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Deontologist doesn’t bother with their actions, they don’t consider consequences as basis of moral


Moral Value are decided upon certain standards or certain rules

They set standards and set the rules to result to do good

As long as you follow the rule the is morally acceptable

Deontology for sir

‘’It’s good to have a certain standard rather than seeing the consequences. We need to look at both in
order to determine the best when it comes into actions. There’s no theory that is applicable to all of our
entire life. ‘’

2 major Category

Act Consequentialist – No pre-establish ground rules, standards

 Intuitionist- They believe that moral values is something in made and something inborn in us
and we develop this quote and un quote sense understanding immediately what is right from
what is wrong. Parang inborn program in us that we can’t pre determine good and bad based sa
o Goth Feeler
o They argue that any normal average person would not wish harm to anybody even to
himself. The rational
o We have the sense of an immediate sense of right and wrong. Even though moral ideas
may differ from one person to another, deep down inside of us we can have this internal
software from us which pre determine what is right and wrong
o There something that is not natural like alam mong mali to so di mo gagawin pero alam
mong tama to so gagawin ko to. It is not born natural to people
o No real proof natural inborn moral sense in us. Through development and experience
we enhance it and we learn it

Rule Consequentialist

 It argues that we have pre-establish rules and all we need to do is to follow them
 Prescriptive ethics- It prescribes to you what you are supposed to do and you follow
o Divine command theory- There is a supreme God who is actively participating in human
affairs by imposing the lower mortals of their rules
o Hinduism is the oldest religions- 3000 years old
 Greater aspect in human civilization compares to other religion
 The Divine Command clearly states that this deity has communicate to us on what we should do
or what we should not do morally
 Morality requires us human to follow those commands
 10 Commandments on Mount Saina (4 and 5)

 The more you tell the people do not the more the people will do
 The human mind does not distinguish technically affirmative and negative. It always takes
things into affirmative
 Our Judgement in self says that is negative


1. There’s no rational foundation for the existence of a supernatural being and therefore not for
morality either
a. There is no scientific nor logical argument that concludes beyond reasonable doubt the
existence of God. Equal argument against the existence of God
2. how could we prove that God is morally trustworthy? How can you say that God is morally
perfect when he allows evil exist.
a. Maybe God is not powerful but his all good
3. How are we to interpret this command seven if we accept the existence of a supernatural?
a. The Catholic church has particularly advantage to other major religions, In the catholic
hierarchy we gave the pope infallibility power. As long as there’s a matter of faith the
pope is infallible. The pope cannot make any mistake when it talks about of faith
b. Other religion there is no clear-cut hierarchy. Highly community based. Islam has no
central power like popes. Holy war is ad justifiable if it is to protect Islam people
4. Any rule that comes to the divine command theory still needs to be rational explain
a. Most people still need some sort of rational explanation to the belief system that they
5. We are still developing the rational foundation of our believes

 Saint Paul – 1st Christian

o Peter and the original apostles, what they had in mind was a new interpretation of
Judaism. It was not until saint Paul became Paul that change the demarcation line (Tuli)
that actually set the demarcation line between Judaism and Christianity
 Kant’s duty ethics
o German Protestant Philosopher towards the end of 18 th century
o 19th century industrialization
o He has big problem of moral values
o Two possible options of morality
 We look at religion- he studies all the religion of the world and he saw the big
problem which is we don’t have big proof foundation if its actually true or not
 He looks at the other philosophers before him. He read all the philosopher and
he notice that those philosophers cannot agree on a single thing so he
abandoned the traditional religious perspective and he also abandon the
philosophical perspective. He wanted to restart his own system
o Kant began to search in looking at human nature and Kant argues that it is for a normal
rational human being nothing is good except the good will itself. Our will cannot really
determine which action is good and bad
o 2nd nature Reasons- It is our rationality that will guide will towards the good
o Reasons creates moral rules, laws, or principles
o Kant begins by clarifying the criteria in formulating a moral statement
o moral rules that have the same force as Indisputable mathematical truths
o Lying is number 1 rule for Kant
o Imperative- we cannot not do; we have to obey no question ask
 Categorical- The rule is applicable to all human beings past present and future
 1. Formula of Universality- Maxim (They got a lot of experiences they
had several trainings, formal education) we develop our own personal
moral values. Your action should be according to your moral values
 2. Formula of Humanity- We should respect human dignity
 3. Formula of Autonomy- Each normal rational being should be free
from any constringe to develop his or her own moral rules. You are
desecrating his will and reason. Every person is an autonomous rational
person is contributing to the formulation of a rational universal moral
 4. The Kingdom of Ends Formulation- Kant is not a finished project,
Kant is envisioning all of us in the future will continue his project. To
create a society that is free from political boarder, discrimination, that
tolerates people in their differences.
 Practical- We tried to look in humanity to look on human being as persons not
as objects
o Kant is switching from a pure deontological argument and he shifts into a
consequentialism. He is looking to the future a positive effect
o Problem: How do we resolve when two or more moral values conflict with one another
which value now will you follow
 Ross Prima Facie Duties
o Kant’s moral value is categorially comparatives are good and it’s a good foundation for
moral values because its pure reason its ration and its not religious its not bias its pure
reason. But when moral values conflict with one another, ross says we must put
hierarchy on them which duty should be follow first and that is Prima Facie Duties

Advantages of the catholic church over other Christian sectors is that Catholicism is here for century and
through out the century it has developed its own logic to defend its faith. In the early years of
Catholicism, they have a lot of major issues and one of the issues is the teaching of the Bible, it says you
can forsake the body for the benefit of the soul. In the dark ages, there are a lot of people who are poor
that is suffering.

Thomas Aquinas

 God’s existence is dependent on the argument and if God is dependent on the argument in
therefore, he is not God because God is perfect and God does not depend on anything or in
 For Thomas, God’s existence is a given there is no need to prove but there’s 5 ways to know God
 It is a problem to people because we really don’t know if God really exist
 If God’s existence if problematic therefore, the morality that follows its existence will also be
 how could we prove that God is morally trustworthy?

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