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Coordinates: 7°20.5167′N 134°28.


South Seas Mandate

The South Seas Mandate, officially the Mandate for the
German Possessions in the Pacific Ocean Lying North of Japanese Mandate for the
the Equator,[2] was a League of Nations mandate in the Governance of the South
"South Seas" given to the Empire of Japan by the League of Seas Islands
Nations following World War I. The mandate consisted of
islands in the north Pacific Ocean that had been part of
委任統治地域南洋群島 [1]

German New Guinea within the German colonial empire until Nippon inin tōchi-ryō nan'yō guntō
they were occupied by Japan during World War I. Japan
governed the islands under the mandate as part of the Japanese 1914–1947
colonial empire until World War II, when the United States
captured the islands. The islands then became the United
Nations–established Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
governed by the United States. The islands are now part of
Palau, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Federated States of
Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands.[3]

In Japan, the territory is known as "Japanese Mandate for

the Governance of the South Seas Islands" ( 委任統治地域
南洋群島 , Nihon Inin Tōchi-ryō Nan'yō Guntō)[4] and was
Imperial Seal

governed by the Nan'yō Government ( 南洋廳 , Nan'yō Chō). Top: Flag of the Empire of
Bottom: Flag of Mandate
Japanese interest in what it called the "South Seas" ( 南洋 ,
Nan’yō) began in the 19th century, prior to its imperial
expansion into Korea and China.[5] By 1875, ships from the
newly established Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) began to hold
training missions in the area. Shiga Shigetake, a writer who
accompanied a Navy cruise to the region in 1886, published
his Current State of Affairs in the South Seas ( 南洋時事 ,
Nan’yō jiji) in 1887, marking the first time a Japanese civilian
published a firsthand account of Micronesia.[6] Three years
later, Shiga advocated for annexation of the area by claiming 1921 National Geographic: The Area is
described as the "Japanese Mandate"
that doing so would "excite an expeditionary spirit in the
demoralized Japanese race."[7] Despite the appeal imperialism Status Territory of the
had for the Japanese public at the time, neither the Meiji Empire of
Japan (1914–
government nor the Navy seized any pretexts to fulfill this
popular aspiration. It was through the commercial operations Mandate of
of fisherman and traders that the Japanese first began to make the Empire of
a wider presence in the region, which continued to grow Japan
despite challenges from competing German commercial
Capital Koror City
interests.[8] Although the Japanese public's enthusiasm for
southward expansion had abated by the turn of the century, a Common languages Japanese
number of important intellectuals, businessmen, and military (official)
officials continued to advocate for it. Among them were Austronesian
Admiral Satō Tetsutarō and Diet member Takekoshi Yosaburō. languages
The latter declared that the future of Japan "lies not in the Emperor  
north, but in the south, not on the continent, but on the ocean" • 1914-1926 Taishō
and that its "great task" was to "turn the Pacific into a Japanese (Yoshihito)
lake."[9] • 1926-1946 Shōwa
By the outbreak of World War I the empire included Taiwan, Director  
Korea, the Ryukyu Islands, the southern half of Sakhalin • 1919–1923 (first) Toshiro
island (Karafuto Prefecture), the Kuril Islands, and Port Arthur Tezuka
(Kwantung Leased Territory).[10] The policy of Nanshin-ron • 1943–1946 (last) Boshirō
("Southern Expansion Doctrine"), popular with the IJN, held Hosogaya
that Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands were the area of Historical era Empire of
greatest potential value to the Japanese Empire for economic Japan
and territorial expansion.
• Treaty of Versailles 28 June 1919
The Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902 had been signed • Pacific Islands 18 July 1947
primarily to serve Britain's and Japan's common interest of Trusteeship
opposing Russian expansion.[11] Amongst other provisions the Currency Yen, Oceanian
treaty called on each party to support the other in a war against Pound
more than one power, although it did not require a signatory
state to go to war to aid the other. Within hours of Britain's Preceded by Succeeded by
declaration of war on Germany in 1914, Japan invoked the German Trust
treaty and offered to declare war on the German Empire if it New Territory of
could take German territories in China and the South Guinea the Pacific
Pacific.[12] The British government officially asked Japan for Islands
assistance in destroying the raiders from the Imperial German
Navy in and around Chinese waters, and Japan sent Germany Today part of Palau
an ultimatum demanding that it vacate China and the Marshall, Marshall
Marianas and Caroline Islands. The ultimatum went Islands
unanswered and Japan formally declared war on Germany on Micronesia
23 August 1914.[13][10] Northern
Japan participated in a joint operation with British forces in Islands
autumn 1914 in the Siege of Tsingtao (Qingdao) to capture the
Kiautschou Bay concession in China's Shandong Province. The
Japanese Navy was tasked with pursuing and destroying the
German East Asiatic Squadron[14] and protection of the shipping
lanes for Allied commerce in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.[15]
During the course of this operation, the Japanese Navy seized the
German possessions in the Marianas, Carolines, Marshall Islands
and Palau groups by October 1914.[13]

