Curriculum Map Literature English 7 10

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© e BLESSED HOPE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, MH. Del Par St, Tanay, Rizal ‘COURSE SYLLABUS IN LITERATURE 7 TOPIC 1 Philippine Oral Lore ‘SELECTION ‘SKILLS Wo. of Days > Reading Techniques ‘Seanni ng ‘Skimming + Close Reading > Wea ha SP. eotha il vo = prtauer pope number ofthe booker ask the sans {ond the specie wor given bythe teacher on that pooe > writing Answer Exercise 9 onpp. 18-19 > writing 7 White instances that require close reading Example: Reading the procedure fora lab experiment > “The Oye of the Sun and the ‘Moon Speaking (Oral Rectation) > Answer the sidebar question, Elements ofa Shor Story -characters setting plot theme Point of View Wilting (Story Wap) Have the students research on tele favorite {airy tale such as; Cinderela, Snow White, Rapunzel, Tangle, Beauty and the Beast ete ‘and let them ideniy the elements ofa short story init using a Story Map. 1. Character 2 Setting 43 Plot 4, Contict 5. Theme >The Prowoss of Maurer wad byF. nor e > Witing(Paragreph Making) Qt: inthe story, who was the enemy? What ‘wa Un cori about (G2: How was the confit resolved? Was this the best way of resolving the confit? ‘G3: When Aiquyon came back from Daligdigan, the announced this father." destoyed your lenemy by making him your fend.” Expain what ‘Alguyon meant by tis. Is his possible? "The Good Prince Baniugan™ > Wing Sequensing Everts) ‘7 “Answer Comprehension Response on pp. 6568 > Witing Paragraph Making) {Q1: What happens when jealousy interferes in a relationship, ke between brothers? ‘G2: Have you ever fet jealous to other people? (23: How dis you overcome i? > Panipareng Bue > SpeakinglOral (Sing Mo-Toy The students wil be grouped into five (5). Each group wil sing the traditional song 2, Inspirations from the Past > “Voyage toa New Land Nlng Data (Sequence Chat), 2) pip tne Sequence Chat on pp. 108- ‘or Wiling (Wing @ Retiedtion) (Qt: Would you consider Datu Put and th Bomeans brave? Why? Why not? (02: What evidence shows that Markudo respected the opinion of his wie? (92: What details inthe story indicate thatthe ‘Bomeans came from a more advance, more ‘prosperous society? (24; Why isthe voyage of the ten Bomean Datus important to us 2s people? > Wilting an Essay (see page 212) Wilting (Essay Wiring) 7 Wte a descriptive essay about your fail. {t: Who are the members of your farily (immediate)? (Q2 What do you like most about them? ‘QS: What activity do you enjoy doing together? (24: What Is the importance of having a family? > “Lapurtapu, the Vietor of acta Waling (Essay Wing) ‘Thome: “Froodor 1: How do you define freedom? ‘Q2: Do you consider yourself as a freeman? ‘Why do you say 80? 03: What s the importance of being free? ~ G >The Law of Chokes e ¥ Speaking hare ou OT, PP a ed and arora he folowing ‘@stons Be reagy to share Your Showers wit Ow dese Qt: To yu how important are promises? (G2: Whats the effect of keeping promises on others? (G3: How wil you deal witht if people don't keep tir promises to you? > “Guist Reveluton ofa Typicar Purok’ by Juan Laya > Wiling Paragraph making) {Q': Why should we keep our communities (G2: How can young people ike you help, Improve the community? ‘Qa Explain this sentence: "tis ute to teach "The Sulu > Wing (Paragraph making) '”"Wite three to five paragraphs explaining ‘your answer to this question: “Should Cultural indigenous communities be Intograted inte the mainstream of Philippine society, or should their way of life be preserved” An Unity > Literary Appreciation Skis Drama The Cast ‘Acts and Scenes Dialog Stage Directions The Plot ‘The Theme + Key Lines and Speeches > Noting Datails (Gentiving the elements) The teacher wil et the students identity the elements ofthe play. © & “My Brothers Peculiar Chicken” by Alejandro R. Roces > Speaking (Knock kook) The students vil choose a word that can ‘be found inthe story and they wil make a joke out oft Example: Knock knock! Who's there? Chicken? Chicken who? ‘Some chicken want itl but | dont want ‘thing at all > “The Wich by Eaiberto K Tiempo Wing (Wing a reflection paper) 1: Do you always have to believe what thers say? (G2: Why sit misleading to be supersitious? ‘G3: What can be dane about people who are ‘negatively “labelled in a community? Ave out ‘people aware of civic duties in such cases? 