1k. SMR - Audit Iso Ohsas Semiter

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Quality Management System Certification

Audit Summary Report

Audit Type: 1st Recertification Audit Date(s) of Audit(s): May 2nd, 2019

Address: Pondok Cilegon Indah (PCI) Blok C22 No. 12A RT.004 RW.005, Desa Harjatani, Kec. Kramatwatu, Kab.
Serang 42161, Banten, Indonesia

Standard(s): ISO 9001:2015

Site(s) audited: Pondok Cilegon Indah (PCI) Blok C22 No. 12A RT.004 RW.005, Desa Harjatani, Kec. Kramatwatu,
Kab. Serang 42161, Banten, Indonesia

Lead auditor: Ari Handoko – AH Additional team member(s): N/A

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, client representative and the British Assessment
Bureau (BAB) office.

Section A: Audit objectives

▪ to confirm that the management system conforms with all of the requirements of ISO 9001:2015;
▪ to confirm the Scope statement; represents the organisation’s certified activities on the Certificate of
▪ to confirm that the organisation has effectively implemented the QMS;
▪ to confirm that the QMS is capable of achieving the organisation’s policies and objectives;
▪ to review links between the internal audits, management reviews and continuous improvement

Section B: Scope(s) of certification

Provision of general contractor for mechanical and electrical construction works.

Section C: Current Audit Findings and Conclusions

The BAB Audit Team conducted a process-based audit, focused on significant aspects/risks/objectives as required by
ISO 9001:2015. The audit methods used were interviews, observations of activities and review of documentation and
records. The structure of the audit was in accordance with the audit plan and audit planning process.
Major Minor
Number of nonconformities identified: 0 0

Number of opportunities for improvement identified: 8

Based on the results of this audit and the system’s demonstrated state of development and maturity, continued
management system certification is recommended. The British Assessment Bureau Head Office will independently
verify this recommendation.

Section D: Opening Meeting and Close out of previous findings

The opening meeting was attending by Director, Representative, Project Manager, Staff and other key persons. No
specific health and safety issues that may affect the audit process were reported. There were no non-conformities
generated in the previous assessment.

PIN BAB19PTS286 Organisation: PT. Semiter Date: May 2nd, 2019

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Quality Management System Certification
Audit Summary Report

Section E: Audit Findings

Clause 4: Context of the Organisation
The company was established and located in Serang, Banten. The context of the organization has been well defined
within the Management System. The scope as noted above accurately reflects the boundaries and applicability of the
QMS from both an internal and external perspective. The Director has the responsibility for ensuring the effectiveness
of the QMS and its communication throughout the business and externally, where required. It was noted that the QMS
includes documented processes with clearly identified inputs and outputs throughout.

The context of the organization has been well defined within the Management System. The scope as noted above
accurately reflects the boundaries and applicability of the QMS from both an internal and external perspective.

The Director has the responsibility for ensuring the effectiveness of the QMS and its communication throughout the
business and externally, where required. It was noted that the QMS includes documented processes with clearly
identified inputs and outputs throughout.

Interested Parties are:

a) Customers / Project Owner –
Needs: Client interpretation, communication, reporting; Expectation: Time, Quality, Environment friendly, safety,
b) Employees –
Needs: Clear instruction and training, safe work environment; Expectation: Salary paid etc.
c) External providers / Supplier –
Needs: Provide material/product, to be informed of organization’s requirements; Expectation: Quality of material
/ product must be as per standard
d) Government authorities –
Needs: Friendliness, understanding, control, information; Expectation: To fulfil legal compliance.
e) Top management / Owner
Needs: Friendliness, understanding, control, information, HODs to look into areas of improvement;
Expectation: Quality of work, safe, on budget, flexibility

Clause 5: Leadership

The Director together with the Management Team responsibilities have been defined and are clearly in line with the
Quality Policy which has been established and communication through company evidence to be line with the
requirement. The objectives were also evidenced and are further explored in clause 6. In addition the management team
responsibilities as a whole are also defined in Jobs Description & Competency Matrix. The organization chart was
evidenced detailing the integration of each department in relation to the QMS. Within the process-based audit, a sample
communication of quality policy and objectives was evidenced; an interview took place with Staff and Project Operator
to ascertain if communication channels were successful.

The company is committed to the development, implementation, continual improvement and the management of the
QMS. This includes, but is not limited to the internal audit program, assessing risks and opportunities and ensuring the
staff have the necessary training and equipment to effectively carry out their work. The QMS is located on a shared
drive to enable all employees to access on “Manual”. However; access rights to amend have been restricted by Director.

