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The Temple of Hypnos A dungeon adventure for 3* level characters written by Olle Skogren laytesting and proofreading by Ulysses N, Shaben Notes for conversion to other systems: 1 stone in ACKS = 6 items = 101bs = 1,000 coins for encumbrance. AC: 0= Unarmored, 2= Leather, 4 = Chain, 6 = Plate Morale: -2 = civilian, -1 = light infantry of goblin, O= heavy infantry or +1 = light cavalry or woglodyte, +2 = heavy cavalry or ogre. Magic items are worth their gp in xp only if sold unused by the players Location On the shore of a great lake, in a verdant valley surrounded by steep cliffs, lies the Temple of Hypnos. On a sunny day the brass eyes over the main gate will flash and be visible from across the lake. A hooded ferryman in a narrow boat ferry visitors to the sandy beach near the Temple, Only 6 people with little equipment can be ferried at once, the trip taking 3 tums each way. The other way in is by the Road to Sleep which goes through a narrow pass into the valley. The situation The temple of Hypnos has long offered the weary deep and forgetful sleep. In the last season the sleepseekers no longer return, The local magnates fear taking part of the traditional ‘opium gift the cult sends in exchange for their tithe, suspecting Chaotic corruption. The magnates still send the tithe in fear of a vengeful Hypnos striking them with insomnia. This is known to all within the 6 mile hexes adjacent to the temple and a rumor to people within 24 miles of the temple. Rumors 1, The cult has abandoned Hypnos in favor of his brother, Thanatos (F). 2. The temple of Hypnos lies in a forested valley, now guarded by masked brutes (T). 3. The wholesome opium gifted by the temple of Hypnos has turned into a horrible addicting poison that kills those who take too much (T/F, it was always so). 4, The roof of the temple of Hypnos is open to let the sun touch a sacred garden (T, but covered by smoked glass), 5. The temple of Hypnos offers a right and a left hand path to sleep. The right hand path is silence, darkness and cool baths. The left hand path is intoxicating smoke and mind clobbering enchantment (T) 6. The temple of Hypnos hosts a bed so opulent, so soft, that the God himself sleeps there (F). The true situation The night hag Beltz Zaharra corrupted the cult by entering the cult statue and posing as an avatar of Hypnos. She harvests the souls of evil sleepers and has turned the rest into soulless sleepwalking slaves. The cultists who did not follow her were put in torpor. A warband of bugbears act as her enforcers. They are true believers that Hypnos has tumed to Chaos. The hag acts leech-like, she will extract as many souls and as much wealth as she can and then flee back to Hades with her bounty. Hooks Dabus the cloud giant crouches in the wilderness and addresses the party in a whisper like a wheezing gale. He has descended from his mountain looking to steal the gigantic silk tunic from one of the cultic statues of Hypnos (#10). He is too big and cautious to raid the temple himself but will pay 25,000gp for the garment unharmed. The money is in the form of gold nuggets and hidden in a cache in the mountains. (AL: N, ITD: 12 (61 hp), AC: 5, Damage: 6d6, Move: 120'(40'), Morale: +2, XP:1,200) Irene the Iridescent gazed into far dimensions of beaked and shrieking horrors which now populate her nightmares. She is unable to get a full night's sleep to refresh her spells. She offer the party one year of service as an alchemist or war mage (but not adventurer) to accompany her to the temple, preferibly peacefully, to aquire a foolproof method of sleep. Irene covers her haunted look under several layers of glittering face paint and hides her reserved personality in a flamboyant peacock feather dress. Her spell signature is a dark scintillating rainbow Mage 7" level, hp: 19, AC: 2, Move: 120'(40'), Morale: 0 STR 12, INT 18, WIS 13, DEX 16, CON 9, CHA9 Proficiencies: Alchemy 3, Battle Magic, Collegiate wizardry, Knowledge (Astrology), Mystic aura Repertoire (all spell slots spent): 1" Buming Hands, Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Magic Missile, Read Languages, Ventriloquism 2" Continual Light, Detect Invisibility, ESP, Levitate, Mirror Image 3" Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Infravision, Lightning Bolt, Water Breathing 4" Confusion, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Remove Curse, Wall of Tee Glaucus the Greater is gathering 100 men to sack the temple in the next month, They are camped six miles from the temple, Their spirits are high. The party is invited to join, but is the loot going to be worth it split 100 ways? Glaucus is a large and gregarious man of grand plans and haphazard followthrough. The result: the destruction of the priests, bugbears, valuable statues, the night hag fleeing with the treasure (see #18), the raiders driven back by the shadows Fighter 5* level, hp: 22, AC: 8, Move: 60'(20'), Morale: +4, archaic figure-eight shield 1, plate, spear, sword, 2 healing potions in wine bottles. STR 17, INT 8, WIS: 10, DEX 8, CON 9, CHA 13 Proficiencies: Command, Endurance, Fighting style: Shield, Gambling 65 Light infantry (HD: 1-1, AC: 3, Damage: 146, Move: 120'(40'), Morale: -1) Leather, shield, short sword, 3 javelins. 35 Heavy infantry (HD; |-], AC: 6, Damage: Id6, Move: 60'(20'), Morale: 0) Lamellar, shield, spear, short sword. Monsters Read the roster! The monsters in this adventure appear and behave in special ways critical to running it properly. Sleepseekers (normal men and women) Appearance: Unarmed and dressed in the sturdy robes of pilgrims. Those encountered in the temple have oily black hair from from beng anointed in #4. They have various reasons for seeking the temple. 