2 “Courage” by Bienvenido W Santos Witing (Graphic organizer) Answer Exercise 2 p. 310 > "Man Upon the Gross" by Conrado V. Padioche Speaking (Speech choi) "The whole class will perform a speech oir with the use of he Merary piece "Man upon the Cross.” > Willing a Biogrephy and an ‘Autobiography > Wing (Wing an autobiography) Write you autobiography. ia > Whats You Wing Refiacon wing) ‘Qt: Do you believe that youths time of laughter, of not having responsibities for z themselves? Explain. (02: Can one be forever young? Explain, (23: How can the youth prepare for their oe in buling a better fture fr ther country? G € @& Hsseorerscrmanm s00. e MH. Del Pilar St, Tanay, Rizal ‘COURSE SYLLABUS IN LITERATURE 8 TOPIC ‘SELECTION ‘SKILLS Wo. of Days 7. Chinese and > Tnreduction to Grinese | + Comprehension (Semantic Mapping) Saas Japanese Literature terature + Comprehension and Wrting (Reflection Paper) ‘7 Think of tree persons who exemplify the ‘beautiful qualities ofa superior man as escribed inthe poem. {Q1: Why do you consider them as superior? How ad they infuence other people and you as.a person? (3; How wil you become a superior man in your own way? 2. Confucius ‘a “Analects of ‘+ Wing (Formulating Philosophy) Says Confucius ‘Tho students wll research a philosophy of their ‘own choice 2s their assignment. The next day, using that philosophy, they wil formulate their ‘own based on the research, > Te Selah Grek by Lateago Hearn arg are Wag 7 clea Sea ‘The teacher will show pictures of the events ‘rom the story and the students ae to retell teach scene, + Literary Appreciation (Rafioction Paper) "Think ofa person who had sacrificed for your ‘nn good. (1: What di hefshe do for you? (G2: Have you ever sacrifices ‘something fr someone? What have you sacrificed for them? ‘23: What mare are you wiling to ve forthe sake of ‘someone alse? Says > Fake > Tana Wing (Creating Haiku and Tanka) Create a Halku/Tanka about nature aes Slog af he Aged Mother > Pronouncing the Enaing ‘Sourds It, a and. > Wing (Retiecion Paper) 1: Is tire that when one ages, hlshe becomes Useless and ielevant? Why or wy aot? ‘G2: What can the youth lear fom the elders? ‘G3. How have your parents shown ther love for ‘you? How have you shown your love for them? {Q4: Ifyou were Shinano, would you do the same? Why oF why not? Teas > *Sayit wih Flowers" by Tostio Mor! > Wiing (Dugtungany "The teacher will group the students into four (4). Each grous wl be given a pen and a ‘per. Each member wil be given two minutes to write a portion of the story. The them ofthe story should be about the moral ofthe story, “Say Itwith Flowers" eas 2. ndian, Arabian, and ‘Jewish Literatures: > Tnreavetion te nan Uterature Comprehension (Uipreadingy ‘7 The class wil be divided into two (2). One ‘representative willbe the one to guess to Saas > Distinguishing bailed the Jel, and id > Writing an Essay ve “quesions Tal wi vo Slated by all the ‘embers of the group with ony the use of their lips without producing any sound. There will be ‘an alotiod time foreach team. The team with ‘he highest score wil win, ‘Witing (iting @ Descriptive Essay with Guide Questions) ‘Theme: Memorable Place that You've Been To Q': What the most memorable place that you've been to? G2: Whereis the locaton of that place? (03: Wo wore with you? ‘4: What makes it memorable for you? > Ramayana ‘Speaking and Noting