After the end of World War I, the protectorate of German New Flag of the Governor of the Mandate
Guinea was divided amongst the war's victors by the Treaty of
Versailles. The southern part of the protectorate was mandated to
come under Australian administration as the Territory of New Guinea, consisting of Kaiser-Wilhelmsland
(the German territory on the island of New Guinea) and the German-controlled islands south of the equator.
Meanwhile, Japanese occupation of the northern part of the protectorate, consisting of the Micronesian
islands north of the equator, was formally recognised by the treaty. Japan was given a League of Nations
Class C mandate to govern them,[13] the C Class being assigned because the Mandates Commission
regarded the islands as having "low cultural, economic and political development".[16] The terms of the
Mandate specified that the islands
should be demilitarised and Japan
should not extend its influence
further into the Pacific. The
Mandate was initially subject to
yearly scrutiny by the Permanent
Mandates Commission of the
League of Nations in Geneva,[14]
Japanese map of the mandate area
though by the late 1920s Tokyo
in the 1930s
was rejecting requests for official
visitation or international
inspection. [17] In 1933 Japan gave
notice of withdrawal from the League of Nations, the withdrawal becoming
Tezuka Toshirō, the first effective two years later.[18]
governor of the South Seas
Following the initial Japanese occupation of the islands, a policy of secrecy was adopted. Japan made it
plain that it did not welcome the entry of foreign ships into Micronesian waters, even those of its wartime
allies. During the first five years that Japan occupied the islands, it consolidated its presence and the islands
became a virtual Japanese colony. The IJN divided the territory into five naval districts in Palau, Saipan,
Truk, Ponape and Jaluit Atoll, all reporting to a rear admiral at the naval headquarters at Truk.[14]

A proposal at the Versailles Conference to allow trade and migration between those islands to be
administered by Japan and those to be administered by Australia and New Zealand was rejected. Japan was
able to continue administering the islands as if they were colonial possessions, keeping their waters off-
limits to foreigners.[14] When the islands became legally a League of Nations Mandate, their Class C status
gave Japan direct control over their domestic legal system.[19] Japan administered them as Japanese territory
and as part of the Japanese Empire. This situation continued even after Japan withdrew from the League of
Nations in 1935 and lost its legal claim to administer the islands.[20]

Militarily and economically, Saipan, in the Marianas archipelago,

was the most important island in the South Seas Mandate[21] and
became the center of subsequent Japanese settlement. The towns of
Garapan (on Saipan), Koror (on Palau) and Colony (on Ponape)
were developed to resemble small towns in Japan, with cinemas,
restaurants, beauty parlours and geisha houses.[22] Another
important island was Truk in the Carolines archipelago, which was Headquarters of the government of
fortified into a major navy base by the IJN.[20] the South Seas Mandate in Saipan

Between 1914 and 1920 the islands began the slow transition from
naval to civilian administration. By 1920 all authority had been transferred from the Naval Defense Force to
the Civil Affairs Bureau which was directly responsible to the Navy Ministry. Initially based in Truk, the
Civil Affairs Bureau was moved to Koror in the Palau islands in 1921. The naval garrisons were disbanded
to comply with the terms of the Mandate.[14] In April 1922 a civilian government was established in each of
the six administrative districts (Saipan, Palau, Yap, Truk, Ponape and Jaluit)[23] in the form of a civil
administration department which still reported to the local naval garrison commander. At the same time a
post of Governor of the South Seas Mandate was created. Governors were mostly admirals or vice-admirals
as the administration was initially still the responsibility of the IJN. The Governor reported directly to the
Prime Minister of Japan. After the establishment of the Ministry of Colonial Affairs in June 1929, the
Governor reported to the Minister of Colonial Affairs instead.[24] The establishment of the "South Seas
Government" or "Nan'yo-Cho" in March 1932 finally put the government
of the islands under a purely civilian administration.[14] When the Ministry
of Colonial Affairs was absorbed into the Ministry of Greater East Asia in
November 1942, the primacy of the IJN was again recognized by the
appointment of an admiral as the Governor. Furthermore, the six
administrative districts were reduced to three in November 1943: North,
East, and West.