Clause 6: Planning
A Risk & Opportunity analysis methodology has been defined within the Quality Management System noting how they
are planned and documented and any changes that may impact the QMS. The Risk & Opportunity are evaluate based
on SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Treatment) analysis methodology which stated on Manual

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Quality Management System Certification
Audit Summary Report

1. Technical expertise
2. Personal characteristic
3. Good networking contact
4. Association, business group
1. Lack of work experience
2. Limited technical knowledge
3. Lack of job knowledge
4. Weak interpersonal skills
1. Filed need our skills
2. Strengthening our network
3. Utilizing skills in deferent way
4. Enhancing personal development
1. Competition in our filed
2. Training and education obstacles
3. Limited advancement in field
4. Limited position in our field

Their Risk & Opportunity are evaluate based on 2 impacts criteria which are internal and external factors. The impacts
of scoring are insignificant, minor, moderate and major. It was evidenced all the ISO 9001:2015 clauses have been
assessed for risk and opportunity which cover the function of management, sales, administration and operation.

There were actions planned for the risk and opportunities register:
Risk –
• Poorly defined project mission and task
• No clear process for escalating risk and senior management
• Ineffective enforcement of controls and policies
• Lack of standardised

Opportunities -
• Identifies gaps in realisation of strategic objectives
• Escalates current risk and identifies potential risks earlier
• Ensure proper communications to relevant stakeholders
• Improve monitoring and control
• standardises of process.

It was evidenced all the ISO 9001:2015 clauses have been assessed for risk and opportunity which cover the function
of management, marketing, project operation, procurement and logistic, HRD.

It was evidenced quality objectives established for project number and project revenue evaluation. The quality objectives
documented and approved by Director. The communication of quality objectives was evidenced: an interview took place
with Marketing Manager and Project Manager to ascertain if communication channels were successful. There were
quality plan established to achieve its quality objectives. The quality plan stated clearly what will be done, what resources
required, who is responsible, when it will be completed and how to evaluate the results.

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Quality Management System Certification
Audit Summary Report

Planning changes to the QMS were noted to have been well documented within the weekly management meetings. It
was clear that the intended outcomes had been considered and resources discussed.

Clause 7: Support

Roles, responsibilities and authorities have been documented within the QMS. The Assistant of Director has the overall
responsibility for the management and communication of the QMS throughout the organization . All employees have had
their responsibilities communicated to them and are responsible for complying with all processes, policies and
procedures set out within the QMS.

Resources are very well documented within the Quality Management System. A full recruitment process has been
defined; inclusive of interviews, appointment letter, letter of confirmation and induction. There is no new employee since
the QMS implementation.

Evidence of Training needs assessment and training plan establish for year 2019.

The result of evaluation was favourable and documented in Employee Training Record.The organization chart as
documented in clause 4 was reviewed.

External providers supply product/services, which affects the QMS are require to adhere to all the requirements,
documented within the supplier/subcontractor approval criteria.

The organization infrastructure was clear together with the working environment. The premise is office, warehouse and
plant facility area with temperature controls in place and split unit air condition systems. All office equipment such as
personal computer, telephone, fax and printer are maintained. The office space consists of <25 peoples and appropriate
equipment is in place to alleviate any restraints on the employee. Cleanliness is very good and own cleaners daily.

The QMS documents information defined in documentation system ”Manual”.

Evident infrastructure and project equipment maintenance are plan and schedule in Annual Preventive Maintenance

Sighted all the project equipment identified by label and store in Logistic of Equipment.
It was evidence that calibration status of the measuring equipment is monitor through Inspection Equipment Calibration

Clause 8: Operation

Requirements for Products and Services

The organization has a very well documented procedural flowchart within the QMS for managing customer requirements
and communications. Generally, client request come through enquiries and email. A quotation is submitted to the client
and followed up via e-mail. On agreement of the quote, the client will issue a Purchase Order/Contract as acceptance.
Invoicing of clients is based on the initial agreed terms specified in the quotation. It was evidence project information
and pricing is communicated to customer via quotation and calculation of price list.

Design and Development of Products and Services

PIN BAB19PTS286 Organisation: PT. Semiter Date: May 2nd, 2019

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Quality Management System Certification
Audit Summary Report

It was evident the process of design and development documented in the engineering procedure. It can be seen this
process applied to the design and development of the QMS such as planning, input, output, verification, validation and
control of changes.

The design inputs requirement including functional/performance requirement, statutory/regulatory requirement have
been determined. Incomplete and ambiguous or conflicting requirements should be brought to the notice of the
concerned person and resolved. Experiences of previous similar designs are also taken as inputs.

The outputs of design are reviewed and ambiguity resolved and approved by responsible person before release. The
design output meets the input requirements and specifies the characteristics that are crucial for safe and proper use.
The design outputs are in the following forms/documents :
• specifications,
• drawings,
• material list,
• acceptance criteria, and
• design calculation

Control of Externally Provided Products & Services

It was evidenced that the company control the externally provided products through incoming inspection activities.
Evident incoming inspection carried out on receiving goods from supplier. The results documented in the Incoming
Inspection Quality Control Inspection.

