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The Relationship Between OFW parents and the Psychosocial Growth of the
Left-behind Children

A Research Proposal
Presented to
the Faculty of Senior High School Department
Our Lady of Fatima University – Antipolo Campus

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the
Senior High School

Taberdo, Erica Jean I.
Grant, Arielle Ysabele
Manlambus, Rhealyn Joy
Esta, Cheriel Arianne P.

November 2022

Table of Content




























3.1 Research Design


3.2 Research Locale


3.3 Key informant/Population


3.4 Research Ethics


3.5 Research Instrument


3.6 Data Collection


3.7 Data Analysis





Job shortage and low income have been one of the most consistent economic problems
in the philippines. For this reason, many Filipinos seek out jobs overseas, commonly in countries
where the money is at a higher exchange rate when it’s sent back home, in the philippines.
Most Overseas Filipino Workers are parents, and a generous percentage of them are women.
It’s common knowledge and biologically proven that parental nurturing, specifically maternal
nurturing is essential, and when this is taken away. even just in the physical form, the child will
develop differently. Studies show that lack of maternal parenting in childhood and adulthood
may lead to low self-esteem, lack of self-control, desperation, deprivation, rebellious attitude,
etc. With this information, we cannot fully rule out that having an OFW parent will lead a child
to have the characteristics mentioned since there is a way of parenting that is known to be used
by OFW Parents, this term is called Transnational parenting. Transnational parenting is an
attempt at parenting whilst being in a different country from their child. It is said that
Transnational parenting produces lasting negative effects on the lives of children and their
families. The goal of this research is to create awareness of the problems that accompany heavy
labor migration in the Philippines. R. May, A. Kelly, S. Hale, R. Carell, R. Sheard. (2018) In this
study, the researchers aim to prove the relationship between the OFW Parents’ absence and the
psychosocial or emotional development of their left-behind children. The researchers are
hopeful in providing reliable information for the general public and for future researchers as

(Grant, Arielle Ysabele)


1.1 Background of the Study

A lot of parents resort to working overseas for multiple reasons but the most common
motive is the high-paying jobs and opportunities you can only dream of having in the
Philippines. No parent wishes to be away from their children, a lot of media has shown
representation of the parent’s pain and longing for the children they’ve left behind, but
not a lot of how their absence actually affects the well-being and growth of the children
they left behind. The media often shows the left-behind children as indifferent, cold or a
lost cause, but it rarely shows the true effect of having lost parental guidance in the
physical sense in your most important years. These left-behind children may feel the
longing for one’s parents, or they may feel completely indifferent to it, although that
doesn’t mean a child’s feeling towards their parents is only either of the two, it is not
black and white, especially when it comes to a deeply complicated emotions of a young
person. Some children whose parents left later in their lives may feel longing for their
parent’s embrace, some children whose parents left very early in their lives may feel less
of longing for their parents specifically, but they may often long for the nurturing they
missed out on brought by their parents’ absence. In this study, the researchers aim to
determine the relationship between OFW parents and the psychosocial/emotional growth
of their left-behind children. The researchers also look forward to tackling the effects of
having OFW parents on the academic performance, financial literacy, etc. of the
left-behind children.

(Esta, Cheriel Arianne)

1.2 Statement of the Problem


1.2.1 General Problem

The families of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) are controversial. The

decision-making, communication, and psychosocial wellbeing of OFW children are the
three areas that raise the most concerns. A new breed of economic investors in the
nation are OFWs. Although OFWs' economic contributions have received a lot of
attention, it is also vital to consider how their extended absence from home has affected
their children. Despite OFWs' children enjoy comfortable living arrangements, it is also
true that their children are dissatisfied with their lot in life. The truth is that their kids
need socio-psychological support.

However, no one has a perfect existence where everything is in its place. Every
worthy objective requires overcoming risks and challenges in order to be achieved. This
study was done to find out what issues occasionally affect the kids of OFWs and what
difficulties they deal with on a daily basis. The problem is that the children who are left
behind adjust psychologically and socially differently depending on how they handle the
absence of their OFW parents; this study examines the causal migratory effects on their
children who have left home.

(Manlambus, Rhealyn Joy)

1.2.1 Specific Problem

1. What are the main cause of the OFW parents to leave their children?
2. Is there any existing problems that may occur during the time that the OFW
parents leave their children?
3. Are the respondents willing to share their experiences with the researchers?

