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5. MAP





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The diagram illustrates the neuron’s functions and their parts.

Overall, the neuron has 7 important parts such as cell body, dendrites, Axon, Action potential, Myelin
sheath, Teminal buttons and dendrites. Each component has a specific function that helps o sending,
transmission an accelerating the information among neurons. Neuron has a methodology to process the
information. The initial point start in cell body then dendrites catch the message coming from other cells
and that information are transporting trough the axon to another neurons or muscles with the electrical
signal giving by action potential. Further, the myelin sheath spread speed with neural impulses and
protect the axon. Moreover, junctions between dendrites were made by terminal buttons.
Tourism has become one of the most wonderful and popular leisure’s activities in the last time.
Nowadays a lot of people love to abroad to unconventional places where have extremely meteorological
conditions. Advantages and disadvantages will be analyzed in this current essay.

Firstly, many places are considering enjoy fully places because of you can feel adrenaline doing wild
activities. In fact, one of the most popular magazines published people who usually do high risk actions
spread more happiness hormones. Moreover, another benefit can be know isolated places giving us the
possibility to share more with our family and friend instead to care about other tourist. For instance,
family take advantage to express their feeling and try to seeks to improve fraternal relationships.

However, visiting those kinds of places could be dangerous for our heath. As result, a family had a
misfortune event visiting the Sahara Desert when of the member was bitten by a big snake while they
taking a walk in a secure place. The weather is another factor that can harm us, for instance, in 2019 a
group of friends suffered from hypothermia when they were in an expedition in the Antarctic.
Therefore, exist a lot of reasonable arguments to avoid to visit those places.

To summarize, I believe it is important choose a place to enjoy while we are visiting it. The place should
have a closer medical center and people who can assist us due to we will not know what events could
happen in the future. For me, we can enjoy our trip in place who provide us easier and good conditions
and be a recognizable location.
Health for older people has become a controversial problem in the recently years. Elderly population has
been increased rapidly in the last time as well as their sickness issues problem. Finding a
solution to that problem should be one of the priorities as society. I will give reasonable
arguments expressing how we can manage and be able to cope this social condition.

Mianly, most of the employees have been paying a health care while they are working with the hope to
have a high-quality life when they are aging/growing, so it is a right that lot of people should will
have in the future. Nowadays, government has been fulfilling with health care for the elderly
society and will be able to cope with it due to all the incomes that they are earning from
multiple social organizations and private companies that are helping to consolidate social
programs to improve this field. For instance, Ecopetrol gives the 1% of their incomes to the
health country department with aids for elderly crew. It is clear that exist a lot of movements
are trying to carry on this situation.

On the other hand, a lot of proposals could be considered for manage this issue. For example, Ireland
created a new tax for cope with the first assistance for elderly people. Another way is supervised
the incomes that the citizens are providing likewise having a corruption department who can
checked all the things.

In my opinion, I believe it is important to cope this problem because will become a huge social problem
and the government has the necessary sources to covert this issue. However, we should fight for
our rights. I wish we can have those rights in the future.
The diagram below illustrates how is the process to produce electricity by solar panels for residential

Overall, the chart describes the steps how to produce utilities by solar source. First of all, the procedure
contains a box with a transparent top which is insert on the top of the box besides it should have an
inlet and an outlet from the box. A fluid flow crosses inside the box gaining energy from the sun with a
hotter fluid flow as a consequence.

The diagram exposes two ways to take advantage form solar rays to heat water and steam. They have
different components inside the box. For the solar to heat air it should only have a cool air steam who
passes trough the box and it is getting hotter due to sun rays providing a warm air outlet stream as a
result. By contrary to heat water the box should have a water pipe which transport the water between
the inlet and outlet water stream.
Energy is one of the main concerns around the world. Not only because of its cost, but also
because of the waste it can produce. Latelty, there has been a tendency for cleaner energies. This
is where solar energy starts to take protagonisim. In the image we can see two models , with
some few diferences but that use the same estructure, that can be used to provide electricity for
domestic use.

The first image describe us the overall model that is being used. It has been called " Box with a
transparent top" .This model is the base for the other two models that are going to be described in
the next parragraphs. There is a box but its larger upper face has being replaced with a
transparent tap. On the upper left side , there is a tube that functions asn an inlet and on the right
bottom side of the box there`s another tube that functions as an outlet.

In the first model or the Solar panel to Heat air, has the box inside empty. From the inlet, cool air
is going inside of the box. It get trapped in the box between the box and the transparent tap. The
sun rays are able to go into the box , trough the transparent tap, and heat the air inside when put
under the sun. When the air has been warmed, it exits trough the outlet.