The population of the South Seas Mandate was too small to provide
significant markets and the indigenous people had very limited financial
Native Micronesian teaching
resources for the purchase of imported goods. The major significance of the
assistant (left) and
territory to the Empire of Japan was its strategic location, which dominated
constables (middle and sea lanes across the Pacific Ocean and provided convenient provisioning
right) of Japanese Truk locations for sailing vessels in need of water, fresh fruit, vegetables and
Island, circa 1930. Truk meat.
became a possession of the
Empire of Japan under a
As a signatory of the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty, Japan agreed not to
mandate from the League of
build new naval and air stations on the islands and it did not begin direct
Nations following Germany's military preparations in the Mandate until the late 1930s.[25] Nevertheless,
defeat in World War I.[18] the territory provided important coaling stations for steam-powered
vessels[26] and its possession gave an impetus to the Nanshin-ron doctrine
of "southward advance".[25]

The population of the islands increased during the period of the
mandate as a result of Japanese settlement in Micronesia. Settlers
were initially drawn from Okinawa Island and the other Ryukyu
Islands, but immigrants subsequently came from other parts of
Japan, particularly the economically deprived Tōhoku region.
Agricultural workers were followed by shopkeepers, restaurant,
Korean Cafe in Saipan, 1939
geisha house and brothel-keepers, expanding former German
settlements into Japanese boom towns.[27] The initial population
figures (1919-1920) for the mandated territories included around 50,000 islanders, made up from the
indigenous peoples of Oceania. Japanese immigration led to the population growing from under 4,000 in
1920[28] to 70,000 inhabitants in 1930, and more than 80,000 in 1933.[29] By 1935 the Japanese population
alone was more than 50,000.[30] By 1937 almost 90 percent of the population on Saipan was Japanese
(42,547 out of 46,748).[31] In the census of December 1939, the total population was 129,104, of which
77,257 were Japanese (including ethnic Chinese and Koreans), 51,723 indigenous islanders and 124
foreigners. While the settler population was growing, the indigenous Micronesian population in some areas
was declining.[25] The rights and status of the indigenous population differed from those of Japanese
imperial subjects. Employment prospects for Micronesians were more restricted, with unequal labor
conditions and pay.[32]

The government of the Mandate built and maintained hospitals[33] and schools,[34] and free education was
provided for Micronesian children aged 8–15.[35] However, Micronesian children attended separate schools
from those used by Japanese children, and the schooling provided in them was more limited[32] and of
shorter duration.[25] Micronesian children often attended boarding schools[35] where compulsory schooling
was used to promote Japanese state religion and Shinto rituals.[36] A Shinto shrine known as the Nan'yō
Shrine was established on Koror in 1940.[37] Christian mission schools were prohibited from taking
Micronesian pupils where government schools existed.[35]

Japanese economic involvement in Micronesia began in the late 19th century.[31] Before the establishment
of the Mandate, small groups of Japanese entrepreneurs established commercial ventures in German
Micronesia and came to control a significant proportion of the trade. However, the economic development
of the area was hampered by the distances separating the islands, their small land areas and their small
market sizes.[38] The mandate was initially a financial liability for the Japanese government, requiring an
annual subsidy from Tokyo.[39] The cash crop of the islands was copra, which was used in many
commercial products at the time.[31] During the 1920s and 1930s, the Japanese government pursued a
policy of encouraging monopolies that paired private initiative with government capital. This strategy was
intended to maximise the number of Japanese colonists.[38] Until the late 1930s, the development of the
islands was undertaken primarily to assist the Japanese civilian economy.[40]

