only, i.e. b + b = 2 b)
Or, Fsy= (2 b ) s cos
Summation of vertical forces acting on the system,
 Fy = 0

Therefore, we can write, P + Fy – W – P = 0

Or, W = Fy

Or, ( g) × (b × t × h) = (2 b) s cos

Or, h=
( 2 b ) cos  2 cos 

(  g )  (b  t )  gt

We know specific weight, γ =  g

2 s cos 
So capillary rise, h= ( for  < 90o)
 t

Similarly, capillary drop can be shown as,


2 s cos 
h= ( for  > 90o)
 t
The relation above is also valid for the non-wetting liquids (such as mercury in glass), and
gives a capillary drop instead of a capillary rise.

Table 1 Properties of common liquids, SI units (101 kPa abs and 25oC)

Table 3 Surface tension of some common fluids in air at 1 atm and 200C (unless
otherwise mention)


Table 2 Properties of Mercury

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