STAT 5 Week 7 Part 2

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Experiment: flipping a coin n times

1. Box model
a. How many tickets?
b. What should be the # on each ticket?
c. Calculate the AVG and SD of the box
2. Sample variability: variability of the results of the sample
a. The spread is called “standard error”
b. Find the center of variability “expected value”
i. AVG of the box

Quantity EV (expected value) SE (Standard error)

Sums of n values AVG box × n SDbox × 𝑛

% of n values AVG box 𝑆𝐷𝑏𝑜𝑥


AVG of n values AVG box 𝑆𝐷𝑏𝑜𝑥


Step by Step process for problems in Chapters 16-18:

1. Box Model
2. Sample variability
a. Center of variability (EV)
b. Average spread of that sample variability (SE)
c. Distribution of sample sums, %s, and averages

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