1. Insomnia (crazy eyed) Madness (crazy eyed) Pain (quiet suffering) Regret (loud suffering) Misguided hedonism (disappointed) Curiosity (nervous, in too deep) AvaYN Alignment: Varies Movement: 120' (40°) Armor Class: 0 Hit Dice: % Attack: I fist (1d2) Save: FO Morale: -2 XP: 5 Tactics: Sleepseekers flee combat. Special: | in 6 sleepseekers will have 1d6 class levels. See the last pages for pre-rolled characters of ~5* level Zombies (Sleepwalkers) Appearance: Shambling men and women in white robes carrying sickles, swords and baskets of harvested herbs. They often speak in short incoherent sentences, seeing things which aren't there. They do not react to other beings except when commanded by the highest level spelleaster carrying a eypress wand. Behavior: If unsupervised they go about mundane task related to upkeep of the temple or wander slowly and aimlessly feeling their way around the world. Tactics: As dictated by the controlling spellcaster which is usually "Destroy the blasphemers!" or "Put them to sleep: with your blades!" Alignment: Varies ‘Movement: 60" (20') Armor Class: 1 Hit Dice: 2* Attack: | implement or weapon (1d8) Save: Fl Morale: N/A XP: 29 Special abilities: Immune to sleep, charm and hold spells though not poison. Acts last in the initative order. Barely undead — their hearts still beat. Night hag (Beltz Zaharra, False Avatar of Hypnos) Appearance: A horrific demon hag with skin the color of nightshade and eyes glowing red like fading embers. She will avoid showing her true appearance spending most of her time invisible and ethereal, or polymorphed into the shape of a man or gorgon. As a man she appears youthful with curly brown hair but with nowhere the majesty or beauty of a God. As a gorgon she appears as a huge red eyed bull covered in scales of cast iron, Behavior: Polymorphed into man-shape she moves ethereally between different statues returning to solid inside them to peer out of their eyes and speak to her followers. Her goal is to have her followers put people to sleep so that they can be enslaved, or if their hearts are evil, harvest their souls and turn them into larva. Tactics: Content to observe non-hostile strangers. If they act suspiciously or steal she will alert the bugbears on the wandering monster table who appear and apprehend them in 1d4 tums. If they are fighting her followers she will follow them from statue to statue and menace them with magic-missiles and rays of enfeeblement when they are locked in combat or retreating. Her followers have +2 to morale seeing their God support them in battle. When her offensive spells are spent she will leave the statue, polymorph into a gorgon (unable to use the petrifying breath) and charge, then turn ethereal again to move away to again tum solid and charge. When she's, lost half of her hit points she will turn ethereal, gather the larva in room #18 and return to Hades in wealth, the envy of all her sisters. Alignment: Chaotic Movement: 90° (30°) / 120(40') (gorgon or man form) Armor Class: 0/7 (gorgon form or inside statue) Hit Dice: 8*** (48 hit points) Attack: 1 claw (2d6) / 1 gore (gorgon form, 246 - double on a charge) Save: F8. Magic resistance: 65% Morale: 0 XP: 1,600 Special abilities: Magic missile 3/day (248 damage), Ray of enfeeblement 3/day (-3 to hit and damage for 1 turn unless Save versus Spells), Become ethereal (at- will), Know alignment (at-will, Polymorph self (at- will). Though she could gate in a Demon or Devil her greed does not permit it as they would demand larva as payment, Immune to sleep, charm, fear, fire, cold, weapons which are not of iron, silver or +3 enchantment or better (would be immune to a wooden club+2 but not an iron dagger). Attacking the eye socket of a statue she inhabits is against Armor Class 7 but maximum damage is always dealt. Bugbears (Brutes of Hypnos) Appearance: They appear as large men, their shaggy hides and goblinoid faces hidden in robes of midnight blue and beaten copper masks in the image of Hypnos. Their voices are droning and monotone due to the way the mouths of the masks are shaped. Behavior: They carry spare white robes fit for humans and insist that anyone dressed as a warrior leave their gear behind and get in the proper attire before visiting the temple. Refusal is met with swift violence. If they gain surprise on an armed group they will hur! bolas first and ask questions after they've subdued their opponents. Tactics: They will start by hurling bolas to entangle and follow up by clobbering with their morning stars. As long as they have equal or greater numbers they will do non-lethal attacks with -4 to hit, Subdued victims will be bound and brought to the temple, those who come willingly are escorted (room #4). Bolas: -2 to hit, range as darts, victim Saves versus Paralysis or is held unable to move, attack or cast spells, Victims may attempt escape each round with a Save versus Paralysis or an Open doors check. Held victims are +2 to hit and are vulnerable to backstabs and brawling attacks automatically hit. Alignment: Chaotic Movement: 90° (30’) Armor Class: 4 Hit Dice: 3+1 Attack: 1 morningstar (I1d10+1) or 1 bolas (wrestling) or 1 brawl (1d2+1) Save: F3 Morale: +2 XP: 65 Special ability: Bugbears are naturally stealthy, opponents suffer -1 to surprise rolls. Satyrs (Pipers of Hypnos) Appearance: Nude half-men with horses’ ears, tails and hooves clad in wreaths of poppies or lavender. Behavior: They live in the woods surrounding the temple but are not concemed with its defense. They will attempt to put to sleep anyone they encounter — those who fall under the spell of their pipes they will say have been claimed by Hypnos and insist carrying them inside the temple (room #4), They will violently defend their prize as well as steal a couple of valuable looking items from each sleeper. Tactics: Unless the humans willingly frolic with them the pipe player will hide in foliage while the others lure or feign a retreat and attempt to draw them within 60! of the hiding place to surprise them with music, Against surprised or unready humans the pipe player simply skips into the middle of them. Alignment: Neutral Movement: 180! (60) Armor Class: 4** Hit Dice: 5 Attack: