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education ps8 WORKBOOK PA education macmillan macrnillan ea education PA education H Meet die] Heroes! cael @ Look and write. @ Read, listen and match, a [My tovourite 7 colour is green _—! My favourite day) is Soturday, < \ J = \ (My favourite place L_ \\ Cis the safari park. { bibespierl park n —! My favourite sport |. is factball y @ listen to Come to the Heroes Centre, Number in order. @ Name: bia adeiress: (1s very near your street || They welcome everyone e My favourite things (Come to the Heroes Centre [-) Moke friends and have some fun, sport) = food: colour _ month: © Listen and write the numbers. Play a number game. number; — animal t ten and write the letters. Finish the sentence about you. g 44 e [EXPER Write the days of the week in order. [ERAEMCEP can you remember all the months of the year? 8 Write them in order. macmillan Fa education 7 | Places © Look and write, Tick the words that have the ‘f sound. Listen and check. =! My dictionary 1 ars and.cratts room — I want te go te the e andthe Iwant te go to the and the ® listen and match. Ask and answer. a) 20 @ aris and oratts room wal Where con you read a book? b computer room © library 2a d café In the lisrary < oe GEnfEI? write more words that have the f sound, macmillan Pa education @ Look. read and write. Olivia, Archie and Luke are in the 1 entrance of the Heroes Centre, Olivia likes computers. She wants to go te the 2 Luke loves orls end cralls. He wanls lo go lo the 3 Archie is a little hungry. He wants to go to the 4 ® Read and complete. Listen and check. 1 Boy: Excuse me When's the and crafts mean? 2 Adult: is the arts and ax lo the ts rooMn. It'S het 3 Boy: me. 4 Adult: This tothe eats ‘8 the garden? the garden. It's © Read and circle the correct word. People eat and drink in the sports field / café. People paint pictures in the computer room / arts and crafts room People play dall games on the sports field / library. han = People put on shows in the hall / garden, Draw and label three more v activities you can do at a community centre, macmillan education @ Read and match. 1 Where can you draw and paint? —— @ The computer room, 2 Where con you have hot chocolate? “+b In the arts ond cratts racm, 3) Who paints a new picture? In the cerlé. 4 Whait's next to the: literary? @ Luke. © Circle the things that are not in the story. © Read and match. Listen and check. 4! ——— Vean paints 1 \ new picture. ——~“ ns 2 _-=={ Look at my sign! (Gmeeeacaner e There's a computer |__ ‘ [Sateotee © What do you think about the story? Write. Tell your family about the story. 2 A _! Let's have hot chocolate and strawberry ice crear in the Heroes Cofét (iin Make your own picture dictionary: ‘write and draw four new words fram the stary. $A | macmillan ‘education @ Look. Read and write. ie aa fa oC © Look at the map in Activity 1 again. Read and circle. Listen and check. 4 1 Is there a theatre? Yos, there is. / flo, there is Is there a gym? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. There's a compuler room True / False a ew Theres o swimming pool True / False © Usten and write. ts there a playground? Na, there isn't Is @ sports field? there a garden? Ren Is there 2 © Tell your family about your school. & A, | There's. a There isn't computer oom, =| egarden (Gititiiat Drew and label a map of your school. @ macmillan $8 | macrnillan education _ i ‘education @ Look and write, folty tale (I Do you want fo- [tolierbiace with use eee ow Oo @ Read and complete. Circle True or False. ‘re you voder 12 yeos old? Du you like poetny? You con win a book oF funny poets. Just complete the four sentences below with your idews. Remember Io be creative! The competition ends 27st March, One GD) tyes with nn Fond sun : Ton >) thymes with aha Ge That's OK. See ¥ you ct school! The yes wt ue Se ad Faut Cp rhymes with Foor MNS. ond 1) You can win a book of fairy tales. True / False 2 Two rhymes with tree. True / Foilse — 3 Four rhymes with foor. True / False Do. you want to Whal's your ploy tennis? 4. The competition ends in Nowember True / False name? © Read. Write about your favourite books. & EY © How do you make new people feel welcome? Read and fick. My favourite books are mysteries and science fiction. Ask and answer. & 2 P I smile and sey hello, | show them new places, L \lear their names, al linvite them to da an activity, fl © Investigate. Find information about a new book you want fo read. Use the worksheet your teacher gives you. & &, 0 [HfL write a welcome note to a new person in your class, GIR Think of two more words that rhyme with run, 9 $A | macmillan education @ Order and write. 1 The titie of 2 itea 3 give 4 eo Write a book review. Talk about it with a friend. oo MTEL Ciied (orn Name: —_______ Title: Type of book This book is, Isher book in He ate ae ay ar o Gite’? Drow the main character from your book. $A | macmillan education @ Read, look and write. io 1 Food grows there, | glalriale[n 2 You can see shows thare. te | | 3 You ga inside there. ; oh 4° You see lots cf machines there. x } © l= | 5 You do art projects there. a | Me 8 IPs inside, You do exercise there. c | fm in 9g 6 I's aulside. You play football there. % You eat and drink there. 