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Cindy Aprilianti, 2022: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Farmers' Income in
Muru Duyung Village, Pematang Karau District, East Barito Regency. Thesis,
Economic Education Study Program, Department of Social Sciences Education, Faculty
of Teacher Training and Education, University of Palangkaraya, Advisor (I) Prof. Dr.
Kuwing Baboe, M.Si, Advisor (II) Dr. Sri Rohaetin M, SiKeywords: Impact of the
COVID-19 Pandemic, Farmers' Income

The Covid-19 pandemic was initially a human health problem, but later it had a wide
impact on various aspects of life. The first important aspect affected by the outbreak of
Covid-19 is the economic sector, both macro and sector, including the agricultural sector.
Agriculture is one sector that is very dominant in people's income in Indonesia because the
majority of Indonesians work as farmers. The agricultural sector is faced with various risks
that can disrupt farming activities and will have an impact on decreasing production and
farmers' income.

This type of research is qualitative research that uses descriptive qualitative research
methods. This research was conducted in Muru Duyung Village, Pematang Karau District,
East Barito Regency. The data used are sourced from primary data and secondary data. The
method used to collect data is by observation, interviews and documentation.

The results of the study showed that the Covid-19 pandemic had a major impact on
the income of oil palm and rubber farmers in Muru Duyung Village. Because it is very
difficult to do outdoor activities, it is one of the obstacles as a farmer and also the prices of
basic necessities are increasing day by day but not in accordance with the sales results from
the garden. The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the income of oil palm and rubber
farmers in Muru Duyung Village, therefore farmers must minimize their expenses by farming
and growing vegetables on their own land, so they don't have to think anymore about buying
vegetables. vegetables and rice.

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