I kick (248) Save: F5 Magic resistance: 50% Morale: 0 XP: 500 Special abilities: | satyr per band carries pan pipes whose florid music puts anyone within 60'to sleep unless a Saving throw versus Spells is made (anyone making the save is immune to that set of pipes). The magic is a property of the melody, not the pipes. Satyrs have keen senses and +1 to surprise rolls. They can blend into foliage on a 3+ on 1420. Shadows Appearance: Raging black-ethereal souls desperately clawing at life-force. Behavior: They will skulk in the shadows and attack whoever looks the most like they did in life (50/50 man/woman and always human) focusing only on this person. If they meet a group of zombies there is a 50% chance they actually find their own body and touching the two beings merge to form a regular human with vague memories of their ordeal. Tactics: If their victim falls they keep clawing at the corpse till they cannot recognize it then wail and tear their incorporeal hair. Alignment: Chaotic Movement: 90° (30) Armor Class: 2 Hit Dice: 2+2** Attack: 1 claw (1d4, drain 1 strength) Save: F2 Morale: +4 XP: 59 Special abilities: Shadow are very hard to spot, their opponents suffer -3 to surprise rolls. Immune to sleep, charm and hold spells and non-magic weapons, Their attacks drain | strength for 8 turns. Victims who fall below 3 strength collapse unable to move. At 0 strength they die and their soul is ripped from their body forming anew shadow. Shadows are undead creatures, 1* and 2" level mages (Acolytes of Hypnos Appearance: Mages in midnight blue nightcaps, comfortable robes and slippers with the faintest of stars embroided in white silk, They carry sturdy cypress wands (as clubs) and silver tipped darts, Their spell signature is the chirping of crickets, distant stars appearing and the sharp smell of burning herbs. Behavior: The cultists who do the bidding of the Night hag are either fools, evil or go along out of cowardice. They will avoid armed strangers unless supported by bugbears or zombies. Unarmed strangers they will help to #4. Tactics: Cast Shield in cover (if 2™ level) then Sleep. Alignment: Neutral Movement: 120' (40') ‘Armor Class: 0 Hit Dice: 1** or 2** (1d4 hit points per die) Attack: 1 club (1d4) or 1 silver dart (1d4) Save: MI or M2 Morale: 0 XP: 16 or 38, Spells: 1* level: Sleep or Sleep and Shield 3‘and 4" level mages (Priests of Hypnos) Appearance: White robes with hems embroided with red poppies (3 level) or lavender (4" level). They walk with unsteady gait, eyes half closed and speak in a droning monotone with undertones of chanting. They carry sturdy cypress wands (as clubs) and silver tipped darts. Their spell signature is the chirping of crickets, distant stars appearing and the sharp smell of burning herbs. Behavior: They are under the effect of theit own, Somnambulism spell but otherwise act as the Acolytes of Hypnos. This means they are immune to sleep, hold and charm spells but are always surprised during the first round of combat. Tactics: Cast Shield out of view then Sleep (if 3" level) or Web (if 4* level). Alignment: Neutral Movement: 60 (20') Armor Class: 0 Hit Dice: 3** or 4** (1d4 hit points per die) Attack: 1 club (144) or 1 silver dart (1d4) Save: M3 or M4 Morale: 0 XP: 80 or 190 Spells: 1" level: Sleep, Shield 2™ level: Sommambulism (cast), Web (if 4* level) The Region The 6 mile hex in which the Temple is located is sparsely settled because of the rocky soil and lack of trees. The local herdsmen see the brewing conflict and will avoid contact with outsiders and will demand that their neutrality be respected. The Ferryman lives in a reed hut by the shore, He is working off a debt to the Temple. He takes | sp per passenger in his narrow boat. Glaucus’ encampment lies on top of a hill, his banner displayed proudly (white figure-eight shield and spear on a red field). The Road to Sleep is a dirt trail rather than a proper road. At least weekly Sleepseekers walk it towards the Temple though no longer back. Temple Grounds The valley fits in a 1% mile hex. Bach sub-hex takes 1 tum to traverse. Well kept fruit trees and plentiful wild grasses and bushes restriet visibility to 40 yards. Birdsong and the buzzing of bees mingle with the distant sounds of woodcutting and languid piping. The sounds may be followed to their source. Below is the key to the map and on the next page a table for wandering monsters, 1. Shallow sandy beach where the ferry lands. 2. Field of opium poppies and edible herbs worked by 2d6 zombies overseen by acolyte of Hypnos (2 level). They clear weeds and carefully score the seedpods to collect the milk. 3. 2d4 zombies felling trees and chopping firewood with janky motions overseen by acolyte of Hypnos (1* level). 4, 2 zombies swollen with bee stings collecting honey from an apiary overseen by acolyte of Hypnos (1* level), 5. 30' doric column overgrown with vines. A satyr stands at the top piping a languid tune that carries far. If attacked he summons 244 satyrs with a warning tune, they arrive in 2d4 rounds. 6. Small abandoned cart, a cartwright, wagoner or goblinslayer can see it's of bugbear make (harness fit for a tall humanoid, well oiled axle and leather bound tires to dampen noise). 7. The Temple of Hypnos Wandering monsters Temple Grounds 2 in 6 chance every 3 tums (encounter distance: 5d8), 1. S bugbears and bugbear champion (HD: 5 (25 hp), AC: 5, Damage: 1d10+2, Move: 90'(30'), Morale: 0) in silver mask (10gp) patrolling in wide skirmish line and dead silence. 2, 4d6 zombies lead by 3 acolytes of Hypnos (1, 1 2" level) acting as taskmasters. They carry a harvest of opiun herbs, honey and firewood (honey collectors swollen from bee stings) and the appropriate sharp implements for the task, In battle acolytes use trees as cover. 3. 2d6 sleepseekers looking for the temple. 4, 2d4 satyrs dancing with a slumbering sleepseeker in mock waltz or taking turns headbutting an apple tree for sport and snacks. 