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ACROPOLIS’ (9) Sea ws AO MINT A =, at lee I = a) Al te " << Sees a An adventure for characters of levels 5-9 fenturies ago, the dark sorcerer Tur Nyaan built an extravagant palace atop a hill called Voor Darayn. For decades, he demanded tribute from nearby cities and trade routes, and summoned mighty demons or conjured terrible curses to punish those who refused him. Tur Nyaan’s reign of terror ended a century ago, when death finally claimed him... or so itis believed. So why is it that summoned demons have once again appeared in the nearby cities, demanding tribute in his name? ‘This one-session adventure is designed to provide you with an exciting taste of the Primevat THULE Campaign Setting—a primordial land of fierce barbarians, elder horrors, and savage wilderness. Four pregenerated player characters are included so you can begin play immediately! Adventure in a Savage Age fl wqvarew K ACROPOLIS OF VOOR DARAYN An adventure for characters of levels 5-9 CREOITS Design: Stephen Schubert Developmer ‘Cover Art Interior Illustrators: Graphic Desig ichard Baker Klaus Pillon ayhew, Lee Moyer, Patricia Smith ristopher West ichard Baker Dorey Macourek Production Specialist: Nissa McCormack Based om the Pansevat ‘Thus Campaign Sing by Richard Baker, David Noonan, and Steve Schubert, LLG, under the Open Came Licese version 1.0 Copy Winards of the Coat, Inc Saguatch Game Stadio L Sasquatch log, and PRIMEVAL THULE are trademarks of Sasquatch Game Seu, LUC. All characters and che distinctive likeness, thereof are propery of Ssquatch Game Sudio LL. Ths nates freed under the coprighe ks of the United State of America {© 2016 Sasquatch Game Studio, LLC Product Mdentty: “The following items ae heey denied as Prod Meaty a defined i the Open Game Liens version 0, and ate not Open Content: Altadena rope nares, dialogue, Plot, storys, locations, characte tat. al eade des SASQUATCH Suaguteh Gare Stadio, LLC Aubure, WA, ‘ssquachyarpestudiocom Four hundred years ago, the dread wizard known as Tur Nyaan built an extravagant palace atop a rocky spire in the deep jungle. A master of the dark arts and worshipper of Tiathogeua, Tur Nyaan summoned: demons and cast terrible curses to force all nearby cities to pay him tribute. For centuries, the cities gave in to the demands of Tur Nyaan, sending rich gifts to his demon-haunted palace of Voor Darayn... untilane day, 4 hundred years ago, a tribute caravan fiom Katagia arrived to find all of Voor Darayn’s inhabitants slain ' and Tur Nyaan gone. The caravan drivers fled in fear, leaving their tribute behind. The demands from the wizard ceased, but his deadly spells still guarded the palace. Travelers have avoided Voor Darayn ever since, but many are the tales told of the long-dead Tur Nyaan and his demon-guarded treasure. ‘This short adventure details Voor Darayn, an adven- in the savage world of Pristevat. THULE. james and places are drawn from Thule, the adventure could be placed in any existing campaign ‘world. Melly, Voor Darayn would be in a wilderness area close to major trade routes, or close to acity or village in your campaign, This adventure is designed with a quick mind —choose characters, pick a hook or motivatio and start exploring—but it can also fi in a longer cam- paign. See the Beginning the Adventure section below for more detail Pregenerated Characters: The centerfold of this booklet includes four pregenerated characters. You can remove the centerfold by simply bending the staples, nd cut the character sheets apart on che dotted lines, ‘or just photocopy the characters for your own use. AOVENTURE SUMMARY Deep in the jungles of the Daray Peninsuba, the ruin of oor Darayn has long been a lure for adventurers seek ing the magical secrets or the legendary treasure of Tur Nyaan. The most recent ofthese seekers isa sorceress named Alsuvess, follower ofthe forbidden god Tathoggua. She enlisted the help ofa band of serpentmen to explore and secure the site. Alsuvess was tunable o access the palace proper, but she discovered some lost rituals hidden ina shrine atop the spire. “These rituals would allow her to summon powerful fiends o do her bidding, but required human sacrifice. Alsuvess concocted a plan to lure people to her by pretending tobe Tur Nyaan, and renewing the old dlemands for tcibute from nearby eties—and her plan is working, so far. The fitst demons she sent to Lomar and Katagia with hee tribute demands threw those cites into a panic. Some leading citizens eal for placating “Tur Nyaan’” with whatever