Corrosion and Compatibility Considerations of Liquid Metals For Fusion Reactor Application

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103& 104(1981)621-632 621



P. F, Tortorelli
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830


0. K. Chopra
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois 60439

The current understanding of corrosion and environmentaleffects on the integrity and

mechanical properties of structural materials used with liquid metals in fusion reae-
tors is reviewed. Corrosion processes in liquid lithium systems are examined and
their influence on material degradation is discussed. Compatibilityconsiderations
that might arise from use of molten lead, bismuth, lead-bismuth,or lead-lithiumare
reviewed relative to the possible use of these liquids in fusion reactors.

1. INTRODUCTION of the structural material result in mass trans-

fer heat exchanger fouling, flow restrictions,
Liquid metals have several possible applications transfer of radioactive material, and related
in fusion energy systems [If. Alkali.metals, problems. The compositionaland microstructural
such as sodium and lithium, are efficient heat changes due to selective dissolution and inter-
transfer media because of their high thermal granular corrosion can lead to material failures.
conductivities,high heat capacities, and exten-
sive liquid temperature ranges. Also, the This paper reviews the current understanding of
production of tritium by reactions of both iso- the corrosion and environmentaleffects on
topes of lithium with fusion-producedneutrons fusion reactor structural materials associated
requires the use of some form of this alkali with the use of liquid metals and is primarily
metal in fusion reactors operating on the D-T concerned with chemical compatibilityand
cycle. Lithium could therefore serve the dual influence on mechanical properties. Corrosion
role of reactor coolant and tritium breeder. processes in liquid lithium systems are
Molten lithium-containingalloys, such as Pb-Li examined, and their influence on material degra-
or Li-Bi-Pb, can provide adequate tritium dation is discussed. Compatibilityconcerns
breeding with a reduced lithium inventory since arising from use of lead, bismuth, or lead-
the lead and/or bismuth would serve as neutron lithium are also reviewed relative to fusion
multipliers. Finally, relatively low-melting applications.
heavier metals, such as pure lead or bismuth,
may be used for neutron rmltiplicationin con- 2. CORROSION AND MASS TRANSFER
junction with solid lithium compounds for
tritium breeding to assure an acceptable tritium 2.1 Background
The corrosion and mass transfer of containment
If liquid metals are used in fusion reactors, material can be deleterious in any application
compatibilitywith the containment alloy(s) will of circulating liquid metals. Corrosion in the
be of prime concern. The structural material form of dissolution, intergranularpenetration,
must maintain its integrity under large tem- and interstitial transfer to and/or from the
perature gradients, severe thermal cycling, and liquid metal can result in significant wall
intense irradiation. In liquid-metalheat thinning and/or loss of mechanical integrity.
transport systems, dissolution and redeposition Just as important, the deposition of corrosion
products in cooler areas of a circuit may lead
to severe flow restrictionsand concentrated
radionuclide accumulation outside the reactor
lResearch sponsored by the Office of Fusion core structure. The former consequence would
Energy, U.S. Department of Energy under increase pumping power requirements and decrease
contract W-7405-eng-26 with the Union Carbide the energy conversion efficiency, and the latter
Corporation and contract W-31-109-eng-38with phenomenon would complicate maintaining the
Argonne Universities Association and the system and would require extra shielding in the
University of Chicago. deposition areas.

0 1981North-Holland
622 p. I:. Tortorelli, 0. K. Cltopra / Liquid metals fbr fkim reactor appkations

This section reviews our current understanding resisted corrosion by static lithium and it
of corrosion and mass transfer by liquid metals. decarburized significantly less 181. Carbon
The principal processes that contribute to the loss to the lithium may be further reduced by
corrosion of materials by liquid metals are use of alloying additions to stabilize the car-
dissolution, alloying, intergranular penetration, bide microstructure or by increasing the chro-
impurity transfer from or to the liquid metal, mium content of the steel. A 12 Cr-1 MO (wt %)
and thermal- and concentration-gradient mass steel (HT9) resisted decarburization by static
transfer. Given this variety of possible corro- lithium at 500°C [81.
sion phenomena, we find that liquid metal corro-
sion depends on many variables. These include The problem of interstitial transfer between
the melt itself; its impurity content; the lithium and the containment material is per-
composition, impurity content, and microstruc- tinent to refractory and reactive metals as well
ture of the containment material; temperature; as to steels. Refractory metals and titanium
exposure time; and, in flowing systems, flow are attractive for fusion applications because
velocity, AT (difference in temperature across a they have very low solubilities in lithium and
circuit), and temperature profile. Some of the former can be used at higher temperatures
these variables are more important in certain than most metals and alloys. However, their
combinations of containment material and liquid properties are very nmch affected by their
metal than in others, and these distinctions interstitial content, and the transfer of
will be discussed. interstitial impurities to or from these metals
when in contact with lithium is of concern.
This section emphasizes lithium because it is Static tests can play an important role in con-
the only low-melting metal that has been studied firming predictions of the thermodynamic
in any detail. for fusion applications. Much of equilibrium partitioning of these interstitials.
the early lithium work, however, was done in Such calculations have been based on the known
support of other programs and can be generally free energies of formation of the respective
characterized by high exposure temperatures, compounds and the solubilities of oxygen,
variable impurity concentrations in the lithium, nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen in lithium and in
and a greater variety of structural materials the refractory and reactive metals [9,10].
(see, for example, the review by DeVan et al. Redistribution of oxygen from niobium, tantalum,
[21). In more recent years, lithium compati- and vanadium is predicted in this way and has
bility research has been focused to a greater been observed [ll-151. Recent measurements [16]
extent on steels and exposure temperatures agreed well with predictions of nitrogen
relevant to fusion program requirements. transfer from lithium to vanadium at 6OO*C.