5. inseet swarm (HD: 4, AC: 2, Damage: 2, Fly: 60'(20'), Morale: +3) of aggressive honey bees looking for a new place to nest. 6. 143 black widows furtively spinning webs between the trees. Surprise means a random adventurer is caught in a web (as per the spell). Temple 1 in 6 chance every 2 tums. The temple use the following wandering monster table: 1. S bugbears and bugbear prophet Maluk Krak (HD: 5+1, AC: 6 (29 hp), Damage: 1d10+3, Move: 90'(30'), Morale. 0) in his golden mask (100gp) heading to or from their duties. 2. 146 zombies on errand carrying decanters of wine, honey or sickles with both hands. 3. Beltz Zaharra manifests in the nearest statue to surveil her followers and visitors. 4, 2d6 sleepseckers guided by 1 level) 5. Lpriest of Hypnos (3" level) directs a procession of 6 zombies from the rear. 6. 2 acolytes of Hypnos (1", 2" level) refilling oil lamps. 7, 2d satyrs telling each other bawdy jokes. One carries a set of pipes. 8. Roll twice, two groups encountered. 9, 1d8 shadows raging (if bed at #2 moved, otherwise reroll) 10. 1d8 shadows raging (if bed at #17 moved, otherwise reroll). acolyte of Hypnos (2 Temple (room #14 to #17) 1 in 6 chance every 2 tums. 1d8 shadows prowling Ambiance & Special details Light, sound & smell Unless otherwise noted the temple is pitch black and quiet. The walls absorb sound so that all but the loudest do not travel past closed doors. All rooms have a strong flowery and oily smell barely masking human and bugbear sweat, Doors & ceilings Unless otherwise noted doors are 8' tall and open easily. The ceiling is flat; 30" tall in the rooms and 20" in the corridors. Secret doors are marked in red on the map, Sensory information is ithaliticized and bolded. Magic is ithaliticized, Monsters are bolded and underlined, Other important features are bolded. Drowziness points Certain interactions in the temple add drowziness points to characters. If points exceed either Wisdom or Constitution the character is drowzy and suffer -2 to surprise, saving throws and attack rolls. When new points are added and the total surpass both Wisdom and Constitution (not the sum) they must Save vs. Death (remember the penalty) or lie down to sleep. If they succeed they are somnolent and suffer -4 to surprise, saving throws and attack rolls. 1 point of drowziness is removed whenever a character takes damage or sleeps. for 1 hour (or 4 hour if they have the Wakefulness proficiency), Undisturbed sleepers will sleep till they are at 0 points. A drowzy character is sacred to Hypnos and has +2 to reaction rolls with his followers. A very drowzy character has +4 to reaction rolls with his followers. Gorgonic beds Lavish blackwood beds, worn but well cared for, with a Medusa's face carved into the headboard. The face is painted in garish green and brown and is under the spells Protection from Evil and Permanency. Two have been used to seal off the shadows in the right-hand path of the temple. If one of these beds are removed or dispelled the shadows will start to wander the entire temple causing mayhem. They are eventually driven back by the night hag and either the beds or other barriers put in place after 24 hours. Halve the number of zombies and shadows encountered for the next month. A handful of people manage to escape the temple after their zombie and shadow parts reunite. They will spread confused rumors about their ordeal which 1 month later results in the magnates gathering an army and sacking the temple, killing everyone and everything inside and burning everything else except obvious treasure (the night hag escapes), Colonnade 50' tall Doric columns hold up a massive roof of black-gray shale slabs. The frieze is crowded with painted carvings of humans and monsters in repose. The parting triglyphs are carved into poppies and painted red. #12 is covered in panes of smoked glass instead of shale slabs but this is not visible from the ground. #1 Entryway 20' tall double doors of blackwood, Can be barred from the ide. A pair of brass ovals formed as sleepy eyes hang over the doors. One is crooked creating an unhinged impression, #2 Reclining statue ‘The room is dominated by a statue of Hypnos reclining on a stone bed. He stretches almost wall to wall and directs a knowing smile to the entryway. It is made of white marble and lit by a dozen simple oil lamps placed on the bed. ‘Hypnos' tunic and hair is gilded and his poppy garland made of thin transluscent red marble creating magnificient, shadows and reflections. His eyes are hollow as is the rest of the statue. Inept harp plinking from #3. Path to #14 blocked by stack of tables, amphorae a standing gorgonic bed. It is under a permanent Protection from Evil spell. If the bed is moved add shadows to the wandering monster table. Removing the blockage takes | turn, Climbing the blockage risk overturning an unstable table (Save vs. Paralysis) 1 fall, damage and a loud crash. Cultic use: Priests presents visitors to Hypnos and have them pick the right or left hand path "Sorry, the right hand path is closed for maintenance." Monster: 10% chance Beltz Zaharra inhabits the statue. Treasure: 2,550gp of leaf gold, scraping off takes 1 turn per 10gp. 4,500gp red marble garland, requires chisel and great care (pick-pockets or appropriate craft) to separate from the head without damage. Damaged garland worth 450gp. Complete statue is 27,000gp and requires days of dismantling to remove from the room, 1080 stone. Lavish blackwood bed apparent value 100gp, 30 stone. The bed is under a permanent Protection from Evil spell. Secret door: Thin stone over wooden door, handle disguised as stone. #3 Music lesson A domineering satyr is teaching an increasingly frustrated bugbear the harp. The bugbear will quickly pull down his mask at the approach of people. If left undisturbed the bugbear will break the harp over the satyr's head (1d6+1 damage) and they fight till one is knocked senseless (50% hp). In a fight vs. adventurers, the bugbear will likewise use the harp as a weapon, once, then