Sugar cane had become increasingly sought-after in Japan, and

Japanese trading companies led the development of the industry in
the islands.[25] The Japanese entrepreneur Haruji Matsue arrived on
Saipan in 1920 and formed the South Seas Development Company,
which became the largest commercial enterprise in Micronesia.[31]
He significantly expanded the quantities of sugar cane produced in
the islands,[20][41] with over 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres) under
cultivation by 1925.[42] By the early 1930s the sugar-related
Sugar factory of Nan'yō Kōhatsu,
industries accounted for more than 60% of the mandate's
Saipan around 1932
revenues.[39] At its peak the company maintained over 11,000
hectares (27,000 acres) of sugar plantations using tenant farmers, as
well as operating sugar mills on Saipan, Tinian and Rota.[43] Bananas, pineapples, taro, coconuts,[14]
manioc, coffee[41] and other tropical farming products were also grown, putting the islands on a par with
Taiwan. The islands also provided bases for the Japanese fishing fleet[20] which was centred at Koror.[44]
Fishing formed one of the most profitable industries in the islands. Large fleets of boats were used and fish
processing plants were set up on many islands. Harbour improvement works were undertaken at Tanaha
(Japanese: 棚葉 ) in Saipan and Malakal Island in Palau in the late 1920s.[31] By the end of the 1920s the
mandate became self-sufficient, no longer needing subsidy and financially contributing to the Japanese

The phosphate resources of the islands were exploited by Japanese mining companies,[25] which took over
the German phosphate mines on Angaur island and expanded them.[31] Smaller phosphate mines on
neighbouring islands were also opened. Total exports to Japan eventually reached around 200,000 tonnes
per year.[44] Angaur island alone produced some 60,000 tonnes per year. The phosphates were used for
farming. Bauxite was another mineral product of the colonial economic structure, although the mineral was
only present in the Palau group.[44] In 1937 the mother-of-pearl industry became lucrative[31] and large
quantities of pearls, both natural and cultured, were extracted from the islands.

The South Seas Trading Company had an exclusive contract from 1915 with the IJN to provide freight,
passenger, and mail services to the Empire as well as between the islands. The route between the Empire
and the islands was subsequently taken over by the Japanese Mail Steamship Company (Nippon Yusen
Kaisha), the largest steamship line in the Empire. The luxurious amenities offered on board some of the
company's vessels brought about the beginning of Japanese tourism to the islands.[14]
The flying boat was the principal type of aircraft used for commercial aviation due to the shortage of flat
land available for airfields. Imperial Japanese Airways began some commercial flights in 1935 using the
long-range Kawanishi H6K2-L seaplane. Regular commercial flights were begun in 1940 and a regular
service commenced in 1941. Commercial services ceased shortly after the start of Pacific War, but the
widespread network of seaplane bases continued to be used during wartime.[14]

Pacific War
The terms of the mandate required Japan not to fortify the islands.
However, these terms were ambiguous and poorly-defined,
specifying only that Japan should not build "fortifications" or
construct "military or naval bases". From 1921 the Japanese
military began making surveys and plans so that rapid military
deployment to the islands would be possible in case of war.[31]

During the 1930s, the IJN began construction of airfields, Japanese battleships Yamato and
fortifications, ports, and other military projects in the islands Musashi in anchorage off Truk
Islands in 1943.
controlled under the mandate,[20][40] viewing the islands as
"unsinkable aircraft carriers" with a critical role to play in the
defense of the Japanese home islands against potential US invasion.
These became important staging grounds for Japanese air and naval offensives in the Pacific War.[40][45]

Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands was a major base supporting the attack on Pearl
Harbor and the Battle of Wake Island.[40]
Palau was used to support the invasion of the Philippines by Japan.[46][40]
Saipan in the Mariana Islands supported the Battle of Guam.[40]
Truk in the Caroline Islands became the base for amphibious landings on Tarawa and Makin
in the Gilberts during Japanese occupation of the Gilbert Islands,[40] as well as Rabaul in the
Australian mandate Territory of New Guinea.
Kosrae was used to relocate Ocean Island workers evacuated
Majuro in the Marshall Islands was used in air strikes against Howland Island.[40]
Jaluit Atoll, also in the Marshall Islands, was the base from which the IJN seized Nauru and
Ocean Island (now known as Banaba Island).[40]

The Imperial Japanese Army also utilized the islands to support air and land detachments.