2.2 Lithium Experiments in static lithium have clearly

defined the importance of oxygen in the attack
2.2.1 Corrosion in static systems of niobium by lithium [11,12]. In this case,
the concentration of oxygen and its disposition
Corrosion tests in static lithium provide a in the refractory metal determine the severity
simple method for determining the basic interac- of the attack. As such, the corrosion mechanism
tions between lithium and structural materials. is similar to the abovementioned attack of
Recently, such experiments have defined the 2 i/4 Cr-1 MO steel because in both cases
influence of various impurities in lithium on penetration is accompanied by the rapid transfer
its compatibility with several steels. of an interstitial (oxygen in the niobium, carbon
Specifically, the corrosion of austenitic in the steel) to the lithium. Other experiments
stainless steels in static lithium is sensitive have shown that oxygen in tantalum has a similar
to the nitrogen concentration of the lithium effect on the attack of tantalum by molten
1351. High nitrogen levels in lithium lead to lithium [11--131. Small additions of zirconium
rapid general dissolution and intergranular to niobium and of hafnium to tantalum have
penetration. Furthermore, the nitrogen con- suppressed the effect of interstitial oxygen on
centration may have a threshold value at which lithium attack of the respective refractory
the corrosion mechanism changes significantly, metals.
leading to significantly increased corrosive
effects on steels f51. Static lithium studies have been used to deter-
mine possible effects of stress on corrosion.
Static tests have also been used in studying the The rate of grain boundary penetration of
compatibility of ferritic (Fe-Cr-Mo) steels with austenitic stainless steel exposed to molten
pure lithium. Recent studies 16-81 have shown lithium of unspecified purity increased when the
that the resistance of 2 l/4 Cr-1 MO steel to steel was stressed in tension during
attack and decarburization by lithium depends on exposure [171. Other work [18,19] showed that
the steel's initial microstructure. A the grain boundary penetration of pure iron
2 l/4 Q-1 MO steel that contains relatively exposed to static high-nitrogen 03000 wt ppmf
unstable carbides (with respect to Li2C2), such lithium increased with increasing stress and
as Fe3C and s-carbide, was attacked by lithium that the creep rate of the iron probably con-
[71. However, when normalized and tempered to trolled the penetration rate. Stress effects on
produce more stable carbide phases, this alloy corrosion of austenitic stainless steel were
P.E. Tortorelli, 0. K. Chopra / Liquid metals for fusion reactor applications 623

greater in flowing than in static lithium [17]. transfer studies at low flow velocities typical
Although the effect of stress on the corrosion of semistagnant tritium-breedingblankets 1231.
of structural materials in impure lithium is Experiments at higher velocities require the use
well-documented, stress effects in "pure" of forced-convection(pumped) loops (FCLs),
lithium are not yet resolved. Recent results which also allow the flow velocity to be varied
[20] have indicated no effect of stress (103 to over a much wider range than possible with
945 K?a) on corrosion of HT9 exposed to flowing TCLs [24].
pure lithium (100-200 wt ppm N) for 1000 h at
482oc. Recent lithium TCL studies [23,25,261have
defined the mass transfer of type 316 stainless
2.2.2 Mass transfer in circulating lithium steel as a function of exposure time and
systems temperature. Material is dissolved in the
hotter region of a loop and is subsequently
Although corrosion tests in static lithium serve deposited in its cooler areas. Figure 1 shows a
an important purpose in identifying and charac- characteristicmass transfer profile for type
terizing the various reactions between lithium 316 stainless steel in flowing lithium [23].
and containment materials, an understanding of The weight changes around such loops have been
the corrosion and mass transfer of structural studied as a function of time, and both dissolu-
alloys in flowing lithium is our ultimate goal. tion and deposition rates reached steady-state
Thermal-gradientmass transfer occurs in non- (that is, time-independent)values after an ini-
isothermal systems because of the temperature tial period (150~3000 h) characterized by
dependence of solubility. Therefore, the AZ'of higher, rapidly changing rates (23,261. This
a system is very important in determining the type of dependence is shown in Fig. 2. Since
corrosion rate in a liquid metal. In general, the slope at any point along the curve in Fig. 2
the mass transfer rate of element i, Ri, at a is the instantaneousdissolution rate, this rate
particular temperature can be described as eventually becomes constant with time. After
several thousand hours of exposure to flowing
lithium, the composition and structure of the
R< = k(C, - Ci) , (1) near-surface region of type 316 stainless steel
are quite different from those of the initial
alloy (see Fig. 3). The stainless steel surface
where is preferentiallydepleted of nickel and, to a
lesser extent, chromium. The loss of nickel
k = the rate constant of the rate- destabilized the austenite and led to formation
controlling dissolution or deposi- of a ferrite layer. Experiments in nonisothermal
tion step, higher velocity lithium (FCLs) showed similar
c, = the solubility of element i in the dissolution behavior. Steady-state corrosion
liquid metal, and rates were reached (241 after about 1000 h at
Ci = the actual concentration of i in the 440 and 490°C, and loop specimens were depleted
liquid metal stream. in nickel and chromium after being exposed to
high-velocity lithium [24,27,29].-