dale (Group Charades) "The students wil be grouped into two (2). Each group will have two represertatives who vwllat the given word and the rest ofthe ‘members vill guess it ‘Wing (Writing an essay) 7 Evlis always trying to destroy the good, but ‘wilt trumph? How ean we prevent evi fom spreading? aays 5 niroduaion to Jewish Literature > Parables ‘Speaking (Reporting) "7 The class wil be divided into four. Each group willbe given a parable to be discussed in ‘lass. Thay wl prepare a five to ten item quiz ‘Wrting (Writing paragraphs with guide questions) 7 Thave alot of money. (How wil you spend your money? Wy would you do it? Wilt Benefit youn any way? How did you say 30? nat if You suddenly ran out of money? Wat will you 2) Sdays 5 pireduaton 1 Arabian Tong details (Guiz Bee) (Philppins, Island Southeast Asia, and Mainland Southeast Asia) > "Maguindanao Peats* by iid L: Retizes Saas Urerature > "The Bewildered Arab” ‘Speaking (Speech Choi) ‘The students will read the poem with the proper ‘emotion and prenunciation 3, Expiring te Tniodualon we Philppine | — > Noting details (Oral Restaton) aay Literature ofthe islands Uterature ‘Witting (Essay Wetting) Explain the statement “Anger isan acid that does ‘more harm tothe vessel in which tis contained than to anything in which tis poured.” > Introduction to the [iterature of Island ‘Southeast Asia > *Guno and Koyo" retold by Harold Courlander Noting deals (Fact-Checker) 7" The teacher wil give a statement based on the ‘introduction and the students are to identi ‘whether tsa fact or Buf, ifitis a bit, they Wil give the correct answer. ‘Wing (Slogan Making) ~ Create a slogan about humbly admitting your gull if you did something wrong, Making a logan about | inroduction tothe Literature of Mainland Southeast Asia > "On Three Evils” by U Nu Noting details (Quiz Bee) a aays ‘Speaking (Debate) “The class wil be divided into two, they willbe given @ topic to be debated on about peace in the country. (Example: Issues about the West Philippine Sea), © poring Atican ‘Culture and Literature > Taoaieion tothe ‘Aean Literature > Wotng deals (Pinoy Heavy “The class wil be divided into two, each group willbe sven their own time to play, Thre wil be one ‘amber who wil guess te word while the remaining ‘group members wil ansivor"Yes,""No," and Maybe” seas > Biomenis of Poem > “Atta” by Dav Diop Wot dota (Go-Cargy ‘7 The etudents willbe sivided ino 5, The students will make ther own go-card with SxS boxes. Each column contains diferent words arranged randomly. The teacher wil read @ ‘Question and th students wil look forthe {newer on ther card. The Fst group to form the given pattem wil wi, Wing (Poem Making) ‘The students wil make & poem with 4 stanzas about "Freedom. Taye > Wire Laas Wiling (epieaton Later “The students wil be assigned to make an application letter which willbe checked by the teacher and ty wil send ito theichomes though the post fice and pass to their teacher. Taare > "The Two Brothers” Wing (Essay wring) ‘How far are you wing o goto help you fry” seas Ss 3S BLESSED HOPE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL MH. Del Pla St, Tanay, Rizal ‘COURSE SYLLABUS IN LITERATURE 9 TOPIC ‘SELECTION ‘SKIS Wo Daye 1. English Liarature— From We Begnnings ta tha Renainance. > Figs oe OF Enh > "The Story Of Beowni > Wting an Essay > Wotng Datals > Answering quoetons about the Selection. > wing ‘Reflection on good leadership tras Gi: What were the qualiies ofthe people of hose ties that could be ‘Squaly esteemed in our ines? (G2: Beowalf was a good leader. What qualities would you demand from a national leader? (G3: Wnat quatyiqualios of Beowulf would be werthy ot ‘emulation By ordinary ctisens? > Wing writing 2 Persuasive Essay with Gude Questons) ‘Theme: Leadership. (Qt: Ifyou were given the ctance to ‘un forthe presidental election ‘how wil you show that you deserve towin