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General Education Reviewer

1-50 items with answer key.

1. What does a professional code of conduct prescribe?

a. Civic conduct for all

b. Professional traditions and mores

c. Moral and ethical standards– Correct Answer

d. Stricter implementation of laws

2. He established the tobacco monopoly during the Spanish era.

a. Jose Basco – Correct Answer

b. Rafael Izquierdo

c. Basilio Agustin

d. Francisco Rizzo

3. Technology ______ dramatically in the twenty-first century.

a. Was improved

b. Has improved– Correct Answer

c. Is improved

d. Did improve

4. A bread – and butter sandwich ________ my favorite morning snack.

a. Is– Correct Answer

b. Has been

c. Are

d. Have been

5. This is a segmented worm that can be used to facilitate anticoagulation.

a. Leeches– Correct Answer

b. Maggots
c. Earthworms

d. Bloodworms

6. The ______ of the story is that friendship is sacred.

a. Morale

b. Message

c. Moral– Correct Answer

d. lesson

7. What are the prime factors of 273?

a. 3x3x7x7

b. 2x3x13

c. 3x7x13– Correct Answer

d. 3x3x6x9

8. This is the surface of the earth between the Tropic Cancer and Arctic Circle.

a. Plane

b. Circle

c. Zone– Correct Answer

d. Cone

9. Political idealists advocate ideals in politics such as justice, and fairness. Political realist have a more
realist viewpoint of politics, aptly stated by “Might is right”. Who among the following is more of a
political realist rather than political idealist?

a. Julius Caesar– Correct Answer

b. Mohatma Ghandi

c. Martin Luther King

d. Benigno Jr. Aquino

10. Even when her friends betray her, Becky bears no rancor in her heart because she is not _____.

a. Insulted
b. Embarrassed

c. Consoled

d. Bitter– Correct Answer

11. If I _____ known you before, we could have become partners for a project.

a. Will

b. Could

c. Had – Correct Answer

d. Have

12. These are the thin structures of cytokinesis amoeboid movement changes in the cell shape.

a. Pseudofilaments– Correct Answer

b. Myosinfilamints

c. Microfilamints

d. Nanofilamints

13. All important factors must be considered to arrive at a sound ________.

a. Query

b. Change

c. Problem

d. Decision– Correct Answer

14. The cause of power outage was a ______connection.

a. Lose

b. Loose

c. Lost– Correct Answer

d. Losing

15. Virtual face-to-face communication is made possible by this software.

a. Google
b. Skype– Correct Answer

c. Twitter

d. Facebook

16. “My head is bloody, but unbowed”

a. Metaphor

b. Simile

c. Alliteration

d. Hyperbole– Correct Answer

17. The shakesperean classic saw the predicament of two lovers from warring families.

a. Hamlet and Ophelia

b. Anthony and Cleopatra

c. Ana and the King

d. Romeo and Juliet– Correct Answer

18. If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the figure is a _______.

a. Shambers

b. Rectangle

c. Square

d. Parallelogram– Correct Answer

19. The proposed equipment ______within the budget of the school.

a. Are

b. Is– Correct Answer

c. Is appearing

d. Are appearing

20. The Philippine Legislature has two houses: senate and House of Representatives. What term best
describes this setup?

a. Bicameralism– Correct Answer

b. Bipartisanship

c. Unicameralism

d. Co-legislative power

21. How do you call the tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals?

a. Income Tax– Correct Answer

b. Real estate tax

c. Community Tax

d. Inheritance Tax

22. This field with the study of how human beings behave.

a. Philosophy

b. Morality

c. Psychology– Correct Answer

d. Ethics

23. Which of the following is considered the lowest form of learning?

a. Perceiving

b. Responding

c. Conditioning

d. Teaching– Correct Answer

24. Reason must be used in understanding the existence of God. Who advocated this philosophy?

a. St. Benedict

b. St. Peter

c. St. John

d. St. Thomas Aquinas– Correct Answer

25. If the principles and theories of human behavior were to be applied to teaching and learning. The
field will be called ______.

