Exam 3 Solution ME 200 FA18

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none ptt rao tr © So FOG 7. resrcs andth ye you doped to srw the oe S Sree oe q Seorletseucaorstaans rome, -6 WT © sow much every must be dicharged at S408? for ete Que Gawd = (roomy, % et asnpl Avams fam pes ed post efor) paccw 4L._Aninventorhas deveoped anew refrigeration cyl that takes 1000 6TU/hour of energy input at 500 R, uses 200 BT4/hr fora compressor, and discharges heat at 540. 8. inthe squareat te right, draw a sketch of the eye ‘showing the temperature reservoirs, the cycle, and the heat transfer between the temperature Whats the formula forthe maximum refrigeration COP betweentwo temperatures? _ ¢ oe Soo as Ty Te 10 2 Ty 4. Whatisthe CP cimed by sien? array a Ce €. thse reversible, everbl or impose {jou must sate why for fleet) Ge oe 4 if correct guess witht reosua Using these same temperatures and forthe same 1000 BTU/h’6f refrigeration effect, vat must the compressor power be f the cycle was reversible? 1008. Lone o> = anne ey mea Scsle fat that of tt 5 «Cabs week tS, gee a7 ce Ve 222 1200 ee Be E+ vrrecerst a. 7 ‘Workshop Leader: 3. Consider a pump which operates in liquid R134a between the pressures of 400 kPa and 800 kPa ‘The entering temperature ofthe pump isOC . What isthe entering state ofthe R134 (gui, 2 phase or vapor]? Z Whats the specific volume of the entering R134a? 2, Y=. c0077 23 Wie ae a V (B- 2) = cc 2923 m (Y00-He0) 2089 KY A ot ats the actual work that the pump must provide oe oe Mery TF yf asny S Whats the exthalpy atthe entrance tothe pump pd We lage 7(F Bap) = S181 Sevres yo -297-61) ints thew atte tof he 75 eticent pu nisigrr = 5T- 9Y Teg Weer= binky Wa 52.37 "hy Ifthe output -emperatur ofthe pump is 2, and the pump is adiabatic, what isthe rate of entropy generation inthe pump? m(s,- ay ft ee — 219 eae US AUK 6 t = 2083 F ren at of Ag r ws = Lys” — NIT = , 00% AT 00th BE Name: Workshop Leader: 6 4. Consider a pston-ylnder arrangement ‘operating with R 134, At state, the 34a saturated vapor ata pressure of 1000 kPa, The Piston expands in an wentrope process to state 2, in which the presse is 400 KPa 4 Inthe top bo, sketch the piston / ‘oflnderarargement and show the location of th piston at state 1 and state Inthe bottor box, sketch the process from 1 to 2s ona Ts lagram. Be sure to include the 2 phase reglonon the Whatisthe specific entropy at state 2? e ’ usb PZ < i ‘ (ys For the isentmpic procs from state1 to state 2s, wnat state ithe outlet liquid, 2 phase, orvapori? Z- phone ‘What isthe iternal energy (u of state Sorhenowonconeonrees? Sa 9269/ pa DFE! Fig 9, US Xz = 1833 uc Up KX Ugg = G3.6Z +. 49330 Fh YS = 2 32001 2 Ifthe expansion efficiency us2secx ay 85%, what isthe internal energy wf state 2? 234.18 KY “4 Name: ‘Workshop Leader: 5, Consider an adiabatic turbine operating in a. The inlet tothe turbine is at 1000 K and 1 MPa, b and the outlet of the turbine isa 01 Mpa. Considering arto be an ideal gas with constant pectic heats (use Cv= 0.718, Cp = 1.005, k= 1.400) please answer the following questions: 2. Make a shat ofthe eho Sowing the fi Re G34 Son Inu ruts nthe box onthe came Hols le 2KAP BR Hes” for nent proces om stato ( Sate 2s asthe oue tempers fo 0 Pyrk = comet 2 29 Be t. (ah Mt a 2 (SS ae Tat “fj Tas? SIBAS K dct ne pest wate tt rot? 4 7 = 4k fre. Bs bibs GGT) an ee 1d. Forte adiabatic process with an 85% efficiency from state to state 2, whats the ‘change in specie entropy (32-51)? 55,7 6, bs. (B)-R AL. (%) S-95 loos fs) whl“) B35 131 FY Sketch the process on a Ts diagram, shosting States 1 and sates 2 and 2s. Remember that ar Should not have 2-phase region on the Ts diagram, ehibelre Whats the rte of entropy production per kg lowing through the sytem forthe 85% efficient urbe? (3-5) ee rz Bo OP 3-3 = 13 SE a ‘6 3m nae 237 SIM dons ae aah donor aeeae ug 262 20728 Name: Workshop Leader: Ste reat 1349 epee abe To Exar al mis ag ig” ag s Ss & oe Tmo. press. id, Yo, tid, Gap, ape ep, sap, ise g ea ek ee rem ooorot Gouna asm 9 onto er 448 000071 904003 07356 ose {G5t Soarere Boum Seon arate Shs? Soot comin Sexes canto 57207 oosomss voasiss eau ear Sooecio Sane ott ‘onoiarr2 onze 9 sco19 Hae Beta use Seas 12559 14339 27598 045126 oases saz 1291 1438 27730 adois am ‘oma? {eta aes aaoce uses ese? 00616 1424 10835-29059 osem00 oa0ttt

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