Generally Ci is relatively constant around the

liquid metal circuit, but Cs depends exponen- I I I
tially on temperature. The relative magnitude
of C'sand Ci determines whether R; is positive . a
40 - l -
(dissolution)or negative (deposition). While .
solubility is important in determining mass
transfer'rates (211, it alone is not sufficient . l

since the kinetics of the dissolution and depo-

sition reactions [as represented by k in
Eq. (l)] can profoundly influence the overall
rate of transfer [221.

The flow velocity of lithium or any other liquid .

metal used in fusion applicationswill be deter- 600°C 525°C 1°C

mined by the metal's use in the reactor. A -120/- l I
fluid used solely for tritium breeding could be I 0

semistagnant, but the use of a liquid metal as a , :

coolant requires high flow velocities. Since we -160 1
0 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
would expect that corrosion rates will increase
with velocity over a definite velocity range, DISTANCE FROM BOTTOMOF HOT LEC Iml
the magnitude and possibly the mechanism of mass
transfer will depend on the particular fusion Figure 1 : Typical weight change profile for
reactor design. Thermal-convectionloops (TCLs), type 316 stainless steel exposed to purified
in which the temperature gradient induces flow lithium for 9000 h in a thermal-convectionloop.
around a circuit, are appropriate for mass From Ref. [23].
624 P.F. Tortorelli, 0. K. Chopra / Liquid metals for fusion reactor applicatims

concentrations. Also, in this study type 316

stainless steel at 600°C dissolved about twice
as fast as reported [23] for measurements in
120 /-
600°C /’ pure lithium. More recent experiments [29] have
,’ shown a definite effect of nitrogen on the
co /’
/’ dissolution rates of austenitic stainless steel
at 400°C, and, as described below in the mechan-
ical properties section, on corrosive penetration
of HT9 (12 wt % Cr-1 wt % MO steel) [34]. In
contrast, no effect of a higher initial nitrogen
concentration in lithium (500 wt ppm) was
observed in a type 316 stainless steel TCL
operating between 400 and 6OO'C [25].

The inconsistency of nitrogen effects reported

for flowing lithium compared with those for
static lithium could indicate that mass transfer
of chromium and nickel complicates the nitrogen
Figure 2 : Weight loss versus time at 600°C for effects. More work is obviously required to
type 316 stainless steel in a pure lithium completely characterize the effect of high
thermal-convection loop. nitrogen levels in flowing lithium on corrosion
and mass transfer.