gifts are neces- sary others wish to hire assassins to put an end to the threat, an afew of more opportunist sorts wonder ‘where all tha reasuie is PP igs ‘When the characters ative at Voor Darayn, they are set upon by the serpentmen, who de not take kindly to intruders. The serpentimen hold 2 number of human prisoners —tribute escorts or would-be thieves, charmed to ensure their compliance. Eventually, the heroes reach. the pinnacle of Voor Darayn, where they find Alsuvess and confront her. Bold heroes may then go on to ‘explore the ruins of Tur Nyaan’s palace for themselves. Encounter Difficulty: Acropolis of Voor Darayw is intended fora group of four characters of Sth to 9th level, Like most of Paintevat. THULE, the fights can be brutal and tough forthe unprepared Even so, the PCs ‘can potentially circumvent some of the serpentmen at Voor Darayn. The confrontation with Alsuvess isthe key to stopping the tribute demands and attacks, and is likely a combat encounter, but you may decide to allow crafty PCs to come up with an alternative solution If you'd like wo increase the difficult, you might provide additional serpentman encounters, or incorpo- rate barlgura or other moderately-powered demons in the existing encounters BEGINNING THE AOVENTURE ‘The adventure begins near the foot ofthe rocky pinna- le of Voor Darayn, and assumes the PCs have already made the tek through the jungle. PCs proficient in History may recall some ofthe details of Voor Darayn (DC 15 provides the overview on page 2. Motivations: Why are the PCs here? Choose one (or more) ofthese motivations, or he inspired to create your own! * Lost Person. The PCs have been hired to track down a merchant or old acquaintance that re- cently traveled to Voor Darayn bearing the resurgent Tur Nyaan. + Stolen Item. One or more items was stolen from its rightful owner, and then sent as tribute to Yoor Darayn. Perhaps the Seven Knives organization wants its ornate daggers back, oran Atlantean noble is missing his clockwork birdeage + Plunder. Its so considerate of these cites to send all this gold to one place. + Investigate. The PCs have been sent co investigate the truth of Tur Nyaan’s resurgence. + Dimensional Shift. The PCs have been magically ssimmoned to Voor Darayn by some unknown force (possibly even Tar Nyaan himself). They feccive whispered instructions to imposter from the top ofthe spi home les in the room of doors in the north wing” “This option works well as brief interlude from your usual campaign, ast down the and “Your way “The Journey: The adventure focuses only upon the site oF Voor Darayn. You can quickly hand-wave travel to the runs t get on with the act butas part of a longer eampaign you may wish to provide random encounters. Roads from major cites, or at least what passes for toads in Thule, can get the PCs close to the jungles ofthe Daray Peninsula, and these nearby toads are typically patrolled by warriors ftom Lomas. ‘Voor Darayn isnt particularly difficult to find — after all, tribute caravans have to reach it—but the route there is still dangerous. Once in the jungle, the PCs might have to deal with giant spiders or snakes, the occasional woll, or even a band of low-level demons (die product of Alsuvess' early summoning attempss). VOOR OARAYN “The acropolis sts high atop a rocky outeropping, more than 200 feet abave the jungle oor. The ancient ruins n city encircle the hill, engulfed by the 1. WARRIOR'S COURT ‘A mostly overgrown road leading through serpentman a Ins opens into a wide plaza at the feot of a massive pillar cof rock thatrises hundreds of fet into the alz.A gleaming, white palace shines fom the top ofthe pillar and a sesies ‘of wide ledges cling t the side ofthe spire. A wide stair Teads up past the ruined structures on these ledges. Atenfoot tall stone statue ofa humanoid igure stands, near the mice ofthe plaza, cavered in vines that obscure fts features. One arm ofthe stanie(sralsed, ts empty hand no longer grasping whatever weapon itonce wielded. The ‘other arm les broken on the ground infront of ‘A seqat stone builing stands mostly intact along the right-hand sce of the plaza its ntvior too dark to make out ‘deal tough the open stone doors A partally deared path leads to the eft ofthe plaza, past what appears tobe an Intact wooden cart forgotten alongside enumbling stables Statues The vine choked statue depicts an armored Atlantean human, An inscription in Atlantean near the statue's base reads: “The light ofthe Spear of Asura will forever keep the darkness at bay” The statue was tribute co Tar