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Dr.Vaishali Jadhav*, Dr. Mohan Kale, Ms. Riya Kamble,
Ms. Rutuja Jawalkar, Mr. Dipesh Gamare.
Konkan Gyanpeeth Rahul Dharkar College of Pharmacy and
Research Institute, Karjat, District Raigad, Maharashtra, India., +919619560080

ABSTRACT: various decoctions, powder, pastes

and gels etc. Herbs with antifungal
Vaginal candidiasis is a vaginal yeast properties like nimba, manjistha,
infection which belongs to the lower nagavalli etc. are used. Besides with
reproductive tract of females and ayurvedic treatment candidiasis is
mostly observed in reproductive age completely cured as it inhibits the
or child bearing age of female. This growth of the yeast completely and
infection is caused due to invasion or minimizes the underlying symptoms.
overgrowth of candida albicans in The immune system is also
their favourable conditions. The main strengthened with herbal remedies
symptoms are vulvar itching, thus reducing the chances of
abnormal vaginal discharge which recurrence of vaginal candidiasis. In
may cause pain eventually. The cause this review we discussed the common
of this infection may vary such as use causes, symptoms, diagnosis along
of antibiotics, improper diet, lifestyle, with allopathic and ayurvedic
pregnancy, unmaintained physical treatment for candidiasis.
hygiene, improper clothing, etc.
Diagnosis is performed with different INTRODUCTION:
methods like pelvic examination,
laboratory methods etc. Generally for Majority of the women’s irrespective
treatment of vaginal candidiasis of their age undergoes some vaginal
allopathic medicines are preferred infections causing discomfort in the
due to safe and easy administration vagina and one of them is vaginal
but ayurvedic medicines cannot be candidiasis also called vulvovaginal
ignored due to minimal side effects candidiasis which accounts for 90%
and natural way to cure infection. of the infection.[1] In ayurveda it is
Azole class of antifungal drugs such called as “Slaishmiki yoni vyapat.[2]
as fluconazole, clotrimazole, During the reproductive age, about
ketoconazole are prescribed as 75% of women have at least one
primary treatment for vaginal episode of vulvovaginal candidiasis
candidiasis but the infection is and approximately 50% have two or
observed to reoccur with increase in more episodes. [3]. Vulvovaginal
growth of Candida albicans candidiasis is characterized by
frequently. On the other hand, in inflammation, erythema and swelling
ayurvedic treatment natural herbs and of the vagina and is caused by
medications are used which consist of infection with candida albicans


which though a normal human Causes
microbiome can cause infections like
normal skin infections to life- The disturbance in the chemical
threatening systemic infections. The balance in the vagina can be caused
other candida species such as candida due to various reasons such as
tropicalis, candida glabrata, environmental factors such as warm
and candida krusei are also found to weather and moist area may lead to
infect especiall women. [4] growth of candida albicans, tight and
Thevulvovaginal candidiasis is improper clothing, unmaintained
categorized intouncomplicated and hygienic health, use of antibiotics
complicated of which uncomplicated may kill harmless bacteria and fungi
cases are sporadic episodes of mild such as lactobacillus which normally
infections caused by C. albicans. [5] help to limit yeast colonization,
On the other hand complicated cases fragile immune system -sometimes in
are caused by other species of case of disease like HIV or AIDS,
Candida generally during pregnancy, these medications can weaken
or medical conditions such as immune system, wet skin, pregnancy
immunosuppression or diabetes. –during pregnancy and at the time of
The vagina is normally resistant to using the hormonal contraceptives, it
infection but changes to these layers can alter the hormonal level and thus
that affect the vaginal microbiology, change in hormones can lead to
vaginal epithelium, or vaginal pH change in proportion of candida in
lead to an increased sensitivity to vagina, unprotected sex, improper
vaginal infections. [6]If this diet, stationary lifestyle, diseased
candidiasis is left uncured the vaginal condition – eg. Diabetes- When you
y the HIV-infe pH will get altered to have an uncontrolled diabetes, the
lower acidic range or higher alkaline presence of more amount of sugar in
range and which will lead to urine impacts on the vagina due to
alteration and replacement of the excess of sugar.[7-9]
columnar epithelium layer of
ectocervix with that of squamous Diagnosis
epithelium resulting in immature
unstable cells.[2] The predominant In vaginal candidiasis, exact
symptom of vulvovaginal candidiasis incidence of infection is difficult to
is vulvar itching, abnormal vaginal evaluate as a high rate of self-
discharge (which may be minimal - a treatment with over-the-counter
'cheese-like' material or a watery medications is reported. Moreover,
secretion) eventually causing pain the diagnosis is frequently based
whereas the thers symptoms include entirely on signs and symptoms
burning sensation during urination or without any tests to confirm the
sex, experiencing pain during sex, diagnosis. [12]
irritation, redness and rash, fragile The treatment for uncomplicated and
skin of the vulva may cause small complicated cases is different
cuts or tiny cracks in the area.[7] depending upon the severity of the
disease. Short-term local therapy or