As discussed above, the low solubilities of

refractory metals and titanium in lithium make
them attractive for use in flowing lithium.
With sufficiently low impurity levels in the
lithium and refractory metal, very little corro-
sion has been reported (16,351 for Nb, Ta, V, W,
Mo-C.5 wt % Ti, and V-15 wt % Cr in flowing
lithium at temperatures greater than those
usually considered for fusion applications. If
the oxygen concentration of the niobium is
allowed to rise above a threshold concentration
(-200 wt ppm), then severe attack of the
niobium, such as occurs in static lithium
tests [11,12], is observed in flowing lithium
systems [351. This problem may be eliminated by
assuring a consistently low concentration of
oxygen in the metal or by adding zirconium to
the niobium [11,35]. When the niobium-zirconium
Figure 3 : Type 316 stainless steel exposed to alloy is properly heat-treated, the zirconium
purified lithium for 8000 h in a thermal- acts as an "internal getter" and raises the
convection loop. From Ref. 1231. effective threshold oxygen concentration for the
onset of attack. Experiments [35,36] with
lithium loops of niobium alloyed with 1 to
The influence of nitrogen on corrosion by 5 wt % Zr have shown that these alloys are com-
flowing lithium has not been as well- patible with flowing lithium, although some mass
characterized as has its effect under static transfer of zirconium has been observed at 1000°C
conditions (see above). However, some evidence and above [36].
shows that nitrogen can have a detrimental
effect. Results 1301 from a TCL that circulated Although deposition of corrosion products is an
lithium between 593 and 871°C showed that an important consideration in assessing the use-
increase in the nitrogen content of the lithium fulness of any liquid metal circuit, it has not
from 125 to 370 wt ppm increased the rate of been studied in as arch detail as dissolution.
mass transfer by 42%. Another study [31] indi- Deposition in lithium-type 316 stainless steel
cated that the overall mass transfer rate of TCLs was time-dependent [261. As with
type 304 stainless steel was significantly dissolution [231, the deposition rate decreased
greater in air-contaminated lithium than in pure with time until a steady state was reached. The
lithium and that the contaminated lithium caused composition of the TCL mass transfer deposits
preferential leaching of the chromium from the also varied with operating time [26]. The
steel [possibly due to Cr-Li3N reactions [32] deposits were initially pure chromium but
reducing Ci -see Eq. (l)l. This latter obser- gradually incorporated significant concentrations
vation is consistent with the results from other of iron and nickel. Somewhat different behavior
work [33], in which chromium was preferentially has been reported for FCL systems. Iron
leached from austenitic stainless steel in crystals with a few chromium-rich deposits were
unpurified lithium with unknown impurity reported for one FCL experiment [29], whereas
P. F. Tortorelli, 0. K. Chopra / Liquid metals for fusion reactor applications 625

iron and iron-manganese deposits have been found

in other FCLs [37,38]. The reason for the
differences in the nature of the deposits is
unknown, although the iron deposits were found
in experiments using lithium with somewhat
higher nitrogen concentrations. Also, FCLs may
provide magnetic traps for dissolved iron and

manganese; preferential deposition has been *(0.02) (2.21,
observed in electromagnetic pump ducts [37,38]
and magnetic flowmeter tubing [37]. Therefore, (i.811
TCL experiments, which are free from the effects \
O(O.02) (0.5)
of magnetic fields, appear to yield different
deposition results. (0.21A -

Because of the many variables - temperature,

nitrogen concentration of the lithium, AT, etc. l(+.o)
- it is difficult to compile a definitive data (4$
set of measured corrosion rates in lithium for a

particular fusion application. The most
complete data for any alloy, under relevant -1
conditions, are the measurements for type 316 \
stainless steel, but any data correlation suf-
fers from the varied conditions of the different
experiments. Under the semistagnant condition
typical of TCLs, dissolution rates from 10 to ,001 I I
30 mg/(m"h) have recently been reported for 4.o i.2 4.4 1.6
6OO'C exposures [23,33]. The data from FCL l/T (A0-3 K)
tests vary over a broader range. Figure 4 is a
compilation of applicable data and shows this Figure 4 : Arrhenius plot of corrosion rate
scatter. (The plot and the slope of the data for type 316 stainless steel exposed to
arbitrarily drawn line are based on the assump- flowing lithium. Numbers in parentheses repre-
tion of an Arrhenius temperature dependence for sent flow velocities in m/s. Open symbols are
the dissolution rate [23]). As indicated in data from thermal-convection loops; rest of data
Fig. 4, some of the variance in the data can be is from forced-convection loops.
related to the respective nitrogen concentrations
of the lithium. Ihe inverse temperature depend- resistance. Indeed, a recent study using
ence found in one study [24] was attributed to TCLs (401 showed that the mass transfer rate at
the sluggishness of the austenite-ferrite trans- 500°C was proportional to the initial nickel
formation at the lower temperature. The data in concentration for alloys containing between 10
Fig. 4 and additional results from FCL studies and 30 wt % Ni. Other work [41] in flowing
[24,27,29] show a definite dependence of the lithium indicated that although higher nickel
corrosion rate on flow velocity. In particular, (40 and 52 wt %) alloys are corroded more than
measurements of corrosion rates as a function of type 316 stainless steel, the degradation is not
velocity t241 indicated that fluid mechanics a simple function of the nickel content at these
played a major role in determining the corrosion concentrations. These results would lead us to
rate of type 316 stainless steel by lithium. expect that an Fe-Cr-Mo alloy such as
Additionally, a TCL study [231 yielded an acti- 2 l/4 Cr-1 MO steel or HT9 [12 Cr-1 MO (wt %)I
vation energy for dissolution that was indicative would have better resistance to corrosion by
of rate control by liquid-phase diffusion, which lithium than an austenitic stainless steel.
would be consistent with a velocity-dependent However, after a transient period, the steady-
corrosion rate. Magnetohydrodynamic effects state dissolution rates of austenitic and
arising from lithium flowing in the magnetic ferritic steels should be approximately equal
fields of a fusion reactor currently constitute since, as described above, a nickel-depleted
an unknown factor but may influence corrosion. ferritic surface forms on the austenitic steel
Such possibilities have recently been and at steady state would be similar in surface
discussed [39]. composition to that of Fe-Cr-Mo alloys similarly
exposed. The total amount of material removed
Even less corrosion data relevant to fusion con- will still be greater for the austenitic steel
ditions are available for other alloys and because of its higher initial corrosion rate,
metals in lithium. However, from our present and this could lead to earlier flow restriction
understanding of lithium corrosion, we can spec- by mass transfer deposits.
ulate on the relative resistance of various
materials to mass transfer in lithium. The Currently available data indicate that corrosion
preferential depletion of nickel from austenitic rates of austenitic and ferritic steels would
stainless steel exposed to flowing lithium probably be acceptable (<15 pm/year) for service
strongly indicates that reducing the nickel con- below 45O-500°C in pure lithium, particularly at
centration of an alloy would improve corrosion low flow velocities. The higher strength, higher
626 RF. Tortorelli, 0. K. Chopra / Liquid metals for fusion reactor uppliratiws