Nysan from the Lemrian nally sell Lomas. It was originally stolen from) =S aan Asuran temple in Atlantis before that city was dee ~~ stroyed. A PC trained in History can attempta DC-20 Intelligence/History check to recall some of the starue's backstory. The inscription is also a hint that the statue's missing weapon isa spear of Asura, a magic Weapon of ‘reat power thar has since been placed in the mauso- Jeu of area 3 to keep the undead there in check. Barracks and Stables: The larger building to the right of the plaza was once a barracks that housed Tur Nyaan's guards, The smaller building to the left of the plaza was a stable, Now the serpentmen use the barracks as a lookout post, watching the open plaza through cracks in the walls or through the open main doors. Both buildings are otherwise empry. ders who ef Mas Creatures (3,600 XP): Two serpentman fang ‘guards hide in the barracks. Upon noticing the PCs in the plaza (Perception +4, ifthe PCs are uying be sneaky), the fang guards spend afew rounds poisoning, few arrows each, then attack, Initially, one focuses on the strongesclooking foe, while the other targets nye PC that looks like a healer. The fang guards attempt to remain hidden as long as posible, while fring arrows from the shadows ofthe bacracks building. When ‘one ofthe serpentmen is slain, the other attempts 0 withdraw and heads toward the Dragon Stait (area 2) to raise the alarm, + 2serpentman fang guards (ce page 14) (Carts The cart belonged tothe most recent group bringing tribute to Tar Nyaa Is recent arrival x apparent because no foliage grows upon it, and isin serviceable condition. A discarded cloak in the back of the cart has a golden clasp 25 gp) in the shape of the arms of Lomar Development: Ifone ofthe serpentmen escapes, itruns up the Dragon Stair and alerts Zanathim, the leader ofthe serpentmen in area 4. Zanathi then expect the PCs to come up the stair and through the passages of area 4, and dieeets the patrolling fang guards of area 3c ie in ambush near the mausoleum along the Dragon Sta THE ASCENT ANO UPPER TUNNELS “The main palace lies atop the rocky outcropping kknown as Voor Darayn. Along the southern side of the il steps have been carved into the cif face of {so shorter plateaus, providing a ciritous rote wp toa tunnel entrance some 100 fect above the ground “The path was once lined with grand guest houses and guardposts, bur these buildings have fallen ino decay ‘Only the columned mausoleum stil stands undam- aged by the ravages of time. At the top of the Dragon Stair, an omate tunnel leads into an underground shrine, and provides the sole aeess wo the platen atop Voor Daraye « ORAGON STAIR. The incessant buzz of insects ils your ears as you pase shat must have once been ornate reflecting pools, ‘now filled with brackish water. The path rounds a great pinnacle of rock carved with images of serpentman ictoves, revealing a stalicase cut into the cif wall that rises up to a ledge a thd ofthe way up the side of Voor Darayn. A statue of great dragon looms over the top of the first star while beyond the dragon, crumbled runs of buildings line the path along the ledge. The wall continues ‘upward past the buildings. will Scatue The statue depicts Thulean dragon. Centu- ses ago, it was provided to Tur Nyaan as gift from the elven city of Imystrahl and placed here to ave visitors Rains: The buildings atthe lower elevation ae in ruins. The first building was a guardpost but is now litcle more than waist-high rubble where walls once stood. The facade of the second building, stands, bus its roof and back wall have collapsed. The circular mau soleum still stands, and is detailed in area 3, below. “The furthest building closest co the tunnel entrance, stands mostly intact, though its doors have fallen off and holes ae developing in its roof Creatures (4,125 XP): Ifthe alarm has not yet been raised, the PCs encounter servants of Alsuvess de- scending the path from area 4 ‘The path leading upwards past the ruins on the ledge leads toa tunne! mouth a its northem edge. A group ‘of four humans dressed in dak robes emerges from the tunnel, dragging a wooden sled piled with several hurnan corpses. A serpentman armed with a bow accompa nies them. Ifthe alarm has been raised, instead read: ‘The path leading upwards past the ruins on the ledge leads toa tunnel mouth atts northern edge. A group of {our humans dressed in dark robes stands guard at the mouth ofthe tunnel The humans (thece guards and acletic of Micha) have been magically dominated by Zanathim, the in arca 4. They are disponing