4. To know what are the common psychosocial development that they encounter
each phase of their lives.
5. To investigate what are the influence of coping mechanisms towards the
academic performance of students with OFW parents
6. Can the OFW parents fully understand the daily struggles of their left-behind
7. How do the children who are left behind manage any psychosocial growth that
may occur during the years that their parents are away?

(Esta, Cheriel Arianne)

1.3 Objective of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The study aims to understand the struggles and the problems that the left-behind children of
OFWs encounter on a daily basis and how it affects their psychosocial development through the
years. The study expects to know how they survive to be physically active to connect with other
people. The study will be beneficial for the OFW parents to understand the emotional and
physical capability of their left-behind children.
(Grant, Arielle Ysabele)

1.3.1 Specific Objective

● To have further findings how the left-behind children of OFWs handle their psychosocial
development on themselves while their parents are far away from them.
● To learn about the common psychosocial developments that the OFW parents miss
when they are far away from their children.

● To have a list of ways on how to help the left-behind children of OFWs to overcome the
common drawback.
● To determine what impact having an absent parent has on the parent-child relationship.
● What impact does an OFW parent have on the independence of the child?
● To learn more about the psychological issues faced by OFW parents' left-behind
● What effects does a parent's absence have on the mental health and development of a
growing child?
● To learn more about how the child's academic achievement would be affected by the
parent's absence
● To discover more about the typical emotional issues a child who is left behind has as
they grow.

(Manlambus, Rhealyn Joy)

1.4 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is to know whether the psychosocial development of each
left-behind child of OFWs is in a positive way or in a negative way. Also, for us to
know what are the common psychosocial developments that they encounter each
phase of their lives. This will be test or ask by means of distributing the
questionnaires to the left-behind children of OFWs as a survey and reference. The
provided questionnaire will be close-ended questions for accurate results of the
study. The researchers would gather 30 respondents from the left-behind children
of OFW parents. The other children that are not specified as the left-behind
children of a OFW are not within the scope.

(Taberdo, Erica Jean)


1.5 Significance of the Study

Left-behind Children. This study’s purpose is to also provide an intensive deep dive
into the phenomenon of OFW parents’ absence affecting their children’s growth
and development throughout the years. This study aims to provide a degree of
clarity and validation to those children, and to assure them that their situation is
being recognized.

OFW Parents. This study is determined to offer research and reliable information
to better understand the state and possible aftermath of the OFW parents’
children’s well-being. This will hopefully result in a more open and comfortable
relationship between both parties. This study aims to start an open conversation
between the children and their parents that will result in a better relationship
brought by compromise, love, and understanding.
(Grant, Arielle Ysabele)

1.6 Definition of Terms

LBC (Left-behind Children). Minors under the age of 16 whose parents have migrated to find
work, or one parent have migrated to find work and the other is unable to care for their

OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers). A term often used to refer to Filipino migrant workers,
people with Filipino citizenship who reside in another country for a limited period of

Psychosocial development. Is just a fancy phrase that refers to how a person's individual needs
(psycho) mesh with the needs or demands of society (social).

Relationship. A connection, association, or involvement. connection between persons by blood

or marriage. an emotional or other connection between people.

Sensory processing disorder (SPD). Is a condition that affects how your brain processes sensory
information (stimuli).

Mental health. A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional

Physical health. Is defined as the condition of your body, taking into consideration everything
from the absence of disease to fitness level.

Parents. A person who brings up and cares for another.

(Taberdo, Erica Jean)


2.1 Foreign Literatures and Studies

Foreign Literature

Paper 1

Many parents in different countries want to meet the needs of their children and families, so
most of them work abroad just to provide this. However, According to
Tang,Wanjie,Wang,Gang,Hu, Tao, Dai, Qian, Xu Jiajun,Yang, Yanchun, Xu Jiuping(Dec. 1,2018)
Mental health and psychosocial problems among Chinese left-behind children: A cross-sectional
comparative study. This study compared the prevalence of mental health and psychosocial
problems between LBC and controls in Sichuan province, China. They compared the frequency

of school bullying, self-esteem, panic symptoms, depression and severe psychological

distress(SPD) between LBC and controls from the same schools. The outcome result of their
studies is among LBC (Left-behind Children), low self-esteem was associated with an increased
risk of depression or SPD, and school bullying was a significant predictor of depression, panic
symptoms and SPD. Low self-esteem and depression increased with longer separation from
parents, and this risk was higher when the primary caregivers were LBC themselves or relatives
compared to single parents or grandparents.