nickel alloys are more corroded in lithium and for a similar steel in a lithium TCL with a
thus are unacceptable for use in lithium at such maximum temperature of 650°C was 17 mg/(m2'h)
temperatures unless an effective corrosion inhi- ]25]. In general, increasing the nickel and/or
bition technique could be employed (see below). manganese contents of containment alloys results
If impurity levels are controlled, the refractory in significant increases in their corrosion
metals and titanium (t5OO"C) would be the best rates in bismuth [47]. For ferritic steels,
materials in terms of corrosion resistance to corrosion increased with an increase in chromium
lithium. content but was reduced by increased carbon
concentrations [4+47]. As with other liquid
2.2.3 Corrosion inhibition in lithium systems metals, corrosion by bismuth was accelerated by
increases in maximum loop temperature and the
The development of techniques to inhibit corro- temperature differential of the loop [45,46].
sion by lithium may help to reduce the extent of Certain refractory metals were corrosion-
mass transfer and possibly allow the use of an resistant to bismuth at temperatures up to 7OO'C
alloy that would otherwise be unsuitable for (with a AZ' of lOO*C): MO, Ta-8 wt % W-2 wt % hf,
lithium service. Aluminized layers formed by and Ta-lo wt % W [47,49]. Niobium, on the other
additions of aluminum to lithium have been hand, was not compatible with bismuth at the
found [42] to reduce corrosion of alloy 600 temperatures investigated (27OO'C) ]49,50].
176 ~i-8 Fe-16 Cr (wt %>] in static lithium and
to decrease the mass transfer of type 316 The unacceptably high corrosion rates of iron-
stainless steel in flowing lithium by a factor base alloys in bismuth can be reduced by
of 5. Work with preformed commercially prepared inhibitor techniques. The most effective method
aluminide diffusion surface coatings 1411 showed is the addition of zirconium 0100 ppm) to the
that such coatings reduced the attack of high- bismuth [45-481, which results in substantially
nickel alloys by flowing lithium at 400°C. At lower mass transfer rates (see Table 1). The
this low temperature,however, no real benefit zirconium in the bismuth inhibits the corrosion
of the aluminide coatings was found for type 316 of steels by surface reaction with nitrogen and,
stainless and ferritic steels [41]. In fact, possibly, carbon to form inert surface layers of
aluminization of ferritic steels may adversely ZrN and ZrC 145,461. Factors influencing the
affect their mechanical properties during expo- nitrogen and carbon activities and distributions
sure to lithium 18,411. Nickel-bearingalloys affect the inhibition and, therefore, the corro-
with adherent coatings of MO, Mo-Ti, and Al sion resistance of steel in bismuth ]45]. The
(applied from a molten sodium solution) were ZrN may spa11 [45,48], but increasing the nitro-
resistant to corrosive attack by flowing lithium gen concentration in the steel can possibly
at temperatures up to 900°C 1431. Furthermore, reduce spallation 146,481.
the addition of aluminum to static nitrogen-
contaminated lithium decreased the corrosive-
nesa [44]. Therefore, effective corrosion Table 1. Corrosion rate of steels in
inhibition in lithium systems can be realized in Bismutha
from using mechanically stable surfaces composed
of elements or intermetalliccompounds that Corrosion Rate (g/m2*h)
resist solution in lithium. Tmax = 700°C, AT = 50°C
2.3 Bismuth and Lead Bi+MgC Bi f Mgc + Zr

