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Have you ever been to marshall islands?

Marshall islands is one of the islands that are located in the pacific northwest
ocean,between hawaii and australia.Marshall islands is a small islands in the
globe.We are proud and blessed to be in the marshall islands.people in the
marshall islands are so respectful.Even the beaches in the marshall islands are
better than the ohio beaches.I’ve been to hawaii when i was 12 years old,and i
know which is better.Also the marshall islands is a good places to live because
we free to do what we want.Now there are many kinds of people in the Marshall
islands.why are so many people many kinds of people in the Marshall islands?.It
is because they heard a lot of RMI.They heard,but they can't find it on the
globe,because it too small.Marshall Islands Is located in the pacific ocean.
In the Marshall islands there are less people right now.Why?It is because
many people are moving to other countries.Marshall Island the current
population is about 60,107,it is less than before.Between Marshall islands and
the United States are good relationships from 1986.What happened in 1986?The
marshall islands signed a compact of free association with the United States in
1986 and gained free Association,and the marshall islands is under the control of
the United States.Every country in the world has a different culture. Marshall
islands have different cultures from other countries.In marshallese people the
highest king they call iroij laplap.Comings town to the relationship between U.S
and Marshall islands it will soon.The RMI will product it's own to be good
will be sad for those who didn't finish their college because this will be one of the
effects will taking place when the compact that U.D and RMI signed.
Why was so many Fijian teacher in the marshall islands?The reason why is
the Marshall Islands are a good place to get jobs and high pays.Also many
Marshallese people didn't finish their colleges.That why the marshallese
government is trying to get the Fijian teacher to come and teach here.The
government also prepare their place to live.The main question is when they left
their families to come to the Marshall islands and teach so many students.So I
think when they left their family,it was really hard for them,cause the came and
spend so many here and teach.I don't know what they think when they left their
family.When they teach it is so amazing,also we learn so many from them.They
are very strict about being disciplined and also we must reply by saying sir or
Ma'am.They make us understand and learn more things and get
knowledgeable.Right now when we go to the high office,like Court House. The
owner of the is not a Marshallese Citizen. But the people who are supposed to
be in the highest office? The Marshallese people because they are citizens in the

Marshall islands.Because when the people from other countries own the
highest,he or she will change everything,because he or she didn't know the
culture of the marshall island. The Marshallese people should think of what
happens here.

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