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Assignment 1 .

Name: Jhymma Claire Pilien Date Submitted: December 2, 2022
Course/ Section: BSARCH 2A

Instructions: After studying the full text of Martin Heidegger’s The Question Concerning
Technology, available on , answer the
1. What three concepts remain unclear or difficult for you to understand?
a. What aspect of enframing poses a threat to humanity?
b. Why is the world of technology thought to be revealing?
c. What does technology actually mean in today's society?

2. What three significant insights did you gain in studying this text?
a. Technology is not an instrument, it is a method of comprehending the world,
b. Despite the fact that it is not a human activity, technology is always evolving.
c. “Wherever there is effect, there is a cause”

3. What three questions do you want to ask about the text?

a. Why dis Heidegger describe technology as challenging forth?
b. What does Heidegger mean when he says that technology is not its own essence?

c. What does he mean by seeing technology as a human activity?

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