Paper 2

According to the study of Hongsheng Liu, Lige Liu, and Xiaoyi Jin ( July 2020) The Impact of
Parental Remote Migration and Parent-Child Relation Types on the Psychological Resilience of
Rural Left-Behind Children in China. With rapid urbanization in China, the scale of migrant
workers has been increasing. It was estimated that China’s migrant workers might reach 307
million in 2025 and 327 million in 2030. This study analyzes the impact of parental remote
migration and parent-child relation types on the psychological resilience of rural left-behind
children. The findings indicate that only the mother's remote migration has a significantly
negative impact on the psychological resilience of rural left-behind children, while father-child
relation of “close connection but lacking function”, mother-child relation of “intimate
connection and strong function”, and combination of “paternal close connection but lacking
function - maternal intimate connection and strong function” are the most favorable factors.

Paper 3

(June 2020) Effects of International Labour Migration on the Mental Health and Well-Being of
Left-Behind Children: A Systematic Literature Review, Antia ,Boucsein, Deckert, Dambach ,
Račaitė ,Šurkienė , Jaenisch, Horstick and Winkler. Worldwide, 272 million people were
classified as international migrants with the largest proportions coming from Asia (41%) and
Europe (23.7%) . Parental labour migration is a common phenomenon in South and South East
Asian, African and Eastern European countries, causing many children to be left behind. Labour
migration is a challenge for the globalised world due to its long-term effects such as the
formation of transnational families.The systematic literature review investigated the effects of

international parental labour migration on the mental health and well-being of left-behind
children. Evidence from the studies suggests that gender of the migrant parent, culture and
other transnational family characteristics contribute to the well-being and mental health of
left-behind children.

(Taberdo, Erica Jean)

Foreign Studies

Paper 1

Jeany Rose Teguihanon and Ginbert Permejo Cuaton in 2020 emphasized that migration plays a
significant role in the livelihood well being of a Filipino. Poverty and financial problems are one
of the main reasons for a parent to go abroad and to leave their children. Almost every Filipino
family has a relative or family member who has worked or is now working abroad because of its
high demand and high salary that they will have compared to our country. The Philippines is
regarded as the fourth-largest exporter of manpower in the world, with the majority of these
immigrants finding employment in Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and
Qatar (ABS-CBN, 2015). And because of that they can provide the needs of their family living in
the Philippines, but, the consequence of leaving them is that they don’t know what are the
impacts of them leaving their home. The well-being of a person has taken a big place in our
daily living. While immigrants journey abroad to work in the hopes of enhancing their family's
well-being and giving their kids better possibilities, as research has shown that a mother's
absence may be detrimental to a child's psychosocial development.

Paper 2

According to Georgia B. Dominguez and Brian J. Hall (2022) Said that children who are separated
from their parents during their formative years may affect the emotional and psychological
development of the child through the years that they are away. OFW parents are the modern

heroes. Even though they provide financial support, labor migration frequently separates
children from their parents. It is the time that the environment of a child is changing, they don’t
have the support system that they will need throughout their teenage years. A scoping review
was carried out to determine the health outcomes of left behind children in the Philippines and
health-related treatments using the framework of the Joanna Briggs Institute. The result
indicated that they experience poor physical health and mental health outcomes. In 13 out of
17 geographical regions, a total of 48 interventions were found.

(Esta, Cheriel Arianne)

2.2 Local Literatures and Studies

Local Literatures

Paper 1

According to Arcinas (2018), the teenagers were discovered to be in excellent health. Their
social and spiritual health domains were determined to be somewhat healthy out of the five
areas of health that were studied, while their emotional health condition received a good grade
and their physical and psychological health conditions received very good health ratings. When
the relationship between their overall health and their personal traits was examined, the sex of
the teenagers and the size of their families were found to be statistically significant predictors.
The absence of the OFW mother had the greatest detrimental impact on their spiritual health,
whereas their inconsistent communication with the absent parent or parents had the greatest
negative impact on their social health. Self-rated Conditions of Adolescents Left Behind by
Migrant Parents from the Philippines. Myla M. Arcinas (2018).