Table 11.1. Methods of diagnosis for vaginal candidiasis

single-dose oral treatment is effective colonization , which is provided by

for treating 90% of uncomplicated an increased amount of glycogen due
cases whereas the complicated cases to high concentration of estrogen and
of vulvovaginal candidiasis require hence being more susceptible to the
prolonged treatment. In recent years women in their reproductive age
mainly because of self-medication (Figure 11.1).
the resistance to common antifungal [13 When C.albicans superficially
medication has increased thus penetrates the mucosal lining of
enhancing the scope for traditional vagina it initiates the innate immune
medicine for antifungal and herbal response and for the corresponding
treatment. anti-fungal defence the medication
advised are specially targeted to act
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY on vaginal epithelial cells. As these
cells contain mucin and keratin -like
Imbalance of natural vaginal flora surface material which acts as
due to some reasons such as mechanical and trapping barriers,
antibiotic use, pregnancy, use of oral they also sense the invasion of
contraceptives, uncontrolled diabetes, pathogens and mediate cell activation
weak immune system, etc. may lead by showing inflammation as an
to yeast infections like vaginal immune response by intracellular
candidiasis due to overgrowth of multiprotein complexes, known as
Candida albicans species. The ‘inflammasomes’.]
patients suffering from this infection Some of the cellular and humoral
may or may not observe symptoms. factors present in the vagina
C.albicans multiply or grow in the contribute to the anti-
suitable environment inside vagina Candida defence such as the
and carbon acts as their source for gathering of polymorphonuclear cells


to the vagina, cytokine (specifically main cause for this infection is said to
IL-1β and IL-18) production and be improper digestion of the food
activation of the lymphocyte subsets which leads to accumulation of ama
T-helper 1 and T-helper 17. [14] (toxins). And to treat this, the
ayurvedic herbs (Table 1.2) should
Abbreviations : SAP : Secreted activate healthy digestive function
aspartyl proteinase; PMN : (Table 1.3) and should have
Polymorphonuclear ; antifungal and antimicrobial
properties along with boosting the
PRR: Pattern recognition receptor immune system.[16]Along with the
Panchakarma methods like basti and
virachan , some other methods can
ALLOPATHIC REMEDIES also be performed such as,
may include a single dose of
a. Snehana which is the lubrication of
fluconazole or other antifungal drugs
the internal and external body for
(Figure 11.2). Topical medications
removal of imbalanced doshas.
applied on the skin or inside the b. Abhyanga which is oleation of the
vagina may consist of boric acid, external body with the help of
nystatin, miconazole or clotrimazole. medicated oil (massage),has a
[4] rejuvenating effect. It also promotes
antibody production
AYURVEDIC REMEDIES c. Swedana means production of
sweat with the help of various
Ayurveda is coming up as the best methods such as taking steam,
herbal therapy or medicine to cure sweating using heated sand, sweating
several infections and diseases. As by immersion in hot liquids
these medications are inexpensive reduce stiffness, coldness and
and have no or minimum side effects, heaviness in the body. As sweating
many people tend to choose helps to dissolve accumulated toxins
ayurvedic treatment over allopathic. in the body tissue it ease the removal
As per ayurveda unhealthy diet and of ama (toxins)
improper lifestyle leads to more d. Pichu is a process in which
production of kapha or ‘Ama’, it medicated tampon-shaped cotton pad
destroys healthy immunity and self- is used to insert in the vagina. It
defence built by the kapha which consists of several medicated oils.
reaches the reproductive system by [17]
mixing with the blood. Ama reduces
cell immunity and changes Ayurvedic medicines used in
permeability of cells due to which treatment of vaginal
inflammation is seen as the cells
oozes fluid out. In ayurvedic terms,
vaginal candidiasis is considered 1. Nimbadi yoni varti
under diseases affecting the vagina In Ayurveda it is used as a vaginal
and it is called as yoni vyapat. The purifier and helps in the treatment of