In order to capture the islands from Japan, the United States military employed a "leapfrogging" strategy
which involved conducting amphibious assaults on selected Japanese island fortresses, subjecting some to
air attack only and entirely skipping over others.[47] This strategy caused the Japanese Empire to lose
control of its Pacific possessions between 1943 and 1945.[48]

The League of Nations mandate was formally revoked by the United Nations on 18 July 1947 pursuant to
Security Council Resolution 21, making the United States responsible for administration of the islands
under the terms of a United Nations trusteeship agreement which established the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands.[49] Most of the islands subsequently became part of independent states.[25]

See also
Oceania portal
Japan portal

Boshirō Hosogaya
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
Nanshin-ron (Southern Expansion Doctrine)
Structure of the Imperial Japanese forces in the South Seas Mandate
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

1. 委任統治地域南洋群島事情. 大正14年度《委任統治地域南洋群島事情》, Taishō 14 years,
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p/info:ndljp/pid/1170286). 南洋庁. September 30, 2010 [1st pub. 1926]. pp. 1–117. Retrieved
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2. Hall, H. Duncan. Mandates, Dependencies and Trusteeship (
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3. Ponsonby-Fane 1962, pp. 346–353.
4. 南洋協会 大正 年度《委任統治地域南洋群島事情》
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5. Peattie 1984, pp. 173–174.
6. Peattie 1984, p. 175.
7. Peattie 1984, p. 176.
8. Peattie 1984, p. 177.
9. Peattie 1984, p. 179.
10. Mizokami, Kyle (27 July 2014). "Japan's baptism of fire: World War I put country on a
collision course with West" (
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11. Burton, David Henry (1990). Cecil Spring Rice: A Diplomat's Life (
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12. O'Neill, Robert (1993). "Churchill, Japan, and British Security in the Pacific 1904–1942". In
Blake, Robert B.; Louis, William Roger (eds.). Churchill. Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 276.
ISBN 0-19-820626-7.
13. Ponsonby-Fane 1962, p. 348.
14. Dan E. Bailey (2001). WWII Wrecks of the Truk Lagoon (
15. Stephenson, Charles (2017). The Siege of Tsingtau: The German-Japanese War 1914. Pen
and Sword. pp. 67–68. ISBN 978-1-52670-295-1.
16. Perez, Louis G., ed. (2013). "League of Nations, Mandates" (
s?id=RHXG0JV9zEkC). Japan at War. ABC-CLIO. p. 204. ISBN 9781598847413.
17. Myers & Peattie 1984, p. 200.
18. "League of Nations chronology" (
94AAFEB9E8E76C1256F340047BB52/$file/sdn_chronology.pdf) (PDF). United Nations.
19. Perez 2013, p. 204.
20. Gruhl, Werner (2007). Imperial Japan's World War Two, 1931–1945 (
war/ww2/camp/pac/marianas/w2ps-jcc.html). Transaction Publishers.
21. Axelrod & Kingston 2007, p. 707.
22. Oliver 1989, p. 239.
23. Oliver 1989, pp. 237–8.
24. Oliver 1989, p. 237.
25. Perez 2013, p. 205.
26. Blakes, George H. (15 September 1922). "The Mandates of the Pacific". Foreign Affairs. 1
(1): 103. doi:10.2307/20028201 ( JSTOR 20028201 (h
27. Myers & Peattie 1984, p. 196–7.
28. Blakes 1922, p. 105.
29. Peattie 1988, p. 155.
30. Myers & Peattie 1984, p. 197.
31. Thomas F. King. "The Islands of the Japanese Mandate in 1937" (
arhart/Archives/Research/ResearchPapers/mandates.html). TIGHAR. Retrieved 24 October
32. Myers & Peattie 1984, p. 189.
33. Ponsonby-Fane 1962, p. 350.
34. Ponsonby-Fane 1962, pp. 350–351.
35. Blakes 1922, p. 106.
36. Oliver 1989, p. 238.
37. Peattie 1988, p. 225.
38. Myers & Peattie 1984, p. 190.
39. Myers & Peattie 1984, p. 194.
40. US National Park Service 2004.
41. Oliver 1989, p. 240.
42. Myers & Peattie 1984, p. 193.
43. "NRHP nomination for Nanyo Kohatsu Kabushiki Kaisha Sugar Mill" (https://npgallery.nps.g
ov/NRHP/GetAsset/NRHP/81000665_text). National Park Service. Retrieved 4 March 2020.
44. Oliver 1989, p. 241.
45. Myers & Peattie 1984, p. 203.
46. Dorothy Perkins (1997). Japan Goes to War: A Chronology of Japanese Military Expansion
from the Meiji Era to the Attack on Pearl Harbor (1868-1941) (
s?id=t2-OmUA-EscC&q=palau+japanese+invasion+philippines&pg=PA166). DIANE
Publishing. p. 166. ISBN 9780788134272. "Admiral Takeo Takagi led the Philippines
support force to Palau, an island 500 miles east of the southern Philippines where he waited
to join the attack."
47. Axelrod & Kingston 2007, p. 457.
48. Judson Knight (2004). K. Lee Lerner; Brenda Wilmoth Lerner (eds.). Encyclopedia of
Espionage, Intelligence, and Security (
e-intelligence-and-security-encyclopedia-of-volume-3.pdf) (PDF). Vol. 3. The Gale Group
Inc. pp. 280–1. ISBN 0-7876-7762-0.
49. Axelrod & Kingston 2007, p. 824.