Paper 2

Navarez, J. & Diaz, K.R. (2017) claims that in order to include the efforts of the family, pupils
with OFW parents must increase their use of instrumental support. There are benefits to placing

kids in supportive social relationships for adults who look after them. Utilizing instrumental
support as a coping strategy can aid in the growth of solid interpersonal connections, which can
then be used to support and counsel children who have been left behind. It is important for
caregivers to consider how happy the children in their care are generally since this can improve
their mood and make life more bearable, despite their current circumstances. Navarez, J. &
Diaz, K.R. (2017). Coping mechanisms of Philippine students’ left behind by OFW parents.
Slongan, 3(1), 91–102.

Paper 3

According to Jofi (2013), the most obvious adverse effect is a sense of abandonment that
cannot be made up for by financial assistance; the children who are left behind experience
powerlessness, loneliness, pessimism, deprivation, and isolation while dealing with health and
scholastic issues. Their methods of coping, such as relativizing, creating a "shadow household,"
discussing their experiences with other OFW children, shopping, and Bible sharing, are
psychological because the issues are psychological in origin. Working is a primary motivation for
parents of OFWs who want to achieve financial stability. The youngsters that are left behind,
however, have emotional disadvantage since they feel abandoned. Therefore, it is crucial for
OFW parents to prepare for the psychological issues that their children's OFW parents may
cause. It is feared that their prolonged absence may create a meaningless sensation. Jofi
Valdehuesa-Mahilum (2013) Nuts in a Shell: Exploring the Impact of OFWs Phenomenon on the
Family in Region X.

(Manlambus, Rhealyn Joy)

Local Studies

Paper 1

OFW or migrant parents having to leave their children for work opportunities overseas has been
an unending phenomenon. It is also worth mentioning that the left-behind children tend to

value materialism as the migrant parent/s spends and sends money back home to compensate
for their absence. As Bernardo, Tan-Mansukhani, Daganzo have mentioned in their study from
2018, Some psychology studies have looked into the well-being of the children left behind by
the OFWs in terms of their physical and mental health, academic performance, and risky
behavior. This statement supports the researchers claim that there is a relationship between
OFW parents and the well-being of their left-behind children, This states that the absence of
OFW parents in their children's lives does alter their relationship. This study also specifies that
transnational parenting is not proven to be effective in most cases.

Paper 2

The theoretical argument for the lower educational success of children in single-parent families
is mainly one of limited resources, i.e., children in alternative family structures lack the
necessary social, economic, and cultural capital that should serve to improve overall child
well-being, including educational outcomes. (Parajillo-Aquino, LPT, MST, 2019). Most Filipino
families are working class which requires some parents to work for their next meal. Once the
parents are too old to work, the responsibility to work and feed the family is passed on to the
eldest child which will interfere with the child’s education and priorities. This is also a common
case for families with OFW Parents, especially when they belong in big families with more
mouths to feed.

(Grant, Arielle Ysabel



3.1 Research Design


Descriptive research design was used to conduct this study. The Descriptive Research Design
was selected for this inquiry because it is the most appropriate sort of Quantitative Research
Design to use. A descriptive research design is used to understand or explain certain
situations, occurrences, or populations. Any alteration, as opposed to experimental research,
is not included in this. The primary goal of a descriptive research strategy is observation. In
descriptive writing, the what, when, where, and how questions are also covered. Particularly
when the research topic has not gotten much attention or information, this type of study
design is useful. Many left-behind children, especially those who had absent parents from an
early age, are still struggling now, according to research. Some people are able to keep up
and make sense of their situation. As they continue their investigation, the researchers aim
to discover more about these people, how they avoid such difficulties, and other things.

3.2 Research Locale

This study seeks respondents from the Senior High School students of Our Lady of Fatima
University, Antipolo Campus. The University is located at Km. 23 Brgy. Sta. Cruz, Sumulong
Highway, Antipolo City. We conduct the study at our university to know what are the reach of
students that have OFW parents. Also, it is accessible for us to conduct research inside our
campus. The researchers aim to have at least 30 respondents that need to answer the following
set of questions and our survey questionnaires regarding the Relationship Between the OFW
parents and the Psychosocial Growth of their Left-behind Children. The said survey
questionnaire will be done through Google Forms.