his stool (1d4+1 damage). The walls here are smoothed to allow sound to propagate, Treasure: Delicate harp S0gp, 1 stone Secret door (thin stone over wooden door, handle disguised as stone) A: Small workshop for maintaining musical instruments A.wom workbench and shelves of pipe and string instruments. A magnificient harp shines with new polish, the slightest breeze seems to pluck at the strings. Treasure (A). Instrument maintainence kit 25gp. 4 simple lyres 25gp each. 12 pipes Sgp each Magnificient masterwork harp 200gp, | stone. #4 Annointing room Ceiling only 10" high. Bronze squid with leather sack body hangs from the ceiling. Black stains on the floor. Pulling its two longer tentacles it squirts fragrant black oil (olive, soot and herbs - adds 1 drowziness). If emptied completely the oil will cover the entire floor of the room. Cultic use: The priests chant mystically while marking those who walk the left hand path with the oil. It is hard to wash out of the hair. #5 Oil preparation 4 zombies prepare the oil used in #4. They cut herbs, feed the fire and scrape soot off a massive cauldron of simmering oil. If attacked one stumbles and overturns the cauldron scalding everyone in the room for 2d6 damage (Save vs. Breath to avoid, the zombies get no save). 25% chance the acolytes in #!7 hear any commotion. Treasure: 5 amphorae of perfect olive oil each 20gp, 6 stone. Ina locked cupboard: 1 jar of spices 5Sgp, 1 stone. Two oil of etherealness (2.x 2,000gp) in clear empty seeming bottles with silver stoppers. One oil of slipperiness (500gp) in a smooth brown bottle labeled "Wrestler’s friend”, #6 Dancing circle Decades of circling dances have worn a ring into the stone floor. Inept harp plinking is heard from #3. Cultic use: The priests bring out instruments from the secret room #3 and play a rythmic but maddening tune while urging a ring dance, The music adds 1 drowziness and the dance | #7 Acolytes! abode 4 acolytes (1, 1", 1", 2" level) on divans nibble honey ikes and gossip while 2 zombies pour wine and fan them it by oil lamps hanging from wall hooks. Monsters: In a fight the acolytes command the zombies to cover their retreat to #10 where they get enough bugbears and zombies to outnumber the adventurers 3:1 and attempt to flank them by going through #8 and if they are gone guard #1, Cultic use: Acolytes get their non-sacred rest here. #8 Hazy hall Polished marble floor cause each footfall to echo. Flickering oil lamps flanking the hall fill it with dim light and a slight haze from infused opium. Occasional snoring echoes from #9, Each turn spent here adds 1 drowziness. A horizontal 1" tall wall slit covered by an iron grate wrought as vines allow a full view of #9. Cultic use: Slow advance through the hall (2 turns) presenting the view to #9 as a divine image of sacred sleep. #9 Torpid thaumaturge Ypnako, burly high priest of Hypnos sleeps on his stomach in a gorgonic bed. As long as the opium infused oil lamps in #8 burn he will not wake. Every hour spent in this rooms adds 1 drowziness. Twice daily a pair of acolytes feed him honey water and clean his waste. ‘The door is barred from the other side. Treasure: Gorgonic bed apparent value 100gp, 30 stone. The bed is under a permanent Protection from Evil spell. Ypnako S® level mage, 17 drowziness points STR: 15, INT 13, WIS 9, DEX 13, CON 17, CHA9 AL: N, Move: 120' (40°), AC: 1, HD: 5** (20hp), Attack: 1 fist (1d2+1) 8+, Save: MS, Morale: 0, XP: 500. Spells: All forgotten. Personality of a lazy lion. Knows the location of his spellbook (#18). Wants to reclaim his temple. #10 The orgy Dimly lit haze and languid music. Frescoes depicting dark hills and caves. A looming statue of Hypnos (20') in polished black granite pours milky water from en endless cup into a canal that snakes its way across the room and exits through an iron grate. The foam of the milky water mix with the haze of many lamps, Each hour spent in this room adds | drowziness. A: Ssatyrs with heads and horns inked black eroon deeply for 6 sleepseekers nodding on silken pillows. Listening adds 1 drowziness per hour. One satyr c set of pipes in a sling. B: priest of Hypnos (4" level) on tall stool directs 12 zombies with cypress wand. Antelope horn wand of magic missiles hangs from a wrist strap of priest. Zombies circle the room playing drums, rattles and occasionally a pair breaks off to carry a sleeper to #12. Their robes drip from wading through the canal. C: 4 sleepseekers kneel by the 2' deep milky canal drinking with cupped hands. Each gulp adds 1 point of drowziness. One slumps into the canal asleep and a zombie is directed to fish her out. D: 4 bughears and Lbugbear champion (HD: 5 (25 hp), AC: 5, Damage: 1d10+2, Move: 90'(30"), Morale: 0) sprawl on long couches smoking comically tiny opium pipes through their masks. The champion furtively lifts his silver mask for drags on the pipe. 3 sleepseekers lic snoring stacked at the end of a couch. Smoking opium adds 1 drowziness per turn, Stacks of worn spellbooks form the legs of an improvised table. E: 4 acolytes of Hypnos (1*, 1", 2*4, 2" level) persuading a drowzy sleepseeker to stay just a little longer. One carries a scroll of hold person in his belt. ies a Cultic use: Visitors urged to partake in the sacraments til sleep claims them. Monsters: Monsters are always surprised due to their drugged state. They will bar egress to the point of dunking someone in the canal. 