Production and Service Provision

It was evidenced product information such as project name, size, units and price documented in Sales Order and
Production Order to initiate and control project operation. Evident the quality of the product is monitor and measured
based on criteria of visual, size, precision and compatible. The result of inspection documented in In Progress Record.
Progress daily and monthly record.

Release of Products and Services

Evident inspection carries out before release of project for delivery and documented in Finishing Inspection Check
sheets. E.g. Progress daily and monthly record. Sighted the finishing process are properly deliver and identified.

Control of Non-Conforming Products

Non-conformances are well managed. All non-conformances are rectifying immediately before project delivery to
customer, stated on procedure. No NCR of product issued since January 2018

Clause 9: Performance Evaluation

Performance Evaluation

It has been established and is defined within the QMS. The Company Representative, the management team and other
applicable staff at monthly management meetings together with the management review observing each part of the
product and service provision undertake continuous monitoring. All information was evidenced to be discussed at regular
meetings and where necessary corrective / preventive actions determined in order to maintain a positive control of the

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Quality Management System Certification
Audit Summary Report

product and service provision. The following customer satisfaction questionnaire was reviewed.

Internal Audits

The audit procedure has been defined within the QMS. Audits are scheduled annually and performed by the appropriate
trained staff. The last internal audit carried out with the following results:
• Project Operation – 2 Minor ; 5 Observation
• Management – 1 Minor ; 2 Observation
• Procurement – 7 Observation
• HRD – 2 Minor ; 3 Observation
• Logistic – 6 Observation
Verified the Minor and observations had been closed.

Management Review

Management reviews have been documented within the QMS. The minutes of the meeting, which are held annually,
are documented well under the agenda and minutes. Minutes of were evidenced to have covered the requirements of
the standard including the inputs and outputs. Outputs had clearly been discussed, actions noted, where applicable and
owners of the actions assigned.

Clause 10: Improvement

Where immediately available a root cause analysis is carried out and documented in Nonconformance Report (NCR).
The NCR will be reviewed and approved by Assistant and/ Company Representative before proceed for the corrective
action. Upon completed the corrective action and verification, the NCR shall be send to customer (if customer complaint)
or filing (internal issue). There is no customer complaint since the QMS implementation.

Section F: Non-Conformities and Opportunities for Improvement (OFI’s)

Area Category Summary Clause

Marketing & OFI – 001 improvement opportunities to renew the company's profile by entering the 4.1
Management relevant understanding of the company's business context by considering 4.2
Team factors issues of internal and external that may be faced by the organization
with a view to the establishment of the strategic objectives of the company

Management OFI – 002 Improvement opportunities related the business plan diagram can be integrated 4.4
Team with PDCA methodology and also documented in the company's strategic plan

Management OFI – 003 Improvement opportunities related quality objective to be ensure that in their 6.2
Team preparation has been considered based on the results of a risk assessment on
each of the relevant functions of the organization

HRD OFI – 004 Improvement opportunities to add information about the job requirements on 5.3
job description document for all structural position

PIN BAB19PTS286 Organisation: PT. Semiter Date: May 2nd, 2019

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Quality Management System Certification
Audit Summary Report

Marketing & OFI – 005 In the survey of customer satisfaction. Opportunities for improvement: 9.1.2
Management • Make a parameter analysis survey in the form of "Spider Chart" for a
Team per-parameter monitor perceptions
• Establish a follow up planning of every survey conducted

Project OFI – 006 Opportunity for improvement to customer communication process during the 8.2.1
Operation project implementation. All customer evaluation including suggestion and
change should be documented and reviewed to meet customer satisfaction

Project OFI – 007 Opportunities for improvement to perform detailed analysis in order to improve 9.1.3a)
Operation performance of each project activity, especially when there is a delay in the
construction / project realization

Project OFI – 008 Improvement opportunities to evaluate and analyze the data to an external
Operation calibration results in comparison with the related equipment specifications

Section G: Legal Compliance

The organization is fully aware of its legal obligations with regards to require to be abiding in order for the operation

Section H: Use of the Certification Mark


Section I: Closing Meeting

The closing meeting was attended by Director, Representative, Project Manager, Staff and other key persons. The
results of the assessment were presented and accepted as an accurate representation of the audit.