of the bodies of the sacfiial victims from che plateau above. One sespentiman fang guard accompanies them, while another watches from a hiding spot near the tunnel entrance Ifthe PGs manage to stay out of sightaipd watch the proceedings, the robed humans drag their sled to the door ofthe mausoleum (rea 3). One of themen opens the mausoleum and appears to grab a spearlike object, holding ic coward the inside of che building, whi the other thee grab the bodies and tos them de. ‘When they ate done, the first man leaves the spear r= Inside the mausoleum and shuts the door, then the. ‘group moves back up toward the tunnel. Under the robes, the guards wear the insignia of the Red Legion, a group of mercenaries from Lomar."The cleric still wears the trappings of Michra (he Thuleas sun-god). When fighting, the dominated humans hiss ‘words like “unbelievee!” or “heretic!” A character who succeeds on a DC 20 Wisdom/Insight check can deter- imine that the men are acting under a charm effect. + 3 dominated warriors (use cultist) + 1 dominated cleric (use cule fanatic) + 2 serpentman fang guards (se page 14) MOOR DARAYN..... es Development: If somehow released from the sway ‘of the serpentman sorcerer (for example, through pre- ‘ection from eid or by slaying the serpentman charmer), the Lomari are grateful, bat horrified atthe scrfices they witnessed and were a part of. They can describe the area ofthe shrine in the cunnel (area 4) and the upper plateau, They can also describe the serpentman charmer in area 4, and indicate that “some sorcerer ‘woman’ is summoning. fll beast atop the plateau, 3. MAUSOLEUM ‘Massive columns support stone cupola Over this circular building. Each Column is covered in bas reliefs depicting ‘demonic, tentacled creatures reaching from the base to _gasp at human figures near the mile, which ta turn ‘ate reaching for angelic fgutes near the top, The tone steps leading to the door are maited by a tal of streaks ‘of what looks ks blood. Either something bloody was recently dragged out ofthe Builing, or dragged in. The While the door is barred, iis a simple matter to life che barand open the door, as there i no lock. The onze doors are solid, and very litte sound comes through. [fa PC listens at the door, he hears the shut fling of feet or gnawing of teeth on bone from inside with a successful DC 20 Wisdom/ Perception check jpon entering the mausoleum: ‘The small inside this structure Is overwhelming. Bodies, tn varlous stages of decay, are unceremoniously piled in the center of what must be some sort of mausoleum, Smaller nooks aiid shelves ine the walls; dak shapes within them ‘might be ancient corpses, or might be ples of dust just. Inside the door, a golden spealieson the flor, ts gleam ‘out of place in this charnel house: ABOUT PRIMEVAL THULE Spear: The spear upon the ground is the pear of Asura, stolen ages ago fiom a temple in Atlantis “The spear is a formidable weapon against undead creatures, and the ghasts that lurk in the alcoves are loathe to approach it. Alsuvess placed the spear here to keep the ghasts From escaping or eating her min ions. The spear of Asura is detailed in the Pranervat “Thaux Campaign Setting, and is a+1 spear that deals an additional 1dé radiant damage when it trikes an undead creature. Bodies: The pile of bodies consists of many humans and one serpentman. Most ofthese humans ‘were sacrificed in recent months by Alsuvess in her ddemon-binding rituals, and show marks of slices or stabs as likely cause of death. A few were killed by. the serpentmen, who lost one of their own in a recent battle. Many of the bodies have been gnawed upon by the resident ghasts. The bodies are devoid of treasure, as Alsuvess and her minions are sure to take anything ‘of value before throwing the bodies in here. Creatures (1,800 XP): Alsuvess began depositing the corpses of her victims into the mausoledm soon after she arrived at Voor Darayn. But romantic magic from Tur Nyaan's defe some of the bodies, curning them into : far, chey have been content to feed upon : ‘ora of bodies delivered by Alsuvess’s ongoing work, and their fear of the spear of Asura keeps them from anprorching the dove, When the PCs ene ; the ghasts are tucked away in alcoves along the walls . and one is buried in the pile of bodies, Ifthe PGs spend more than a few rounds in the mausoleum, the shasts’ hunger gets the best of them and they attack, though they avoid engaging a PG that earvies the spear of Asura ‘ + 4 ghass * Pana Tins sre roy san ws eater

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