5 LL ft J c ] 7 Ws outside, You play with fiends there. 10 Yeu read books there. ep] TT] | ] i | © Look and write. Listen and check. #! 1 Is thare a computer room? No, there isnt Pl a a Seay ATell your family about your favourite activity in Unit 1. Uv macmillan education ® Activities @ Look and write. Tick the words that have the 'd’ sound. Listen and check. My dictionary aerobics ial II like cian bul I don't like I don't like 1 Do you like coding? 2 Do you like skateboarding? 3 Do you like drawing? 4 Da you like cooking? 5 Da you like drama? eo [REE write more words that have the ‘co sound. fa macmillan education @ Look, read and write. judo _phetegmphy coding — drawing (x2) PST r Olivia ond Luke are in the Heroes Centre. They are leeking al the activities schedule, Luke wants todo photagraphy 2 or 3 5 Olivia doesn't want to do a . She wants todos ; judo or photography, Luke ond Olivia decide te de photography logelher. eT ® Read and complete. Listen and check + " 1 Boy: Hi Ann. What activity do you want to do? 2 GI want fo do How about you? 3 Boy: | todo drama 4 Girl: Me ! © Ask and answer questions about the activities you want to do. £ £2 J Be you wan! to Ee degerenng? | Gextao— _- i GIRERU? think of three more activities you want to do. Draw and label. o macmillan education missing things @ Read and answer. 1 What activity does Molly do after school? 2 What activity cloes Beth do afer school? 3 Whol activity does Collum do after schoor? 4 Wha is lacking for her belt? @ Circle the things that are not in the story. © Read. Listen and match. like mysteries, ==— aA & ss Mysteries are OK. thing this story = think this story is great is interesting. © What do you think about the story? Write. Tell your family about the story. 2 A, Lihink the story ig 0 Gitte’ Moke your own picture dictionary. Write and drew four new words from the story. macmillan | education @ Look. Read and write. (What o'clock Sef at starts fnishes: START FINISH || What time does dancing siar! 7 ( Cit at 4 o'clock. time does it finish? it at 5 o'clock. rama storts ot 10 It finishes IZ o'clock. @ Look at the timetable in Activity 1 again. Listen and re Tick True or False. = 1 Dancing starts at 10 o'clock. Tre False [7 2 Doncing finishes of 6 octock, True | Fase 3 Drama slaris al 11 o’clock rue False 4 Brome finishes at 1 o'clock True | False | © listen and write. 4 1 Agiabics starts al ear ok. 2 Aerobics at 11 o'clock 3 Photography Tha ctock 4 finishes 2 © Make a timetable of your classes today. Tell your family. aa English class = starts at GME Invert a timetable tor your ideal schoo! cay. o macmillan |macmillan education © Look and write. wolles trainers _gpren fracksult belt helmet x apron Nex! Saturday, Sally and After gerdening, Sam ‘On the way home. the Som ore al the club, hos rest chileten invite Sam eine) Sally io play fecibal. ap Gardening is _— fun, too. Now Im going to rest. Onn ow a unhs ® Read and circle. Vlike: sport, sol want | to do skateboarding. Then I wont to try a different activity. Karate comes frorn{Japan)/ Britain. you are very good, you wear a white / black bell: Hi, fn Charlie. | want to de ‘9 sporty aclivily on Monday, a crealive cotivily on Wednesday and a technology ‘activity on Fri 1 2 3. The word karate means open hand / open feet. 4 Gils o special word! for the karate uniform / place. 5 The name for people who do karate is Doje / Karetkas. © Read. Write about the activities you like. & Hike: sporty activities and martial arts. [want fo do karate, ceive Oe rownenty Cpe arin Cte skateboarding Ox gardening [_| Ne judo sie SF ms cooking Lie aoncing = LF drome ee e (SEICP? Think of all the cetivities you do. Write them on three lists: (MEI write the words trom Activity 1 in alphabetical order, Uv sporty activities, creative activities, technology oclivities © investigate. Find information about a different martial art. Use the worksheet your teacher gives you. & @%, macmillan Fa education @ Otder and write. Ve Name: Ce ea ese yo rely 2 Iwentto F time: 0.00 lo tao Equipment: © Look atthe timetable. Read and complete the activity form. Talk about it with a fiend. ZS 9.00 - (0,00 f8.00 - (og [ieee Moe - 00 een - Name: Activity: Day: Time: Equipment: o [TINIE Drow your weekend activity from Activity 2. @ Read, look and write. | macmillan a education Tris martial artis an olympic sport uldlo You do this activity on computer. c dq You da this activity in the klichen. c [k ‘You da this. activity in a special park, 8 b | This is ai fun way to do exereise. & You do this when you perform ai play. a | [| d rs You nead a camara to de this activity. % You do this activity with music. Pp J a] | fe a You do this aolivily in the garden. 