the postion? (22: What are your quaites that wl ‘make you stand out rom tre other ‘candidates? Tr to parsuace the ‘people to vi for you inthe ‘upooming elections, ¥ nodal ib the Mile Englah [> Noting Dela Fish Boat) eros "The teacher wil propre & ‘bow with questions. The ‘tient wl be randomly ‘aled and wi take ther tum impicking one queston fom tha bow > "The Death of Arthur by Thomas | > Whiten Reflection, Malory > Share a personal experience ‘of disobedience and the ‘consequences of your action. > Tnoducton tothe Renaissance | > Noting details (Pass the-Ball) Period > The teacher will play a tong as the students pass the bal tothe eeatmates, They are to pass it dapenaing on the ‘beat ofthe song, The student vo ende up hoking tho ball > "Romeo and Juliet” by Witlam | > Speaking (Dramatization) ‘Shakespeare The students wal be grouped Into four (@). The teacher will assign a scene to each ‘group. They wil re-enact each scene, > *Hamt” by Wiliam Shakespeare | > Wrting (Reflection Paper) Describe the time in your ite ‘when you fet that you. couldn't handle ite. Q1: What specific event in your lie did you feel that you ‘couldn't handle fe? 2 Two Steams - Engel and ‘G2: Wei eid you do to change your dreumetances? American Literature Tntroduction othe Neocassical Poriod >» “The Universal Prayer’ by ‘Alexander Pope Introduction tothe Romantic Noling datas (Gamme-Ka-Na- Ba) The cass wil be divided into four. There wil be one representative from each ‘up. The teacher wil ask ‘questions, the one to answer ‘il have the chance to move {orward of ask his opponent to step backward. The fret ‘one to reach the finish ine wine the game. > Witing (Share-Your-Thoughts) > Choose one statement and ‘explain your thoughts about 1tTolt the reason(s) why did you choose it 1 "The one win loves God aver loses hope." 2. "Remember God with ‘everthing you putin your mouth to eat or drink” 3. "The family that prays togother stays together” Petiod > Naling datas (Group Charades) The students wl be ‘Grouped into two (2). ‘Each group will have two & r > “1 Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Wiliam Wadsworth “Testo he members wil uessit > Witing (10-Year-Challenge ) 7 The students wil compare nature 10 years ago trom ‘ow. They wil post pictures on their Facebook ‘ocount and wail express the importance of aking ‘good care of our nature. > Triroduaion tothe Vetian Pesiod > "The Forsaken Merman by Matthew Amols > Watng details (Semantic Mapping) > ‘Speaking (Group Reflection) "The students val be vided into four (4). Each ‘rou wil be given @ ‘Question o answer. Qt: Could the poom be interpreted tomean a mismatched mariage? (Q2: Wy do marted couple separate? ‘QS: How could separations be avoided? & 2 Teak ofthe members wil guess it > “1 Wendered Lonely as a Cloud" by Willam Wadsworth > Wtng (0-Year-chotenge ) 7 ‘The students will compare ‘ature 10 years ago from "ow. They wil post ‘ictures onthe Facebook ‘Sccount and wil express the importance of aking good care of our nature, > Trireduaton tothe Vitoan > Noting details (Semantic Mapping) Pood > “The Forsaken Merman’ by > ‘Speaking (Group Reflection) Matthew Amold The students wall be Troan t te Rationatom ‘and Romanticism Period > “Thanatopsis" by Wiliam Cullen Bryant > Comprafensn Uproaain "Tracey ed I wo (2) One ‘epresetatve wi be the reo guess to qestone that wi be stated by a the member ofthe group siton the we offer Tips nou produetg any ‘ound, Thee wi bean Site tm foreach {eam The eam i be ones care wt wn. > Wing (Witten retection) What is your idea about fe ater sath? > “Annabel Lee" by Eagar Alan Poe > Wing (Colage makina) Create a colage showing ‘Bhotos of you with your loved ‘ones by expressing iin a creative way. White at least 5 ‘sentence paragraph about it. Introduction to Transcendental ‘and the New Poetry > Noting dota (Fact Checker) 7” The teacher will give a ‘statement