10% chance Beltz. Zaharra inhabits the statue. Treasure: Hypnos statue clad in gigantic yellow silk tunic of impeccable cut and subtle embroidery making it shine like gold 12,000gp 2 stone. Pick-pockets or appropriate craft to remove carefully, otherwise it is rent and worth only 665gp. Endless cup is mechanical fountain. A; Sleepseeker snug in black velvet cloak 100gp. Golden ankle rings 2 x 200gp. B: Antelope hom inlaid with pulsing blood vessels is a wand of magic missiles (17 charges, 8,500gp) hangs from wrist strap from limp left arm of priest. Zombie carries, copper rattle filled with gems apparent value 25gp, true value 2,500gp. C: Sleepseeker has amethyst snake pendant on silver chain 600gp. Golden clamshell drinking bow! 100gp. D: A fieshly defleshed human skull holding raw opium chunk (20gp) in broken skull cavity and paring knife between teeth, 3 jeweled rings on hand of sleepseeker 250gp each. Silver mask of bugbear champion 10gp. 30 spelibooks in worn leather covers (1* level: Shield, Sleep 2" level: Somnambulism, Web) propping up a table top. E: Scroll of hold person (1,500gp) in belt of priest, wine stains and prayers for the victim penned in the margin. Secret door: Cave fresco is black drape hiding normal door. #11 Milky river Amilky 2! deep canal runs from #10 to #12 passing through two iron grates. A simple plank spans it. Drinking from the canal adds 1 drowziness per gulp. By the door to #9 are sponges and washbins. It is barred from this side "Disturb not the sleeper" carved into the wooden bar. #12 The garden of awakening Sun or starlight stream through the smoked glass ceiling ‘onto waist high herbs and crooked trees. Ivy on the walls reach for the ceiling. Wet grass and shirping crickets. A stone laid path. Amilky stream enters through an iron grate and waters a variety of white berries, flowers, seedpods and apples who invite you with their sweet smells. Each bite or gulp adds 1 drowziness point, The cells E to I are blocked by thin bars of black iron. A: Grizzly bear (HD: 5, AC: 3, Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d8 (hug for 2d8 on 2 claw hits), Move: 120'(40'), Morale: +4) hibernating on stone pedestal, 1,000 bells braided into fur, sacred to Hypnos. Pain wakes it and cause holy frenzy. Slaying it you are Cursed with insomnia. B: 4 sleepseekers slumber hidden in the green and gloom. ‘One soon awakes to stumble back to #10. The others do the same if woken. C:7' bronze statue of Hypnos, nude and biting into a golden apple. D: White silk hammock rocked by hidden giant black widow (HD: 3**, AC: 3, Damage: 2d6 + poison deadly in 1 turn, Move: 60'(20'), Morale: 0) in tree. Rocking hammock adds 1 drowziness per round. Spider eats sleeping victim. E: Broken barrels and crates. F: 10 acolytes (1 level) and 3 priests of hypnos (3 level} torpid and wrapped in tight linen then stacked like cordwood. They are kept in torpor being fed a mix of honey and milky water from #10. They have no spells memorized but are hostile to Beltz Zaharra and her followers. G: 17 simple caskets stuffed with herbs and dead bodies. 12 are strangled sleepseekers and 5 emaciated acolytes. H: Neat piles of bones of a dozen bears. Monsters: 10% chance Beltz Zaharra inhabits the statue. The giant black widow is an interloper not allied to other monsters. A woken grizzly bear will maul anyone but the sleeping and pursue runners. A shattered ceiling is noted by patrols after | hour. Ropes are not cut but the bugbears from the wandering monster table instead lie in ambush for up to 8 hours. Cultic use: Zombies carry sleepers from #10 here to awake, 2 in 6 chance per sleeper the priest and zombies from #13 carry them off to #13. Treasure: A: Sacred bear gallbladder 800gp spell component. B: Waking sleepseeker forgets satchel with a glowing minty potion of extra-healing (2,000gp) in tall clear bottle with white stopper. C: Golden apple with core of lead 70gp. D: White silk hammock 320gp. #13 Corrupted bed Menacing 7’ statue of Hypnos leans over gorgon-faced headboard of a luxurious bed. The gorgon-face is disfigured by hard claws and ooze evil magic. A priest of hypnos (3 level) is robotically sharpening a copper athame (dagger 1, 5000gp) while 4 zombies stand idle. Monsters: The priest will order the zombies to cover his retreat to #10 where he gets enough bugbears and zombies to outnumber the adventurers 3:1 to reclaim the room, If the adventurers are gone they form a new entry on the wandering monster table. Cultic use: Sacrifices grabbed (2 in 6 sleepers) from #12 are put in the bed. The priest prays: 10% chance per tum Beltz Zaharra manifests in the statue. If the sacrifice is evil the priest is told to leave after which Beltz Zaharra manifests in her night hag form to strangle the victim and extract their soul as a squirming 2' human faced larva. Non-evil sacrifices have their soul pulled out by the gorgon-faced headboard and the priest severs it from the body with the athame. The body turns into a somnambulist (zombie) and the stunned soul is carried to #X beyond the bed where it turns into a shadow. Room #14 to #18 use the following wandering monster table: 1. 148 shadows prowling #14 Sensory deprivation The small rooms may be barred from the inside. They are magically dark, silent and cool. No natural light or sound penetrate or escape the rooms. 4 hours of rest in there counts as a full night's sleep provided good bedding. The middle room hides a devious shadow which will bar it from the inside before attacking (suffering no penalties from the magical darkness), Cultic use: Original place for three of the gorgonic beds. #15 Murder in the library Priest of Hypnos lies face down in his own blood and gore having been tor to shreds by shadows about a week ago. Darkwood shelves filled with scrolls. Unlit wax candles. Comfortable recliners. Everything stained by a fine spray of blood Treasure: Cypress wand (1gp, as club). Gore drenched rug (10gp washed 1 stone). Two fine recliners straw upholstery 25gp 2 stone cach. Scrolls on theology, magic and herbalism worth 6,000gp 27 stone, 4 turns of search by literate characters reveal scroll of sleep (500gp) purple ink on vellum around a cypress roll. #16 Pool of shadows Wall mosaics of waves and sailors sleeping on the sea floor covered in sea stars and caressed by mermaids. Inhuman shrieks of anguish heard from #17 still 5' deep pool of cool water. 