10) You use @ pencil lo da this aelivily. g al [w. ® Look and write. Listen and check. s cooking start? finish? AQ Tell your family about your favourite activity in Unit 2. oO $A | macmillan $a | macmillan education education @ Look, read and write. Look and write. Tick the words that have ® My dictionary the 'k’ sound. Listen and check, # = |_ olivia wants to organize - calculator iv Technology Day. On Technology Bay, the children can hel eaple _ with their] tablets They can show people how to take 2 and how lo write 3 Technology Day is on - 4 it starts at 5 and finishes ate f i ———— — @ Look and write. @ Snow peant/ “Yes, / help? OF hep scans me, / please? / you Grandad: Can you help me, please? Tuse headphones fuse fo fo don't {know how, | write o you / show / I want to 7 but | "jean / 1 / how. Grandson: 1 Da yau use 6 keyboard? 20D si te fF 2 4 5 a votes Se a a © Continue the dialogue in Activity 2. Act it out. 28 9 you use a calculator 4 Da yau use headphones? 5 Da yau use a camera? Grandad: | want to Grandson: _ o Write more words that have the ’k" sound, TEMELOEP Order the leHers and write the words from Activity 1. go cisoph ssaemgse clgooiheny —slibec! $4 | macmillan $A | macmillan education education il sate — © Look. Read and write has or hasn't. @ Read and answer, 1 What is the gir!’s name? 2 What can the robot do? 3 What language are the answers in? 4 Who says, ‘Do your hamework before you play games"? © Read and circle. Has the tablet gat a camera? (_ 1 The reber nesnt get. | it gota touchscreen, (so (C we can play games. The tablet has got a keyboard, C but C it____ got a calculator. @® Look at the tablet in Activity 1 again. Listen and tick a 1 Tue |) Fase | 3 me[ | Fate 2 Tue |) Fase 4 Tue False | © Read. Listen and match, © listen and write. ————eeeeF =a don't like solence fiction. —— @ =! Nove science fiction. ) i headphones _ 9 camera, 6 calouleter think this sto —! ry Ithink The cabot eueeitl (3 really good. J *(is a little boring. eke a Pesala wee © Draw and label a robot. Talk about your robot with a friend and with your family, My robet has get .. =— e. It hasn't got e [RHI Make your own picture dictionary. Draw and label a picture of your tablet. 8 White and drew four new words from the story. Rew © what do you think about the story? Write. Tell your family about the story. 2 A Libink the si is = macmillan education © Look and write. % & = 4 = I'm gaod ctushg — compulars, but don't khaw how fo | so ihis sum.Gan |S 5 you help me, Som? Now | know how to do if, Thanks for helping me. Sct | } ® Read and match. ‘You click on this, icon lo save. ‘yu drop someting ‘on this kon to pul iin the bin, Which icon do you click on . 1.10 delete somathing? 2. 40 paint something? 3.49 conrolthe volume? © Read. Think and write. 2 @ People I sometimes help: | ge (EMEP Act out the story in Activity 1 with a friend. “Gi ‘eB 3 ee ed Icons give infermation ond i You click on shi icon to print, You click on this eon to coniral the: volumes, Which icon means... d 4 swipe the sereen with yourfingers? | | O Om ko wo 5 ..scwo? @ .. dawnload a. document? music is my fovourite thing fo Ho on the computer all download This icon mrecns you seipe ihe screen with yur fingers. This ieon mecns you download a document © Read. Draw a new icon and write about how fo use it, BF This is my icon. You click an if te listen to music, Listening te (ERED? Write the words in Activity 1 in alphabetical order. macmillan | education oO macmillan $8 | macmillan education education @ Order and write. @ Read, look and write. sitar) (computer) a (the) (yeu) on) (ds) fica cla|mie|rja 1 What do 2 You use o camera to do this. “ins: (1) [wotgh (the) [eompuler| on) [i mii {yy | 3) You use this to write messages. 2 4 You da this an a keyboard. 3 Al 5 You swipe this on a tablet or smariphona 8 You use these fo listen to music, 4 6 Afun activity you con do on a tablet, 9 You use this loo sums, — Sane : ial | | e gembele tie Nod ATE AGS TE i abreaL es WITT iP 7. You can use headphones to da this, 10. You use @ calculator to do this. TTT i Tm TTT) CTT Tad fs uae Do you write end read emails? isten and check. =! ma 1 (comers) Has your labial got o comers? Do wou listen to music? ‘Yes. it has. oan take photos, Do you play computer games? 2 (keyboard) Do you make comie ships? Do you fake photos? a 28 (heodphones) What else do you da cn a computer? on, need z e © Ask and answer. Complete the questionnaire for a friend. 2° eo [RREELOP Make five words from the letters A Tell your family about your favourite activity in Unit 3 8 in Play computer games (e.g. 55). macmillan Fa education Look and write. Tick the words that have ® My dictionary the ‘ch’ sound. Listen and check. #! beans 1 2 3a 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 Hike . but I don't like 1 Do you like peas? 2. Do you like lomata soup? 3 Do you like potatoes? 4 Do you like truit salad? 5 Da you like rice? o [AIH Write more words that have the “ch’ sound. | macmillan Pa education @ Look, read and write. Archie and Frod are in the Heroes Centre 1 garden Archie wants to make lunch for the community. He needs some fruit and vegetables Fred has gal 2 3 4 got any § or 6 and but he hasn't ~ cs ® Order and write. Listen and check. have f|/Can/ (some / please? / peas, ° J sorry. I'm # haven't / got / peas. {1 / any Bay: Shop assistant: OF con. / ver. fyous some / carrots? / “\lots of / I've / carrots. ¢ got Can ¢ have / | be Shop assistant: Boy: © Continue the dialogue in Activity 2. Act it out. BS Boy: Can Ihave Shop assistant: EEMEICEP White a list of 10 colours. Write the name of a 9g frult of vegetable fer each colour. Draw. macrnillan Fa education The tale of King Ed @ Read and answer. 