based on the introduction and the ‘students are to identity whether itis a fact ora buf, ifitis a bluff, they e > “The Battle ofthe Ants" by Henry David Thoreau ‘Wl give re Corect > ‘Speaking (Group Reflection) The students wil be divided into four (). Each group wil be given a question to answer, Qt: Compare the manner in which the ants fought to a human batt, ‘Do you think that in primitive times ‘people fought tke the ants? 22: Inour times, is war still a mater ‘9f personal courage and strength? Prove your stand (22: Who are the true heroes of moder warfare—the human beings ‘or the machines? Why do you say 0? "The Man with the Hoe by Edwin Markham Speaking (Think Pair- Share) ~The students wil choose their pair and il share ideas about tho {allowing questions i: Isit tue thatthe people in levorycourity are divised into the “naves' and “have nats?" Explain. (02: What isthe reason for this division? 3: What can we do to remedy this inoquality? (24: With all these problams, do you think theres stil ope for humanity? O- so “After sharing ther 006s to ther partner, the teacher will randomly ‘alla pairto share their thoughts tothe cass. ‘3 Early 20" Century English and ‘American Literature > “The Dols House by Katherine Mansfiela > shen 1 Was Oe ad Two Alfred Edward Housman sified ‘Wing (Writing an es50y) ‘Qt: What are your ideas about ‘social discrimination? (Q2: What would you suggest as a ‘means of removing social scrimination? Witting (Reflection writing) (Qt: As young people, why should youlisten to the advice of your elders? 5 "When You Are Of by Wiliam Butler Yeats Wing (Writen reflection) (Qt: How can the memory of past ‘experiences help lighten the load of od age? (22: Atthis point in your fe, what ‘experiences inthe past might ‘make you forget the problems of student ite? > *The Git ofthe Magi by Willan Witting (Witten reeation) Sydney Porter Qt: Christmas is all about civing rather than receiving. What s the ‘ost git you have given to ‘someone you love? Why do you ‘say 80? | > *Richerd Cu. y"by Edwin Afington | > Wiitng (Wing a refection) 3 Robinson Qi: isit possible that we may be hhappier than some people we envy? Explain. ‘22: Winy should we not be envious of others’ talents and fortunes? 5 "Stopring by the Woods on a > Writing (Writing an essay) q ‘Snowy Evening’ by Robert Frost Q1: Why ist important to keep your promises? (Q2: Was there an instance in your life when you fet confused or undecided? How did you ative at ‘decision? (3; In what way isthe traveler's journey similar fo our journey in ite? “4. Contemporary Philippine > Introduction othe Period of Soir | —> Noting detail (Oral Rectationy 7 Literature in English Discovery and Growth > "Youth Speaks" by Amador T. Daguio > Speaking (Speech Choir) “The students wil read the poem with the proper emotion and Pronunciation, > Tntroduction othe Post-war > Noting details (Quiz Bee) a Period > "The Trap" by Kerima Polotan > Wing (Writing a paragraph) Tuvera 1: you were Elsa, how would you handle the situation? 22: Was Elsa's experionce, similar to your experionces as an ‘O- Rice How ware you ae tocope with the issues of growing up? (03: Do you agree that growing upis not easy? Why oF why 0? > The Fishermon' by Edith C- Tiempo ¥ ‘wiring (Wing an essay) ‘Qt: How should we treat our environment? (22: What can we get from our environment? (22: How do fishers protect and destroy our environment? 