1d12+6 shadows brood at the bottom of the pool at any time. They cannot swim but move unhindered by the water. They do not notice adventurers outside the water but attack swimmers and climb out of the pool to pursue. The shadows are very hard to spot, only 1 chance in 6 even with bright light, Monsters: Reroll the number of shadows in this room if more than 3 tums have passed since it was last visited. Secret doors: Seams hidden in mosaic. Press sea stars to open. Door to #18 blocked from other side by heavy chest and need bashing Treasure: Basket of 40 bath sponges Isp each. At bottom of basket potion of sweet water in ivory flask with coral stopper, #17 Room of shadows 1d12 shadows stalk this room at any time giving off inhuman shrieks of anguish. A lavish blackwood bed with permanent Protection from Evil spell on its gorgon-faced headboard blocks the passage to #13. If the bed is moved add shadows to the wandering monster table, ‘The doors to #21 are barred from the other side. Monsters: Remember shadows might merge with zombies to restore a person, see their monster entry. Reroll the number of shadows in this room if more than 3 turns have passed since it was last visited. Treasure’ Gorgonic bed apparent value 100gp, 30 stone. The bed is under a permanent Protection from Evil spell. #18 Night hag's lair The secret door to this room is blocked by a heavy chest filled with treasure. 12 larva squirm and mutter in bowls, pots and chests that crowd the room, Belt Zaharra is here 50% of the time in her night hag form giddily counting her larva and treasure Monsters: Larva are 2' sickly yellow worms with distorted human faces — they are the souls of evil humans ritually slain by the night hag. They are dim creatures that will lash out in their idiocy (HD: 1, AC: 2, Damage: 1d4+1, Move: 60'(20'), Morale: -1). If Beltz Zaharra is brought below 50% hp in this room she will move ethereally to open the secret doors between here and #10, enter the statue in #10 and order her followers to attack (order given after 3 rounds). Treasure: If Beltz Zaharra has fled, the larva, the tiger fur coat, the 9 vials and the bundle of sacred bear pelt is missing and the punch bow is shattered. ron reinforced and locked chest 2,500gp, delicate porcelain and silver tableware with astrological motifs 300gp 15 stone. The key is in the pocket of the tiger fur coat. Lidded basket 7,000sp and 4 larva, one sucking on a ‘75gp zircon gemstone. 9 brown vials strung together and hung from a wall hook. Odorless poison potion (2,000gp), minty potion of extra- healing (2,000gp), bitter oil of speed (1,500gp), 6 musky perfume (100gp each). Too warm tiger fur coat 2,000gp 1 stone, 1 larva hidden in sleeve. Bundled sacred bear pelt S00gp 3 stone. Chryselephantine idol of regal Hypnos 1,000gp. Narrow three legged mahogany table (200gp 5 stone) supporting a prodigious glass punchbowl (200gp 5 stone) of filthy spirits and 2 drunk larva. 20 amphorae in a wooden stand painted with languid rites 20gp 1 stone each, 5 hides larva, one hides 10 chunks of raw opium 20gp each. Secret compartment (chipped floor tile, requires lever to pry open): 8 veiny gazelle horn darts+1 in a vellum roll Wine and egg stained spellbook of Ypnako in #9. Spell formulae: I* level: Shield, Sleep, Unseen servant 2* level: Levitate, Somnambulism, Web 3" level: Dispel magic, Hold person. #19 Kitchen Kitchen equipped to make honey cakes, mix wine and butcher the sacred bear. Embers glow in the open oven. The silhouette of zombie chef raiseing cleaver visible against the embers. He misses a leg of lamb and cuts off his own hand with a snap then slowly bleeds to death without a sound. #20 Storage Sacks and crates stacked precariously. Food, ink, cloth and other supplies of low value needed to run a large temple, Any wild movements cause everything to tumble down and everyone in the room must Save vs. Paralysis or suffer 1 damage and be stuck under piles of supplies. Open doors check to free oneself, failure and you're stuck. Can dig someone else free in 1420 rounds. #21 Sealed dormitory Both double doors leading to this room are barred from the inside, The one facing #10 is carved with profanities and promises of severe beatings and insomnia, The inner doors have been spiked shut from the inside. A secular dormitory of the temple now the putrid site of a massacre. Flies buzz and crawl over spilled guts. Eight adventuring pilgrims took up a defensive position here and arranged the 40 beds into a makeshift fortress. They were slain by the night hag who passed in ethereally. She is content to keep this section sealed as to not give anyone a hint to her true nature. Treasure: Daggers, swords, bucklers, darts and other concealable ‘weapons in the hands of robed pilgrims who were torn to pieces by the night hag in gorgon form. One of the dead has a jade scarab of protection (9 charges, 28,000gp) under his ‘man sized elven chain mail (5,000gp). A boot of varied tracks (goat, hill giant, horse, tiger, 8,000gp) is on the foot of another. His other leg is tom off at the hip. A trail of blood leads behind the pile of mattresses where leg and boot landed. Claiming the Temple The Temple is ill suited as a stronghold having but one proper entrance, Its value as a Temple is 91,500gp though if dedicated to a god other than Hypnos his statues must be removed or destroyed. In that case the trees and gardens of the valley wither and die and nothing will grow there but weeds and thorns. If his worship continues the 1% mile valley has land value 9 and allows up to 15 families to work it (or 23 Somnambulistic petitioner/workers doing the same amount of work). Their excess production is 165gp worth of raw opium per month which is traditionally used in ritual and doled out to the local magnates who tithe the temple 1,250gp per month. Glaucus the Greater and his men will raid the temple as planned unless paid off with 3,630gp or if they are hired as a mercanary company for another raid. Pre-generated adventurers Use these as player characters, a rival adventuring party or possibly sleepseekers or zombies reunited with their shadow (in the