1 Is Ed an ole king or a young king? 2. Where does he live? 3) Whot colour is Ed's skin in picture 77 4 Wh is his favourite vegelable? @ Look and write. Circle the food that is not in the story. oer wad 3 © Read. Listen and match. si (1ihink this story is graat. = (Vihink this story is great. =—— My favourite port is | picture 3, WS like modern |My favourite character WS tales is the parrot el Bae © Whatdo you think about the story? Write. Tell your family about 9 the story. 2 A Lihink the story is. GInfENcER Make your own picture dictionary, Write and draw four new words from the story. macmillan leducation { Does Super Dad like chicken? = Yes,he 3) She carrots, like tometoes. @ look. Read and wri @ Lock at Activity 1 again. Listen and tick. = 1 True False |v” 2 Tue False a True False 4 Tue Folsa © Listen and write sentences. #! Alice: © Ask and answer in class and at home. £ 28 A De you like peas? | (Tike paos, but don't like carats — IRE Write sentences akout the food you like and the food you den’ macmillan | macmillan A education Fa | education @ Look and write. Ore *@ tea 4 iw ic i swith } ‘White chocolate and dark, strawberry icing. = |) cutee ale eau =. npclce Srna andar Full of vitamin £ - Vit dh ‘ , YU aa carrots. same green beans, one wna ® Read and write. chicken ond vegetable soup. eae This fime, we've got g shopping list! some peas andi @ small chicken? furnumber 1 S TUESDAY. Which cupcake is . bestselle How many cupcakes contain wile a list af my friends’ birlhdays every SCIENCE 856K > fa month. | put ion my bedroom wall FOOTBALL KT yellow’ 1 lemon — fruits? 4 FRENCH BOOK very popular? 2 . vegelables? 5 PENCIL CASE _.gfeen and orange? 3 chocolate? 6 y I @ enguctt Fa tata et rieasy LMI won © Read. Write about the cake flavours you like. & BF _ DINING ROO Hal geTangon 8 My favourite coke flavour is lemon. It's delicious! | also like carts, 50 | want to try a.camot cupcake: write a list af words to RACHEL: 16TH MARCH ~ [remember every week. ALEX: 2151 MARCH © Investigate. Find the recipe for your favourite dessert. Use the worksheet © what do you need for your next day at school? Make a list. 2 Er your tecicher gives you. GIMEIP write a list of things to do before you ga ta bed, FEMS? Think of five new cupcake flavours. Make fA | macmillan $A | macmillan education education @ Order and write. @ Read, look and write. Long, green vegetables ble[o[n[s 2. Adessert that you can make with strawberries, charies and bananas. ss 3 I's while or brown. 4 Aheatthy dish with o mix of fresn vegetables, iz 8 Along orange vegelable. 5 You can eat the meat and the eggs of this bird, | | 9 You can make chips with this vegetable. 6 i’sred. You can eat it with speon 11 = | 10. Small, round end green 7 Avery typical dish in the UK. vegetobles ® Look and write. Listen and check. 1 ak an like vegetables? Ho likos beans but ho doosn't ike carats, 2 Susie - fnuit? 3 des ‘axe A\Tell your family about your favourite activity in Unit 4, 9 STARTERS PESSERTS MAI COURSES PRIVKS 3 7 — 4 _ _ 8 eS Gitieict® what's your favourite meal? Draw and write. macmillan education §. Recycling @ Look and write.Tick the words that have My dictionary a silent ‘w'. Listen and check. bag. dies ties a 2 4 4 5 L_] 6 7 8 9 0 Gm /: f ae, © Look and write. Ive got _wmppers. and © Listen and tick or cross out. Ask and answer. 4) & 3S Archie You A friend 1 Bo you stop rubbish in the skeet? x 2 Do you put rubbish in the bin? 3 Do you look afer your neighbourhood? 4 Do you recycle newspapers? § Do you recyeie metal cans? Bo Giiteih write more words that have a silent ‘w’, |macmillan ‘education © Look, read and write. iia Olivia and Luke want ta }___sitert__ a recycling campaign. They want te make posters for Ihe campaign. Luke wants to make a poster about recycling 2 3 ond 4 5 recycling 6 7 Olivia lo make a paster aboul cand 8 © Order and write the lyrics of Don’t drop rubbish! Listen and check. @_ 44 alot of / rubbish / our @_ (crop rubbish / Pioase ‘| steel. { There's / in in/ don't / our street. | Boy: Girt: oer iy 8 a + HELP THE — e heme, # put it / HERDES CENTRE Jall J we / Look after Take it’ / inva bin = STAY TIDY TS lives in J this town | cance Boy: Girk: © write what the signs mean. Dor 2 futsbish. Gini? Make a recycling sign for your classroom. yy macmillan education UE Oye ly @ Read and answer. 1 Where ate the childten in the story? In the perk, Can the children play at the beginning of tho story? Where do the cans 40? Do the children help recycle the rubbish? oh wn Who says, ‘Don't drop your nubbish!'? © Read. Listen and match. 