2 & BLESSED HOPE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL MH. Del Pilar St, Tanay, Rizal COURSE SYLLABUS IN LITERATURE 10 TOPIC ‘SELECTION ‘SKILLS No. of Days The Greco Introduction to Gresk > Noting details z Roman Legacy erature 7” Ustoning for specific deals) The teacher wil reed the {ext twice and he students wil take note the important etal, > Wiig (Whiten Refecon) ‘7 Reaction paper with sei. The students wil express their reaction about Helen's misfortune. > “i by Homer ‘QA: What is Holon's role inthe story of liad? 22: Ifyou were Helen, what wil you do to avoid the Confit between the two kingdoms? The Oayssey” Speaking (Picture Wap) 5 The teacher wil lash different scenes from the story ‘and the studonts il rtali ‘Q1: What moral we can gain from reading the story? ‘22: you were Odyssous would you lt your ep0 rule Lover your fe? vl ‘Gresk Drama and Lye Poetry Wing (information ap) ~7 ‘Study the information map on page 45 ofthe textbook. Flin the blarks and answer the given questions. Wajor Dramatst of the ‘Athenian Age > Wing (Facebook Themed: Character Profing) 1 Profle Plctire 2. Name 83. Bio (Includes the background information ofthe ‘ramatst) 4, Featured Photo (Notable works) = Distinguishing between Formal and Informal Definitions: Homographs. Reference can be searched online. White the formal and informal fr each ofthe folowing terms. Make sure thatthe definitions include three ‘required pattems: term, class, and differentiating characteristics, ‘TERNS [FORMAL —[FORWAT [ep oon) Deis RCH > Waiting (Responding to a Truism) summer Write a three to five-paragraph persuasive text about the by Sophocles ‘expression: "You shall know the truth, andthe truth shall, ‘set you free" Provide personal response by stating ‘whether you agree or disagree on the given statement. Y Make use ofthe features of persuasive texts to convince: ‘your readers of your position. 7 Early Roman ‘Wajor Wters of Rome > Noting Details (Oral Recitation) Literature 4. Virgil 2. Horace: 3. Martial 4. Epictetus The Stratagem of the > Writing (Recognizing the Cause and Effect Relationships) Wooden Horse by Virgil 'Y “Match each cause with its effect Refer to pp. 91-92 ‘Homophones and Writing (independent Practice) = Homographs Determining the usage of Homophones and Greek and Roman Influences > Witing (Creating a Cluster Map) ' ‘Make @ cluster map showing the contributions of Rome to the world, 3, ‘Early European | > The Garman Epic > Noting Details (Semaniie Mapping) Germany ] [France ] [ain [way ] > Nibelungentied: A > Speaking (Picture Map) > Wing (Reflection ‘The teacher will show pictures of the events from the slory and the students are to retell each scone. per) ‘7 “Have the students choose to anewer on the following ‘questions through writing a reflection paper. ‘21: What does this sentonce imply about the cutural pattems ofthe ancient Burgundians as regards women: But n spite of his splendid achievements and his great fame, he failed at first even to have an audience with het." (22: Brunhid imposed three tests on her suitors. n ancient times, did Filipino suitors also submit to certain tests imposed by the father of the gi they courted? (23: How can differentiate the women inthe ancient times to women of today's generation? How do they act towards thet beliefs? > Understanding the Opera Literary Appreciation (Chamber Theater) ‘and Guidelines for a Readers Theater Presentation pp. 136 - Form groups of four o sx students. (Number of ‘members per group may vary) Each group will choose '8 portion in the “Death of Sigtiod' to perform. The resentation shouldbe five to ten minutes long. ‘Their presentation willbe guided according to the rubrics presented. Daivering es aaa PB. [> Shaaking(Oscamateny 4. The Gettysburg Adress 2. Pericles Praises Athens. y| "The French Epie Learning French Words ‘The European > ‘Noting Details (Search reference onine) Waiting and Listening (Speling Bee) ‘Semple French words: ‘tableau 6. gourmet 2 bouquet 7. su revoir 3 banquet 6. Fiance 4chautfer 9, sachet 5. debris _10. Champagne Renaissance Noting details (Oral Recitation) ba “Don Gusts" by gaa De Cerares Sava Wing (Wing Persuasive Paragraphe wih Gude (Questions) Refer to p. 177 Qt: Does what person fead affect his or her character? 