As noted above, molten bismuth, lead, or lead- Mild steel 12.1 <O.l
bismuth may be used for neutron multiplication 2 l/4 Cr-1 MO 16.5 1.9
in conjunction with a solid tritium-breeding 13 Cr 17.7 5.2
material. Such liquid metals might be used in a 18 Cr-8 Ni 24.8 5.2
semistagnant condition, with flow simply arising
from relatively small temperature gradients aFrom Ref. [47].
across the melts. Much of the experimentalwork &ajor alloy additions are listed
on corrosion by these liquid metals is over 20 (nominal wt 4).
years old and is not directly relevant to fusion OMg is added to control the oxygen
applications. This review will therefore activity in the Bi.
address the general materials considerationsfor
corrosion by bismuth, lead, and lead-bismuth.
Although lead can also be quite corrosive
Bismuth is very aggressive toward iron-base [46,47,51-531, it is not as aggressive as pure
alloys 145-691. Measurements of corrosion rates bismuth [46,471. Corrosion experiments with
of selected iron-base alloys in bismuth TCLs f47] lead [52] have indicated a qualitative rela-
are shown in Table 1. These rates are much tionship between the solubility of the alloy in
greater than those that would be measured in the lead and the attack by lead. Because of the
pure lithium under similar conditions. For large solubility of nickel in lead [54], nickel
example, although the dissolution rate of and some nickel-rich alloys are readily corroded
18 Cr-8 Ni fwt X) stainless steel in a bismuth [51,521. However, intermetallic compound for-
TCL with a maxirmm temperature of 700°C was mation in some of these alloys can give a con-
reported [47] as 25 x lo3 mg/(m2'h), the rate
P. F. Tortorelli, 0. K. Chopra /Liquid metals for fusion reactor applications 621

metals offer excellent corrosion resistance [Sl]. untempered bainitic microstructure of

In addition, an oxide film on ferrous alloys can 2 l/4 Cr-1 Mo steel was highly susceptible to
give protection against lead attack [52,53] and intergranular penetration by solutions of up to
has been suggested [52] as a reason why some data 3.6 at. % Pb in lithium, but tempering the steel
indicated lower than expected corrosion rates. effectively prevented significant attack.
Alloys that form oxide films at low oxidizing However, a higher lead alloy, Pb-17 at. % Li,
potentials (such as those containing aluminum) did not penetrate 2 l/4 Cr-1 MO steel regardless
are relatively more resistant to lead corrosion. of its initial microstructure [571. Although
more work in this area is obviously required,
As with bismuth, an additive (titanium) to lead preliminary results indicate that corrosion of
has been effective in inhibiting corrosion structural materials exposed to lead-lithium
[47,48,52]. One study [47] indicated that the will be related to corrosive attack by lithium
corrosion rate of steel exposed to inhibited when the melts are predominately lithium and to
lead is about that of steel in inhibited pure lead corrosion when the ratio of lead to
bismuth. This would therefore suggest a similar lithium atoms is high.
protective film of TIC or TIN [47]. The use of
coatings for lead corrosion protection has not 3. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ON MECHANICAL
been very successful (because of adherence PROPERTIES
problems) with the exception of plasma-sprayed
molybdenum on 2 l/4 Cr-1 Mo steel and aluminized The corrosive action of liquid metals can
specimens of the same steel [52]. In the former substantially degrade the mechanical properties
case, protection was afforded by the high corro- of structural materials. To understand the
sion resistance of molybdenum, and in the latter influences of the liquid metal environment on
it was probably provided by formation of protec- the mechanical behavior of materials, it is
tive oxide films as described above. important to examine the nature of the effects.
Environmental effects can be divided into two
From corrosion considerations, lead would be classes: the influence of the environment
preferable to bismuth for a neutron multiplier. itself and the effects of microstructural and
Its use would probably be limited to relatively compositional changes that occur in the material
low temperatures (350-4OO'C) in a nearly static during the long-term exposure to the environment.
condition (small AT) with ferrous alloys of low Liquid metal environments can influence the pro-
nickel and chromium activity. Inhibition tech- cesses at a free surface and thereby affect the
niques (additions of about 500 ppm Ti to lead or surface-active properties of the material. For
100 ppm Zr to bismuth) could be implemented to example, processes such as liquid metal
raise the temperature limits. The limited embrittlement, oxidation, and carburization can
amount of work done on corrosion by lead-bismuth change the mode and rate of crack propagation
alloys [46,551 indicates that the same con- and change the ductility or fatigue life of the
siderations apply to their use and that the material. On the other hand, long exposures of
solvent properties are bewteen those of lead and the material to liquid metals change its bulk
bismuth [46]. properties. Processes such as substitutional or
interstitial element transfer, grain boundary
2.4 Lead-Lithium penetration, and thermal aging can weaken the
material and affect mechanical properties.
Lead-lithium alloys are possible candidates for Factors that aggravate corrosion or aging pro-
the tritium-breeding, cooling, and/or neutron cesses (for example, temperature, impurities in
multiplying functions in fusion reactors. Such the environment, and mass transfer) cause a
alloys are less reactive with water and air than significant deterioration in the mechanical
pure lithium and therefore present less risk properties of materials.
under accident conditions. Additionally, the
lead provides neutron multiplication that en- This section reviews the data on mechanical
hances the tritium yield from the reduced lithium properties of structural materials in liquid
inventory. Relatively little work has been done metal environments that are of interest for
on its corrosivity, however. Recent experi- fusion reactor applications (specifically,
ments [56] with static Pb-17 at. % Li (which is lithium, bismuth, lead, and lead-bismuth). The
the lowest melting composition) have shown that significance of various test and environmental
type 316 stainless steel was dissolved at 500°C parameters is discussed.
at rates substantially greater than the negli-
gible rates measured for similar exposures to 3.1 Lithium Environment
pure lithium. In this sense, this lead-rich
solution acts like pure lead. Other work [7,57] Information on the effect of a lithium environ-
has shown that, as for pure lithium, the extent ment on the mechanical properties of materials
of penetration of 2 l/4 Cr-1 MO steel exposed to is limited. Most of the data on environmental
liquid lead-lithium depends on the steel's effects in lithium have been obtained by con-
microstructure for alloys containing up to ducting tensile tests in argon on tube specimens
3.6 at. % Pb and that the presence of up to this filled with lithium [17,58]. Control tests were
much lead did not nmrkedly affect the mechanism performed either in vacuum or in argon. The
by which liquid lithium attacks the steel. The effects of lithium on the ultimate tensile
628 P E Tortorelli, 0. K. Clropra / Liquid metals fbr fusion reactor upplicatiom