latter cases equipped only with a white somnambulist’s robe, sandals and a sickle), Randomize or pick their alignments (1-2 Lawful, 3-5 Neutral, 6 Chaotic). Daimos Fighter 5* level XP: 20,000, HP: 31, AC: 10, Melee: 5+, Ranged: 7+, Class damage bonus: +2 Assumed to be the scion of a red and wrathful God. Class proficiencies: Berserkergang, Fighting style: Shield General proficiencies: Intimidation, Riding STR 16, INT 10, WIS 4, DEX 10, CON 13, CHA 18 Equipment: Battle axe, sooty plate armor+1, gorgon- faced shield*1, dagger, red cape, riding boots, broad belt heavy with opal studded golden disks worth 1,600gp. Medium warhorse with war saddle and saddlebags and | weeks iron ration (cheese, dried figs). Backpack with wool blanket, waterskin of wine, mallet, and 12 iron spikes, 50° rope, 18 torches, tinderbox. Belt pouch holding a Potion of Giant Strength and Scroll of Ward against Lycantropes, 96gp. Total encumbrance: 8 stone. Gyges Thief 6" level XP: 20,000, HP: 16, AC: 4, Melee: 7+, Ranged: 5+, Backstab multiplier: x3, Open locks: 12+, Find & remove traps: 13+, Pick pockets: 12+, Move silently: 12+, Climb walls: 4+, Hide in shadows: 14+, Hear noise: 9+, Read languages: A near feral hunter who takes a light hearted approach to life and death, Class proficiency: Fighting style: Missiles, Sniping General proficiencies: Mimicry, Survival STR 13, INT 9, WIS 8, DEX 16, CON 9, CHA 10 Equipment: Sword+1, +2 vs. Lycanthropes, composite bow, quiver of 20 arrows, hunting dagger, blackjack, leather armor, waterskin, paper tiger mask, 50! rope, thieves' tools, Ring of Invisibility set with a black gem, low boots. Light riding horse and saddle, saddlebags holding fresh rabbit meat (2 days worth). Loyal scent dog (HD: 1+1, AC: 2, Damage: Id4, Move: 130'(60"), Morale: 0). Backpack with six large sacks, padded box fitting 6 vials, Potion of Clairvoyance, Potion of Clairaudience, Potion of Extra-healing, Philter of Love, silk pouch of 8 rough gamets each worth 240gp Total encumbrance: 4 5/6 stone. Heledhedhet Elven Spellsword 4" level XP: 20,000, HP: 19, AC: 6, Melee: 7+, Ranged: 9+ Class damage bonus: +2 Look and temperament of an alabaster statue. Class proficiencies: Unflappable casting, Wakefulness General proficiencies: Healing 3 STR 15, INT 16, WIS 10, DEX 8, CON 7, CHA 9 Spell signature: Frosted glass just about to crack under pressure. Spell slots and repertoi 1" level: 2 castings: Burning hands, Choking grip, Sharpness, Silent Step. 2" level: 2 castings: Detect evil, ESP, Invisibility, Mirror image. Equipment: Plate armor, heavy helmet with tall white plume, shield, winged spear+1, +3 versus demi-humans, 2 handaxes, sandals. Medium warhorse with war saddle and saddlebags holding 1 weeks iron rations and 90gp. Three pouches slung over shoulder holding: Scroll of Ward against Elementals, Scroll of Floating disc, Scroll of Ventriloquism, bs Birthwort, 21bs Woundwart, 3ibs Comfrey. Total encumbrance: 9 5/6 stone. Meishu Assassin 5* level XP: 20,000, HP: 29, AC: 5, Melee: 4+, Ranged: 6+, Class damage bonus: +2, Backstab multiplier: x3, Move silently: 13+ (5+), Hide in shadows: 13+, Climb walls 4+. A would be warrior monk with a pitch black soul. Class proficiency: Fighting style: Two-handed, Skulking, General proficiencies: Disguise, Theology. STR 18, INT 11, WIS 10, DEX 13, CON 15, CHA 10 Equipment: Naginata (polearm), black leather armor+2 blessings embroided on the inside, darts (20), 3 doses of rockfish poison in folded paper (Save versus Poison+! or suffer 4d6 damage in 1 round), elven boots, warrior monk's robes. Light riding horse with saddle and saddlebags holding 1 week of iron rations, wool blanket. Backpack holding Potion of Fire Breath, Potion of Levitation, Scroll of Ward against Undead, lantern and flask of oil, tinderbox, pouch of 182gp. Total encumbrance: 4 stone. Polwen Polesharp Cleric 5" level XP: 20,000, HP: 21, AC: 7, Melee: 7+, Ranged: 8+ White haired witch-hunter who insists on calling his vocation The Craft Class proficiencies: Martial training (swords & daggers), Sensing power General proficiencies: Alchemy 2, Tracking STR 13, INT 13, WIS 9, DEX 9, CON 10, CHA II Spell signature: Alchemical glyphs dancing in the air and the sound of bells, tiny or immense depending on spell. Spell slots and repertoire: I" level: 2 castings: standard clerical list. 2" level: 2 castings: standard clerical list. Equipment: Sword, plate, shield, dagger't 1, sling, bag of 20 silver bullets, wooden stake & mallet, Ibs garlic, lbs wolfsbane, 6 torches, tinderbox, 2 flasks of military oil, Medium riding horse with saddle and saddlebags hold 1 week of iron rations and secret compartment with 1,805gp. Backpack with secret pocket for potions at the top: Potion of Infravision, Potion of Levitation, Potion of Levitation, Scroll of Detect Evil, Scroll of Ward against Undead, Potion of Giant Strength. Total encumbrance: 9 4/6 stone. Koris the Quiet Mage 5" level XP: 20,000, HP: 16, AC: -1, Melee: 8+, Ranged: 10+ A nearly featureless man with penetrating eyes that seem to see and know all. Class proficiency: Quiet casting, General proficiencies: Collegiate wizardry 2, Lip reading. STR 13, INT 18, WIS 16, DEX 8, CON 9, CHA 10 Spell signature: Shimmering air and faint whispers. Spell slots and repertoire: 1" level: 2 castings: Chameleon, Detect magic, Silent step, Sleep, (free slot). 2* level: 2 castings: Alter self, Deathless minion, Detect invisible, ESP, Uncanny gyration. 3 level: 1 casting: Clairaudience, Fly, Invisibility 10° radius, Lightning boll. Equipment: Staff, glass tipped darts+1 (7), darts (5), unadorned spellbook, ink & paper, invisible ink, white robes, sandals, chalk, small knife, bronze hand mirror, waterskin of water. Light riding horse with war saddle and saddlebags holding 2 weeks fresh rations of cheese, apples and pork. Backpack, Scroll of Hold portal, Potion of Invulnerability, Potion of Extra healing, 342gp. Total encumbrance: 3 stone.

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