4 29 I don't like camie strips think this story "| i8 really good. Bul | think this slary Howe cornic strips. = Isquite. good © What do you think about the story? Write. Tell your family about the story. Link o TERI? Make your own picture dictionary. Write and drew four new words from the story. fA | macmillan education @ Look. Read and write. (forsee tae CCiham ten] ——— rs os) (crrevoon Pow CC over) ® Look at Activity 1 again. Listen and tick. 1 Tue False |” 3 Tue False 2 Tue False 4 Tue False © listen and write sentences. st! © Ask and answer in class and athome. & 2% A Ron How many ... ore there? There are some/icts of 1 TRLIHIGP Write sentences about your classroom, Use some and ots of EY macmillan education Creative. find the ideo? Thove all these plastic: bottles onet I don’t know what fo do with them. Oh na, we doth _S Waive gat als af 5 afriend. Er £2 o TEMPE? Imagine you have bread, cheese and tomatoes. thinking, @ Listen and read. What does Sam make? Where does he nach. What can we make? a; - ——! What can we do with Py aiiis pps? Loter thot week, Sam is walking horne from school Hmm flawers ... That gives me an ideal What a good ideal $ raining. What aa his weekend? thicken, same tomatoes and Wow. Sam! Those lock great. @ Read and tick (True) or cross out (False). rt) Dra) ae) Par make: make Ai oa comb won |macmillan education plastic: We can make naw cans from old cans, We can make basketballs from recycled paper We can make notebooks trom recycled paper. We can make cisthes from recycled plastic. We can moke funiture ‘rom recycled ruber. Ils impertant te recycle your rubbish. © Read. Write about the materials you recycle at home and at school. & EF lrecycie cons. plastic boitles and ginss bottles at home. |use ® Imagine you have g bottle, some straws, a box and some bottle tops. Draw a design for something you can make. Compare with What can you make? Draw a picture. ‘9 nolebook made wih reeyoled poper oot, © Investigate. What can you make from recycled materials? Use the worksheel your teacher gives you. & [InfEIICIP White the words from Activity 1 In alphabetical order. 9 macmillan education @ Read, look and write. macmillan education @ Answer the questions about you. & DO YOU MAKE A LOT OF RUBBISH? (Do you sometimes have fruit juice in & carton? How many a week? Do you sometimes have warer in ci bottle? How many a week? Do you Sometines have a dink ina con? How many a week? Total items of rubbish every week © Interview and complete the survey about a friend. 2% 8 TEEEEOEE? Write two more questions about recycling, Ask your friend. ® Look and write. Listen and check. You close a bottle with this. tt] A small box for juice or milk. | | You use this fo dink liquids. | | Plastic used to protect new objects or food, | You can read it every day. Ithass informertion about the news. blo You use this to cary things hame from the supermarket. | Something you read. It has lots of photos. “8 are 80 many A\Tell your family abeut your favour @ Ametal container for fizzy drinks. 9 Acontainer for liquids. [| 10 Ii has gol six sickes, activity in Unit 5. @ $4 | macmillan $A |macmillan education education © Look, read and write. Olivia and Luke: are in the 1 garden They'e 2 for the Heroes Show. Luke wants to-read aa He also wanls lo @ the drums and 5 ‘Olivia wants ta. 6 — and 7 She also wanls lo do 8 Olivia and Luke want to be stars on the stage! Ofaoing? re AL @_Spractising / 'm /) L you / What | the / for / show. Boy: ‘Gin: | ican | but can't ‘Are / dancing? / o_ Im / No, / nol. you a aerobatics. {mf doing © listen and tick or cross out. Ask and answer. 2 20 a a 1 Can you juggte? v © Continue the dialogue in Activity 2. Act it oul. 2° 2 Can you play the guitar? Boy: Are you 7 3 Can you sing? Gin: 4 Con you donee? Boy: Are you 2 5 Can you play the drums? Gin: o [EH write more words that have the "p’ sound. GENET? What are the people in your classroom doing? Write, og (2.9. My feachar is talking) macmillan Fa education @ Read and answer. Where does Carlos Acosta live when he's a child? in Cuba. What type of schoal deas Carlos go ta as 4 child? How old is Carlos when he wins his first prize? Where does Carlos live now? open Whe dogs he want Ie help with his loundatian? ® Look and write. Circle the things that are not in the story. | sing but I'm nat good at sport. Shakira chveays wears oes in her conoerts, oe Shakira has get a star in Hollywood Aiko sport, but I don't like gardening. really love tannis , a " a Read. Write about your favourite singer. & By Listen and tick the decisions, @! « : pe voutite singer is Adee She isn'L dancing & Investigate. Find out some fun facts about your favourite singer. 4 Use the worksheet your teacher gives you. 2. Act out the story in Activity 1 with a friend Can you think of any other famous singers who are also dancers? $A | macmillan education @ Order and write. 1 My 5 @ Make a ticket. Talk about it with a friend. 2° THEATRE TICKET Tre Show Number of people: Session: Seat(s): o (ite? drew a picture to decorate your ficke! in Activity 2. © Read, look and write. Actors do this, 3 Anna 4 Joe macmillan a | education [ale|4 Singers do this. Pty] Lots of rock stars can do this. fli TT czas When you use this instrument, you make alot of noise. Bel al im | | [8 Dancers de this. You can use three balls to clo this. a J [ I LI 9 Complete the sentence: 1 A magician can .. Compiate the sentence: An acrobat ean .. i 1 Cf T rT T he dL { LLL 11} 10. Use the yellow letters When you da this, you make people laugh. What's the mystery word? | mess Bc © Look and write. Listen and check. 