Cell and Molecular Biology

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Why do farmers plant certain crops directly in sunlight and others in the

All crops need solar radiation to grow. Sunlight is an adequate factor for
photosynthesis to happen; and this process is very important to all plants because this
is their food making process by converting chemical energy from sunlight, carbon
dioxide, and water to produce oxygen and glucose. However, there are certain crops
that thrives in a well-lit area whereas there are crops who thrives in a partly shaded or
shaded area. And if farmers are able to distinguish which area certain crops can grow
more, the production and quality of the crops can be maximized.
Heat-loving crops thrives the best when they are exposed to sunlight for at least
6-8 hours or depending on the type of crop the farmers are trying to grow. Crops like
this needs a lot of solar radiation in order to produce bountiful product. An example of
this are climbing vegetables like tomatoes, eggplant, squash, and also peppers; they
need a lot of sunlight in order to grow bountifully. Moreover, most fruit tress also needs
a lot of sunlight like citrus, peach, apple, and many more.
But if there are plants who thrives more in a well-lit area, there are also number
of plants who grows more in a partially shaded or fully shaded area. The amount of sun
exposure is needed for plants to create enough nutrients but there are certain crops
who needs less sunlight compared to others and this is because of their natural origins.
In contrast to a popular belief that crops uses all absorbed sunlight in photosynthesis,
they actually don’t. For this reason, there are certain crops with low-sunlight
requirements, and too much sunlight may even damaged or alter their growth. An
example of this are cool-seasoned crops, they must be planted in a shaded part in order
for them to thrive because too much exposure to sunlight might hinder their growth. By
actually planting low-sunlight requirements crops in a shaded area, farmers are able to
reduce heat and light intensity resulting to better quality and abundant yield.
What does a horticulturist study?
Horticulturists has a lot of responsibilities in caring and growing a crop.
Generally, they focus on a variety of food and crop cultivation. Emphasizing more on
this focus, horticulturists are also permitted to advice on crop maximization and
harvesting techniques to help other farmers in crop production. They can also work
as gardeners and create aesthetically pleasing and well-maintained outdoor areas
because horticulturists also specialize in landscaping ang plant & crop arrangements.
Moreover, these horticulturists can pursue scientific studies of plants and in-depth
experimentation of different techniques to develop horticulture as an established field.
How could the amount of sun exposure affect crop yield?
Solar radiation has an adverse effect on crop yield because they provide all the
light requirements that is needed by the plant to grow. Both the quality and quantity of
sunlight however is dependent on atmospheric conditions and seasons of the year,
hence, varying from places to places. Crop’s sun exposure is really important
because it has a great influence on the distribution and yield of crops. The amount of
sun exposure provides the required energy for certain chemical activities within
growing crops to take place. However, sun exposure isn’t just being exposed to the
sun, the quantity, quality, and duration should also be recognized and put emphasis
to because it also has a tremendous effect on the growth of the crops. Farmers
should be able to know the different sunlight requirement of each plant because each
plant requires a unique certain amount and time of sun exposure to thrive abundantly.
Why do plants die in the dark? Draw the process of photosynthesis and
respiration. Discuss the process of plants taking in sunlight to produce food
and to give off oxygen during cellular respiration. 
Plants that are kept in the dark for too long dies because it cannot get sunlight
that is needed for the process of photosynthesis. Sunlight is an important factor in
their food making process, and not being exposed to sunlight may cause the plant to
slowly wither and die because it doesn’t have the needed nutrients.

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