In the second model, the Box with a transparent tap model remains but, now there`s a water pipe
that goes trough the box in a zig-zag way. It is conected to both ends by the inley and outlet. The
cool water enters to the pipe where it gets heated by the sun rays, and exits the box trough the
oulet as warm water.

Both systems use the same model and system. But they differ in the substance used. As for the
first model , as its name states , it uses air and the second one uses water. The effectivity or
production is not stated.

Nowadays, teachers have different paths to teach and spread knowledge. Given home assessment could
be a way to improve academic and personal skills. However, children have to spend time doing leisure’s
activities to expand become well rounded. In this essay will be analyzed those different point of view.

Homework and education seems like two words that are married. Is almost impossible to talk about
eduaction without bringing homework up. There exists two main postures over this topic. One perspective
supports the use of homework, and defend it as a vital part of education. Whereas, there exists a second
perspective that believes homeworks should not be left by teachers. This essay will seek the discussion of
both perspectives , give my opinion and support my them with examples from my experencie.

First of all, we should analyze if it is productive give some homework and how could be affect in the
personal and professional growth. For example, an educational article published the 70% of children
who bare their home time doing duties gain more knowledge and responsibilities in the future as
evidence the magazine illustrates a survey that showed those who formed good studies have it were
more successful. As a result, we should consider this technique as a way to improve our weakness and
give us temper.

In the other hand, hobbies and non-conventional activities are necessary for children to pursue other
talents. In fact, the best college athletes took the 90% of their free time focusing and practice their
sport, Michel Phelps won his first high school competition when he decided to swim after school instead
did his homework. As can be seen doing homework demand a lot of time and it could be used to do
another activity.

In my opinion, As a summary, for me doing homework it is a necessary method to achieve some

personal qualities but we should find the balance including sportive and artist activities which we can
have fun and fulfil other areas results. In my opinion the school should continue giving homework with
the possibility to enjoy the free time doing another recreational activitiy.


The process illustrates the honey bee´s circle life.

Overall, the life sequence shows the bee´s transformation that takes between 34 and 36 days and has
generally 6 steps. Firstly, the cycle starts when the female bee put eggs, after 9 to 10
days the eggs begin to hatch, and approximately at day 14 or 15 the bee comes out of
the egg cover.

Subsequently, at the 22 cycle´s day the nymph grows and after two days they are getting weight and
height. They nymph goes through three moults , generally the last one is done nearly to
the 30 days of the cycle. Finally, the bee reaches the maturity between the 35-36 day
and the cycle begins again when the adult insect lays one or two eggs each three days.

This cycle shows the difference between steps bee´s life, for instance, we see the height and weight
difference when the bees are 7 days compared when the insect achieve the maturity
between the 34 to 35 day, during this period the insect has changed his physical
appearance three times giving the possibilities to gain an strong shapes.

Economic area has been one of the most important topics for the governments. Some people thinks that
economic field should be the priority for a government. In contrary, a lot of people
belief as a citizen we need to reach the balance in the social, politician, economic and
others areas. Both sides of those arguments will be analyzed in this essay.
Firstly, mostly of the countries seek the possibility to reach more money profit in the economic fields in
order to provide to a good quality life for their citizenships. For instance, Norway has
obtained the highest Europe’s PIB in the last 5 years and their citizenships are one of the
happiest person in the world by FORBES sources. The magazine expresses the
relationship between purchase material things and happiness are related because a
person can spread more pleasure hormones if you can buy more things. It is a
reasonable argument to think that the economic advance needs to be the first bet for a

In opposite, a lot of people propose the government should look the balance between all the aspect due
to base in one aspect could cause an inequality and ignorant world. For example, United
States is the most powerful economy country in the world but it has a multiple health,
education and drugs problems. It happened because the government have a high
education and health taxes and does not provide to the society for a global quality life.
Thus, this can realize as a society we should not base our all propose in one topic and
we should take care other ambits too to achieve a well-balanced

As a conclusion, I strongly think a government should have a balance finding fulfill the multiple discipline
progress. It should not be focus only in the economic subject cause as a person we have
diverse subfield to achieve a global wellness.