1 Jane What's Jane deine? She's tolling a joke 2Tim A Tell your family about your favaurite activity in Unit 6. 9 macmillan education Units I and 2 Cu. @ Usten and write. 44 Doy of class: 2 Place: Inthe 3 Time of class: Starts at 4 Need fa take: 5 Food they're making this week ice cream @ listen and answer about Lisa and about you. 2 4 Is there © gym at your school? Yes, there Is What's your favourite place at school? What time does school finish? De you do an activity after school? What? Is there an activity you want to try? What? | macmillan *A education (aaa © Look and write. a . = ‘a= {oo =m © Read and complete. After school on | Monday __| want to do 2 ts in the 3__ It starts at. 4 and you need a § © Look, read and write. I's Monday 1) What day is it? 2 Where is John? He’s in the 3°) What is he reading? 4 What time does Book Club stort? It starts at © Talk about the picture in Activity 5. @ x Theresa. ~e- There isnt a... He's reading $& | macmillan Fa | Otoation —_ Listen and tick. 0 7) Whot does Clare order for luncn? A = i : ese 2 Which cake does Frank like? (@, @. 4 What does Sophia's dad wont to do? § What does Julia want to do? ’a ify 6 What has Hugo gol? 4 =“ 4 Leman| speck (cherries 3 Whol hasn'l Jack's compuler gal? ® Ulsten and answer about Robin and about you. £ 4! Has your school got a computer raom? Do you play computer games? Do you use headphones to listen to music? Whal lype al cake do yau like? What's your faveurita meal: breakfast, lunch ardinner? macmillan Pa | education (uma, © Read and circle the odd one out, Say why the words are different. 1 Gake Bhates) potatocs beans 2 lemon cherry chicken 3 lick print headphones 4 tomaie soup pea soup tnuit selad 8 liston to music play computer gamos have breakfast © Read and complete. My brother 1 ikes computers. He plays @ lot of computer 2 «His computer has gat a3 My sister has 4______ a recipe book. She makes a lot of 5 My fovaurite is 6 and walnut cake. © Look, read and write He or She. 1 —____hos gota small computer 4 likes fruit salact hasn't gol headphanes. 5 doesn'| like apples has got a cal. Da, © Tolk about the pictures in Activity 5, @ a | macmillan education UT eee tm. @ Listen and draw lines. @2 Skea eB es es @ og © Listen and answer about Jim and about you. 2 4! 1 Are there recycling bins in your school? Yes, there. are. 2. Do you recycle your rubbish? 3 How many cans of drink do you have a week? 4 Con you juggle? 5 Can you play a musical instrument? education Caz, © Read and circle the odd one out. Say why the words are different. 1 musician (metal) meigician 2 playthe guitar play the piano ploy foctball 3 cardboard = acrobat rubber 4 straw dence sing 8 actor box cen © Read and complete. 1 My brotherisa en In this photo, he's and the guitar, 2 Look at all the rubbish in the street. There are: _ andi cans and lots of bags. Lel's pick them up and aul them in the reaycling © Look. read and write. 1 What is the girl doing)? 2 What is the woman doing? 3. Whol is Ihe boy deing? 4 Whol is he black cal doing? © Talk about the pictures in Activity 5. @ x te, a“ (The gids tn but ihe boy is... = There isfare «. ) macrnillan Fa education @ cxacomp ‘Student Ask and answer. Write. 29) Fins put about the: + oalé + swimming pool + computer roam theatre: gym = Is there a..? —={ Where is it? I's next to the 0 ‘Complete|the|timetable (GRRE) Ack and answer. Write the activity, £8 Find out about start |finish| Saturday Sunday pease coding . skateboarding ) agrabies ‘danciig photography Sin your timetable. what time dows jude srome start on Sunday? macmillan PA education 8 Cosi to eaten (BRidentA) Ask and answer. Circle the differences, 2 Has your computer room got ..? | (Yes. ithos. / No, it hasn't. (SOSERAR) Ask and answer. Drow @ or @. BE “OO Alice ) Does Mary #) “green salad? a [Whe likes everyining? ) 7 it starts oF see 1D o'clock. GY) drawing ___{What time dass it finish? * eee wary (C2) tueat So $A | macmillan $A |macmillan education education oe Describelthelobjects) a Petri mp (SRGERFA) Ask and answer Are your pictures the same (Sudent8) Ask and answer. Write. 80 [rnd out about the: as Student B's? Write D (Different) or 5 (Same). £8 | arne eratts , : : wo * playground | + wlassroom Pp — — = How many straws are there? Wi Lin my picture, there are .. straws. ) —=_Is there a ...7 = = Where is iI? a O ticrcamginany sth a Complete|the}timetable (SRREREB) Ask and answer. Write the activity. RE Find out about: » cooking finish Saturday Sunday Find out about: start + drowing Matt — + cerobies Tim me + gardening Notolie * drama Pam si Sam, ue in your timatable, What's Jill doing? a whal lime does ecoking slot] on ines Saturday? skateboarding photegrephy {What time does it finish? She's playing the drums, : macmillan education o Describe|the|computerjroom} =z "Student 8 Ask and answer. Circle the differences. 