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Quality Management System Certification
Audit Summary Report

Section J: Certification Cycle Assessment Plan (from 02/05/19 to 01/05/22)

1st 3rd 4th 2nd

Recertification Surveillance Surveillance Recertification
Audit Audit Audit Audit

Business function/Process 2019 2020 2021 2022

May 2nd, May, May, May,

Context of the organization D P P P

Leadership D P P P

Planning D P P P

Support D P P P

Operation D P P P

Performance Evaluation D P P P

Improvement D P P P

Site Visit (If Required) D P P P

Planned – P
Done - D

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Quality Management System Certification
Audit Summary Report

Section K: Plan for the next Assessment

Date Time Auditor Process, Department of Function Key Contact
TBC 7.45 TBC Arrive on site TBC
TBC 8.00 TBC Opening Meeting TBC
Overview of Company
Review: - Context of the Organisation
Review non-conformities, observations, and
recommendations from previous audit.
TBC 9.30 TBC Leadership TBC
TBC 10.00 TBC Planning for the quality management system TBC
TBC 11.30 TBC Support TBC
TBC 12.00 TBC Operation TBC
TBC 2.00 TBC Performance Evaluation TBC
TBC 2.30 TBC Improvement TBC
TBC 3.00 TBC Control of externally provided products and services TBC
TBC 3.30 TBC Customer Communication TBC
TBC 4.00 TBC Internal Audits TBC
TBC 4.30 TBC Legal Compliance TBC
TBC 4.45 TBC Use of Quality Mark (where applicable) TBC
Auditor collating information and preparing for closing
TBC 5.30 TBC Closing Meeting. TBC

Section L: Assessment Notes

a. The assessment was based on sampling and therefore non-conformities may exist which have not been
b. If you wish to distribute copies of this report external to your organization then all pages must be included.
c. The British Assessment Bureau, its staff and agents shall keep all information relating to your organization
confidential and secure and shall not disclose any such information to any third party except that in the
public domain or required by law or relevant accreditation bodies. The British Assessment Bureau staff
agents and accreditation bodies have signed individual confidentiality undertakings and will only receive
confidential information on a 'need to know' basis.
d. This report and related documents have been prepared for and only for the British Assessment Bureau
client and for no other purpose. As such the British Assessment Bureau does not accept or assume any
responsibility (legal or otherwise) or accept any liability for or in connection with any other purpose for
which the Report may be used or to any other person to whom the Report is shown or in to whose hands
it may come and no other persons shall be entitled to rely on the Report.

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Quality Management System Certification
Audit Summary Report

Section M: Audit Findings (Technical)

The Quality Management System documentation included: Yes No

Documented information to the extent necessary to understand the organization and its context –
Documented information to demonstrate understanding of Interested Parties – 4.2
Documented information stating the scope of quality management system - 4.3
Documented information to extent necessary to support operation of processes - 4.4
Documented information for quality policy - 5.2.2.a
Documented information required by this International Standard - 7.5.1.a
Documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness
of the quality management system - 7.5.1.b
Documented information of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the
planning and operation of the quality management system

The Quality Management System documented records included: Yes No

Documented information on the quality objectives - 6.2.1

Documented information as evidence of fitness for purpose of monitoring and measurement 
resources - 7.1.5
Documented information on basis used for calibration or verification where no such standards 
exist - 7.1.5
Documented information as evidence of competence - 7.2.d
Documented information required by this International Standard - 7.5.1.a
Documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness
of the quality management system - 7.5.1.b
Documented information to the extent necessary to have confidence that the processes have
been carried out as planned - 8.1.e
Documented information to the extent necessary to demonstrate conformity of products and
services to requirements - 8.1.e
Documented statement of customer requirements (or confirmation) - 8.2.3
Documented information on results of requirements review - 8.2.3
Documented information to confirm that design and development requirements have been met -
Documented information resulting from the design and development process - 8.3.5
Documented information on design and development changes - 8.3.6
Documented information on the results of the evaluations, monitoring of the performance, and re-
evaluations of the external providers - 8.4.1
Documented information that defines the characteristics of the products and services 8.5.1.a
Documented information that defines the activities to be performed and the results to be achieved
Documented information necessary to maintain traceability - 8.5.2
Documented information describing the results of the review of changes, the personnel
authorizing the change, and any necessary actions - 8.5.6

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Quality Management System Certification
Audit Summary Report

Documented information to provide traceability to the person(s) authorizing release of products

and services for delivery to the customer - 8.6
Documented information of actions taken on nonconforming process outputs, products and
Services, including on any concessions obtained and on the person or authority that made the
decision regarding dealing with the nonconformity - 8.7
Documented information as evidence of the results of monitoring and measurement activities -
Documented information as evidence of the implementation of the audit program and the audit
results - 9.2.2.f
Documented information as evidence of the results of management reviews - 9.3.2
Documented information as evidence of the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent
actions taken - 10.2.2.a
Documented information as evidence of the results of any corrective action - 10.2.2.b
The management system documentation included the records required by the standard (those
not included are to be listed below): -

The internal audit programme has been fully implemented and demonstrates effectiveness as a
tool for maintaining and improving the management system.
The management review process demonstrated capability to ensure the continuing suitability,
adequacy and effectiveness of the management system.
The client has a copy of the current version of the audit standard

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