Axelrod, Alan; Kingston, Jack A. (2007). Encyclopedia of World War II, Volume 1 (https://book H W Fowler. ISBN 9780816060221.
Beasley, W. G. (1991). Japanese Imperialism 1894-1945. London: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 0-19-822168-1.
Howe, Christopher (1999). The Origins of Japanese Trade Supremacy: Development and
Technology in Asia from 1540 to the Pacific War. University Of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-
Myers, Ramon Hawley; Peattie, Mark R. (1984). The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945
( Princeton University Press.
ISBN 9780691102221.
Nish, Ian (1991). Japanese Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period. Praeger Publishers.
ISBN 0-275-94791-2.
Oliver, Douglas L. (1989). The Pacific Islands (
5gsQC). University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 9780824812331.
Peattie, Mark R. "The Nan’yō: Japan in the South Pacific, 1885–1945". In Myers & Peattie
Peattie, Mark (1988). Nan'Yo: The Rise and Fall of the Japanese in Micronesia, 1885-1945
( Pacific Islands Monograph Series.
Vol. 4. University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 0-8248-1480-0.
Ponsonby-Fane, Richard (1962). Sovereign and Subject. Ponsonby Memorial Society.
pp. 346–353.
US National Park Service (2004). "Chapter 3: America on Guam—1898–1950 (continued)"
( War in the Pacific:
Administrative History. Evans-Hatch & Associates, Inc.

Further reading
Arnold, Bruce Makoto. "Conflicted Childhoods in the South Seas: The Failure of Racial
Assimilation in the Nan'yo". The Tufts Historical Review Vol 4, No. 11 (Spring 2011) [1] (http
Childress, David Hatcher, The Lost City of Lemuria & The Pacific, 1988. Chapter 10 "The
Pohnpei Island, in finding of sunken city"(p. 204-229)
Cressey George B. Asia's Lands and Peoples, X Chapter: "Natural Basis of Japan"
(pp. 196–285), section "South Seas" (p. 276-277).,1946
Annual report to the League of Nations on the administration of the South Sea islands under
Japanese Mandate. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government. (Years 1921 to 1938)
Tze M. Loo, "Islands for an Anxious Empire: Japan's Pacific Island Mandate" (https://academ, The American Historical Review,
Volume 124, Issue 5, December 2019, pp. 1699–1703. doi:10.1093/ahr/rhz1013 (https://doi.o
Herbert Rittlinger, Der Masslose Ozean, Stuttgart, Germany, 1939
Sion, Jules. Asie des Moussons, Paris Librarie Armand Colin, (1928) I, 189–266, Chapter X
"The Nature of Japan", section XIII "Japanese Colonial Empire" (pp. 294–324), and section
IV "Formosa and Southern Islands" (pp. 314–320)
Book Asia, Chapter X "Japanese Empire" (pp. 633–716), section "The Japanese Islands in
South Seas".

External links
Media related to South Pacific Mandate at Wikimedia Commons
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