Fig.11.1 Pathogenesis of Vaginal candidiasis

Fig.11.2 Classification of allopathic drugs used in Vaginal Candidiasis [15]


Table 11.2 Ayurvedic herbs used for treating vaginal candidiasis (16, 17, 18)


Fig.11.3 Ayurvedic herbs used for treating vaginal candidiasis

various vaginal conditions. It is brimstone, a decoction including

effective in decreasing discharge cinnamon, cardamom, Indian rose
odor, pain and itching in vagina. It is chestnut, dry ginger, guduchi juice,
a mixture of nimba with triphala bhringraj juice, ginger juice and other
forming a decoction of it. herbal ingredients.

2. Panchavalkala Kwatha 4. Hinguliyamanikyarasa

It is a local treatment for vaginal This formulation consists of purified
cleansing and enhancing immunity. cinnabar, haritala (yellow orpiment),
This formulation consists of various gandhak and the juice of palash
beneficial properties such as flower. The herb haritala used here
astringent, antiseptic, stops the flow, has antimicrobial activity which
anti-inflammatory and kapha- inhibits the growth of candida
pacifying. albicans.
3. Gandhak rasayana 5. Abhayarishtam
This formulation has anti-fungal
It is prepared from amla, pippali,
properties and effectively used in the
treatment of sinuses in anal region, jaggery, vidanga, black pepper and
skin diseases and gastrointestinal eleven other herbs. This medication
conditions. This medication is is beneficial to reduce fever and
prepared from cow’s milk, purify oedema and overall effective in the


Table 11.3 Diet Management for vaginal candidiasis

people diagnosed with heart

conditions, piles, anaemia, CONCLUSION:
candidiasis, skin conditions, etc. [17]
Vaginal candidiasis being the largest
concern of majority of women is
Precautions to be taken to always been self treated or neglected
avoid candidiasis leading to drugs resistance issues and
severe causes. Failure to treat
1. Avoid tight clothes. recurrent vaginal candidiasis
observed in 40-55% can lead to
2. Do not use synthetic material various bio-psycho-social
consequences. Patients may present
with recurrent dysparenia, which may
lead to unhappy sexual life. Even
3. Avoid sleeping during day and late
though numerous allopathic
night awakening. formulations are available in the
market, the formulations are unable
4. Live stress-free. to treat recurrent vaginal candidiasis
completely. Taking allopathic
5. If sweating is more, then change treatment in case of chronic infection
clothes accordingly. can also invite the toxic effects of the
drugs. The ayurvedic approach to
6. Do not stop the urge of urination treat the diseases in a natural way is
and emptying of the bowel. more preferable rather than allopathic
because it shows a feasible way of
7. Maintain vaginal hygiene. therapies for curing the infection. The
panchakarma methods are popular for
8. Properly clean the area after internal cleansing of the body and by
defecation, so as to prevent vaginal removing the toxins and free radicals
infection from minute faecal matter. out of the body it reduces the chances
of overgrowth of candida albicans. A
large plethora of ayurvedic


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