8) Has your computer aom gat ...? ) (Yes, ithas. / No, if hasn't, == "Student B Ask and answer, Draw ©) or ®). £8 € ©) Sse > Bt Does Mary like fish? } way eS e — —! Who likes everything? “ alice eS) eS Co -| © macmillan | education 8 Describe|theyobjects) Ask ond answer. Are your pictures the same as Student A's? Write D (Different) or $ (Same). 2 ‘ be 33 By How many straws ore there? ) M (( ~=={In my picture, there are ... sirows. | "ee Ae | i ieee Gi @ Miao cog ‘Student Ask and answer. Write the name. 2 weR Tt ke Find out about: * Jill ~ John ~ May » Anne + Ban co? — () eae mares) “= doing? a SE — 9 | macmillan __| education | education ©) Make notes for your blog. Serer : My notes Name of school, @ Look and write. My fovourite place in school is Like if because: My friend's favourite place in schaal is My fricnd likes it becouse Aspecial day at our school is. © Write your blog. Draw pictures. & @ Read and answer. 1 What's the name of the school? Green Tree Schoel Who says, ‘My favourite place Is the llsrary.? What's Sarah's fovourte place? What do students do on Science Day? What's Lilly’s fovourite place? ook en What do students grow in the alletment? © Read, think and write. Ask and answer. 8 Ey 2° 1 Bo you Ihink il’s a goad ides fo have on alisiment al your schoo? Why? 2. What other places do you wont fo have att your school? Why? 3. What places do you like at your scheal? Lihink it's a goed idea to have an allotment al my school f arouse we sem laem about gardening. education | © Moke notes for your leaflet. 2 7” | My notes Nome of my octivity @ Look and write. How do you clo the activety? welsu le suring swimsul! aqua zorbing ther cages Where do you do if? | | macmillan | macmillan *A eg | education When doyou do it? What do you wae? © Write your leaftet. Draw a picture. 2 @ Read ond answer. 1 What do you stand an? 4 Wheit do you go insicla? 2 Atwhal age can you star? 5 Atwhatage can you start? 3) What do you woar? 6 What do you woor? ® Read, think and write. Ask and answer. & EY 22 me — = 1. Do you want to try kite surfing? Why? 2 Do you want fe ry aqua zorbing? Why? 3. Have you gol a swimsuit er a welsuil? When de you weer it? Lwantto try kite surfing because [ove watersports macmillan macmillan o education = education (© Make notes for your advert. £ on | my notes The name of the game is @ Look and write. The mr To play the game, you need buttons: in characteris How to.use. o The. © Write your advert. Draw a picture. & © Read and answer. What's the name of the camputer game? What do you use lo play Ihe game? How many lives have you got? What colour button do you press to stop aliens? — - How do you ride your bike fast? oa ken = How much dows Ihe game cas!? © Read, think and write. Ask and answer. & & 2° 1 Do you like playing computer games? Why? 2. Da you want to try this computer game? Why? 3. What type of computer games do you like? Why? Ident like playing computer games bacause | think they're boring. macmillan education @ Look and write. © Read and circle. How many lines are there ino limerick poem? Which ood rhymes wilh Fred? What docs Fred love on his broad? hen = Wheat flavour ice cream does Fred like? 5 What kind of fruit is in the poem? 6 What do the black letters in the poem spell? three peas fied cog ehocolate blockberry brecktast © Read, think and write. Ask and answer. 2 EF 22 1 Do you fike reading poems? Why Why nat? 2 Do you like writing poems? Why/Why not? jour bread ioe cream chery peach lunch 3. Which lype of poem do you preter. a limerick or an aemstic poem? Why? _Like resadting poems becouse they're fun, five ice cream coconut eoconut coconut dinner $4 | macmillan education © Moke notes for your acrostic poem. My notes Cheese a main word. You can choose fried ego’ ice cream’ orluneh’, Write the main word in the box in Activity 5: Find a [sod word for each [eller ol Ihe main word: © write your acrostic poem. Z macmillan macrmnillan Fa education a education " Introduction: @ Look and write, + Whe is in the story? Middle: o 7 6 e 6 + Which animal has gata preblam? + Whol is the problem? - j Ending | #4 + Who hols th i? } _ Ips the cnimatt © Write your story. & @® Read and answer. 7 What mobish coas Moya crop on the ground? What rubbish does Ben say can go in the bin? Whal animal is behind the pile of waod? What has the animal got on its head? Who comes and helps the animal? conn won What does Mayo want to clo of the end? © Read, think and write. Ask and answer, 2 BP £8. 1 Do you prefer reading stories or poems? Why? 2 Do you know any ather stories about animals? 3 What's your favourite stony? Why do you like if? Lpreler reading stories because | like reading about diferent characters. macmillan ba macmillan education ‘education "Make nates about the next scene of the play. | My notes 1) wre istne next scenes @ Look and write. Who is in the next scene? al. io people say? How does the scene end? h ‘dy © write your scene. Draw a picture. @ Read and answer. What does the Emperor love? Why is the crown ‘magic’? Who paints a portrait of the Emperor? Who writes on orficie abaut the Emperor? Who says the crown is really o paper hal? on hk en = What dows the Emperor give the child? © Read. think and write. Ask and answer. 