strength (UTS) and ductility of the material effect of lithium was greatly reduced at higher
have been determined as a function of temper- temperatures. The creep strength of austenitic
ature, strain rate, and purity of lithium. stainless steel tested at 700°C in a flowing
Between 200 and 800°C, the strength and, most lithium TCL was significantly lower than that in
particularly, the ductility of Armco iron in static lithium or in argon [17]. The long-term
lithium were considerably lower than in vacuum creep strength of austenitic stainless steel at
[581. Test specimens showed evidence of grain 7OO'C in filtered lithium or lithium contaminated
boundary penetration. The degree of weakening with 1 wt % N or 0 was not significantly dif-
of the grain boundaries depended on temperature ferent from that in argon. These results are
and strain rate. The tensile strength of surprising in that nitrogen can increase corro-
Fe-18 Cr-10 Ni (wt. %) stainless steel tested at sion of stainless steels (see above). However,
200 to 1000°C was not significantly affected by the concentration of nitrogen in the filtered
lithium [17]. The effect of lithium on ductility lithium samples was not specified for these
depended on strain rate and temperature. The tests. It could have been sufficiently high
effect is negligible at a strain rate of that further addition of 1% N had no effect.
2.7 X 1(r3/s, but at 4 X 1e5/s the elongation The significance of corrosion processes on the
is noticeably reduced above 300°C. degradation of mechanical properties of materials
has been demonstrated by use of a diffusion
The influence of lithium exposure on room- coating on the metal surface to eliminate direct
temperature tensile properties of stainless and metal-lithium contact and thereby inhibit corro-
low-alloy steels depends primarily on the extent sion and its effect on strength [43,601.
of the various corrosion phenomena, such as
selective leaching of substitutional elements, The influence of a lithium environment on the
interstitial element transfer, and grain bound- fatigue properties has recently been investi-
ary penetration [8,17,59]. Factors that gated in an FCL with lithium of controlled
increase corrosion significantly reduce tensile purity [341. The low-cycle fatigue properties
strength. For example, preexposure of HT9 to of HT9 alloy and type 304 stainless steel were
static lithium at 500°C had no significant strongly influenced by the concentration of
effect on tensile strength, but that of low-alloy nitrogen in the lithium. Fatigue-life data for
2 l/4 Cr-1 MO steel exposed to lithium at 500 to HT9 tested at 482°C in lithium containing dif-
600°C was reduced because of decarburization ferent levels of nitrogen are shown in Fig. 5.
181. Tensile properties of Fe-18 Cr-9 Ni (wt %) The fatigue life of HT9 alloy in lithium con-
steel exposed to stagnant lithium did not change taining 1000 to 1500 wt ppm N was a factor of 2
significantly, but specimens exposed to flowing to 5 lower than that in lithium with 100 to 200
lithium suffered sharp reductions in tensile wt ppm N. The fatigue life in low-nitrogen
strength [17]. lithium was not significantly different from
that in sodium. Increased corrosion due to high
The creep strength also was affected by lithium nitrogen content in lithium was reflected in the
exposure [17,58]. The time to rupture of Armco fracture mode; specimens tested in high-nitrogen
iron in 400°C lithium was five to six orders of lithium showed intergranular fracture and grain-
magnitude smaller than that in argon. The boundary cracks on the surface [34].