2: How do you rotate wth people who have ciflerent views ‘about life and realty? ‘Speaking/Writing (My Realization) Have the students complete the folowing stem line tom what they had gained from the stoy of ‘Dan Quikoto" {earned that {realized that Understanding ‘Argumentation ang Debate pp. 183 -1 Learning Expressions, that Affim or Negato pp. 144 ‘Speaking (Group Debary Have them familiarized fist onthe rules of debate. ‘The students wil pick ther stand whether they are to Affem or Negate the given topic. During the debate, they must use the ‘expressions in affirming and negating propery 1: Should tteratur ty to influence society's idea of good {and evil right and wrong oF simply reflect prevaiing beliefs? G2: ¥ something is legal, is it automatically goodlicht? (22: What or who should be the final authority in deciding what {is good and evil right and wrong? %, Geting into the Short Story Elements ofa Shar Story pp. 204-205 and 249, > Wing (Creating a Story Wap) Have the student researen on their favorit far tale such as: Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, Tangle, Beauty and the Beast etc. and lt them identi the elemenis of a short story Eislicearing semen ore 4. charac ioe ee te, $ Siem > Banas Wea ar oan 7 TwogpecatGhancen: |” Thettsons mee aida carci poom of tw aniagant Since Byeome mort he ayaa nes nee > Fra Mata at Example Sree ans scorn fPreclbwocrnn | tee a feces Ben omen Fesorntivteaver | Senet Teor ce a =, 3: re ou co ae, ‘eas woos epee. eee oleae aa ee > Literature, ideology and Gender: Marxism aod Feminism > "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant > Speaking (Oral Recitation) it: What role does genderciass differences playin the literature or a given literary piece > Literary Appreciation (Character Analysis) ‘Character Analysis of Mathilde in "The Necklace" My, Appreciating Q1: What kind ofa characteris Mathilde? Is she a static or ‘dynamic character? Why do you say $0? (Q2: How about her husband? What kindof @ characters he? Explain, > Wilting (#RelatoMuch) ‘What is the theme of the story? Show the theme by cing instances in your life which you think are similar withthe characters or the events inthe story. PERIENCE a Poetry and Other Literary Types. > Elements of Posty (Use *Psaim I in identiying ‘each elements of poetry.) {storing and Witing (Listening Tor datas o the elements of Poetry Rep) Refer to p. 308 16 Taentiving and —| > Wing and Comprefension ‘Appreciating Diterent (Classitying Poety Accoraing to ts fopeoaing 0 190s Type) 4. Lyric Poetry 2. Narrative Poetry The Use of Sound in Poetry Identifying Figures of ‘Speech > Noting Details (Go- CARD) ‘The students will be divided into 5. The students will make their own go-card with 5x5 boxes. Each column contains different words arranged randomly. The teacher wil read @ ‘question and the students wil ook forthe answer on their ‘card. The fist group to form the given pattem wal wn, Gelling Info the Essay ‘About Work by Khalil Gibran > Wing (Presenting Your Ideas) Gibran says that when we are bor, our work or our fate has ‘already been laid out for us. 21: Is this the Filipino point of view; too? 2: Does the expression bahala na have a place in Gibran's idea of work? Tentifying the Kinds of Essay > Comprehension (Choosing informal Sentences) Refer to pp. 358 - 358 > Gating inte Drama Naling Detals (Oral Reciauony > Ditlerent types of Orama > Evaluating a Radio > Literary Appreciation (Presenting a Radio Drama) Drama “The students wil make their own radio drama sept whether ® {is comedy or tragedy and will be evaluated by the teacher for ‘revisions and correction. Inthe presentation, ave them used of the four building blocks ‘speech, sound effets, music and silence. Remind them that they ae to express the story only through character's dialogue, proper emotions and interaction. “Their presentation willbe guided according tothe rubric given,

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