2 @ £0 1 Do you like reading pioys? why? De you like the idea of sesing a play at the theatre? Why? Dees your school do plays? Do you think 9 schoo! play is a geod idea? aon ihe reading plays baccuse they're inte ing. macmillan education FUNCTIONAL GUAGE Listen and tick the objects you hear. # YO O® Listen and read. Act out. @ oh Hi, Can | borrow your range crayon, ploase? ‘Ofcourse! | Here you are rules, too? Just for five: minutes. Yeah, OK. Cant EE borrow your rubber? j= Can | barrow your rubber? dust for five minutes. Of course! Here you are. ‘Change the words in blue. Act out a new dialogue. $a | macmillan education FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE listen and tick the places you hear. # Meer Excuse me, Where's the library? I's next to the cate. Irs over there. Youre week Ome, ‘Change the words in blue. Act out a new dialogue. FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE Listen and tick the film they choose. a SCREEN 1 SCREEN 2 SCREEN 3 SCREEN 4 SCREEN S Time: 11.00-1.00 (Time: 4.00-8.00 Time:4.00-6.00 | Time:2.00-5.00 Time: §.00-7.00 use i hl Listen and read. Act out. mk Im not sure. | How about you? SESS ne What film do you want to seo? I want to seo. Animals in the street. a esi That looks like fun. hat time does if stort? J That looks like tun, I'm not sure. How about you? That's great! Change the words in blue. Act out a new dialogue. F an education FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE Listen and tick the ingredients you hear. im sorry. | haven't nes todayy. [J Have you got any chicken? ee tere Goud. Cant havea B What can | get you? chicken and red pepper got a cearenticl rer o sandwich, please kon? Have any ol Can | have a sandwich, please? Change the words in blue. Act out a new dialogue. macmillan education NgcraenFeuestor Tiss ar War Pe deer Mare Sel Distr henavane uianan Pus 3 oO-e Shane Mir vgsy Eur Low Linc Ne Ore ae Ie he, od Vea Yaseen Ph Le Ines eraser Me at (ispsto sat. EF Mean Paar ie deri ona yg tae Tor Phckana Babi roca, (Bokclese pine porate on ok on ae Breeton (bearer la ey wa Cb Poked nfo eh Porras Spee Mica Beaten les aes Saro8 Meta Limica {Bigraco oo (Boos Cocaine mn Hh Mtrico Mb Brute Land Fett Taos Rovere y Monee Peak Gained Eeba WNEDIE UGgndrn oe vara Pac aster er Bano rene Cedi aks Gare rte De ite heme Marvin ate Ata VPRETUE, Lara Bev uaraas aku Cand ia Paustisara Wora'auava Wrote j Aguero mk iakgo ra Boa ec wy Sein gt pss pra epee uate Tem got /1 eRazerendeuovrra 23, ewer. het, Ace anes ane ce Ale Fae nace, ptr, encase erat pe Bhreleugesp 14 4a 5, rhea yp Cope Pca Shaun ehpald ibacarov ets bue gcehh Oper feo od cps Pa hanya Potan Wasp MIT noes ope race PrernigsaUl api Mijas. Cuce smaeronae pot. aehseoman Fernted mages HbLan!sereniy po, Sah lee Sarge a Faker ne 8 HET Ae he Aan nat aah en M Ean a 2a “loca sca be Girupitera Peek crepe fot 77k BewemeMN tw See, {5 Ugepemt FL mtr Debnam ee = al $name er Pp iM se moe Compara: Ey Ft ta peal: Modan, cats Se Debora. onbsdge pub im ceca eed Rau Rei Wsmgenge see ma, Nise tbpas se aaru fasoa i amr xm er Feta ny ow tne 1247 ales Yt pA Mya emmcinc eet Ayam Metay pO, Bk an De harp, ArhcahoTe Bet apochems:plAQ, ton Smarr nc 9 Soe pol po Homer Ean 28 4 amherst ans ene Prorcna porekcnn per tien Paneer Pade 2 Aachen Dek Bae Ute Mier Scone urs. BiahS Papin es ce™maceh a BATeOwE Fuckers ude 2018 Jeary wis. Ma Conner” # Game Mice Ietwrtina! pote oot crabmeat) me Ercknc AE Ps knew ace SEN gel COMED WAGES coe pTMR.Gthyo6 1.1 1G 25 a6 9 Mel in ere io YN, ths commerce ine teense ao he arnsetan he sehen ens aT Se 088 Cai Geoyiecn nhac sees pst batch eich! Tenesek/Siov pM cry Aleeoos esha TisctepTSPxr ono Le Fm ee SE2ST 1 phy ech Fae Mell Fengadede 070 9 Msn es tn ep ae (xi eo dee si 017 BAN Shura Aca BLO 0.27 ESE, AL Snare el pect EG Bors 15 71 Hatenen pre Stel ea Fen Ae ids, 2h bt Apecensn = rue LMA Beslrruces ona stugeruw dina repo an Thar aap 356 PapE eee em ge pos, 4c) erahor rumen TIES al AE2L 22 49 UN Dawn SmecesTict enema OU hos IEA Sen ene CEL ea Cheer NET MT ‘SOGEETECT 20 2b a ooh ch ware “eran 05, Gh Hagar G28E OR Re, uo nae co AME eare gs nee p09, oc SG, TRA) Ries EE Cees eres sia segramaen ae YEO, re ee, PHN SSM, Mey Bangs on Mo Naha ces Sasi can 7, Ca'o Mura pot 24 ara Tee Cac cE Vixan Oncarber ph ‘Grain at MAA av 8 Wee PRR Pen arn pom neg Fag po tpn ge PO ER ean poe uted juan Pt a2 ‘38a oocemnenb ge. Sp Poses po, Tt Tepe "Ua, mechabr op. PATubgy. ga 8. AE mah Won Fal? IU vtec en Hn 0827 ut "Russa, be Monae Meese eee Prati os Rida, Methatowk 2c FuetGcn Tada 7 Pal ‘Paces, Gvlaenan mane Paar MEM, Meese? ETT, Eevee Gee hee see PEs Beem aed fsck ow GIZA Aca LPH ow Neneneoe Maca gStn MLle Ok “Twieksack bp Beetyanoges OE emer pom ots aor Rae net rene Footer yi perma ever: Epstreecn Fo a com acs EE 2m rag endear cet 9 asks pecan sec seu tat oe Matar oar GoeR. ta eaten ae Imezea. oe perme peso eta leer Eo Mra e kaM Boe meen Tanya Ti atta: wah STA Od, Ea Meta cci perMaaa Pag tenors Masania Mean. os 63. ta iim. Beane fore wavs ser ozaige ‘ra Hoe: Mare Cn Bab ne 29 ‘capvame frente Agenina PoonescnBusnse Mice figerina

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