Parents should choose wisely how their children how spend their time. Some parents think their
children should spend time doing collective activities. Nevertheless, other fathers would like their
children take advantage their time baring by themselves. Both opinions will be discussing before a
conclusion is made.
Primary, some parent argues the kids should improve communicative and leaderships skills they can
reach doing some group leisure activities. For instance, Elon musk children express they spend their time
in a soccer group enhancing soft skill as well as personalities skills giving them other strengthens and
amen his weaknesses. Moreover, the children should have more fun sharing moments with their mates
and learn the boundaries they should have. As can be seen, doing fellowship activities could help them
to grow in multiple aspects.

However, another fathers group belief that is most important their children should occupy their free
time doing alone activities due to they learn how to be independent and fulfill their goals with any help.
For example, Forbes published an article showing how the most important leaders in the world
enhancing their qualities doing activities as a chess and painting by themselves as well as gain another
knowledge. Thus, shows the multiple benefits children could obtain spending their free time by

After looking those points of view. I strongly belief the parents should encourage their children to do
group activities because of we are a society and as a society we should learn how to behave with other
humans and exchange different opinions and thoughts without misunderstanding.

the diagram illustrates universal buys of multiple digital games since 2000 until 2006.
Overall, the chart exposes the sales of digital games by 4 different sources which are mobile phone,
online, console and handled games. As can be seen, handled games is the best seller reaching 18 billion
of dollars in 2006 approximately. In opposite, the least sold was console source where only got a 3
millions of dollars in 2006.

Mostly of the source had been increasingly during this period as showed the data from Handled, mobile
and online digital games. Although handled digital games decreased during this time with a fluctuated
point between 2003 and 20004 finishing with a valley value in 2006 with 2 billion of dollars of sales.
Moreover, online games started a year after, it went up in exponential way with 10 billion of dollars
from sales in 2006. In the other hand, online phones achieve sales with a 7 billion approximately in 2006
due to a growing sale since 2002 with 2 billion of dollars as started value.
Nowadays the way to buy clothes have changed. Mostly of the people would like to purchase clothes
from outlets and huge malls causing closed local shops. In this essay will be analyzed if this tendency has
more pro or cons.

Firstly, a lot of costumers prefer going to large shopping centers because they offer discount and
cheaper price comparing with the small shops. For instance, fashion magazines have been showed how
those centers have been became the most popular places to buy clothes in the world as well as reached
the highest profit in this area. Likewise, the client could look the vestment’s diversity that you can find
due to it has multiple boutiques and you can pick and compare prices, color, model and size. Thus, those
are strongly arguments who express the positive impact that it brought.

On the other hand, the consequence has been closing the local shops impacting the economy local area.
All of the local shops have seen how decrease their earnings and they have to fire their employees as a
result of this problematic. For instance, Forbes has been published how many local’s entrepreneur
companies broke during this time in the United States. Further, most of those employees are immigrant
who are trying to provide a better-quality life for their family and due to this problematic, they are
asking help for the government becoming a social problem. A reasonable argument who shows how the
consequence are getting worse.

In conclusion, the globalization has allowed to provide different forms to buy but we need to support
those local entrepreneurs who had a lot of sacrifice to build their companies. In my opinion they should
give different marketing strategies to call the attention for the costumer such as many discounts which
can compete with the larger shops. We should try to hand those local shops giving them the opportunity
to improve in their sales and contribute with surrounding economy.

Nowadays, bullying has become one of the most popular problems in the schools in the last decades.
This problem has born from different causes who has brought different consequences. The mainly
reasons could be the lack of capability to understand and respect different tough and belief. However,
as a society, we have the duty to avoid this problem continue happened. In this essay, we will look the
causes for this problematic and provide solutions that can run out with this issue.

Firstly, the discrimination is the most conventional reason for the bully in the school. Evidence can be
seen at schools’ surveys who has showed a lot of racist´s behavior especially for immigrant’s people. For
instance, and educational magazine has published how increases the bully against black and Chinese
people in the last time as well as the psychological abuse to Afghanistan women. This trend exposes
how our disrespectful manners can offend them and help to growth this trouble. Another cause could be
the misunderstanding beauty standard has continually showed in the social media. Thus, illustrate we
should strength our society value and how it is important our children must to accept the person
independent how is he/she looks.

Education is the best path to solve this social difficult. We should provide ethical values for our children
likewise teach them the most important thing is what the person can give us as a human being such as
knowledge, experience and moments. Therefore, teaching is the best route to fulfill social solutions
including good parents’ behavior.

In conclusion, eradicate schools bully´s problem is a task for everyone. I believe the school and home
should lead to reach stronger ethical morals besides the parents teach with the experience how to treat
and value other people. For me, humans should understand we will be better if we will comprehend the
diverse in the world.

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