a. Educational Theory
b. Educational Philosophy

c. Educational Psychology– Correct Answer

d. Educational Sociology

26. In July 1901, Isabelo delos Reyes founded the first labor union in the country. What was its name?

a. Association of the Philippine Labor

b. Union Obrera Democratica– Correct Answer

c. Union Trabajadores de Filipinos

d. Association De Compania Tabacalera

27. The Philippine lies in the _____, an area where volcanoes are active.

a. Archipelagic fault line

b. Ring of fire– Correct Answer

c. Wheel of fire

d. Volcanic Rim

28. During the June 12, 1898 Declaration of Independence, a band played the Marcha Nacional Filipino
What band was this?

a. Pangkatkawayang ng Pateros

b. Kawit Cavite Band

c. Malabon Band

d. San Francisco de Malabon– Correct Answer

29. This is modern technology’s response to message previously sent over couriers or post offices

a. E-shopping

b. E-Registry

c. E-Mail– Correct Answer

d. Frailocracia

30. Among the not-easily-observable skills are cognitive abilities. This is because they are _______.

a. Overt
b. Psychological

c. Hidden– Correct Answer

d. Mental

31. Among all the religious missionaries, who arrived first?

a. Dominicans

b. Franciscans

c. Jesuits

d. Augustinians– Correct Answer

32. What is the LCM of 5,2, and 7?

a. 35

b. 140

c. 15

d. 70– Correct Answer

33. “My concept of inner peace came from my mother’s daily activities which I now recall with fondness
and awe. She was a full-time housewife wholly dependent on my father’s monthly salary. How she made
both ends meet, guided us in our studies and did small acts of charity on the side was beyond me.”
Based on the recount, the mother’s financial resource were ______

a. More than enough

b. Abundant

c. Enough

d. Limited– Correct Answer

34. “I am a retired public school teacher. As a teacher, I was branded as a terror in school. The pupils
dreaded the day they would enter my class. Little did they know that behind my unpopular façade was a
heart full of compassion. But how did I learn this moniker? I did not tolerate dirty pupils in my class. I
wanted them to know that cleanliness of body was good of their health. I inspected their teeth, nails,
footwear, handkerchiefs, clothes, ears, noses and hair.”

Based on the recount, the teacher values __________

a. Cleanliness– Correct Answer

b. Study

c. Absence

d. Posture

35. The student’s request to reset the test ______ reasonable.

a. Will

b. Very

c. Are

d. is– Correct Answer

36. This person served as the brains behind the “ arena theater”

a. Carpio

b. Tinio

c. Montano– Correct Answer

d. Avellana

37. Ano ang tawag sa tatlong magkaka sunod na tuldok na ginagamit upang ipabatid na may bahaging
hindi sinipi mula sa talata?

a. Ellipsis– Correct Answer

b. Abstrak

c. Synopsis

d. Sisntesis

38. Ito ang humahadlang sa maayos na pakikinig.

a. Ingay

b. Okasyon

c. Oras

d. Salita

39. Kung bibilangin ang pantig sa bawat taludtod ng tula, ito ang makukuha.

a. Talinghaga
b. Kariktan

c. Tugma

d. Sukat– Correct Answer

40. Ito ay uri ng pangungusap na tumutukoy sa pangyayaring pangkalikasan o pangkapaligiran.

a. Temporal

b. Eksistensyal

c. Penomenal– Correct Answer

d. Modal

41. What do you think will mostly happen when a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution?

a. There will be no effect on the plant cell

b. The plant cell will swell– Correct Answer

c. The plant cell will shrivel

d. The cell wall of the plant cell will thicken

42. A toothpick can float on the surface of the water because of

a. Surface tension– Correct Answer

b. Viscosity

c. Buoyant force

d. Liquid pressure

43. Which of the following organisms is considered heterotophic?

a. Algae

b. Moss

c. Grasshopper– Correct Answer

d. Fern

44. Below are different sources of energy. Which do you think is the most DISADVANTAGEOUS because
of its possible threat to human sources of food?

a. Geo-Thermal– Correct Answer

b. Sun

c. Wind

d. Fauna

45. “The prodigal son, who is the black sheep of the family, has returned home.” What figure of speech
was used in the given statement?

a. Metaphor– Correct Answer

b. Simile

c. Irony

d. Oxymoron

46. Anong dulog pampanitikan ang kilala rin sa tawag bilang reader-response theory?

a. Antropolohiya

b. Impresyonista– Correct Answer

c. Patalambuhay

d. Pansikolohiya

47. Ano ang tinataglay ng mga sumusunod na salita: tanaw, aliw, kamay, reyna?

a. Diptonggo– Correct Answer

b. Pares minimal

c. Klaster

d. Ponema

48. What do you call the molecule that contains the genetic information of the organism?

a. Nucleic Acid– Correct Answer

b. Nucleolus

c. Ribosomes

d. Organelles

49. Which power of the state enables it to impose charge of burden upon persons, property or property
rights for the use and support of the government expenditures for social services and a way of revenue
a. Eminent domain

b. Expropriation

c. Value added tax

d. Taxation– Correct Answer

50. What was the first term given by Marcelo H. Del Pilar to the notorious invisible influence and
domination by Spanish religious priests over the colonial government.

a. Lassuertpartidas

b. Pase Region

c. Frailocracia– Correct Answer

d. Complace

51. The fundamental right invoked by filing the “writ of amparo” is _____

a. The right to self defense

b. The right to due process

c. The right to life, liberty and security– Correct Answer

d. The right to be defended by a public attorney


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