3.3 Key informant/Population Selection

In order to achieve reliable results, the researchers use a variety of respondents who are
appropriate for the research. Since the subject of the study was a systemic problem, the

researchers chose to collect data from a total of 30 SHS students since they are more receptive
and perceptive in all societal situations. For an easier data collection process, the chosen
respondents must be students at the Antipolo Campus of Our Lady of Fatima University, where
the study was conducted.

3.4 Research Ethics

The researchers provided a consent form for the respondents during the data collection process
to ensure the discretion and security of the information acquired from the said respondents.

(1) The study's confidentiality and anonymity were protected, and (2) The researchers will
truthfully provide the accurate data alone and ensure that the data is acquired under the
consent of the respondents. (3) Respect for human rights, including the right to one's own
privacy, secrecy, and self-determination is implemented in the process of this study. (4) Some of
the key research ethical principles include rejecting plagiarism, being truthful, honest, and
open-minded are all applied by the researchers in this study (5) Confidentiality and Liability,
which states that the researchers have the respondents' trust and will be held liable for any

3.5 Research Instruments

In this study, the researchers used online resources to conduct the survey. The researchers
utilized Google Forms in order to acquire the necessary information needed to conclude this
study. The researchers gathered information from OFW students from the SHS Department of
Our Lady of Fatima University - Antipolo.

1. Name?
2. Age?
3. What was your age when your parent/s left to work abroad?
4. How frequently do you open up to your parent/s about your problems on a daily basis?

o Always

o Sometimes

o Rare

o Never

5. Do you have "What if's" ? (Ex. What if my parents never left, would I still experience the
struggles I'm facing right now?)

o Always

o Sometimes

o Rare

o Never

Rate each statement from 1-5 based on how each statement are true to you, from 1
being the least relatable to 5 being the most.

5 4 3 2 1

1.It is a challenge for me to build and maintain


2.I have no problem expressing my feelings and

emotions to anyone.

3.I have a great relationship with my OFW parent/s

(regular communication, trust, affection, etc.)

4.I often feel like i am parenting myself due to my

parent’s absence.

5.I perform even better academically with an OFW


6.My guardian’s “parenting” is equal to having a

present parent.

3.6 Data Collection

The researchers will conduct a brainstorming session wherein all the

possible questions are presented. The researcher will construct a set of

questions from all the previously presented questions by making an online

survey using Google Form. They will use a convenience sampling technique

in gathering respondents. The respondents will answer online through the

Google Form that the researchers will send them, in keeping with the new

normal. The accomplished questionnaires will be retrieved by the researchers

that the respondents answered through Google Form.

3.7 Data Analysis

The Data Analysis used to analyze the data gathered is by arranging the transcripts and the
observation notes that you write while you interview the respondent. However, it is only
applicable if the interview is conducted in person. You can only analyze our current set-up by
using the survey questionnaires you create online. After you gather data, the researchers will
examine each component of data collected. The purpose of Data Analysis is to know
Relationship Between the OFW parents and the Psychosocial Growth of their Left-behind


3.1 References

Mental health and psychosocial problems among Chinese left-behind children: A

cross-sectional comparative study.

Self-rated Conditions of Adolescents Left Behind by Migrant Parents from the Philippines.
Myla M. Arcinas (2018)

Navarez, J. & Diaz, K.R. (2017). Coping mechanisms of Philippine students’ left behind by
OFW parents. Slongan, 3(1), 91–102.

Jofi Valdehuesa-Mahilum (2013) Nuts in a Shell: Exploring the Impact of OFWs

Phenomenon on the Family in Region X.

The health status and related interventions for children left behind due to parental
migration in the Philippines: A scoping review

Author links open overlay panel.


The Impact of Parental Remote Migration and Parent-Child Relation Types on the Psychological
Resilience of Rural Left-Behind Children in China

Effects of International Labour Migration on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Left-Behind
Children: A Systematic Literature Review.

May, R. Kelly, A. Hale, S. Carrell, R. Sheard, R. (2018). Transnational Parenting.

Bernardo, A. Tan-Mansukhani, R. Daganzo, M. (2018). Associations Between Materialism,

Gratitude, and Well-Being in Children of Overseas Filipino Workers.

Pajarillo-Aquino, I. (2019). Children of Overseas Filipino Workers and their Academic


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