P.F. Tortorelli, 0. K. Chopra / Liquid metals for fusion reactor applications 629

The effects of corrosion on fatigue crack growth about the same as that in air, but a drastic
rates of steels in a static lithium environment reduction in fatigue strength was observed at a
have also been studied. At high nitrogen con- strain rate of 5.3 X 1(r3/s t70,711. The
centrations in the lithium, over the frequency reverse strain-rate effect in liquid metals is
range of 0.067 to 20 Hz, the fatigue crack explained by accelerated grain boundary dif-
growth rates of prenotched samples of type 304L fusion of liquid metal under high cyclic
stainless steel at 7OO“C and 2 l/4 Cr-1 MO steel stresses. The absence of the harmful effects at
at 5OO'C were greater than those in argon slow strain rates is associated with the relax-
[61-631. For 2 l/4 Cr-1 Mo steel, the crack ation of local stresses such that conditions
propagation rate was greater at higher fre- conducive to grain-boundary diffusion by the
quencies. The effect of this type of lithium liquid metal cannot be produced.
environment was reflected in the observed
intergranular fracture at all frequencies for 4. SUMMARY
type 304L stainless steel and at low frequencies
for 2 l/4 Cr-1 MO steel. At higher frequencies Materials compatibility considerations for the
the fracture of the 2 l/4 Cr-1 MO steel was uses of liquid metals in fusion reactors have
transgranular with cleavage facets. These been reviewed. Most of the fusion-relevant com-
results indicate that liquid lithium may cause patibility research has been lithium-related, so
embrittlement under certain material and test the effects of a lithium environment are
conditions, such as high nitrogen levels, high discussed in the most detail.
cyclic frequencies, and stress risers. However,
these effects appear to be associated with Corrosion by liquid lithium may take several
increased grain boundary corrosion or selective forms and may include dissolution, grain bound-
attack along preferred crystallographic planes ary penetration, and interstitial and mass
rather than with surface-active processes transfer. These processes primarily involve
relating to classic liquid metal embrittlement. bulk phenomena. Sufficiently high nitrogen
levels in lithium will increase corrosivity to
3.2 Lead, Bismuth, and Lead-Bismuth Environments ferrous alloys and have a deleterious effect on
fatigue resistance. Although more work is
The embrittlement of materials under the required to define corrosion processes in
influence of surface-active liquid metals has lithium, it appears that applications of ferrous
been the subject of several investigations. alloys exposed to pure lithium will probably be
Armco iron and low-alloy steels wetted with limited to service temperatures of 450 to 500°C
lead, bismuth, or lead-bismuth eutectic severely by mass transfer and deposition effects.
lost ductility between 200 and 4OO'C [66-66]. Corrosion inhibition by aluminized layers can
The tensile strength also decreased continuously reduce the corrosion of certain alloys by
and reached a minimum at 400°C. The largest lithium and raise the effective service tem-
drop of ductility was observed at approximately perature limits. Most of the data on the
350°C. Specimens exposed to embrittling metals effects of a lithium environment on mechanical
failed as a result of the growth of a brittle properties have been obtained in static lithium.
crack, whereas in an inert environment they Further mechanical tests in flowing lithium of
failed by ductile fracture. The temperature controlled purity are required to definitively
range for embrittlement extends considerably establish the influence of test and environ-
below the melting point of the melt and is mental variables on mechanical properties.
related to the temperature interval of reduced
plasticity or "blue brittleness" of specimens Corrosion of ferrous alloys by heavier molten
tested in vacuum. Stress relaxation in this metals (Pb, Bi, Pb-Bi, Pb-Li) can be severe,
temperature range is inhibited and thus promotes although inhibition techniques are available.
strain hardening, which is more pronounced in Corrosion considerations would favor lead or
specimens deformed in liquid metals [64,67]. lead-bismuth over bismuth for use as a neutron
multiplier. The corrosivity of lead-lithium
The influence of lead-bismuth eutectic environ- depends on the relative amounts of lead and
ment on the fatigue strength of ferritic and lithium. Use of heavier metals may signifi-
austenitic steels has been investigated at tem- cantly affect the mechanical properties of the
peratures between 300 and 600°C [68,69]. The containment materials. Data on corrosion by
fatigue strength of various grades of steels these liquid metals under fusion-related con-
when wetted by molten lead-bismuth eutectic was ditions are needed.
substantially reduced by penetration of the
liquid metal along the grain boundaries. The In the absence of impurity effects, refractory
deleterious effects of liquid lead-bismuth metals are, in most cases, the most resistant
eutectic can be prevented by the formation of an materials to corrosion by liquid metals.
oxide film on the steel surface, which, if
maintained, inhibits the wetting of the steel by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the liquid metal. 'Ihe weakening effect of lead-
bismuth eutectic can also be eliminated by The authors thank .I. H. DeVan and F. W. Wiffen
controlling the cyclic frequency. The fatigue for reviewing the manuscript, S. Peterson for
life of low-alloy steel tested in liquid lead- editing, and K. L. Perry and A. J. Carter for
bismuth at a strain rate of 8.0 X 10-6/s was report preparation.
630 P.F.Tortorelli,
O.K.Chopra/ Liquidmetalsforfusion

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