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At a Senior High school name of Tunas Bangsa . The school is popular schools in the city .

The school is
highly regarded and admired by many teenagers who want to go there . This school is a school for the
elite , such as children or their officials uang.di yang punya many schools that there exists a gang called
THE CURUM famous coolest , most anxiety , and feared by many students because of the nature of
those who love ngebully other students .genk it consists of two persons , namely fitri and dessy ,
daughter of the senior high School .

One day there came a new student, smart kid , but he came from poor families . He could get into the
school on a scholarship . The Curum but in fact do not like the presence of the new student and intend
to ngebully him .

Desy : "Hey wait for me , " ( as he ran after Fitri )

Fitri : " ( turned ) hemmm , , , ,

Desy : " I 've got news for you . "

Fitri : '' What news ? ? ? " ( Curious )

Desy : " I heard from my dad he wants a new student moved here . "

Fitri : " is that correct ? What about the guy? Girl or a boy ? " ( While imagining something )

Desy : " seems hell guy . "

Fitri : " yes ! Certainly his handsome , cool , cool and rich of course . "

Desy : " I do not know for sure , check it out later . "

Bell was rang , The Curum incoming class . then went into a class of new students got into the classroom
and get acquainted .
Imam : " hello friends, good morning . "

Dessy and Nita : " Good morning well . "

Imam : " I am Imam Halimi , a new student here . "

Nita : " yes welcome in this class , I hope you're happy . "

Fitri : " ( turned to Desy ) heh I think the perfect guy , eh it 's just hometown boy . "

Desy , : " but he's also really cool , a bit anyway . "
Fitri : " cool from where ? Not at all . "

Dessy : " ( do not say anything ) . "

After introducing himself , then Imam look for an empty seat , and there happens to be an empty seat
beside Nita . she was the son yan quiet , nice , smart and most courageous children fight gang The
Curum .

Imam : " hai may I sit next to you ? "

Nita : " oh sure . "

Imam : " Who 's your name ? ? "

Nita : " I'm indah yunita rahmawati , you can call me Nita . "

Imam : " Okay, nice to meet you . "

Nita : "nice to meet you too . "

The recess bell was rung. All students poured out except the Curum who are planning something to
make the new student does not like school here .

Fitri : " I have a plan des bad for the new student . "

Dessy : "what is, fit ? "

Fitri : " have you see. "

Then Fitri run its HAND PHONE plans to move the bag as if the imam so that the imam who stole it and
he's HAND PHONE will be issued . After completion of the Curum out of the classroom .

Before the recess bell rang , appears Imam was heading to class and sat down on the bench .

Imam : " ( talking to myself )hemm,, so it feels like this at elite schools , same difference really old school

Then Nita went into the classroom and sat down beside imam .

Nita : " mam , you are really alone , what are you doing ? ? "
Imam : " not okay . "

Nita : '' how? You do not like what the school here? "

Imam : " yes okay than it used to be. "

Nita : " how story can you move here ? "

Imam : " I can scholarship . "

Nita : " oh scholarship ? Mean you're smart that . "

Imam : " hehe indifferent. "

Then the bell rang , all incoming students . Suddenly ....

Fitri : " hey where is my Hand phone? Why is not there ? "(And confusion )

Desy : " Where I know , from my last I'm with you on. "

Fitri : " ( glancing at his side friend ) that you guys definitely took my phone ? "

Nita : " What ? ? ? What do you mean accusing people randomly ? Keep your mouth . "

Fitri : "damn, do not need a reason, to be honest it's definitely a new student that takes . "
Imam : " not me took your handphone , I do not know anything . "

Fitri : " Let me see your bag , " ( all the students looked at the curious )

Then fitri take the bag of imam and find her handphone

Fitri : " what is it?? " ( Pure find it in the bag hand phone Imam .

Imam : " ( shocked ) but not me who did it , believe me . "

Fitri : " This evidence , do not shy away then."

All the friends looked at the feeling of disappointment to the Imam , the Imam did not think that they
took it .

Nita : "be patient please, I believe it is not you who took it  . "

Imam : "(and moody ) yes nit thanks , "

Then the imam is called to the principal, he will be expelled from the school over the act of doing it, but
in fact he is innocent. Then Dessy requested Fitri that cruel, and if Fitri would not Changed, Dessy not
want to be friends again with Fitri. Finally Fitri was aware of the things she does overreach. Finally Fitri
met the principal and talk about the truth. After that, Imam back into school.

Fitri : "Imam, I'm sorry for my behaviour to you".Imam : " never mind I've forgiven from the first, but

Desy : "yes mam I also apologize for my mistake this time." not to do it again "
Imam : "(nodding his head)"

Nita :” from now on we're friends now right, it does not distinguish precisely friendship unites each of
our respective differences. "

Then they were holding hands and smiling :)

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